Get Clarity With Jamie Smart



Number 1 bestselling author, executive coach and speaker, Jamie Smart, hosts Get Clarity. In this show, you'll hear keynote speeches and interviews with people who have undergone profound transformations and created extraordinary results. The focus is on mindset, and discovering the simple but powerful realizations that can have a big impact in your own life, and help you create the results that matter to you and for you. Jamie Smarts books include the number 1 bestselling CLARITY: Clear Mind, Better Performance, Bigger Results and The Little Book of Clarity. His Sunday Times bestselling book, RESULTS: Think Less, Achieve More (foreword by Shaa Wasmund MBE) was released by John Wiley and Sons Ltd in 2016 and his latest, The Little Book of Results was released in April 2018.


  • #032 - KEYNOTE - NLP & Hypnosis meet the principles

    27/11/2019 Duração: 01h37min

    What you’re about to hear is the recording of a talk I did in September at the Richmond NLP group called ‘The Principles Behind Transformational Change’.    I was booked to speak at the Richmond NLP group, and lots of people were curious about how the principles behind clarity would go down with an audience steeped in NLP & Hypnosis, so I promised to record the talk for this podcast.   My idea for the talk came from a simple question that’s at the heart of our field:   “What does it take to create the kind of life-altering transformations that make a profound, meaningful and lasting difference in a person's life?”   Well, I realised while I was driving to this session that the very *first* public talk I’d ever given was to the Richmond NLP group 20 years ago. It was pretty mind-blowing to reflect on how much things have changed in that time. If you enjoy listening to the recording even half as much as I enjoyed giving the talk, you're in for a treat. So here it is…

  • #031 - The future of psychology?

    11/11/2019 Duração: 01h14min

    Do the principles represent the the future of psychology? I’m Jamie Smart, and what you’re about to hear is me being interviewed by the author Amir Karkouti, the creator of the What The F*#$ Are The Principles? group -   In this conversation I make the case for why the principles behind clarity (as realised & articulated by Syd Banks) represent the future of psychology. We cover quite a lot of ground in this session including:   - What distinguishes the principles from every other psychological and spiritual model   - My take on what Syd Banks meant when he said "Thought is the missing link"   - Why I believe the two most valuable things you can discover are how experience is created and who you really are   The session also includes a Q&A session where I was asked some really great questions, including... - How can you be so certain these principles represent the future of psychology? - Why teach this rather than (for instance) "pure non-duality" or

  • #030 - Dr Rita Shuford: Happiness, wellbeing and 40 years of sharing the principles

    02/11/2019 Duração: 01h01min

    In this episode, you’re going to hear a conversation I had on the subject of happiness and wellbeing with one of my dear friends and colleagues, Rita Shuford. And here’s how I met Rita... In 2011, I kicked off a one-year programme called '3 Principles University'. We had a wonderful group of students, and every month or so, we had a different principles teacher spend the weekend with us, sharing their understanding. My good friend and colleague, Sandy Krot was scheduled to do the November weekend (on Leadership), and when she arrived, she had a friend with her: Rita Shuford. Rita was the person who'd introduced Sandy to the principles, so I was super-curious to hear her story. I recorded an interview with her that weekend, and we've been friends ever since. Rita's one of the people who's mentored me over the years, and she's also mentored some of my students on Clarity programmes. Last week, I was recording a session with Rita for ClarityPro (on working with clients around happiness and wellbeing) and

  • #029 - Mind-blowingly weird: the strangest fact about your perception

    27/09/2019 Duração: 11min

    What you’re about to hear is an excerpt from a Masterclass I did a few years back during the Clarity Certification Training. You’re about to discover something mind-blowingly weird: it’s quite literally the strangest fact about your perception, and it blows me away every time i think of it. And it’s going to be particularly useful to you if you’ve ever said, “I know it’s just my thinking but…” - I hear that a lot from people when it’s clear to me that they don’t know it’s got much if anything to do with thinking. You’re also going to find it useful if you want to know the difference between thoughts, thinking and the power of Thought.    By the way, our flagship programme, the Clarity Certification Training is now open for enrolment and you can save up to £3,000 by getting one of the Super-Earlybird places that are available until this Monday, 30th September. A few things worth knowing…   1. Clarity Certification Training is our flagship seven month programme for anyone interested in bringing an understanding

