Steve Forbes: What's Ahead



In a disjointed and bewildering world, Steve Forbes engages todays thought-leaders to give listeners a better grasp of whats ahead. This weekly podcast launches Season 1 on Sunday, March 17, 2019. Subscribe now.


  • S2E6: Cow Sh*t, Climate Change, and Free Trade: A Conversation with Hubertus Mühlhäuser

    27/10/2019 Duração: 42min

    The “second son” of a German manufacturing family, Hubertus Mühlhäuser has made a name for himself in his own right as the CEO of CNH Industrial, the second-largest agricultural manufacturer on the planet. A global citizen who speaks four languages, Mühlhäuser has lived and worked in China, Argentina, Switzerland, Germany and the United States. In this episode, Mühlhäuser shares his global perspective on pressing matters such as climate change and international trade, offers a peek into the exciting world of agricultural technology, and explains his views on creativity and collaboration in the workplace.

  • S2E5: 22 Million Jobs And Hospital Care from Home? The Future of 5G With Steven Mollenkopf

    20/10/2019 Duração: 45min

    According to Qualcomm CEO and self-proclaimed "gadget person" Steven Mollenkopf, there was a time when industry professionals doubted whether consumers would really use their mobile devices for anything other than placing phone calls. How wrong they were. These days we’re in the fourth generation of cellular broadband technology (4G), and the demand to stream video, use GPS and listen to podcasts on our smartphones grows higher every day. In this episode of What’s Ahead, join Steve as he talks to Mollenkopf about 5G—an expansion of data capabilities that could change how we interact with everything from our cars to our doctors.Also, Steve looks to the week ahead with a focus on the US/China trade dispute, the Canadian elections, the Syria catastrophe, continued talk of a Trump Impeachment, the anticipated Barr report -- and lots of financial numbers that help to understand the state of the American economy. For Steve’s Read of the Week, he recommends three articles. They are: Joe Biden Isn’t Go

  • S2E4: The Pioneer Who Upended The Investment Model By Putting Investors First: Charles Schwab

    13/10/2019 Duração: 38min

    Disreputable. To the suspicious skeptics, that’s the word that described Charles Schwab’s idea of a discounted brokerage firm during the firm’s nascent days. Ironic, considering Schwab’s goal then (and now) was to help individuals do a better job of investing in order to be a part of what Schwab calls “the great growth of America.” In Schwab’s conversation with Steve, hear some of the stories featured in his recently published book, Invested: Changing Forever The Way Americans Invest, about the many personal and professional stumbling blocks he navigated along his path to incredible success building The Charles Schwab Corporation, one of the largest brokerage firms in the U.S. Steve also looks at the week ahead and speaks to a bunch of economic numbers, the upcoming democratic debate on Tuesday, October 15th, the travesty of Turkey’s abandonment of the Kurds and more on the trade deal with China and the China-NBA controversy. Steve’s “Reads of the Week” consist of two articles and a google sear

  • S2E3: Fighting For Gender Equality: Melinda Gates

    06/10/2019 Duração: 56min

    For Melinda Gates, there’s never been a more critical time to call the world to action to break down system barriers for women. In her recent book, The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World, Gates shares enlightening data and personal stories from her work around the globe where she’s seen first-hand the power in challenging the status quo and dismantling pervasive gender inequities to advance society. Steve sat down with Melinda at The Executives’ Club of Chicago earlier this year to discuss why investing in women unlocks opportunity for all, her own struggles in finding her voice and achieving equality at home, as well as her lessons learned to incite lasting change. 

  • S2E2: Bold Life Lessons From The Master Of Finance: Stephen Schwarzman - Part Two

    29/09/2019 Duração: 45min

    First, Steve addresses impeachment, Israel’s election, Iran’s pain caused by financial sanctions, Brexit and what’s up with the Federal reserve pumping money into banks? Then, in part two of this series, Blackstone Group Cofounder & CEO Stephen Schwarzman discusses the firm’s growth into a global behemoth including a paradigm-shifting investment deal made with China — the first time the country ever invested in a private company. The self-made billionaire also details the prescient call he almost didn’t make to the Treasury Secretary on the brink of the 2008 financial crisis. Also, hear about his philanthropic work through the Schwarzman Scholarship, akin to the Rhodes Scholarship, which brings an international cohort of students to Beijing. This is the final episode in a two-part conversation.Last, Steve’s “Read of the Week” consists of three articles: “Trump’s Fight With The ‘Globalists’” by Daniel Henninger, “Realities Of The Current Trade War” by Frank Hollenbeck and “The Limits Of Clean Energy”

