Welcome to OMG Radio! Im Jamie Palmer Digital Business Strategist, implementation coach, and boy mom! This show is for entrepreneurs, coaches, consultants, influencers, small business owners and Outliers who want to create more impact, make more money and grow their online business. If you want simple strategies and actionable steps to building your business, growing your following and creating momentum that takes you closer to you dreams and a life of freedom without overwhelm then tune in! This is OMG Radio.
Repurpose Your Content - How To Make More Content In Less Time
06/02/2020 Duração: 10minLet’s dive deep into repurposing content! As a busy online entrepreneur, keeping up with social media can be a drag. It can literally feel like a hamster wheel, a treadmill, a marathon that you simply can’t keep up with. I want you to know it can be simple when you repurpose content. I don’t know about you, but I’ve spent so much time sitting there at four o’clock in the afternoon thinking, Oh my goodness, what am I going to post today? Today I want to share with you my process that I use internally and that we teach in our social made simple class it is all about repurposing content. Like what you hear? Apply to work with us! Click here.
Creating Content Consistently
03/02/2020 Duração: 11minCreating content consistently has been a game changer for me in my business as well as my clients. If growing your business is on your to-do list it is time to get consistent. Last week I talked all about how to take one piece of macro content and repurpose it everywhere on my YouTube series. This is an extension of that video because once you start implementing in your business, it becomes really easy to get consistent. Ninja Tip 1 - Batch Create Content When you start to get into this process of making social media simple and using macro content and turning it into micro content batching content becomes so simple and part of the process. For example, when I am doing my research on what topics I'm going to cover on my YouTube channel, I will use a service like Tube Buddy, Keyword Planner or Google keyword. Ninja Tip 2 - Internal Business Days When it comes to creating content consistently I always recommend an internal day where you create the time to work ON your business. What do I mean? You know the thin
Boundaries in Business - 5 Tips for Boundary Creation and Success
30/01/2020 Duração: 18minBoundaries are defined as: The line that marks the limit. A limit of a subject or set of activies. Early on in my business, I had no business boundaries. My phone was an extension of my body and when ever it chirrped or buzzed I answered the call. My business was RUNNING ME. Perhaps you can relate? It was impacting nearly every single part of my life. My relationships. Myself. My Soul. My business. My sanity. My well being. ALL OF IT. I answered emails, facebook messages, text, calls etc at every hour of the day. I was always on and I was always miserable. As a result, I completely burnt myself out. I crashed and burned and it cost me business. It took completely burning out to learn that I need to create boundaries in my business especially as it was getting bigger and bigger. I simply could not operate at that level of plugged in and stay sane. That was 2013 and a huge turning point for me in my business. Today, as my business grows ever larger, I've come to realize (and come to terms with) the fact that
The Fundamentals of Building Your Online Business Ecosystem
27/01/2020 Duração: 12minToday, I'd like to speak with you about the fundamentals of building an online business ecosystem for your business. All too often I see entrepreneurs miss the key elements for setting their business up for success when it comes to growing and scaling. Many of the entrepreneurs that I work with are fully booked with 1-1 appointments but are now ready to take it to the next level and move to 1 to many. To achieve success with growing and scaling it is essential to understand who your ideal client is and the client journey that you take them on. So what exactly does that mean? What are the pieces of content that my ideal client needs in order to take action and move to that next step in getting to work with me. For Example, getting someone to sign-up for your email list or seeing one of your emails and booking a call with you. What do they need to see, hear and experience to move to that next step? Once there is an understanding of the client journey then it comes time to optimize 1 funnel, nurture sequence an
The Benefits of Practicing What You Preach
23/01/2020 Duração: 11minAre you practicing what you preach? We live in a world where you can pick and choose what images you want people to see. You can rent a ridiculous mansion and claim it to be your own. You can show up in whatever way you choose to show up online and be a completely different person behind the scenes. I have for many years, worked diligently to practice what I preach in all areas of my life. While this can be a scary proposition for some, it is actually very freeing when you decide this is the way in which you want to live. I have made a commitment to myself, my business and my community that this is how I want to live. I test new marketing strategies out on myself before anyone else, I embody the values of my business by living them, I own up to my strengths and weakness and so much more. I have a client who is also doing the same and I love seeing him live his passion and I can see with great specificity how over time this will impact and inspire his community tremendously. He does it daily in spite of any
