Beyond Good Intentions With Kristen Duke



In each podcast, Beyond Good Intentions with Kristen Duke, shares a heartfelt discussion with guests about their own childhood and the parenting choices they now make as adults. Through these stories, you will find specific ideas for strengthening families and answers to parenting questions that pull at all of our heart strings. You'll walk away with strategies for deliberate parenting that help to move beyond good intentions to a stronger family.Kristen, a mother of 4, has shared her passion for strengthening families and building strong relationships on her family-lifestyle website Capturing Joy for over 8 years. Beyond Good Intentions is a podcast that helps answer the parenting questions she herself seeks.


  • #039 Matthew Duke // My 16 Year old Son Answers all of my Questions

    10/10/2018 Duração: 01h01min

    I'm super excited to share my awesome son Matthew with you all today. He is my second born child, and today he is SIXTEEN years old!   I wish you could all REALLY know my Matthew. I often have adults who have been a teacher of his, or observed him and said, "that Matthew, he's pretty great." He is comfortable with adults, which tends to be rare with some teens. It warms my heart to see that others see in him what I do: His pure goodness. He's got a mind like a sponge, anxious to learn about life, inquisitive, thoughtful, introspective. In our chat, we were pretty much all over the place, so bear with me! I thought about editing out some random questions/comments and lulls, but I just didn't want to.  Here are a few links to things we talked about: Our Guest Room My Boys Room Amazing You book Macaroni Sausage Dinner Family Pictures Early Morning Seminary We'd love an itunes review if you have something to say! Do you love this podcast? This episode? Another episode? Please share! Leaving a review on itu

  • #038 Aly Brooks // Just One Rule: Be Cool

    03/10/2018 Duração: 01h06min

    You'll have to listen through the end to see why "Be Cool" is the main rule at the Brooks household. I kinda love it! Aly is a dear friend of mine, and you'll hear us chat about how we met a few years ago in the first few minutes of the podcast. We talk about her new business venture in the beginning, which is helping moms with starting or building small businesses, in Mind Your Own Business Mom.  After those intros, she nervously mentions that there were some hard things in her growing up life. I really appreciate her candid-ness in sharing this, because I hear from a lot of people that they want to hear about the "not so perfect" families, but let me tell you, A LOT OF PEOPLE DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!  If you know someone that has a HARD story, but they are willing to share to benefit others, I'd love you to nominate them! Aly talks about how she has developed closeness with her kids, even as they enter the teen years. Rather than look at the behavior, look at the root of what's going on. She gets emotio

  • #037 Stephanie Webb // Teaching Body Wisdom

    26/09/2018 Duração: 56min

    Stephanie from @Nutrition.Redefined is spreading a message that ALL women need to hear: STOP OBSESSING ABOUT YOUR BODIES...more specifically, what we eat and trying to get to a certain weight. She talks a lot about intuitive eating, and how we need to better model for our children how to be healthy, but more importantly, being happy with ourselves so that we can live a happier life.  You may identify with me and all of my questions, confusion, clarification, and Stephanie was so patient with me! Come on over to Instagram and chat with us about this episode at @CapturingJoy.KristenDuke 

  • #036 Rhonda Farr // The Importance of Talking to your Kids about Sex, Intimacy, and Pornography

    19/09/2018 Duração: 50min

    Did the title grab your attention? I hope so! This topic is VERY important to talk about, and I'm extremely grateful my friend Rhonda reached out to me, because I wasn't quite sure how I as going to incorporate this discussion into an everyday parenting chat here on the podcast. Not everyone is comfortable with this conversation, but we NEED TO BE, if only for our kids sake. We cannot be embarrassed. We cannot avoid the topic. We cannot wait until they come to us with questions. We need to bring up these topics to our kids.  Rhonda is a certified life coach who councils married women who have a negative association with intimacy. Often from a shame based experience from their childhood. When we spoke about how we would present this to the Beyond Good Intentions audience, I asked her if we could approach it from a point-of-view of teaching our kids about sex when they are young with love and not fear, so that they don't struggle with it as adults. Download her free guide: How to teach your child about sex wit

  • #035 Ralphie Jacobs // On Purpose Parenting

    12/09/2018 Duração: 01h10min

    Ralphie has spent the last several years doing intensive research on positive parenting, and now shares her knowledge with parents thirsty for the information.  My two favorite parts of our conversation were when I asked how we know if our kids are "entitled" and I LOVED her answer. Another part I loved was when she spoke about making the SWITCH to positive parenting when her oldest was 10, which tells me...we don't have to have it all figured out from the beginning! I loved talking about family cultures, and so many other tidbits. After you listen, I hope you'll share in the continued discussion on my Instagram @CapturingJoy.KristenDuke Be sure to also check out Ralphie at @SimplyOnPurpose.  As always the full show notes with links will be at the Beyond Good Intentions homepage on Make sure you check out the details at the end of the episode about the content we are running the next week!

