Kevin Whitsitt

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 38:22:59
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Hey, This podcast is going to be about Books I'm reading, travel and the ups and downs of affiliate marketing! I Hope you Enjoy it!


  • Is Affiliate Marketing Worth Learning How to Do?

    10/12/2019 Duração: 06min

    Click on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing.  What do you think it is? Hello, today I want to answer the question is affiliate marketing worth learning how to do? I think learning how to do affiliate marketing the right way is a very valuable skill to learn for business in general. A great book about affiliate marketing is called “Dot Com Secrets” by Russel Brunson. In the beginning of the book Russel talks to a Chiropractor that is not making as much money as he would like. Russel also mentions that someone learned some of Chiropracting from YouTube and is making money from it. Of course that really angered his Chiropractor. In a nutshell Russel helped the chiropractor make a sales funnel for his business. Low ticket items up front, which the chiropractor was already doing. What the chiropractor was missing out on was the high ticket items towards the end of the sales funnel,  and this was why he wasn't doing as good as he c

  • Is Affiliate Marketing a Saturated Field with No Real Value Should I Learn to Code?

    08/12/2019 Duração: 06min

    Click on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing.  What do you think it is? Hello, today I want to answer the question is affiliate marketing a saturated field where I learn no real valuable skills. Would I be better off learning to code? This is a great question. My grandfather thinks I should learn how to code as well. Marketing and coding are completely opposite fields that take completely different people. The short answer is you should be self-aware to discover which is a better fit for who you are. Coding is building the cars. Marketing is selling the cars. You really need both. This goes back to the same argument that salespeople are scum of the universe and some people think there is no value to it. I prefer the term marketing because the term sales I picture a pushy salesman. A pushy salesman is someone who keeps pushing something when someone is not interested and is clearly annoying. A marketer presence something and

  • What is the Best Affiliate Marketing Book?

    07/12/2019 Duração: 07min

    Click on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing.  What do you think it is? Hello, today I want to answer the question what is the best affiliate marketing book. When it comes to affiliate marketing there are not that many books that are good.    There are a few books that I really like, but if I had to pick one it would be “Internet Marketing Secrets” by Russel Brunson.   Russel Brunson is the creator of Clickfunnels and he made hundreds of millions of dollars from his software.    What I like about the book is that it talks about having low ticket items to sale towards the front of a sales funnel and then towards the end you want high ticket items.   This doesn't just apply to affiliate marketing, but can be used for many business's. In the book he shares a story about a chiropractor and how this sales funnel can be used for his business.    As far as the software goes it's ver

  • Which is Better Affiliate Marketing or Influencer Marketing?

    05/12/2019 Duração: 08min

    Click on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing.  What do you think it is? Hey, today I want to answer the question which is better affiliate marketing or influencer marketing. Affiliate marketing is much, much easier than influencer marketing. First what the heck is influencer marketing? If you grow a social media channel and you have a boat ton of followers you become an influencer. Then what happens is is companies or brands will offer you a little bit of money to mention their product. By far the biggest challenge to influencer marketing is you need tons and tons of followers. This is going to get even more challenging in the future as everyone is fighting for attention. You are basically running a tv channel and making money from ads. You are competiting with the big boys for the money. By far this is the hardest way to make money online. The reason this sounds attractive is because Kim Kardashian or Gary Vee have massive

  • How do I Grow my Affiliate Website's Traffic?

    04/12/2019 Duração: 09min

    Click on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing.  What do you think it is? Hey, today I want to answer the question how do I grow my affiliate website's traffic? My number 1 favorite way to get traffic is with content. What I like to do is go to Quora or a Forum in my niche and find questions that my target audience is asking. The more targeted the better. Then simply write a response to that question. I also make sure there is no competition in Google for those keywords. If you go to the Google search bar and put the question in quotes you will see how many pages use those exact words.  Then what I will do with my $40 webcamera is make a video answering the question. Easy right? Then I will post that video on YouTube and Dailymotion. Then I will make a shorter video of my notes and make a TikTok video, sometimes I will make dumb music videos because they are fun and Instagram video. With Instagram you can include a link i

  • Can Affiliate Marketing Make you Rich?

