Tikun Olam Productions



A collection of interviews with individuals who are performing acts of tikun olam (repairing the world). Brought to you by Ve'ahavta, a Canadian humanitarian and relief organization, motivated by the Jewish value of Tzedakah (Justice).


  • Wayne McKenna


    It is with great regret we announce the passing of a good friend and client of Ve’ahavta: Wayne McKenna. Just a few short weeks ago, Wayne was a guest on Ve’ahavta radio, where his sincerity, wisdom, and joy were felt by all. Our condolences go out to Wayne’s friends and family. Wayne will be remembered fondly especially by Ve’ahavta’s outreach workers Lauren Gostick and Eric Cisterna, who proved to be strong support systems for Wayne during his illness and last days of his life.

  • Talk about the "Could It Be Me?" campaign.


    Listen to Ve'ahavta Staff, Kirill Zaretsky and Robyn Segall, discuss the inspiration and personal stories behind the "Could It Be Me?" campaign.

  • Wes Larson


    What drove a former Executive to give away $1 million to live on the streets with the homeless?

  • Deputy Police Chief Peter Sloly


    He played for the Toronto Blizzard until his knee blew out. He became a cop and today he is the Deputy Chief. Listen to Peter speak about the police and their compassion. Worth a listen! 

  • An interview with our Chairman of the Board


    An exciting interview with our Chairman of the Board, Henry Greisman.

  • Wendy and Lou Myles


    When a men's fashion mogul, and a philanthropist hook up tikun olam can flow. It does with Wendy and Lou Myles.

  • An interview with Steve Schwartz


    A humorous and enlightening interview with Steve Schwartz, of Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem.

  • 3 fascinating stories of addiction Part 1.


    Listen to 3 fascinating stories of addiction – past, present, and future. One of these guests checked into a rehab program shortly after this interview, stating that we had lifted him up and inspired to make a change.

  • 3 fascinating stories of addiction Part 2.


    Listen to 3 fascinating stories of addiction – past, present, and future.One of these guests checked into a rehab program shortly after this interview, stating that we had lifted him up and inspired to make a change.

  • Avrum and Vac - Sometimes co-hosts just need to talk


    Sometimes co-hosts just need to talk. Listen to Avrum Rosensweig and Vac Verikaitis, co-hosts of Veahavta Radio – talk about life and tikun olam – repairing the world.

  • Joan Ruzsa


    Joan has communicated with people in jail for over 9 years and brought hope to individuals who otherwise live very bleak lives. Please listen to this fascinating interview. You may not agree with all her thoughts and points, however will agree she is certainly compelling and involved in tikun olam (repairing the world). Your thoughts are always appreciated.

  • William and Amanda


    Meet two youth, William and Amanda, living on the streets of Toronto

  • Eric Cisterna and Lauren Gostick


    An Interview with two of Ve'ahavta's Community Poverty Relief staff Eric Cisterna and Lauren Gostick

  • Theresa Schrader and Vac Verikaitis


    Meet Theresa Schrader, former crack addict and prostitute, who turned her life around after winning Ve'ahavta's Creative Writing Contest. She is now a full-time Ve'ahavta staff member and Coordinator of the contest.