  • S2E1: Bold Life Lessons From The Master Of Finance: Stephen Schwarzman - Part One

    22/09/2019 Duração: 48min

    First up, Steve shares his thoughts on a bunch of economic numbers coming out including residential housing prices, consumer confidence index and durable goods numbers. He also speaks to the upcoming United Nations meeting and the United Kingdom Supreme Court.Then, with a personal net worth of over $18 billion dollars, venerable Wall Street titan and Blackstone Group Cofounder, Chair and CEO, Steve Schwarzman, has become the world’s most powerful financial leader. This hard-fought success is documented in his new book, What It Takes: Lessons In The Pursuit Of Excellence which details Schwarzman’s remarkable journey from not knowing the difference between a stock and a bond at his first Wall Street job to leading an investment firm that controls companies worth over $500 billion. One of the key takeaways? The person at the top of any organization should always be eager to learn—and to teach. Which is why he has created a uniquely successful culture at Blackstone aim

  • S1E25: The Dynamic Story Of America's Booming Latino Population: Sol Trujillo

    15/09/2019 Duração: 35min

    First up, Steve shares his thoughts on the central banks and trade.Next, born to a struggling family in Cheyenne, Wyoming, Sol Trujillo, chairman of the Latino Donor Collaborative, has achieved great success. Across his career, he’s headed up major telecommunications companies in the U.S. and around the world. Trujillo points out the Latino community is starting more new businesses than any other group in this country and has incomes rising faster than the national average. As he tells Steve on the latest episode of “What’s Ahead,” Trujillo points out the economic growth potential for the Latino community and details the common-sense reforms that Trujillo says are needed in our immigration system to unlock the true potential of this community for the benefit of us all.Lastly, Steve's "Reads of the Week" are two pieces. The first is by Burton Folsom, "How The Myth Of The Robber Barons Began And Why It Persists" and the second is by Steve, himself, "Pelosi's 'Medicare For All' Strategy Looks A lot Like A Big Wo

  • S1E24: Why GDP Fails to Accurately Measure Economic Health: Mark Skousen

    08/09/2019 Duração: 42min

    First up, Steve speaks to a myriad of economic markers to look for this week, Boris Johnson, interest rates and noise about China.Then, accomplished economist, columnist and professor Mark Skousen calls for a new way to assess the health of the economy. While analysts traditionally look to gross domestic product (GDP) as the ultimate economic indicator, Skousen argues that its narrow focus obfuscates the real drivers of growth. Instead, he champions gross output (GO), which measures spending throughout the entire production process—not just the final output—as he believes it’s a far more comprehensive and accurate indicator of economic health. Hear Skousen dispel the popular Keynesian notion that consumer spending drives growth and why the U.S. may be on the path towards recession.Lastly, Steve’s Reads of the Weeks are two articles. The first is by Angelo Codevilla, “What’s Russia To Us?" And by Robert B. Zoellick, “The Trade Wars Winners Don’t Include Us.”

  • S1E23: Managing Money and Saving Souls: Stephen Auth

    01/09/2019 Duração: 35min

    First up, Steve speaks to a myriad of topics including the upcoming Democratic debates, the White House battle with the Fed, why we should focus on export/import numbers instead of the trade deficit to determine global and national economic health and China’s talk about trade despite the crackdown in Hong Kong.Then, prominent investing veteran, Stephen Auth, chief investment officer for Federated Investors, discusses the universal truths he’s learned on his unconventional journey to enlightenment on Wall Street and beyond. From going temporarily blind on a missionary trip in Mexico to bringing lapsed Catholics back to their faith on the hectic New York City streets, Auth shares what he’s learned about perseverance in the face of suffering, embracing humility and his journey to becoming a more compassionate leader. Hear Auth’s insight on the future of Catholicism and why a modern, business-minded approach is what’s needed to reform this 2,000 year old institution.Lastly, Steve’s “Read Of The Week” are two arti

  • S1E22: Can a Return to Common Sense Save Our Democracy: Philip Howard

    25/08/2019 Duração: 46min

    First up, Steve speaks to an array of issues including the intensification of the conflict in Hong Kong, the Federal Reserve and consumer spending and confidence.Then, Philip Howard, author of the new blockbuster book Try Common Sense: Replacing the Failed Ideologies of Right and Left, sits down with Steve to explain why the never-ending avalanche of literally millions of usually-unnecessary, nitpicking rules from Washington and local governments, since the 1960s, is undermining our democracy. Americans rightly feel they have lost control over so much of their lives and that elections don’t make much difference. Both parties are at fault. Howard then lays out the exciting remedies to get our country back in the hands of We the People. Lastly, Steve’s “Reads of the Weeks” consist of four articles. They are: "A Hundred Year Treasury? " by the Wall Street Journal editorial board, "Argentina Needs The Dollar” by Mary Anastasia O’Grady, “Europe Does Not Exist” by Josef Joffe and Steve celebrates the 100t

