

We Here At Muscle Roast Don't Hold Back A Thing Whether Its Lemello Ball's Crap Sneaks or CT Fletchers IQ Test, We Got It All From Hot Sexy Babes Pumping The Iron And Finding Out If Santa Clause Is A Natural Bodybuilder To The Butt Lift You Did Not Know Your Chick Had Until Now. Come On In And Prepare To Be Roasted!



    27/03/2019 Duração: 15min

    If your biceps are NOT GETTING BIGGER, you don't know what you are doing! Everything takes time, and the best bicep exercises don't work the same for everyone!  Getting big biceps takes a lot of time and consistency. We all know that. But focusing on the bicep contraction, and the mind to muscle connection is also very important. That makes all the difference in the world! Everyone likes big biceps, but find out what you are doing wrong! Read FULL ARTICLE on Why Your Biceps Are Not Getting Bigger on! --- Support this podcast:

  • The BEST EXERCISES For Older And Aging ADULTS!

    26/03/2019 Duração: 09min

    The best exercises for older adults MIGHT NOT be what you think! Let's face it, we all get older, and a lot of things change in our bodies! Our metabolism slows down, and our muscle recovery time slows down as well. What has worked when you were younger, probably won't be the best muscle building option for you at an older age. This is simply because your body will respond differently because you are now older. Read FULL ARTICLE on The Best Exercises For Older Adults On! --- Support this podcast:

  • Eating Eggs FOR Muscle BUILDING Is AMAZING!

    20/03/2019 Duração: 09min

    Eating eggs in order to build muscle DEFINITELY WORKS! Eggs are great for bodybuilding, for losing weight, and for getting a great amount of protein without all of the other extra calories. Eggs will not give you any bad cholesterol, but they can give you some nasty gas! That said, it is an amazing power food to get you growing some muscles and burning fat. Read FULL ARTICLE on Eating Eggs For Bodybuilding on! --- Support this podcast:

  • Sergi Constance, THE MOST RIPPED Person FROM SPAIN!

    20/03/2019 Duração: 10min

    Sergi Constance is a genetic FREAK! He is a fitness influencer, a model, and JUST RIPPED. Check out his workout program, diet, net worth, and what makes him so SHREDDED! The question of STEROIDS always comes into play as well, so you make your own decision. Just keep in mind that massive amounts of muscle, and super low fat percentage, is usually a RED FLAG! Read FULL ARTICLE on Sergi Constance at! --- Support this podcast:


    19/03/2019 Duração: 10min

    Mike O'Hearn has somewhat of a strange workout program. He also has a strange diet plan! You would never guess the stuff this guy has eaten before. His diet includes horse meat, and also duck egg embryo's. Yes, you heard it right! Mike O'Hearn is a INTERNATIONAL fitness influencer, ACTOR, and huge BODYBUILDER! Read FULL ARTICLE On Mike O'Hearn at! --- Support this podcast:


    18/03/2019 Duração: 10min

    Who Is Mike Rashid? Mike Rashid (real name Cinque Koseam Glendy) is one of the most popular names in the fitness industry. He wasn’t a bodybuilder from the start. The first sport he ever did was actually boxing. At the young age of only 12, he had his first boxing match. Boxing is what got him into fitness, and what made him want to always be fit and jacked! He says that his father had a big influence on him becoming what he is today. His father thought him what it means to be physically fit and an athlete. “My father had my brothers and I chopping wood, swimming, sprinting in sand, hiking, doing pull-ups, etc. I had my 1st boxing match at age 12,” says Mike. When he started boxing, he was already very athletic. Read Full Article on Mike Rashid on! --- Support this podcast:

  • Bradley Martyn HAIR, STEROIDS And WORKOUT!