  • #028 - DEMO - Dissolving impostor syndrome

    06/09/2019 Duração: 12min

    This episode is a brief coaching demo. In fact it got turned around in under 7 minutes. Basically, a few weeks ago I did a coaching demo with one of my clients, Mary, around what she described as ‘impostor syndrome’.   She told me that whenever she started to make progress, she’d get to a certain point, then fall back.   She wanted to be able to ‘put herself out there’…   She wanted to be able to charge fees that would be rewarding…   She wanted to be excited about what she was doing, and feel unstoppable…   But she felt like an impostor, and it kept stopping her.   We did the coaching demo, and in less than 7 minutes, it had shifted for her.   How?     She had an insight - a realisation - and everything started to change.   By the way, Mary is one of the students on my 12-week, 90-day coaching immersion which is starting this month, and it’s all about having a breakthrough this year. And this is the very LAST time I’m ever running my 12-week programme. So the question I’ve been asking people is this:    What

  • #027 - Body Image, Identity and Wellbeing

    12/08/2019 Duração: 21min

    So that’s what I did. I started with a question: “What is body image?” And we took it from there. The talk ranged from puppies to epistemology… from toddlers to your true identity… And at one point it occurred to me to ask a question that had never occurred to me before (this is the brain-teaser)… "If you were to wake up tomorrow morning and discover that your body image had improved, like it was 2x or 5x or 100 times as good… how would you know?" I spoke for 18 minutes, and then we spent the next 40 minutes doing coaching demos. The coaching demos are private and confidential, but Charli kindly gave me permission to share this 18-minute body-image talk with my community. Would you like to see / hear the session?

  • #026 - Interview: Better relationships from the inside-out

    31/07/2019 Duração: 46min

    in this episode of the get clarity podcast, you’re going to hear a conversation I had on the subject of relationships with two of my dear friends and colleagues, Jan and Chip Chipman. I recorded this interview with Jan and Chip at the same time as we were recording material for ClarityPro. Claritypro is our low-cost membership programme for people who want to share the principles like a pro with anybody, on any topic and in any situation.     In ClarityPro, we cover a different topic every month, ranging from stress and anxiety to confidence & self-belief, and we give the members all the resources THEY  need to share the principles effectively with the people they want to reach.    Well, June’s topic was relationships, and we were lucky enough to have Jan and Chip record an audience engagement lesson for our members  on working with clients around the whole area relationships.   And that brings us to this episode. What you’re about to hear is a conversation I had with Jan and Chip Chipman, all about relat

  • #025 - DEMO: Parenting with the principles: How to help a suffering child

    24/06/2019 Duração: 12min

    This episode features a coaching demo I did with Clarity Coach Trevor Hartwick. And here’s one of the interesting things about it: We did the demo at the end of a virtual session where we only had 7 minutes left. What you’re going to hear is just how quickly it’s possible for someone to experience a profound shift when you’re working with an understanding of the principles behind clarity.   Trevor and his wife are new parents, with a two-month old baby. Trevor’s loving being a father, but sometimes, when the baby won’t stop crying, he feels powerless. Trevor said it breaks his heart to see his child upset and not be able to make him happy.   And of course, whether you’re a parent or not, you can probably relate to Trevor, because we’ve all had the experience of seeing someone we care about suffering, and feeling powerless to do anything about it.    As you’ll hear, what Trevor realised is that one of the biggest gifts he can give his son can *only* be given in those moments where there’s nothing he can do to

  • #024 - Nick Bottini From Scared of speaking on his home-turf to bestselling author, sharing the principles

    26/04/2019 Duração: 39min

    In this episode of the podcast, you’re going to be hearing a conversation I had with a good friend and colleague, Nick Bottini. Over the past couple of years he’s gone from being the music teacher in a school to being a bestselling author, speaker and coach who’s passionate about sharing the inside-out understanding with musicians. And while hundreds of thousands of people are now exploring and having insights into this understanding, there are relatively few people who are managing to share this understanding effectively. Nick’s an example of someone who’s been proactive in navigating that journey from having his OWN insights into the inside-out nature of life, to helping other people to have THEIR own realisations, but that’s not where he started. In the beginning, Nick experienced what people often call ‘impostor syndrome’ when it came to sharing the principles with musicians. He said, “I did hold off sharing with musicians because I felt like ‘Who am I to share it at all’ and sharing it on my home territo