    02/12/2019 Duração: 08min

    Click on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing.  What do you think it is? Hey, today I want to answer the question can affiliate marketing make you rich? It depends on your definition of what rich is.   The problem with affiliate marketing as well as making money online is the majority of people are doing things wrong. Affiliate marketing is a very easy way to make money if you know what your doing. If you don't know what your doing it's very hard to make money. This is why I think it gets a bad reputation because some people try it, do the wrong stuff, make no money and think it's a scam. I'm 100% sure it's not a scam and you can make some good money at it. Let's look at some realistic numbers. Affiliate marketing is when you post a link and if someone clicks on that link and buys something you get paid. The problem is most affiliate offers are junk, so you have to be careful on what you promote. If you are going to

  • Should I do Social Media Marketing Agency or Affiliate Marketing?

    30/11/2019 Duração: 07min

    Click on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing.  What do you think it is? Hey, today I want to answer the question should someone start a social media marketing agency or do affiliate marketing? First, what the heck is a social media marketing agency right? It's when business's pay you money to market their business online. There is a lot of money in it because this is the business Gary Vee is in and he is trying to buy the New York Jets Football team. The big problem I see with starting a social media marketing agency or SMMA for short is if companies are going to pay you money to advertise you should have a track record right? This is what they are paying for right? Gary Vee did not start by opening up his agency. He started with growing his dads wine shop. This is ecommerce?  He grew his YouTube channel, he experimented with email marketing and paid advertisements to sale wine online.    Once he experienced success

  • What Kind of Website Should I Build to Earn from Affiliate Marketing?

    30/11/2019 Duração: 08min

    Click on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing.  What do you think it is? Hey, today I want to answer the question what kind of website should I build to earn from affiliate marketing. I would encourage you not to have a website for affiliate marketing. All the money that is made in affiliate marketing is from a list. What I mean from a list is names and email addresses that people submit to get information about a certain topic. Then when you have that list you can send out messages. How you should promote affiliate offers is to send out many, many messages for 1 week to your list. Some people will buy in the beginning and then in the middle sales drop. If you keep sending out messages you will notice sales pick up again towards the end of the week. If you didn't have a list you could lose out on 99% of those sales. Plus, after that first week you can market other products and you could make money from those. Since, all the money is

  • What is the Best Course to Learn Affiliate Marketing?

    26/11/2019 Duração: 05min

    Click on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing.  What do you think it is? Hey, today I want to answer the question what is the best course to learn affiliate marketing? I've been doing affiliate marketing for 10 years and I've made an insane amount of mistakes and wasted tons and tons of time.  What a good course does is shorten that learning curve. What I recommend is learning the most important stuff first when it comes to affiliate marketing.  What is the important stuff you need? Where is 95% of the money in affiliate marketing? It's in the sales funnel. It's in what you do with the list your building.  You could have a list of millions of people, be the best at getting traffic, but if you don't know what to do with that list you will make no money. Why do you need a list for Lafitte marketing? It's your greatest asset. A list allows you to sale to the same person over and over again.  There really is a lot to

  • Is Affiliate Marketing Declining?

    21/11/2019 Duração: 07min

    Click on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing.  What do you think it is? Hey, today I want to talk about is affiliate marketing declining? When I go to Quora I see this question a lot and some people are skeptical of the future of the it. It's a good question.  The short answer is that it has in certain areas and has changed and evolved just like everything right? did not create affiliate marketing, but they really helped put it on the map. As you can imagine now, they really don't need affiliate marketers.  Amazon has also reduced their pay for affiliates and it's not really that good of a program. Around 10 years ago when I got started in affiliate marketing I worked with a group of people where we would write reviews on blogs and article directories and then put our affiliate link at the end.  That method does not work anymore. Niche sites, with direct affiliate links do not work. YouTube has changed a l

  • Is Affiliate Marketing Possible with No Investment?