    18/03/2019 Duração: 10min

    Is Bradley Martyn On Steroids? Take A Guess! Bradley Martyn is definitely on steroids. There is no question about it. If you ever see a white guy that strong, and that lean, you can guarantee it. There is no way in hell, that someone like Bradley is not taking steroids. It's very common amongst Youtube fitness personalities. As I said before, anyone that is making money with their body, is definitely on steroids. It is simply impossible to compete in the space being natural. Think of it like this. If you started a Youtube channel like Bradley, why would anyone watch you instead of him unless you look like him? They would not. That said, you now have to try to look like this guy, and that is impossible without taking steroids. It's that simple. Taking his height and weight, along with the body fat percentage, will tell you all you need to know. This guy basically has the same physique as Arnold did. Read the FULL ARTICLE on Bradley Martyn at! --- Support this podcast: https://anchor

  • Michelle Lewin, From POVERTY TO MILLIONS!

    18/03/2019 Duração: 11min

    Who Is Michelle Lewin? Michelle Lewin, born February 25, 1986, is a professional bodybuilder and fitness model. She was born in Venezuela, and currently living in Miami. She is extremely popular on social media, with 13.4 million followers on Instagram, 440,000 followers on Twitter, and 380,000 subscribers on YouTube. Michelle is one of the most popular female fitness influencers, but she did have a difficult childhood. She grew up in a poor environment in Maracay, Venezuela. The fitness model never met her real dad, and after her stepdad left her mother, they were left with nothing. Michelle helped her mother by working, so they could have enough money to survive. Read FULL ARTICLE On Michelle Lewin at! --- Support this podcast:

  • Gracyanne Barbosa Diet SECRETS AND WORKOUT!

    14/03/2019 Duração: 11min

    Gracyanne Barbosa Might Have A Secret DIET! To look good and make progress, Gracyanne Barbosa must follow a strict diet. Her current diet, which is very similar to other Instagram fitness models, is that is mostly made up from lean proteins, complex carbs and healthy fats. That drives her body to lose fat and build more muscle. One of her secrets is that she keeps the glucose low, and that also makes for a healthier diet altogether. Dedication is also part of her success, as she is demonstrates by steering clear of any cheat meals.   Her daily intake is split up into 5 to 6 meals per day, so that her metabolism runs high. There are also a few supplements that go along with her diet of course.  Gracyanne's Diet And Supplementation As I mentioned, Gracyanne tries to consume many meals per day in order to keep her metabolism fast! The more often you eat, the more your body gets used to burning calories. Read FULL ARTICLE on Gracyanne Barbosa On! --- Support this podcast: https:/

  • Rich Piana SURGERIES Lead TO DEATH!

    14/03/2019 Duração: 10min

    Who Is Rich Piana? Rich Piana was one of the most famous people in the fitness industry. He is known for having some of the biggest arms in the world, while most of his body was covered in tattoos. Rich Piana was not your average bodybuilder, as he was not even an IFBB pro. Rich did compete in bodybuilding shows previously, but was not successful. This is why he turned to Youtube. More on that in a bit. Rich was very passionate about bodybuilding from a very young age. His mom used to date bodybuilders and was in the fitness industry herself. This is where Rich developed the belief that the outer shell of a person, and appearance is very important. Rich Piana started competing at a very young age, in his early teens. He was slowly progressing through the ranks, and eventually had to make a decision of his life. To keep competing or step away. Should he become a professional, or stay amateur? He chose a to compete and prepped for a show for an entire year. His desire to win drove him to never ke


    12/03/2019 Duração: 10min

    Phil Heath Arnold Classic Competition The Arnold Classic Competition is the second most prestigious competition in the world, behind the Mr. Olympia contest. It had many champions since it started in 1989, and Phil Heath is not one of them. Phil Heath turned pro in 2005, winning the NPC USA Championships. Winning the heavyweight class, and placing 1st in the overall got Phil his pro card. Soon after he had his pro debut in 2006, he won the Colorado Pro Championships. He also won the New York Pro Championship in the same year. Pretty impressive right? Climbing in the ranks, he decided to compete at the Arnold Classic the very next year in 2007. He fell short and took 5th place. It's pretty amazing for someone who turned pro only 2 years before to place 5th at the Arnold Classic. On the other hand, for someone who won his first two pro debuts, it could have been disappointing as well. If you know who Phil Heath is, it won’t surprise you that he was hungry for that tittle. He tried to redeem himself by

  • Oxygen Gym In Kuwait, THE BEST GYM IN THE WORLD!

