The Unexplained With Howard Hughes



Join Howard Hughes as he explores the world of the unexplained, live from London Howard has been in conversation with some of the world's most renown mediums and paranormal investigators, more information is available on The Unexplained website - where you can join the mailing list, contact Howard and more!


  • Edition 51 - Gerald Celente


    This time – as 2011 dawns – a return visit from US Trendmaster Gerald Celente – as featuredon CNN, “Oprah” and tv and radio outlets worldwide.

  • Edition 50 - Special Edition


    This Special 50th Anniversary Edition trawls the Archives of The Unexplained to bring yousome of the material youve asked for over the last few years...

  • Winter Message 2010


    Winter Message from Howard Hughes, December 2010...

  • Edition 49 - UFO Sightings


    This Edition showcases the extensive and detailed UFO research by retired BirminghamPoliceman John Hanson and his research-partner Dawn Holloway. Hear their amazing and, in many cases,previously-unheard accounts of UK sightings and contacts.

  • Edition 48 - Linda Moulton Howe


    This edition features questing US investigative journalist Linda Moulton Howe. Her work onsubjects like alien contact and cattle mutilations has won acclaim and awards. Hear about her latestresearch on the state of our planet.

  • Edition 47 - Kevin Richardson


    This show features the remarkable Kevin Richardson in South Africa - known worldwide for hiswork and close companionship with lions and other dangerous creatures. His insights are breathtaking.

  • Edition 46 - David Icke


    This show features a man youve been asking me to get back on the show for months - DavidIcke. Davids views about politics, the global economy and who manipulates the reins of power are deeplycontroversial but always worth hearing.

  • Edition 45 - Lorna Byrne


    This Edition features a woman who was unknown two and a half years ago and now has a sixfigure book deal and worldwide interest. Irishwoman Lorna Byrne says all her life shes been able to seeAngels. And she says they have given her messages about the future of our planet. Angels in Her Hair isa remarkable story - so is Lorna Byrnes whole life.

  • Edition 44 - Heather Couper


    This show features an old friend - world-famous British Astronomer Heather Couper - Heathertalks about her lifes work and her views about life on other planets - including the latest discoveryGliese 581G.

  • Edition 43 - Malcolm Robinson


    This show features Scottish Paranormal writer and investigator Malcolm Robinson. Hear astaggering tale of claimed alien aduction, some amazing UFO stories and very chilling ghost revelations- all told with passion and credibility.

  • Edition 42 - Scott Stephens


    This Edition features American weather expert Scott Stephens who appeared with Howard onradio a number of times between 2003 and 2006 and then disappeared... He believes our weather is beingdeliberately tampered with - hear why he vanished and what his latest thoughts are on this show.

  • Edition 41 - Michael Tellinger


    This Edition features South African Michael Tellinger, an old friend of The Unexplained...Have you ever asked where we came from , who we really are and what we are here to do? Michael believeshe has the answers - and , as he starts his US Tour in New York (Aug 26th) he tells us his latestfindings.

  • Edition 40 - Michael Horn


    This Edition features Michael Horn, US representative of highly controversial allegedContactee Billy Meier who claims to have received countless prophecies from beings his work has beenwidely challenged... Now make up your own mind

  • Edition 39 - Seth Shostak


    This Edition features Senior Astronomer Seth Shostak at the Search For Extra-TerrestrialIntelligence Institute - SETI. For more than a quarter of a century it has been scanning the "skies" andradio waves beyond our planet for evidence we may not be alone...

  • Edition 38 - Barrie John


    This Edition features British Medium Barrie John - famous for his stage shows and a stringof radio and tv appearances. Barrie is very down to earth - but his work certainly is not!

  • Edition 37 - Jacky Newcomb


    This Edition is a Special with friend of the show Jacky Newcomb. She is The Angel Lady, asseen on British ITV 1s This Morning show...

  • Edition 36 - The Shroud of Turin


    Nigel Kerner is an author and journalist best known for work on Aliens and UFOs; but he hasjust returned from the latest exhibition of The Shroud of Turin at Frascati, Italy - hear his views andthoughts alongside medical doctor Andrew Silverman.

  • Edition 35 - ESA Response


    This is a shortened Edition - Senior European Space Agency man Oliver Witasse replies toRichard Hoaglands statements that Phobos is not natural - and may be some kind of spaceship.

  • Edition 34 - Richard C Hoagland


    This is a world Exclusive with Richard C Hoagland where he has information that more thansuggests Europes Space Agency has, and is set to publicly confirm, information proving the Mars moonPhobos is NOT a natural structure!

  • Edition 33 - Lynne Kitei


    This is an Extended Unexplained Special Edition with Dr Lynne Kitei who was one of thethousands who experienced strange ariel phenomena over Phoenix, Arizona on and around March 13th, 1997.

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