    18/11/2019 Duração: 07min

    Click on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing.  What do you think it is? Hey, today I'm going to answer the question is affiliate marketing possible with no investment. The short answer is there is a way, but it's not a very good way.  If you want to spend 0 dollars you could become a CPA affiliate. This means cost per acquisition. Then use social media to drive traffic to the optin page.  A CPA affiliate makes maybe $1 dollar when someone fills out a form. The person who is paying you the dollar obviously is going to make more money.  Nobody is going to pay you $1 if they only make fifty cents. Then you can use free social media to drive traffic and make a few dollars. Technically you are an affiliate marketer, but you are barely making any money.  Plus, you have to work your butt off to make the few dollars. I don't recommend this path because there is no money. A smarter approach that I recommend is making inv

  • What are Some Good Online Hustles?

    17/11/2019 Duração: 07min

    Click on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing.  What do you think it is? Hey, today I want to talk about what are some good online hustles to make money. There are 3 I want to talk about that I have made money at and I currently do.  The first one is selling products around you house on craigslist, ebay and all the other platforms. You probably already know about this so I'm not going to talk about it.  The second online hustle which I recommend you look at is buying and selling domain names. Mostly it's in the .com extension.  The truth with domaining is it's not really a job, but an investment. All the hustling is in finding good domain names, pricing them, listing them and most importantly waiting. In may take you 10 years to sale the domain.  There is a way to contact people who could be interested in, but I don't know how to do that and you are going to sale it for less money. You could auction off a domain

  • What is a Backlink in Affiliate Marketing?

    15/11/2019 Duração: 08min

    Click on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing.  What do you think it is? Hey, today I want to talk about what is a backlink in affiliate marketing. Backlinks are when another website links to your webpage. They put a link that directs their visitor to go to your site.  They used to help with seo and getting your webpage found in the search engines. Now, they don't help all that much.  Before Google became the number 1 search engine there was a lot of competition. This was the time when it was all about keyword stuffing.  This determined who got to page 1 on the search engine, so it would be found. As you can guess people were sticking keywords all over the place to try to get to the top spot.  Google was the first search engine to not only look at on page factors like keywords, but also who was linking to that page. This is called off page seo.  This naturally led to people to spamming backlinks to get to th

  • How do I use Twitter as an Affiliate Marketing Platform and Sell Products?

    13/11/2019 Duração: 08min

    Click on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing.  What do you think it is? Hello, today I'm going to talk about how do I use Twitter as an affiliate marketing platform to sell products. Twitter is still a very powerful tool. With 1 tweet Kylie Jenner caused the stock of Snapchat to drop like a rock. All she said was nobody is using Snapchat anymore.  Twitter really helped Gary Vee become the success he is, he made was an investor and user. Plus, Twitter might have helped Donald Trump become president.  As affiliate marketers how do we use the platform to make a boat ton of money? The first area is in the profile. For starters you should have a picture of your face. Then in your profile what do we want to promote as affiliate marketers? Yes, we want to grow our list.  You should not use Twitter to sale products directly. The reason why is because 95% of people don't buy the first time they see something. Plus, you can pr

  • What are Some Profitable Niche Ideas for Affiliate Marketing?

    11/11/2019 Duração: 07min

    Click on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing.  What do you think it is? Hey, today I want to talk about what are some profitably niche ideas for affiliate marketing? This is a great, great question because choosing your niche is very important.  By far the single best niche to get into is the make money online niche. There are many reasons for this. For starters, your going to be interested in making money online probably, so you are going to be learning how to do this and you can share what you have learned.  There is tons and tons of money to be made in this niche. Also it's very broad. There are many sub areas you can go into. Also, legally it's one of the better niches to get into. For example the health niche you can run into problems, I know Facebook for ads has a hard time approving supplement and health products.  I know what you might be thinking and that is, if I'm not making money online how am I supposed

