The Unexplained With Howard Hughes



Join Howard Hughes as he explores the world of the unexplained, live from London Howard has been in conversation with some of the world's most renown mediums and paranormal investigators, more information is available on The Unexplained website - where you can join the mailing list, contact Howard and more!


  • Edition 551 - Brandy Schillace


    *WARNING - DISTURBING CONTENT - LISTENER DISCRETION ADVISED* - US medical researcher/author Brandy Schillace and the extraordinary story of neurosurgeon Dr Robert White and his research into head/body transplantation...

  • Edition 550 - Nick Pope & Derrel Sims


    Two guests - Nick Pope on the leak from the unclassified Washington UFO Report due to be published soon... plus a longer conversation with Art Bell regular guest Derrel Sims in Texas - "the Alien Hunter".

  • Edition 549 - Luis Elizondo


    This time a full one-hour conversation with the man who ran AATIP, Luis Elizondo... We talk about the forthcoming unclassified Report on what the US government knows about "UAPs" and MUCH more...

  • Edition 548 - Nicholas Schmidle


    In light of the latest Virgin galactic test flight news a conversation with New Yorker writer Nicholas Schmidle - who has written the full, behind the scenes story of Virgin Galactic and its people "Test Gods"...

  • Edition 547 - James Fox, Jeremy Corbell & Sean Cahill


    A new and important conversation with James Fox, who created acclaimed documentary "The Phenomenon", world-famous investigator/film-maker Jeremy Corbell and Sean Cahill - who was serving aboard USS Princeton in 2004 at the start of the "tic tac" UFO revelations...

  • Edition 546 - Colin Stuart


    British space expert and educator Colin Stuart - on travelling in space - and what you need to be and have to go there for long periods...

  • Edition 545 - Jacques Vallee And Paola Harris


    An exclusive and extended conversation with world-renowned investigators Jacques Vallee and Paola Harris together on their deep research into a UFO crash in 1945 - two years before Roswell... They've done extensive new research and spoken to living witnesses for their book "Trinity - The Best Kept Secret "...

  • Edition 544 - Deb Kaubl


    Deb Kauble talks about her astonishing "UFO/alien" experience that changed her life and made her the basis of researcher Budd Hopkins' most famous book "Intruders"...

  • Edition 543 - James Goodwin


    Professor James Goodwin on the secrets behind the human brain - and, maybe, how to make it work better...

  • Edition 542 - Dr David Whitehouse & Vincent Wilson


    Two guests - first we recall the life of Apollo 11 Commander Michael Collins - who has died aged 90 - with Dr David Whitehouse, author of "Apollo 11 - The Inside Story" - Then a long conversation with Vincent Wilson... parapsychologist and illusionist... on seances, ouija boards, entities and the afterlife...

  • Edition 541 - Dr Jim Tucker


    Dr Jim Tucker in Virginia, USA has given a large part of his life to researching and collecting details of astonishing , and often moving, cases of children who clearly recalled past lives

  • Edition 540 - Dr Piero Calvi Parisetti


    A return for Dr Piero Calvi Parisetti in Glasgow, Scotland... on his latest research into dying, death and the afterlife...

  • Edition 539 - Professor Ekaterina Dadachova & Richard Rokeby


    Two guests - First , marking 35 years since Chernobyl, Professor Ekaterina Dadachova in Canada who has studied the effects of the nuclear accident... Then Richard Rokeby on the deeply strange Burton Dassett "UFO case..."

  • Edition 538 - Stephen Walker


    Stephen Walker has done extensive and excellent research into the space race between the USA and USSR in the early 60s that culminated in Yuri Gagarin becoming the first to leave our biosphere...This is the untold story - from Stephen's book "Beyond"...

  • Edition 537 - Paul Ascough


    Paul Ascough in Yorkshire has experienced UFOs and paranormality all his life... his new book "UFOs - The Real Story" ties them together...

  • Special - Jeremy Corbell


    Film-maker and acclaimed investigator Jeremy Corbell - fresh from his big interview with Tucker Carlssson in the US - on the strange footage of "UFOs" buzzing US Navy warships...

  • Edition 536 - Mireya Mayor


    World famous wildlife broadcaster and scientist Mireya Mayor on her discoveries - her work - and the ongoing quest for Bigfoot.

  • Edition 535 - Dr Chris Smith & Senan Molony


    On this edition, two guests - Acclaimed science educator Dr Chris Smith on the fascinating newly-discovered "fifth force of nature" and - on the anniversary of the Titanic sinking in April 1912 - Irish journalist Senan Molony on his comprehensive research into the tragedy that claimed more than 1500 lives.

  • Edition 534 - Darcy Weir, Steven Bassett & Gary King


    Three top names - Canadian Film-maker Darcy Weir, top Disclosure advocate Steven Bassett from the PRG and leading Crop Circle researcher Gary King - together on a digital linkup from Vancouver, Washington and Mexico - discuss their latest work together...

  • Edition 533 - Dr Jeffrey Long


    Leading NDE researcher Dr Jeffrey Long - founder of the Near Death Experience Research Foundation - has done decades of diligent and detailed research and thousands of case studies of near death experiencers (NDE'ers) and their accounts - hear his conclusions on this edition...

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