    09/03/2019 Duração: 08min

    How Much Does It Cost To Join Oxygen Gym In Kuwait? The monthly fee for this gym is about  $160. Compared to Gold’s gym in Venice Beach, it’s not that much. But for an average person, it most certainly is. Although, if you take a look at it you will get with the Oxygen Gym membership price, it would be money well invested. Oxygen Gym is not that expensive because of it’s name and reputation, it is actually one of the most well equipped gyms in whole world. In the opinion of many professional bodybuilders, and important people in fitness industry, it's the best gym in the world! It has couple of floors and couple of levels in the basement as well. There is a huge variety of machines, and sometimes you will have to go to another floor in order to use certain equipment. "The gym has saunas, massage rooms, and there are separate areas for children as well." You can definitely say that this looks like a gym of the future! If you happen to visit Kuwait and you are fitness enthusiast, and can afford to sp


    09/03/2019 Duração: 09min

    Are Carbs Necessary For Muscle Growth? They are an amazingly good tool that one can use, but no, carbs are not necessary for muscle growth! Think of carbs like fuel  for a car. You give your car some fuel, and runs on it, right? Same thing with our bodies. We give it some form or fuel and it turns it into energy. When you put carbs in your body, your body is using them as energy. It converts them into glycogen and through the process of glycogenesis. The glycogen is stored in few storage facilities that your body has. First and the most important one is your brain. Without any energy in your brain, you can not function. So your body stores the glycogen there first, and only after the brain is satisfied you body stores a little bit of glycogen in your liver. THE REST is stored in your muscles. I  am sure you notice sometimes that your muscles look worse than the day before. It usually happens in the morning, after a whole night of not eating. Your body is not getting any new glycogen, and th


    08/03/2019 Duração: 09min

    Should I Work Out With Sore Muscles? Working out with sore muscles is tricky! If you ask anybody above the age of 40, they will tell you that you should train through the sore muscles in order for the soreness to go away! How Long Should I Be Sore After A Workout? At the top intensity, your muscle soreness should last up to 5 days. If you train in the morning, you should start feeling a bit achy as the day is ending. After you wake up the next morning, if you slept and ate well, you should feel the full force of it. The next day should be equally as painful. In some cases even more painful. The third day should be very painful, but less painful than the day before. On a fourth day you should be still a little bit sore but it shouldn’t be unpleasant. The fifth day is supposed to be completely painless, but when you flex that certain muscle, you should feel a little bit of pain. Read Full Article on Sore Muscles at! --- Support this podcast:


    07/03/2019 Duração: 10min

    Skipping Leg Day Is NEVER OK! Just Kidding! Let me answer this question by asking you another question. Why did you even consider skipping leg day? If your answer is because you are too tired, than sure, skip it. You are not going to go to prison or bodybuilder’s hell for skipping few leg days here and there. If you train when feeling tired and exhausted, not only are you not going to have very a productive workout, but it’s very likely that it’s even going be counterproductive! "Simply because of the cortisol (stress hormone) production, which will basically brake down the protein (your muscles) and potentially make you even smaller!" If your answer is because you don’t really want to have big legs then again, skip it. Unless you are a bodybuilding competitor who cares whether or not you have amazingly developed wheels. It’s all about what you want your physique too look like! And lastly, if your answer is because it is too hard and you don’t want to experience that kind of pain, in that case it is not


    06/03/2019 Duração: 07min

    Is Eating Red Meat Bad For You? Will I Get Cancer From It? The research below about eating red meat suggest exactly what the title of this article says. There is a super high chance you will get cancer! A lot of people want to know if they will get cancer or any sort of other disease (including heart disease) by eating red meat! On one hand, you have huge meat producing companies that want you to keep eating meat. Then the other side that is vegan, or animal loving that wants you to stop! We have done some digging in regards to this. We will provide you with full answers about the health risks and just the over all picture. If you are into fitness don't get scared, you can still get jacked in you decide to stop eating red meat! What Does Scientific Research Say About Eating Red Meat? Does eating red meat increase the risk of heart disease? A lot of red meat is very high in saturated fat, including steak, ground beef, beef sausages, etc. When you eat something with high saturated fat, you can increase you

  • Florian Munteanu's DATING LIFE And Freakish WORKOUTS!

