Soul-hearted Living With Dr. Debra Reble



Soul-hearted living is a heart-centered podcast guiding you on your soul's journey.


  • Having a Sacred Chat with Your Anxiety

    26/01/2022 Duração: 12min

    Today I'm walking you through my 3 step process of Having a Sacred Chat with Your Anxiety Journaling Practice.    

  • 3 super powered steps to live intentionally

    12/01/2022 Duração: 12min

    What if you saw intention as more than the words you speak or write when you want to create something? What if the “energy” of your intention guided every thought, word, and choice? In other words, you lived intentionally in every moment. Being mindful of the energetic space you create at any moment is key to being intentional. Today I cover 3 superpowered steps to live intentionally from one sacred moment to another.

  • New Moon: Creating Soul Intentions

    03/12/2021 Duração: 18min

    Soul intentions are intentions that start with your innate divinity and elevate you to a higher, more evolved soul level. They are completely aligned with your soul’s path. These intentions originate from your soul blueprint and come from your heart, not your head. They are divinely downloaded and stem from a divine energy that knows there’s nothing about you that needs to be fixed, only supported to evolve to your highest soul potential.

  • Shift your anxiety by taking time to pause

    01/09/2021 Duração: 10min

    Giving ourselves the “permission to pause” is an important tool in shifting our anxiety to spiritual opportunity. It provides time and space to gain healthy detachment in any situation that arouses any reaction. When we push the pause button, we can step away from the person or situation, take some deep breaths, and drop into our heart space.  

  • 3 Ways to Expand Your Conscious Awareness To Reduce Anxiety

    21/07/2021 Duração: 15min

    Today I will be sharing 3 ways to expand your conscious awareness to reduce anxiety. Conscious awareness is your intuitive ability to tune in to information that provides you with an enlightened, more spiritual perspective on life. When you are consciously present, anxiety and fear cannot exist in this same space.

  • Healing White Light Meditation

    07/07/2021 Duração: 22min

    Today I will guide you through a 10-15 white light meditation to recalibrate your energies, raises your vibration, and release any negative or blocked energy. White light is the highest frequency in the universe and can be used for bringing your energies into a harmonious flow.

  • Sacred Practices to Awaken Your Soul's Calling

    23/06/2021 Duração: 14min

    Like the phoenix rising out of the ashes, you are liberating yourself from anything that shackles your soul. You are being called, nudged, and even frustrated to the point of waking up to a new life. You have the capacity to do what you are being called to do. It’s time: no more postponing your soul’s call to action. Learn 3 sacred practices that I use to awaken to my soul's calling and stay in alignment with my soul's path.

  • 3 Sacred Practices to Stay in High Vibe

    09/06/2021 Duração: 12min

    It’s easy to stay in high vibration when life is going as you planned or envisioned. But, what about the times when things are challenging, daunting, or your best-laid plans come undone. Sustaining a high vibration becomes harder when life comes at you, doesn’t it? One of the guiding principles I live by is that I am responsible for the energy I bring to every moment. When I think, speak, and choose from love, my energy transcends. Coming from fear, descends my energy.  

  • 3 Sacred Practices Strengthen Trust in the Midst of Uncertainty

    19/05/2021 Duração: 12min

    If you struggle with fear and self-doubt and they hold you back from co-creating the soul-hearted life you want, you are in the right place, my beautiful friend. Today I will be sharing 3 trust strengthening practices that take you from fear to living in the light of trust.

  • A 3 Step Anxiety-Soothing Strategy to Quickly Bring Yourself into Balance

    05/05/2021 Duração: 14min

    Today I will be sharing my 5 minute 3 step Anxiety-Soothing Strategy (and lots of wisdom) to help you manage your anxiety and bring yourself back into balance quickly. As a highly sensitive empath myself, I know how your sensitivity triggers anxiety! But you can learn to use it as part of your intuitive guidance system.   4)

  • Spiritual Completion VS Physical Closure What's the Difference?

