Scott Lorsch



Welcome to Scott Lorsch, where amazing things happen. This channel is about the little things in life and how awesome they can be!


  • Long Busy and Fun

    12/10/2018 Duração: 03min

    This week has a long busy and fun week! I had a lot of work, I got to spend time with my family, I didn’t get much sleep. All in all, it was a fantastic week and I’m very appreciative of the people in my life helping me out. A huge shout out to Seth Carter, Ernie Green, and Jeni Watson for hooking me up with some amazing business! I truly appreciate you guys! Also, thank you to my dad for being my office buddy and mentor always!

  • Pink Walls!

    10/10/2018 Duração: 01min

    Today has been a simpler day. I did an awesome shoot for Posh Dental in Chandler. They had a gorgeous building and the best part was their walls were pink. I hadn’t seen walls like that since my sister’s room from when she grew up. That is all for today!

  • Take Care Of Your Home

    09/10/2018 Duração: 03min

    Saw a home today that had not been taken care of and it was super gross. It is sad to see homes like this since they are such large assets and treated so poorly. If you own a home and have that giant asset, take care of it. Don’t let it go bad.

  • Learning Facebook Ads

    08/10/2018 Duração: 06min

    Still looking at homes with my dad to find what homes we like and want to flip. It is taking a while but we will figure it out. Recently been trying to understand Facebook ads. It is a lot more complicated in understanding the numbers since real estate is pretty broad. I will figure it out but it has been a struggle.

  • I'm not perfect

    05/10/2018 Duração: 10min

    Yesterday did not get a chance to make a video because I was out doing realtor things. I had an orientation in the morning and then saw some homes later in the day. Forgot to mention in the video my dad and I saw some homes together and are starting to figure out what homes we want to look for. The main part of the video today is about being imperfect and owning it. I watch a documentary of Shawn Mendes and he said the most amazing quote ever! "Not every performance can be perfect, and the reason people love it is because it's me not because I’m perfect." This rung so true to me of accepting your imperfections and loving the you that you are. People work with me and enjoy me because I am myself not because I’m perfect. The kid is 19 and figured out what I’ve been working on for over 26 years. I want to know what makes you imperfect and awesome?!


    02/10/2018 Duração: 05min

    Cleaned up my desk and slowly closing up loose ends so that I can fully focus on real estate ventures. Going to look at homes tomorrow with my dad to start to get a feel for the market and see what we need to do to flip homes. Not sure the exact direction but we are going to learn as we go. What is one new adventure you are starting?

  • Putting Out The Right Energy

    01/10/2018 Duração: 05min

    I had a fantastic weekend this week and realized why. I put the right energy for a good time out into the world and it came back with a great time. My video last week talked about faking it till you make it and is that lying to yourself. I realize now that it is not lying because if my goal is to be happy and successful my actions and energy need to match that no matter what. Yes I might be pushing myself to change but it is all in the right direction to make myself fit into my goal. If you put the proper energy out there then you will succeed in whatever you are doing.

  • Fake It Till You Make It?

    28/09/2018 Duração: 06min

    Had a fantastic shoot on Wednesday at Padre Murphy's. Unreal that I was able to shoot the outside patio. I've linked the tour below. Did not get a chance to make a video yesterday because I ran out of time so please forgive me :) I wanted to talk about this week about being down. I have recently felt these times of almost sadness where I just don't have the energy and I'm afraid that I'm just "Faking it till I make it" to get out of is. I am genuinely happy and love my life but sometimes I just don't feel great. I'm trying to work through it and smile every day. Let me know if this happens to you and is it really faking it if you push yourself to be happy. Have a great weekend!