  • #023 - Clarity Case Study: The Principles of Clarity at Work in the NHS

    19/03/2019 Duração: 37min

    A simple solution to stress, pressure and burnout in the NHS. this episode is one we’ve been trying to organise for a while, because it’s with Louise O’Dalaigh, a woman who’s been working to introduce the principles behind clarity into he National Health Service (NHS).    As you may know, the issue of stress and burnout is pretty much an epidemic in the world of healthcare, so it’s one of the places where subtractive psychology has so much to offer. Why? Because in a domain where people are insanely busy, and have crucial, life and death decisions to make,  subtractive psychology is the only thing you can learn that takes things off your mind automatically and uncovers your true potential. Louise went into the NHS because she’s passionate about helping people and caring for others. She started out as a nurse, and rose through the ranks to become a senior manager leading services.    In the process, she experienced a huge amount of stress and pressure, to the point where she was really struggling at work. Her

  • #022 - Christine Mitchell The Power of Hope and Certainty

    07/03/2019 Duração: 39min

    A conversation with a good friend and Clarity Coach Christine Mitchell.  In this episode of the Get Clarity podcast, you’re going to be hearing a conversation I had with a good friend and colleague, Clarity Coach Christine Mitchell. Christine works with people who arrive with a variety of challenges and objectives, particularly around anxiety, stress and OCD. And one of the interesting things about Christine is she’s working more and more with nurses and first-responders. And here’s one of the reasons I’m really excited to be sharing this conversation with you. As you may already know, at our company, we’re passionate about what we call subtractive psychology: the only thing you can learn that takes things off your mind automatically and uncovers your true potential.  It works on the basis that human psychology functions perfectly; that every person is born with innate resilience, clarity, natural motivation, the capacity to enjoy life, and navigate its ups and downs with ease.  So what does that actually

  • #021 - Subtractive psychology: Are formless principles too 'woo-woo' for a corporate lawyer

    01/03/2019 Duração: 01h53s

    Are formless principles too 'woo-woo' for a corporate lawyer? In this episode of the get clarity podcast, we’re going to be answering this question about subtractive psychology: are formless principles too 'woo-woo' for a corporate lawyer? Here’s the back story. You may recall that I conducted a 3-day Clarity 1:1 Coaching Intensive with a corporate lawyer named Andy, in front of a live audience of coaches, therapists and trainers. A year later, I did a live follow-up interview with Andy in front of an audience, to find out how the experience changed his world and give people the chance to ask us BOTH questions. There were some real surprises – for instance someone asked Andy whether he would have been prepared to pay full price for the intensive, knowing what he knows now (Andy paid £4,000 instead of the usual fee of £30,000, in return for letting an audience watch and listen as he went through the entire experience). As you can imagine, I was waiting with baited breath to hear his answer in front of an audie

  • #020 - KEYNOTE: Clarity, Resilience and Doing What You Love

    15/02/2019 Duração: 01h03min

    A keynote I did at the Popup Business School in Westminster. In November of 2018, I was invited to speak to 100 students at the PopUp Business School in Westminster, London. The founders of Popup created it as a response to traditional startup advice, because they felt that stuff was completely inaccessible to some of the people they wanted to inspire... - Unemployed people - People doing jobs they hated - People who were trapped in the benefit system - People who were struggling with addiction, mental health and other issues Basically, people who were traditionally excluded from the kind of support that helps when you're starting up. Not only that, but they’re people who often don’t get to experience the kind of work I do. They run their programmes in partnership with Housing Associations and Local Authorities, to help their constituents get a handle on their financial situations by creating their own income streams. Popup help people start their own business, fast! I was talking with one of the founders, Si

  • #019 - Jamie Smart - The Unashamedly Human Interview

    17/01/2019 Duração: 44min

    Jacquie Forde interviews Jamie Smart for her Unashamedly Human podcast. In this episode of the get clarity podcast, you’re going to hear a conversation I had with an old friend of mine, Jacquie Forde, but it was a conversation with a difference. Jacquie was interviewing me for her podcast, Unashamedly Human, and we had a really open and honest conversation. So I thought you might like to hear what it’s like when I’m sitting on the other side of the microphone. By the way, in the next couple of weeks I’m going to be sharing some of my plans for the year ahead. You may have heard me mention that we’ve been refocusing our vision and mission, so I’m looking forward to sharing how that’s taking shape. We’ve got some very cool brand new stuff planned for 2019 so if you don’t already receive my newsletter, head over to to get on the list.