  • How do I use Twitter as an Affiliate Marketing Platform and Sell Products

    11/11/2019 Duração: 08min

    Hello, today I'm going to talk about how do I use Twitter as an affiliate marketing platform to sell products. Twitter is still a very powerful tool. With 1 tweet Kylie Jenner caused the stock of Snapchat to drop like a rock. All she said was nobody is using Snapchat anymore. Twitter really helped Gary Vee become the success he is, he made was an investor and user. Plus, Twitter might have helped Donald Trump become president. As affiliate marketers how do we use the platform to make a boat ton of money? The first area is in the profile. For starters you should have a picture of your face. Then in your profile what do we want to promote as affiliate marketers? Yes, we want to grow our list. You should not use Twitter to sale products directly. The reason why is because 95% of people don't buy the first time they see something. Plus, you can promote more than 1 product to a person with a list. Everything we do is to build a list and then use the list to promote products. Use your bio to get people on your list

  • How can Pinterest be Used for Affiliate Marketing?

    10/11/2019 Duração: 10min

    Click on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing.  What do you think it is? Hello, today I'm going to talk about how can Pinterest be used for affiliate marketing? You could be an affiliate for Amazon products or Sharesale. The problem with these physical products is there really is not a lot of money in them.  With Amazon you can make 1% for video games and 4.5% for books. If you compare that to digital products like online courses where I earn 100% of the money, plus there are more deep sales where you can earn $1,000-$4,000 per sale. That is a big difference. I'm just sharing what is possible, so you know your options. My whole gameplan with affiliate marketing is to get someone off these platforms like Pinterest or Linkedin as quickly as I can and get them on my list.  Once someone is on my list I can promote these high ticket items and make money. What is the best way to get traffic from Pinterest? A great way is with gr

  • What Lessons can People Learn from Affiliate Marketing?

    04/11/2019 Duração: 05min

    Click on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing.  What do you think it is? Hey, today I want to talk about what lessons can people learn from affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is a very brilliant business model especially in the age of the internet now.  There are many business lessons that I have learned by doing affiliate marketing. The first one is to be persistent.  Some people think that this business is all about posting just 1 link and that it all it takes. No, affiliate marketing is contacted someone many times every day for a week to share 1 product  Also, just sticking to that one product. Image if you applied that same mindset to asking a girl out? Imagine if you applied the same mentality to getting a job? Also, with affiliate marketing I use upsales and downsales. Upsales is striking when the iron is hot, like a girl is in the mood the time is right, you strike.  Downsales when she is tired, not

  • What's Better, Affiliate Marketing or Binary Options Trading?

    04/11/2019 Duração: 08min

    Click on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing.  What do you think it is? Hey, today I want to answer the question what's better affiliate marketing or binary options trading. The short answer is affiliate marketing.  Lately, many people I talk to on Facebook seem like they are doing binary option trading. To quote Warren Buffet I don't know a lot, but I stick to what I know and it's a good saying.  The biggest thing you should worry about with binary option trading is the scam. It could also go by Bitcoin trading where you invest around $250 for a robot to do the trades.  It looks like you are making money on their website, so the scammers try to get you to invest more money to get more returns. When you try to take your money out, you run into all kinds of problems. Basically, your money is gone and that is the scam.  They are not all scams, and you can make money with binary options. You might be wondering what

  • Should I Choose Affiliate Marketing over Creating a Shopify Store?

    02/11/2019 Duração: 08min

    Click on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing.  What do you think it is? Hey, today I want to answer the question should I choose affiliate marketing over creating a shopify store. This is a really good question. My short answer is to do affiliate marketing, which is way better.  Shopify is a web application that allows you to create your own online store. It's a software as a service tool, this means that you don't own it, but you pay a monthly fee to use it.  The fee is anywhere from $9 a month all the way up to $2,000 a month to run this online store. However, the $9 a month doesn't give you that much and you probably have to upgrade to a more expensive plan.  You also have to pay fees for credit card transactions at your store. Plus you can customize the store, but that costs money. Shopify is dropshipping and this means you handle all the customer service, returns, shipping and pricing.  Plus, because you ar

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