Faith Talks



God, by His grace, has already given us everything we need to live the life He intended us to live from the beginning - a life of health, prosperity, and wholeness in every part of life. But it's not enough to simply have head knowledge about what He's given us by His grace; there is responsibility on our part - we must access it by FAITH. We must be "doers" of the Word, and not hearers only.Learn how to practically apply what the Word teaches us about grace and faith and start seeing the manifestation of the goodness of God in your life!Email:


  • 014 - What Is The Word And What Does It Do?

    04/09/2018 Duração: 30min

    If we bought a new appliance or computer, we would go to the instruction manual to find out how it operates and what functions it has. Today we dive into the Bible - our instruction manual for life - to find out what God's Word is, and what it can do for us. Once we understand how God's Word functions and operates, we can put it to work for us and it will do exactly what God designed it to do!

  • 013 - The Importance of Confessing the Word Part 2

    02/08/2018 Duração: 39min

    Part 2 - There are so many benefits to confessing the Word, and in this episode we discuss what happens when we confess the Word, and the practical application - how to confess the Word. Start making your declarations of faith and see positive change in every area of your life! For a FREE booklet containing confessions that cover the major areas of your life, email me at and request your copy!

  • 012 - The Importance of Confessing the Word Part 1

    02/08/2018 Duração: 24min

    God spoke the universe into being by the word of His mouth, and He created us to operate and function just like Him. God has given us His Word - which has creative power - so that when we speak His Word out of our mouth, everything in the natural has to change and rearrange to come into line with His Word. This is called "Confessing the Word". Confessing the Word is one of the fundamental and foundational components to a life lived by faith. In this episode we discuss what confession is, why we need to confess the Word, and how to confess the Word. God's Word in your mouth is as powerful as God's Word in His mouth! For a FREE booklet containing confessions that cover the major areas of your life, email me at and request your copy!

  • 011 - Confessions of Faith Part 2

    19/07/2018 Duração: 22min

    Part 2 - God's Word in your mouth is as powerful and effective as God's Word in His mouth! In today's episode, we are making confessions of faith taken straight from scripture that cover every area of our lives. Renew your mind to what God says about your circumstances and agree with his Word by declaring it, and see supernatural transformation take place! For a FREE booklet containing confessions that cover the major areas of your life, email me at and request your copy!

  • 010 - Confessions of Faith Part 1

    19/07/2018 Duração: 31min

    Part 1 - God's Word in our mouth is as powerful and effective as God's Word in His mouth! In today's episode, we are making confessions of faith taken straight from scripture that cover every area of our lives. Renew your mind to what God says about your circumstances and agree with his Word by declaring it, and watch supernatural transformation take place! For a FREE booklet containing confessions that cover the major areas of your life, email me at and request your copy!

  • 009 - The Benefits of Praying in Tongues Part 5

    05/07/2018 Duração: 29min

    Part 5 - Even as a Christian, do you struggle with unforgiveness, anger, strife, drunkenness, addiction, hatred, or any other "fleshly" issues? Do you want more self-control, love, joy, peace, and other fruit of the Spirit? The good news is that God has given us the gift of tongues so that we can overcome the lusts of the flesh and walk in the Fruit of the Spirit - effortlessly! Join us in today's episode to find out how!

  • 008 - The Benefits of Praying in Tongues Part 4

    21/06/2018 Duração: 26min

    Do you want to know what your purpose is and what God has anointed you to do? Or do you already know what you're anointed to do but are unsure how to step into or advance further in your anointing? The Holy Spirit will not only reveal to you what your purpose is, He will also propel you into your anointing when you spend time praying in the spirit. Find out how in this week's episode!

  • 007 - The Benefits of Praying in Tongues Part 3

    07/06/2018 Duração: 31min

    Part 3 - In this episode, we continue the discussion on the wonderful benefits of praying in the spirit (praying in tongues). Praying in tongues gives us access to the unlimited, all-knowing, boundless wisdom of God. We have the insight and understanding of the Creator of the Universe at our fingertips, and we access that wisdom through God's amazing grace gift to us - praying in tongues. Find out more in this episode!

  • 006 - The Benefits of Praying in Tongues Part 2

    24/05/2018 Duração: 30min

    Part 2 - Praying in tongues is like having Swiss Army knife - there are a multitude of benefits all contained in one powerful grace-given gift. In this episode we begin the discussion on what the benefits of praying in the Spirit - or praying in tongues - are. From praying a perfect prayer that is free of doubt and unbelief, to building and strengthening our faith, to praying hidden secrets and mysteries that are unknown to our natural minds - the benefits are immensely powerful, far-reaching, and hugely beneficial. Praying in tongues is our secret weapon against the enemy! Be encouraged to use this gift God has given us and see the effect in every area of your life!

  • 005 - The Benefits of Praying in Tongues Part 1

    17/05/2018 Duração: 29min

    Praying in tongues is like having Swiss Army knife - there are a multitude of benefits all contained in one powerful grace-given gift. In this episode we begin the discussion on what the benefits of praying in the Spirit - or praying in tongues - are. From praying a perfect prayer that is free of doubt and unbelief, to building and strengthening our faith, to praying hidden secrets and mysteries that are unknown to our natural minds - the benefits are immensely powerful, far-reaching, and hugely beneficial. Praying in tongues is our secret weapon against the enemy! Be encouraged to use this gift God has given us and see the effect in every area of your life!

  • 004 - How To Have A Faith Response

    19/04/2018 Duração: 29min

    When crisis or trouble shows up in our lives, how we respond is vital. We can either respond based on how our emotions are telling us to respond - in fear, anxiety, worry, distress, or grief - or we can train ourselves to respond according to the Word of God and make a Faith Response. In this episode we study the story of the Shunnamite woman who, despite her son dying in her lap, responded in faith and received her son back to life. A faith response will set you on course to victory over the problem every time!

  • 003 - The Sower Sows the Word: Part 2

    19/04/2018 Duração: 31min

    (Part 2 of 2) The Sower sows the Word, and we are the sowers. When we sow the Word-seed into the ground of our hearts, the Word will produce the harvest contained in the DNA of that seed. However, the harvest we produce is dependent, not on the condition of the seed, but on the condition of the ground! Learn about the four kinds of ground Jesus talks about in this well-known parable, and how to ensure that your ground is the kind of ground that produces a harvest!

  • 002 - The Sower Sows The Word: Part 1

    19/04/2018 Duração: 26min

    (Part 1 of 2) The Sower sows the Word, and we are the sowers. When we sow the Word-seed into the ground of our hearts, the Word will produce the harvest contained in the DNA of that seed. However, the harvest we produce is dependent, not on the condition of the seed, but on the condition of the ground! Learn about the four kinds of ground Jesus talks about in this well-known parable, and how to ensure that your ground is the kind of ground that produces a harvest!

  • 001 - Faith in Action: Virginia's Testimony

    19/04/2018 Duração: 30min

    When Virginia Grace Preston was born prematurely at 24 weeks' gestation, the practical application of everything I had ever learned about faith and grace suddenly became number one priority. Virgina's testimony is a truly encouraging example of faith being put to work in a challenging life-or-death situation.

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