  • #034 Brooke Romney // Take Charge of Technology

    05/09/2018 Duração: 56min

    As with all of my interviews, we talked about EVERYTHING parenting, but the overarching thought I had when I finished my interview with Brooke is that I need to take charge of the technology: in my home, and be an advocate for my kids in their schools.  Brooke is a successful writer and shares often on her website and recently had an article published in The Washington Post titled, "U.S. Students need a cell phone detox." During our convo, I felt grateful for the new phone rule at my kids middle school, and happy for her that her advocacy made a difference in her kids school. Don't be afraid to go in and talk to the administrators if you don't like what's going on!  Please hop on over to Instagram and share your insights, thoughts, questions, "ah-ha" moments! @CapturingJoy.KristenDuke is where we will be chatting!  You can also leave a review on iTunes if you love this podcast, share it with your friends, have a parenting podcast CLUB discussion! The more you chat about what you want to do, t

  • #033 Jason Harwood // Co-parenting with Kindness and Flexibility

    29/08/2018 Duração: 59min

    Jason is a father to 7, co-parenting with 3 households. He wears many hats, including hosting his own podcast. We chat about when he interviewed me, as well as his other jobs, mainly as father. "Adjust while staying SOLID to core principles." This is the insight I really loved when Jason described parenting teens. Flexibility, all parents have to have it! Sometimes, you have to go deeper than "because I said so." Explaining the WHY you feel so passionately is important not just in a co-parenting situation, but important in life anyway, if we want our kids to really understand WHY we have the rules that we have.  Of course we talked about technology, including phones in a cupboard, UNPLUGGING, and turning off Notifications. A few favorite quotes from our chat: Begin with the end in mind. Are you helping the problem or adding to the problem? There's no situation so bad that complaining about it won't make it worse.  Men often have the same self doubt struggles as women, but will exhibit different behaviors to

  • #032 Becky Higgins // Kindness Always Wins

    22/08/2018 Duração: 01h21min

    I'm so delighted to have Becky Higgins on the podcast, sharing how she grew up and raising her family now.  Becky has a fabulous enthusiasm for life, that I believe is contagious, and it shines through in our conversation. She is a working mom who has built an empire out of her passion for helping others to cultivate a good life and record it. I've admired her for a long time (as you'll hear right from the start) and having this chat with her made me love her even more. I just know you'll feel the same.  We talked about her growing up in a small town, what her parents did that built her self esteem, and choosing friends in high school. I also had so many questions about her thoughts on being a working mom, something I've grappled with myself throughout my life, and even touched on how she met her husband, which I then told her about my 30 chapter love story I've typed out. Favorite quotes: "Kindness Always Wins" "The purpose of the task is to strengthen the relationship." "If you don't have something nice to

  • #031 Katie Lowe // 18 Year Old Insight on Life

    15/08/2018 Duração: 01h06min

    You asked, we deliver, love hearing from more teens! Katie just graduated from high school, and as she embarks on college life, she reflects back on how she was able to cultivate a great relationship with her parents, which I think is excellent insight for any parent out there!  From social media to choosing friends to the birds and the bee's talk with her parents, we cover the whole gamut, and I know that both teens and adults will love what she has to say.  Here are a few of my favorite quotes from our chat: "No amount of validation on social media will measure up to what happens in the real world." "Seek to understand before you're understood." "Hearing adults challenges brings me hope, it's a success story, because they made it through!" "Teens: Cultivate self confidence." Please head on over to Instagram: @CapturingJoy.KristenDuke to give Katie some love and tell her your favorite parts of the discussion.  You can also head on over to the Beyond Good Intentions home page to see pictures of Katie from the

  • #030 Jenny Doan // Owner of Missouri Star Quilt Company

    08/08/2018 Duração: 01h21min

    I am so delighted that Jenny agreed to do an interview with me for this podcast: Beyond Good Intentions. She shares incredible stories about creative mothering through hard times, and now being a traveling grandmother. When she told me about making matching clothes for her kids for family pictures, she became my newest soul sister! She had no way of knowing how much I love taking family pictures, but I just loved this about her. Head to her podcast full show notes on my website  If you are new to this podcast, I encourage you to scroll through the other titles, and also read the summaries. Choosing to sum up a life in just a few words for a title has proven to be VERY challenging for me!  I truly believe there is something for everyone in each episode.  To see pictures and full show notes of this interview, head here: Jenny Doan Interview.  Our conversation was filled with so many fabulous nuggets, here are just a few to look forward to when you listen: How she dealt with kids fighting Her s