  • S1E21: Wall Street Turbulence And Dividend-Growth Stocks Are Perfect Together: David Bahnsen

    18/08/2019 Duração: 39min

    First up, Steve speaks to a number of topics such as inverted yield rates which could mean a recession is coming, a great anecdote about his dad, Malcolm Forbes, Hong Kong and Iran continued tensions and upcoming financial reports including home sales and unemployment insurance claims.Then, recent stock market turmoil has investors asking: What’s the best path for fantastic—and sustainable—wealth creation? Prepare yourself for a happy shock! It’s not high-tech stocks—unless you can always pick winners like Facebook and avoid the countries busts. David Bahnsen, author of The Case for Dividend Growth, makes the remarkable case that a dividend-growth strategy is the best way to superb, long-term returns. And get this: the kind of volatility we see now can be an investor’s best friend. Bahnsen tells us what to look for to find these great stocks.Lastly, Steve’s “Read Of The Weeks” are three articles. They are: Top Secret Teens: The Highschoolers Recruited By The National Security Agency by Alex Marquard

  • S1E20: Optimism In The Face Of “The Bad News Industry”: Matt Ridley

    11/08/2019 Duração: 30min

    First up, Steve speaks to pressing topics such as oil taking a hit, retail sales, Iran sanctions, continued trade tension with China and the growing strife between Japan and South Korea.Then, Matt Ridley, a journalist, member of the British House of Lords, and author of The Rational Optimist, argues that despite today’s constant influx of negative news, life is getting better at an accelerating rate. Ridley challenges popularly held beliefs about the current state of the world, citing that extreme poverty has been defeated, food production is more efficient than ever, humans are living longer, and warfare is actually on the decline. If there’s one thing the defiantly optimistic Ridley worries about, it’s too much bureaucracy which he sees as an attempt to curb trade and stifle innovation. Plus, hear Ridley’s thoughts on how climate change will actually improve society in the short term and why economic prosperity is even good for endangered animals and the environment.Last, Steve’s “Read of the Week” is two a

  • S1E19: Success Stories From A Serial Entrepreneur: John Catsimatidis

    04/08/2019 Duração: 42min

    First up, Steve warns about the dire social unrest in Hong Kong and the unrelenting trade tension with China.Then, John Catsimatidis arrived in America as a young Greek immigrant and started kindergarten not speaking a word of English. Now, he's a billionaire. Hear about his voracious entrepreneurial appetite that led him from making a dollar an hour working at a grocery store to building a supermarket empire. Then followed real estate investment, an oil refinery, a media company and more. His story is full of humor, smarts and insight into the beloved American “can-do” attitude.Lastly, Steve's "Read of the Week" is two articles. The first is by Nathan Lewis on called, "Stable Value Is Our Monetary Goal, Not Stable Prices." The second is by Gideon Rachman called, "Hong Kong Is A Flashpoint In The New Cold War."

  • S1E18: On The Edge Of A Bold, New Technological Era: Catherine Wood

    28/07/2019 Duração: 42min

    First up, Steve talks about the Fed’s involvement in interest rates and the ongoing threat of Iran.Then, Catherine Wood, CEO of Ark Invest, helps us peer into the future of genome sequencing, robotics, artificial intelligence, energy storage and blockchain technology. Plus, hear why she feels Tesla, as led by Elon Musk, is way ahead in the electric vehicle game, why electric vehicles are here to stay — and why banks are in trouble.Next, Steve’s “Read of the Week” is an article by Robert Kagan in Foreign Affairs magazine titled, “The Return Of The German Question.”

  • S1E17: How Robots Will Free Us To Pursue Our Passions: John Tamny

    21/07/2019 Duração: 31min

    First up, Steve talks baseball trading and Hong Kong protests heating up.Then, John Tamny, political economy editor at, editor of RealClearPolitics and author of The End of Work: Why Your Passion Can Become Your Job, says the belief that robots and automation will erase millions of jobs today, is misguided. Instead, Tamny argues these advances promise to positively change the very nature of work, beget jobs never before imagined and ultimately unleash creativity. Hear Tamny share his thoughts on how robots will liberate us to do the work we love and drive prosperity -- and, why college football players should major in college ball. Lastly, Steve's "Read of the Week" are two magazine articles. The first is by James Grant in the Wall Street Journal called, "The Fed Could Use A Golden Rule." The other is by our guest, John Tamny on, called, "Meet El Salvador, Slayer of Keynesian and Monetarist Mysticism."