  • #018 - Your True Identity

    19/12/2018 Duração: 01h01min

    In this episode of the get clarity podcast, you’re going to hear a conversation I had with two of my dearest friends, colleagues and mentors – these are people who’ve had a profound impact on my work and in my life, so I’m really excited to share them with you. And a few pieces of housekeeping before we start:   First of all, this is the final podcast before we pause for the holidays, so I just want to take a moment to wish you and your loved ones a happy, peaceful and restful time over the next few weeks. I know for a lot of people, this can be quite a challenging time of the year, so it can be worth remembering to take it easy on yourself and the on people you care about. A little kindness goes a long way, so I encourage to start by being kind to yourself. At Clarity HQ, our vision is to inspire and educate a generation to experience lives of clarity, resilience and wellbeing, and we believe the most valuable thing a person can discover is how their mind works, so they can remember who they really are. So i

  • #017 - Keynote - Resilient Young Minds: A Vision For The Future

    29/11/2018 Duração: 17min

    In this episode of the get clarity podcast, you’re going to hear a keynote speech I gave at the Resilient Young Minds conference recently. The conference was attended by Teachers, school leaders, Youth Workers, Charity workers, Coaches, Parents, Business owners and a number of young people who joined us. The conference set out to demonstrate that young people: - Are not broken - Do not need to be 'fixed' - Have resilience, resourcefulness and wellbeing inbuilt   Of course, this doesn't just apply to young people - it applies to all of us. I was joined by many friends and colleagues, and it was really heartening to see how many young people and people who support young people are being moved by this understanding.   My team and I believe the most valuable thing a person can discover is the truth of who they really are, so this conference was a great opportunity for us to take a next step towards our vision: to inspire and educate a generation to experience lives of clarity, resilience and wellbeing.   In the w

  • #016 - Schizophrenia, Stress & Depression: 1 Cause & 1 Cure with Dr Bill Pettit

    21/11/2018 Duração: 01h54min

    In this episode of the get clarity podcast, I’m going to be speaking with my friend and colleague, Dr Bill Pettit, so just a couple of things before we get to that. You may already be aware that my team and I have been clarifying our message about who we are as a company and what we’re doing in the world. This is already having an impact on how we’re spending our time. And one of the things we’ve been looking at is the whole domain of mission, vision and purpose. There’s something my team and I passionately believe to be true, and it’s this: We believe the most valuable thing a person can discover is the truth of who they really are.   We also know that there’s incredible value in understanding how your mind works, and so that’s going to be an integral part of how we make progress towards our vision, which is this:   To inspire and educate a generation to experience lives of clarity, resilience and wellbeing.    I’m going to be giving you more of the specifics around this as they emerge, but the conversatio

  • #015 - DEMO: Trump-anxiety and our true identity

    07/11/2018 Duração: 32min

    In this episode, you’re going to hear a coaching session that’s going to be particularly relevant to a lot of people in light of this week’s mid-term elections in the USA, because the client, Kathleen, is feeling frightened and anxious about the social, economic and political climate. At one point in the conversation, you’ll hear me ask what may strike you as a strange and bizarre question: Are you open to the possibility that your feelings don’t know who’s president? As you’ll hear when you listen to the session, Kathleen gets insights into where her experience comes from, and who she really is. This session was taken from a Clarity Community call, and this is a session I do once a month where all my clients, past and present, are invited to a group coaching session. Kathleen’s session was at the start of the community call, so in the final 8 minutes of this episode, I check back in with her. She shares her insights and realisations from the coaching session, and as you’ll hear, things have really shifted.  

  • #014 - Beyond Beliefs, Concepts and Ideas

    17/10/2018 Duração: 07min

    This weeks episode is an excerpt from module 2 of this year's Clarity Coach Training. The reason I chose this clip is that at this point in the session there was a feeling in the group that was just incredible and what I'm going to suggest is that it was because of the direction we were looking in. What I am pointing to is something that is beyond the words. Enjoy! To listen to more shows visit

  • #013 - KEYNOTE - The Search Is Over (Except When It Isn't)

    03/10/2018 Duração: 01h27min

    In this episode we are doing something a little different. This past Sunday (Sep 30th) was international Podcast Day and so to celebrate it we are re-releasing the most popular episode of any of our podcasts. The original episode went out on the Results Mindset Podcast a year ago and it's a keynote that I did at the unlimited conference in Finland called 'The Search is Over (except when it isn't)... by far our most listened to show. Enjoy!

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