  • #029 Tiffany & Kierstyn // Parenting after Abuse and Divorce

    01/08/2018 Duração: 01h18min

    I LOVE the mission that Tiffany and Keirstyn are on, and I'm so grateful they are willing to share their stories. They are out to bless the world, and free victims from broken-ness in relationship trauma. It's a brave journey they are taking, and I whole heartedly commend them! They want to help people become better, and I'm very happy to help spread their message with all of you. I believe in marriage, in working through issues, in forgiveness, but when it comes to abuse, I fully support the victims getting out. They talk about the shame, but they want the world to know that you don't have to be perfect to be loved.  These ladies talk a lot about what we can do NOW as we are raising our children, to help them feel their own individual worth, and I was EATING IT UP! "It's not enough that we are saying uplifting things to our kids, they have to say it to themselves."  I just hope and pray that the words of these ladies will bless others, and if you know someone that would benefit from hearing their stories, PL

  • #028 Sherri Graf // Helping Teens find their Passion

    25/07/2018 Duração: 46min

    Sherri shares right from the start that she has a passion for helping teenagers and young adults to find a path that will lead to fulfillment in life. She runs Imagine College Coaching, a website and services that helps guide her passion. She shares about growing up in a small East Texas town, in an area that was not prioritizing college/education, and she had to figure out a lot all on her own. She discusses the 4 points of balance, which are tools to get out of a pit. She also talks a lot about self motivation, and also the comparison game that comes from social media of not measuring up. "If you want to do something or be something, in America, there is a way to make it happen." "Parenting is the greatest privilege I've ever been given. Open communication is the most valuable. I want to be a safe place.  Share your failures and your kids will be more open to share theirs." "Give them salt and make them thirsty. Help kids to be thirsty to have a zest for life." We talked about a video I made that aligns wit

  • #027 Jennifer Dial // Widowed Mom and Being a Soft Place to Land

    18/07/2018 Duração: 01h34min

    I knew before I recorded my conversation with Jennifer that it would go over my 1 hour intended goal for each episode. I've watched her raise her family for nearly 16 years, weather life's storms, and I knew she would have so many great things to share.  Her youngest of 6 kids just graduated high school, and she now also has 4 small grandchildren from her older kids, and she has so much wisdom and perspective. As you can see from the title, she is also a widow, and we discuss her husband passing away 8 years ago, and how she has parented before and after that time.  Yes, she is a widowed mom, but she is so much more than that. She talks about how her life's experiences have blessed her to be less judgemental and love more, and can't we all do that a little bit more? I loved hearing about her growing up in an unconventional parenting situation with a corporate working mom, cop dad, and full time Nanny Maria from across the boarder.  She is someone that I've always seen as an intentional mother, and to watch th

  • #026 Krista Rizzo // Worlds Okay-est Mom

    11/07/2018 Duração: 38min

    When I saw the picture on Krista's website that said, "World's Okay-est Mom" I fell in love. YES! I's OK to be OK! This ideal that we have to be the perfect parents is so disheartening, and to be OK MOST of the time, GREAT another percentage, and not so great sometimes is JUST RIGHT. Lets all give ourselves a break, can we?  Krista raises her family deep in the heart of New York City and tells about her 11 year old son taking the subway to school by it! As much as that terrifies me, being from the suburbs, that's their life and it works for them. I love hearing stories about how others raise their families in different environments, thriving.  Krista is also a life coach, and she talks about some parenting tools that I think benefits everyone, so list and share and head on over to Instagram @CapturingJoy.KristenDuke to share your highlights! Find Krista at her website: and see her resources section. 

  • #025 Mom Talk with my Friends

    27/06/2018 Duração: 01h13min

    Last weekend, I had a girls weekend get together with some of my closest friends to usher in my 40th birthday. I thought it would be fun to put a microphone in the middle of all of us, round robin style, while we sat on the couch chatting about various questions late at night. They weren't so sure they were excited about this idea. I assured them these were light questions, meant to be fun, and I thought it WAS pretty FUN! We talked about favorite games, favorite meals, funny mom moments, things we DON'T do as a mom, what we hope our kids don't get into, what we'd do with no responsibility for a few days, dream family vacations, and some mom truths. Head over to the full show notes on my website in the Beyond Good Intentions section of my site, to see us in our pink pinstripe pajamas, and how we were sitting/arranged on the couch as we talked about these topics. I've also got a link to all of the family games we mentioned! Join the follow up discussion on Instagram: @CapturingJoy.KristenDuke L

  • #024 Hank Smith // Secrets to a Happy Life and Patience with Parenting

    20/06/2018 Duração: 01h26min

    I am thrilled about this episode. When I told my kids I was interviewing Hank Smith for the podcast, I was met with quite excited responses. They were kinda star struck, because they think he is a rockstar. He'll go into detail a little better about what he does in our chat, but he's basically a motivational speaker that travels around, encouraging youth and even adults to do good...and even secrets to a happier life through humor and seriousness and then humor again. It is truly a talent, and we can't get enough of it in our family. He has the ability to make serious things funny for kids and turn it into real life discussions. Thought provoking and insightful. But if you're coming for this interview for comedy, I hope you won't be disappointed, but I really enjoyed all he had to share, the life behind the spiritual comedian. A peek into his world, why he does what he does, and how he is raising his family. He shares his thoughts on PATIENCE with kids, things take TIME. He also share a conversation

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