  • S1E16: Latvia Is Primed For Far-Sighted Investors: Krisjanis Karins

    14/07/2019 Duração: 41min

    First up, Steve has a feeling the market will provide a buying opportunity. Will you take advantage of it?Next, American-born Krisjanis Karins is the prime minister of Latvia, a small Baltic country that's been building itself up since its independence from the USSR in 1991. Hear Karins share why Latvia is a great bet for investment due to its highly-educated citizenry, its tech inventiveness and its dedication to cleaning up financial crime.Lastly, Steve's "Read of the Week" is two articles, both found at One is by Ethan Siegel titled, "Are We Alone In The Universe?" and the other is titled, "The Human Miracle" by John Podhoretz.

  • S1E15: Flipping The Script: Eva Longoria

    07/07/2019 Duração: 37min

    First up, Steve talks about Major League Baseball's All-Star Game on Tuesday, 7/9, and shares his favorite Trump pick for the Federal Reserve board.Then, award-winning actor, philanthropist, activist and founding member of the Time’s Up movement, Eva Longoria, has made a career of challenging the status quo. Once best known for her acclaimed role on the hit show Desperate Housewives, Longoria is now channeling her talents onscreen and off as an outspoken advocate on issues ranging from women’s rights to greater representation for the Latino community. Longoria shares her very personal fight to shape the future of Hollywood, the driving forces that fuel her tireless work ethic and her latest role behind the camera to ensure that diverse storytelling is brought to the forefront.Lastly, Steve's "Read of the Week" is an article by Trent England called, "The Danger of the Attacks on the Electoral College."

  • S1E14: Why Society’s Obsession With Early Success Is Misguided: Rich Karlgaard

    30/06/2019 Duração: 36min

    First up, Steve speaks to the PM race in Britain, ICE negotiations and Trump's standing in the polls.Next, society’s preoccupation with early achievement ignores the reality that for most, identifying your passions and developing your talent takes time. Age is actually an asset, not a liability. Rich Karlgaard, Forbes publisher and author of Late Bloomers: The Power Of Patience In A World Of Early Achievement, makes the case that ignoring this reality has created harmful pressure that can stunt growth in kids and young adults today, rather than foster it.Rich shares compelling research around the psychology of late blooming and why there’s no standard timetable for success. And, lastly, Steve's "Read of of the Week" is two articles. One written by Steve himself, an open letter to Mark Zuckerberg, and the other is by William Langewiesche in The Atlantic titled, "What Really Happened to Malasia's Missing Airplane."

  • S1E13: Democracy Cultivates Critical Tech Innovation In Central Europe: Robert Vass

    23/06/2019 Duração: 29min

    First up, Steve shares thoughts about the democratic presidential debates this week on Wednesday, June 26th and Thursday, June 27th. Next, the small country of Slovakia is now the fifth largest exporter of automobiles to the United States. Robert Vass, founder and president of GLOBSEC, a leading European think tank based in Slovakia, gives a fascinating look into the priorities of Central Europe and how they impact the world. He explores what he calls a critical “generational mission” to help institutions keep up with the current rapid technological advancement. This, in order to nourish democracy and all the fresh talent and ideas born of it or face falling behind.And, Steve's "Read Of The Week" consists of two articles: "The Myth That Eating McDonalds Makes You Obese" by Hans Bader and "Make America Even Greater" by Kimberly Strassel.

  • S1E12: More Robots Will Lead To More Productivity: Mark Mills

    16/06/2019 Duração: 26min

    First up, Steve speculates about interest rates and oil prices.Next, taking human labor out of tasks is something humanity has sought and developed for thousands of years in order to increase productivity. Mark Mills, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and partner of Cottonwood Venture Partners, says productivity leads to more wealth for everyone and the best way to increase it is to make more robots -- that is, accelerate automation. Inspired by Mills’ recently published book, Work In The Age Of Robots, Steve and Mills discuss how automation will benefit people, why it’s regulation, not demand, that will hurt manufacturing and how the FDA is making way for more innovation in technology and drug therapy development....and lastly, Steve’s “Read of the Week” is an article by Steven Malanga in City Journal now titled “Marijuana’s Black Market.”

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