Adhd Focus With David Pomeroy, Md



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  • ADHD Focus – Your ADHD life can be better

    12/12/2016 Duração: 30min

    Lose your keys again? Up too late doing “one more thing”? Down on yourself because “I got nothing done today” when only 3 of your 18 items on the to-do list got done? My guest on this show is Doug Puryear MD, a psychiatrist who discovered at age 64 that he had ADHD, and he […] The post ADHD Focus – Your ADHD life can be better appeared first on

  • ADHD Focus: Screen Media and Brain Development

    28/11/2016 Duração: 30min

    Does “screen time” on Smartphones, laptops, tablets etc affect my child’s brain? If so, how? Is she losing anything, or not developing some skills because she’s on YouTube and Netflix and Facetime so often? How much screen time is OK, and at what age? Listen to this show with Dr. Mary Burke, psychiatrist in San […] The post ADHD Focus: Screen Media and Brain Development appeared first on

  • ADHD Focus – Is it ADHD or BiPolar, or Both?

    31/10/2016 Duração: 32min

    Have you ever wondered with your child or a family member might have bipolar disorder, in addition to or instead of ADHD?  Do the rages your child exhibits always represent bipolar disorder?  This can be a difficult distinction to make for health care professionals and yet it is an important one to make, due to […] The post ADHD Focus – Is it ADHD or BiPolar, or Both? appeared first on

  • ADHD Focus – Emotional Distress Syndrome

    17/10/2016 Duração: 32min

    Do you get knocked off balance by unexpected events in your life? While you are going about your business does life come along and interrupt? For those with  ADHD these events can knock us out of action, unable to function well, and our ADHD symptoms come roaring back in spite of medications, our own coping […] The post ADHD Focus – Emotional Distress Syndrome appeared first on

  • ADHD Focus – Victory Over Time Warp

    03/10/2016 Duração: 32min

    Are you often late for appointments? Is your task list hours long but the time in your day disappears before the 3rd item is done? Is there time for yourself in all the busyness of the day? Most ADHDers would answer Yes/Yes/No. My guest today has great ideas on how to turn those answers into […] The post ADHD Focus – Victory Over Time Warp appeared first on

  • ADHD Focus – ADHD Rewired

    12/09/2016 Duração: 32min

    Do you plan out your day? Do you have a  good idea on how long a task will  take you to finish?  Do you have an ADHD accountability partner? For answers to these questions and more, listen to my conversation with Eric Tivers, LCSW, MSSW. Eric is a nationally recognized expert in the field of […] The post ADHD Focus – ADHD Rewired appeared first on

  • ADHD Focus – Steps to beat Procrastination with Rick Green

    05/09/2016 Duração: 32min

    Do you put things off you know you have to do? If you don’t, you may not have ADHD, though many neurotypical folks probably do it as well. But for ADHDers this is a MAJOR issue. My guest for this show is Rick Green of After he was told he had ADHD, Rick’s background […] The post ADHD Focus – Steps to beat Procrastination with Rick Green appeared first on

  • ADHD Focus – Cognitive Behavorial Therapy and ADHD

    30/05/2016 Duração: 31min

    Are there effective treatments for ADHD issues which do not involve medication? How can I overcome the negative self-talk I use when my ADHD gets in my way? Listen to this segment to find out! My guest is Dr. Russell Ramsay, an expert in the field of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for ADHD.  He is a […] The post ADHD Focus – Cognitive Behavorial Therapy and ADHD appeared first on

  • ADHD Focus – Executive Functions with Ari Tuckman

    16/05/2016 Duração: 31min

    What are Executive Functions anyway? What do they have to do with ADHD? Are there ways to get them to function better? Listen up, answers to these questions and more are right here! My guest today is Dr. Ari Tuckman, a clinical psychologist who specializes in the field of ADHD. In addition to his private […] The post ADHD Focus – Executive Functions with Ari Tuckman appeared first on

  • ADHD Focus – Coaching for ADHD with Jeff Copper

    25/04/2016 Duração: 30min

    Would having a coach for some of your ADHD issues be helpful?  How does a coach help with some of the challenges of ADHD that medications cannot? You will want to listen to this show to hear answers to these questions, and to hear of a unique approach to the day-to-day challenges we face as […] The post ADHD Focus – Coaching for ADHD with Jeff Copper appeared first on

  • ADHD Focus – Alan Brown of Crusher TV

    11/04/2016 Duração: 36min

    Do you struggle with organization, time management, getting started on tasks, not following the squirrels (aka getting distracted)? If you have ADHD, you know that these are challenges you face every day, among others. My guest today is Alan Brown, an entrepreneur, ADHD/productivity coach and host of Crusher™TV ( He is the creative force behind […] The post ADHD Focus – Alan Brown of Crusher TV appeared first on

  • ADHD Focus – The Central Mystery with Thomas Brown, PhD

    28/03/2016 Duração: 33min

    What is the “central mystery” of ADHD? What do “executive functions” have to do with ADHD? My guest today is Thomas Brown PhD, one of the foremost clinicians and thinkers in the field of ADHD today. Dr. Brown is the Associate Director of the Yale Clinic for Attention and Related Disorders and has a private […] The post ADHD Focus – The Central Mystery with Thomas Brown, PhD appeared first on

  • ADHD Focus – Triggers for rage and depression with Dr. Bill Dodson

    14/03/2016 Duração: 30min

    Have you, or your ADHD child or pour ever gone into a rage or withdrawn from others over nothing? What triggers ADHD’ers into instant rage or expression?  Dr. Bill Dodson and I discuss Rejection Sensitivity – a common issue with ADHD. When one with ADHD perceives she or he has been rejected, discounted or unheard […] The post ADHD Focus – Triggers for rage and depression with Dr. Bill Dodson appeared first on

  • ADHD Focus – Help for parents of the ADHD child

    29/02/2016 Duração: 31min

    Parenting an ADHD child takes parenting to a new level way beyond the usual parenting challenges. You are now playing in the big leagues, so having a coach to guide you is a necessity, not an option. The best foundation for building a healthy child and healthy family relationships is effective parenting, which with ADHD […] The post ADHD Focus – Help for parents of the ADHD child appeared first on

  • ADHD Focus – What does ADHD look like from inside the mind of an ADHDer?

    15/02/2016 Duração: 26min

    In this show I explore that question with Rick Green of We talk about some of the quirks that are often part of ADHD but may not be recognized as such, even by the one who has ADHD!  Rick’s documentaries on ADHD and all of its aspects, as well as webinars with experts on […] The post ADHD Focus – What does ADHD look like from inside the mind of an ADHDer? appeared first on

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