300 and Something Podcasts - Marketing is a Long Game
21/01/2020 Duração: 13minI was chatting with my Dad about my podcast and I said, "Marketing this podcast sure is a long term game. I've got 300 and something episodes and I'm not sure I can tie a single $ to it" All good marketing is a long term game and anyone who tells you otherwise is just high on some trend that is going to come and go. Trust me, I've seen a LOT of trends in my 16 years in business. If you want to build a real business that generates leads consistently over time you have to invest time and money into your marketing because it is a long game. It takes time to optimize a YouTube channel. It takes time to build traction for a podcast channel. It takes time to optimize a blog and the search results. None of these things happen over night. That is why I always recommend macro content. One of my client Christine, CEO of Sleep Like a Boss has been using the Social Media Made Simple System for over 18 months now and is booked out consistently for sales calls...all organic. We live in a society where we have the expectati
Finding Your Voice in Business
16/01/2020 Duração: 12minThe universe has been sending me multiple messages about using my voice in business and I pushed this podcast ahead on my editorial calendar schedule because I believe the message is so important to share! Over the Thanksgiving break, I ran into this incredible singer who was belting out blues songs. I was in awe of her voice and her ability to sing. I got to speaking with her after she was done and she repeated told me I had a voice too and I needed to learn to use it. While you might be thinking, "Jam, why are you sharing this?" I believe it is important to talk about how to find your voice and what it means and why it is so important to peel back the layers in business and truly share your voice. Over the years, I have become more and more transparent in business. I stayed small because I believe I could do it all myself. I didn't say what I meant and I was afraid of what others might say about me if I owned who I was and truly was myself. Over the last several months, I have had more and more test about u
Steven Greene of Make the Grade
13/01/2020 Duração: 36minSteven Greene joined us on the OMG show today to talk all about his experience as an entrepreneur! Steven is a full time educator who also runs an education and tutoring company. Steven went to college in the early eighties and got his teaching certificate. He was high school teacher, middle school teacher, and eventually a college professor. Steven left his position as a professor to become a stay at home parent. As technology advanced, Steven came to the realization that becoming an online tutor and starting a business was becoming a reality. Steven has taken tutoring, which was once a remote business model, and is expanding it globally. His main passions are helping people reach their goals, set goals, and try to maximize their education. He is also an author, who’s book (maximum education) aims to give people the tools necessary to help themselves. Steven is a wealth of knowledge, having been teaching for over four decades of time! He discusses with us many great tricks and tips for how your child can max
2020 Marketing and Social Media Predictions
09/01/2020 Duração: 22minIn today’s podcast, I’m going to share with you all about my 2020 marketing predictions and trends. The digital marketing world is ever-changing and given the fact that this is an election year, I always feel the election has an impact in the online marketing world INSTAGRAM STORIES 2020 Marketing Trends Instagram stories aren’t going away, 68% of people are using stories three-plus times a week and 63% of those people continue to use stories more. What that says to me is get comfortable on Instagram Stories. one thing to be mindful of is most people do not listen with the sound on. It is worth the effort to take the time to put the text on the story, hashtags, and relevant gifs. Create Quality Content One of the principles that my team and I are really focusing on this year is to create less content but create content that is exceptionally well. My commitment is to do less but whatever I commit to doing, do it exceptionally well and optimizing that piece of content exceptionally well. One of the ways in wh
Hello 2020! Your 2020 goals and the habits you need to achieve them
06/01/2020 Duração: 11minHello 2020! I am so excited to be back to work this week! I spent the last two weeks completely unplugged and just totally enjoying my time with my kids. While it didn't go exactly as planned, I still feel very refreshed. Today, I want to talk to you about my goal setting process for 2020 and how I divide my goals up into the different roles and categories I play in life, myself (personal goals), entrepreneur (business goals), Wife (or partner), Mother, Financial (not tied to the business), House etc. As I go through this process of physically writing down my goals, yes, I grab a note book and write them down, I slow down and reflect. I start by reflecting on 2019. Where I succeeded. Where I failed. Where I needed support. Basically what went right and what didn't. I start there and I review my old goals to see what got done and what didn't, and why. From there I then go into the process for writing down goals for each of the categories that I defined. Some may be goals, like lose 10 pounds or write a book, y