  • I'm Scared

    25/09/2018 Duração: 02min

    I'm currently scared of fixing and flipping homes. I'm not sure where to start or what to do. I'm currently watching Will Smith about to bungy jump over the grand canyon and it has made me realize i'm nervous for him but as well for myself since I am not facing my fears. I think the biggest thing is I don't know where to start and what to do. Comment below what is 1 thing I can do in Real Estate to get me started in the right direction

  • Working Towards Your End Goal

    24/09/2018 Duração: 03min

    I find that a lot of people, including myself, have many aspirations and desires in life but even when we know what they are we do not do anything to get to those goals. If you know you want to have extra money to buy a home in the future why don't you do everything to get that money to buy that home? What about the people who know they will have school debt? Why not start a side job to lessen your debt in the end. Not saying go crazy and not do what you love but why not try. What goals do you have that you haven't moved forward on? What would get you started?

  • Perfect Dimensions Update 9-21

    21/09/2018 Duração: 09min

    Got my Realtor license and joined Joi Realty. They are a fantastic group that makes me feel at home. Really enjoy the designated broker since she is very smart and responsive. Her team is also very good so I'm glad I chose them. Going to start looking at how to flip homes. Very excited for this process.

  • Reviews: How to utilize them for you business

    20/09/2018 Duração: 04min

    Reviews are fantastic for your business to allow customers to see how awesome you are before they select you. To get reviews you should call or email your existing customers and ask for a review. On your email, you should ask for an honest review and put exactly where you want the reviews. I recommend putting the links to Yelp, Google, and Facebook for your business so that customers do not have to work hard to find the place to review you. Don't make them do work. If they ask they can copy the same review to all 3 places since different customers will appear at each site. Once you have a review, respond to it whether it is good or bad. This shows potential customers that you are active and work with your customers. Thank them for the review! If it is a negative review, explain what really happened so hopefully the person who reads it sees the true story.

  • Pricing?!? How does it work?

    19/09/2018 Duração: 03min

    Been trying to understand why the business experts I follow never talk about pricing and how to do it. I don't know if it's that there is no correct answer, they do not want to give up their secret, people would think they are greedy, etc. What do you think? How do you do your pricing?

  • HAPPY FRIDAY (I ran 1 mile for fun?!?)

    19/09/2018 Duração: 02min

    Today is a great day since I'm back at parkour. I also ran 1 mile today because one of my favorite YouTube channels, Yes Theory, is having a group run around the world. As a collective people from around the world are running 1 mile so we would all "run around the world". It was a cool experience because part of it was talking about what we are afraid of starting. I said how I'm afraid of buying and selling my first flip. I'm excited about it but still scared. But hey, Life is fucking good! Have an amazing weekend!

  • Four Hour Work Week?

    19/09/2018 Duração: 02min

    Is it possible?

  • I'M FREE

    19/09/2018 Duração: 03min

    Finally done with the real estate exam and the studying that came with it. I feel so relieved that I’m able to get back to doing things that make me happy like creating content, looking at different business plans, and doing the things that I love. It was a long struggle but I’m happy that I passed and I can move forward now.


    19/09/2018 Duração: 02min

    After 6 weeks of studying and losing my evenings to Real Estate School, I've passed. I passed on the first try and this happened because I put my mind to it. I said fuck it to everyone who had some sort of doubt or said that "most people take it 3 or 4 times till they pass". It was determination and hard work that made my luck of getting it on the first try.

  • You can't control the S**T!!!

    19/09/2018 Duração: 03min

    Got woken up at 12:30 AM because my guest checking in couldn’t open the doors and had to go help them out. Then I forgot I needed to get stuff for my networking meeting to one of the guys since I wasn’t going to be there and got woken up at 6:30 and at the end of it all you just can’t control the shit that goes down and even if you’re taking a real estate exam in the morning. You just got a roll with the punches


    19/09/2018 Duração: 01min


  • I'm TERRIFIED of failing!

    19/09/2018 Duração: 05min

    Are you afraid to fail? I’ve recently realized that I am absolutely terrified of failing. This is something that drives me but at the same time worries me every day. I watch a lot of videos that say that you should not worry about what other people think or what other people say or where you are successfully in the world, but it still terrifies me to fail. I want to know what are some ways that you are afraid of failing.

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