    05/03/2019 Duração: 09min

    Who Is Florian Munteanu's SECRET?  Florian Munteanu is taking the world by storm after premiering in the movie Creed 2. You know, the sorry ass new Rocky movie? Let's take a look at Florian's bio, workout program, diet, and girlfriend / dating life. Pretty interesting stuff! He was originally born in Germany, but his nationality is Romanian. Florian is a boxer, an actor, and soon to be a very big star on the big screen! Yes, playing a big goon, Ivan Drago's son that wants to crush Apollo Creed's son! "One of the main reasons Florian got into boxing, and fitness in general, is because of his father." He's father was a boxer, and encouraged his son to start knocking heads at an early age. Standing at 6'4 and 245 pounds in weight doesn't hurt either! Florian Munteanu Gets Discovered For Creed! First of all, Florian got a lot of recognition by being a big guy on the fitness and boxing scene. If you can imagine, Romanian people are not known for having freaky genetics. Florian as I mentioned, carried

  • Phil Heath Net Worth Destroyed By Porn Addiction, This Is Crazy!

    05/03/2019 Duração: 03min

    Phil Heath Net Worth Has Been SUCKED UP BY PORN MEMBERSHIP FEES... Phil Heath Net Worth has sky rocketed in the last few years. As you know he is the current Mr. Olympia, so his pockets and net worth were not hurting, until NOW! Phil Heath net worth was known to be around $5M the last time we checked (with a totally bullshit source). We do feel that was the right number for his net worth. Take a look at some of his bling. It can be considered proof, that he wasn't actually broke not too long ago! Some can say that he was living a very good life, until his crazy porn addiction kicked in! And Net Worth was destroyed! Phil Heath's net worth went to shit. I bet you are wondering how somebody can spend all of their money on porn right? Well it's pretty easy. We will tell you exactly how Phil Heath blew all of his money on starring at naked asses on the internet. Phil Heath Net Worth Destruction It all started when Phil Heath started dating old white women, and then married one. Once he got a divorce from hi

  • Rich Piana Back AS ZOMBIE After Death FOR REVENGE!

    05/03/2019 Duração: 09min

    Rich Piana FINALLY SPEAKS In A Movie, DIES AND Comes Back As A ZOMBIE!  Generation Iron 2 Rich Piana, finally gets a speaking role and everyone is excited! (Please read on the Zombie part is coming!) Big Rich has finally made some progress in his synthol infested, winstrol licking, diana bol gargling life! He gets to live out his dream in Generation Iron 2, take the steps Arnold did, and hopefully one day, become our President! We can beat terrorism with synthol! Generation Iron 2 originated from the first film back in 1977 that starred Arnold Shwartzenegger called "Pumping Iron." If you are reading this and you googled this, you already know about all these movies, so no need to talk about it. What we need to talk about, is how the HELL IN THE WORLD and WHY did Rich Piana make it to this movie? Generation Iron part 1 was good, and enjoyable. Now we are introducing synthol fake muscle morons in Generation Iron 2, and I do not know what the purpose of that is? Read Full Rich Piana Article On Muscler


    05/03/2019 Duração: 05min

    Don't Drop The Soap, Especially If You Are In Jail! You might have a good idea about why people always joke around about dropping the soap and tell you "don't drop the soap." You will hear it first hand from an ex-inmate in the video below. I would assume that it's pretty easy to understand what dropping the soap means. Don't Drop The Soap Basically, if you are in the shower in jail, and you drop the soap, you are leaving yourself exposed. To what?  Some good old anal sex by another prisoner in jail. You bend over to pick up the soap, and your booty is right there and exposed for the guy next to you to stick it in! Now that can seem funny, and so is the video below of this guy talking about dropping the soap in prison.  On the other hand, many do not find this funny at all.  After all, we are talking about rape here. This kind of sucks because it sucks the life out of comedy, and everyone wants to be politically correct. Yes, there is a violence problem in prisons, and rape is one of t

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