17/12/2019 Duração: 11minExcuses. What they are? Lies, we tell ourselves about moving forward. Here are a few examples of what excuses can sound like: ~ “I don’t have the support I need.” Yet, they never show up to the daily support calls as part of a program they committed to do. ~ “I don’t have the time.” Yet, you see them posting on Facebook or instagram all damn day. ~ “I’m not hitting my financial goals.” Yet, they aren’t prioritizing working on their business. ~ “I’m not a success.” (whatever that means) Yet, they have changed there business model over and over again. The book that changed my life when it comes to making excuses in my own life and how you can stop letting excuses stop you from moving forward. Excuses are these funny little things our mindset ceilings tell us (or convince us) that we can do out of fear, scarcity or lack. I want you to know you aren't your excuses. So today I'm going to talk all about quieting the head trash that holds us back from moving forward. Are you believing the excuses your mind keeps tel
Consistency and Commitment
12/12/2019 Duração: 20minAs my business has grown over the past several years, I've noticed a huge difference in the business owner and entrepreneurs who go on to be 7 figures business owners and the one who don't achieve their goals. The secret is their consistency and commitment. I see it this time of year with clients and prospects who are on the fence about what to do with their business. Staying committed to the things you agreed to do make a huge difference in the long run and the growth of your business. One of the biggest lessons I've learned this year is that all tasks are not created equal. When you can prioritize which tasks are most important to actually moving the needle forward in your business, the game will completely change for you. These two drivers have pushed me and my business forward tremendously in the past several years personally and I've seen it happen over and over again for clients. My commitment to grow, make decisions and move forward along with my consistency in showing up online has become a differenti
Goodbye 2019! How To End Off Your Year Strong And Get Ready For 2020
10/12/2019 Duração: 12min2019 has been a year of ups and downs. Very high, highs and very low, lows. I’ve learned more lessons this year than any year previously and I’ve grown more than I ever have before. I’ve learned to say no to things that aren’t in alignment with my goals but I failed to move only 1 initiative forward even though that is what I encourage my clients to do. I’ve learned to lead and manage a team. I’ve made mistakes. I’ve celebrated. I’ve shed a lot of the weight of my past in pursuit of moving forward. It’s been a wild, wild ride and it is only just beginning. One of the biggest lessons this year has been about moving two separate initiatives forward. 2019 was definitely a transition year for me. I moved two horses forward this year and it was a big challenge. I thought my business was big enough to be able to do both but neither were as successful as I had projected. While I still did extremely well. I didn’t hit the number goals we set out. And that’s ok. I learned so much as a result and that was to commit to
The Three Elements You Must Have When Building An Online Business
05/12/2019 Duração: 09minI’m so excited to talk to you today about the 3 elements that you MUST have when you’re trying to grow an online business. The best way to get the highest number of conversions while keeping it as SIMPLE as possible! These are things that every single business needs to have. I’m so excited to give you this jam-packed Podcast! The first thing that every business needs is a way to collect emails. I’ve seen so many over the top pages that ads lead to – there’s a better way! You also need a freebie to offer to your client that solves a smaller problem that they’re having. You want to move them closer to where they want to be. I suggest that you also add a nurture sequence to your marketing tactics that allows people to know like and trust you. I have a bunch of different suggestions that I can give you about what foundational pieces that you need to keep growing your business. Your main goal is to get people to want to buy from your business or book a call with you. There are natural steps that your ideal client
Defining Your Ideal Client & Your Business Foundations
03/12/2019 Duração: 13minI was recently asked in my Business Ecosystem Builder’s program about how you can select your ideal client and determine exactly who they are. If you haven’t worked with a ton of clients, I usually like to assume that you would want to work with someone who is the same as you, just earlier on in their journey. That’s a great jumping off point for figuring it out. I’ve noticed that a lot of people struggle trying to find that soul mate client for their business. Soul mate clients are the ones that are dying to work with you, they love working with you, and they're excited about the things that you’re doing. They’re so pumped to have you in their lives. They’re excited to invest their money in you because they have such a strong belief in you and what you’re doing. It’s never easy to start your business and figure out who your ideal client is. If that doesn’t resonate with you, some of the thing that we always look at as we’re building the foundation of a business is where they are in their lives. Do they have
All the Things Facebook Ads - What you need to know to run Facebook Ads in 2020
26/11/2019 Duração: 32minI'm going on a RAAAANNNNTTTT! Let's talk all the things Facebook ADS. In the past two weeks alone I've heard at least 6 horror stories about running Facebook Ads. I’ve been told everything from using the ads manager's landing page to collecting payments for themselves to the person having no access to the ad account and everything in between. It’s been a crazy past two weeks with the amount of horror stories that I’ve heard. So I'm going to get down and dirty and give you Facebook Ads 101 and what you need to know to be successful with ads in 2019, 2020 and BEYOND. I was chatting with someone who told me that I had to share this will everyone, and help educate you on how to run Facebook ads and what the proper protocol is when you hire someone to run them for you. The biggest thing to understand when you want to run ads is that they’re only one piece of a bigger ecosystem. If you’re not hyper clear around who your ideal client is, you aren’t going to be able to get the results that you want. If you have no au
The I Know Paradox
21/11/2019 Duração: 10minI wanted to talk to you today about the “I Know” paradox. If you don’t know what that is or aren’t familiar with it, it’s a mindset ceiling. I hear this a lot in my group program, with my coaching clients, and I’ve experienced it myself in my own business. When you start to say “I know”, that’s often a place where there’s a mindset block or a mindset ceiling. It shows up in a lot of different language sets – “I’ve heard this before” “I’m familiar” “I’ve already tried that” These are all the different ways that they can show up in your business. If you keep saying that you know, that’s often a place where there’s a mindset block. Whenever you do this online work to keep growing and scaling your growing, there’s going to be a mindset piece that comes along with it. Every new level has a new devil. I’ve experienced this personally with many of my clients lately, and have been constantly hearing “I know”. I’m not saying that this happens 100% of the time. There are times where you’re really aware of where you nee
5 Personality Traits You Need to Develop When Owning a Business
19/11/2019 Duração: 10minThere are some super important personality traits that you need to develop when you own your own business as an entrepreneur! If you want to be uber-successful, having these traits is going to be the key. I want to share the 5 biggest ones that I’ve realized through my 16 years in business. These are the most important ones that you need to develop if you want to have success. The 5 traits: #1- Resiliency – Being an entrepreneur is like a rollercoaster and you have to be resilient to survive in the entrepreneurial world! #2- Grit – This is all about having strength of character when faced with different situations, and having passion over a long period of time! #3- Authenticity – In the online world, so much of the time you’re only seeing the highlight real. I want to show all the ups and downs so that I can be as authentic as possible. #4- Self-Reliant – As an entrepreneur, you have to be able to make decisions for yourself and show up when you don’t feel like it. You have to be able to rely on yourself to k
10 Ninja Tips That all Entrepreneurs Need To Know!
12/11/2019 Duração: 15minKnowing what to expect when you first start out as an entrepreneur can be HARD! I wanted to create this episode to share with you some of my ninja tips about what to expect when you are entrepreneuring. I started my business back in college and there was a boatload of stuff that no one told me about starting my own business. For me, being an entrepreneur is all about making as big of an impact as possible on as many people as I can. I struggled for years after first starting my business, because I mainly stayed local and didn’t pursue my passion as much as I wanted to. It was a big mistake that no one had told me about, and ultimately it was a lesson that had to be learned the hard way. The sooner that you can get comfortable with the impact that you’re going to make, the faster you can start growing your business. I encourage you to really gain confidence in your vision and your passion so that you can continue to grow. Ultimately, I hope to share these valuable tips with you, as a new or seasoned entreprene
Have Content Creation Overwhelm? Social Media Content Creation Ninja Tips
07/11/2019 Duração: 10minWho’s ready to figure out how they can fight off content overwhelm as an entrepreneur? If you feel like you always have so much content to create and you don’t even know where to start, you’ve come to the right place. This is something that I’ve been seeing a lot lately and I felt called to talk about it! When you run your own business and you have to constantly be creating content, it can start to feel crippling and your creativity can be stifled pretty easily if you get stuck in this state. I’ve suffered from content overwhelm and I know that it’s something that happens to a ton of my clients (and other entrepreneurs). I want to help you figure out how you can fight this feeling and keep creating quality content for your business. At the end of the day, putting out content for free for your ideal client is the best way of providing them with value and drawing them in so that they want to work with you. Content overwhelm can happen to the best of us, but you don’t have to let that hold you back from moving y