    21/04/2021 Duração: 14min

    The period of spiritual completion is a time of endings and new beginnings. These life-death-rebirth cycles aren’t just an act of finality, but one of transition and spiritual growth. Such cycles run together like watercolors on a white canvas, and ending merging with a new beginning. I’ve been asked over the years, “What’s the difference between completion and closure?” Simply, completion is a spiritual process whereas closure is a physical one. Today I will share the difference and how to embrace these times of transformation as part of your soul journey.

  • Hitting the Pandemic Wall: 3 Strategies to Help you Manage

    07/04/2021 Duração: 12min

    Feeling like you've hit the pandemic wall? You're not alone! It's been almost a year since the quarantine began and you're probably experiencing fatigue, overwhelm, or even burnout. There are many layers to how this pandemic has impacted your life whether it's physically, emotionally, and spiritually, even economically. However you're dealing with the stress is unique but, I'm sure you can use a little extra support. So today I'm sharing 3 strategies to help you manage yoru mind, body, and spirit in these challenging times.

  • Protecting Your Energies Using Energetic Boundaries

    24/03/2021 Duração: 16min

    Today I'm going to share 3 sacred strategies for protecting your energy field by putting energetic boundaries in place. You may feel that you don’t have control over what comes into your energy field. This makes it easy for you to be overwhelmed energetically. Without energetic boundaries in place, you absorb other people's energies into your energy field. This happens most often when you are tired or feel physically or emotionally vulnerable. In these situations, it may be difficult for you to set healthy energetic boundaries. That's why it's essential that you create energetic boundaries before you enter any negatively charged situation. 

  • Transcend Being Triggered by Others

    10/03/2021 Duração: 11min

    One of our greatest challenges is learning to remain calm and non-reactive with anyone and in any situation. Transcending anything that triggers past trauma or an unhealed wound is the key to becoming responsive to life and its many challenges. Whether it’s a physical or emotional reaction, these are evolutionary opportunities for awakening and spiritual growth. When you learn to remain calm in the midst of conflict or upset, you will have transcended being triggered by others. Today I will share 3 sacred steps to transcend being triggered.

  • 3 Sacred Steps To clear Emotional Clutter

    24/02/2021 Duração: 14min

    This year I am recording my podcasts via Facebook to repurpose my LIVE offerings for ease and grace. Moving into 2021 may have kicked purging and clearing your physical space into high gear! The clearing of physical clutter goes hand in hand with the clearing of emotional clutter. Both create space outside and inside for new energy to come into your life. It's essential to take the time to release any emotional clutter that's weighing heavily on you. Today I will give you 3 sacred steps for clearing and healing the emotional clutter that's taking up space in your body, mind, and life.  

  • Choosing & Magnetizing Your Word Mantra for 2021

    10/02/2021 Duração: 16min

    In 2021 I will be recording my podcasts from my Facebook LIVE gatherings. Every spoken and unspoken word is an intention and a memo to the universe. Your words are an extension of your energy field. As vibrations of energy, they circulate in the world as your intentions. You put out loving, positive energy in circulation by what you say and the universe conspires with you. Every year I choose a word or words as a mantra or touchstone for that year. Today, I'm sharing how the word comes in to my awareness and how I energize it to bring in what I want. In 2020, my word was "Freedom." For 2021, I have chosen two words to be my touchstones: "Transcend and Joy" Let's see what your word or words are for 2021?

  • 5 Ways to Care for Yourself During the Holidays

    16/12/2020 Duração: 11min

    The holidays don't have to be hectic or overwhelming. By practicing sacred self-care, you promote well-being, inner peace, and joy while still having energy for others. Taking precious self-care is non-negotiable and must be an essential part of your self-love practice especially during the holidays.

  • How Do You Stay in High Vibe When Life Gets Tough?

    18/11/2020 Duração: 15min

    It's easy to stay in a high vibration when everything is going well. Yet, sustaining a high vibe in these tumultuous times is challenging. In this episode, Dr. Debra shows you 3 sacred practices that helps you stay in high vibe when you feel impacted by the lower energies around you.   

  • 4 Soul-Hearted Practices to Move You From Uncertainty to UnShakable

    04/11/2020 Duração: 14min

    Dr. Debra walks you through 4 practices that help you stay calm and centered in challenging times. These tried and true strategies not only give you the strength to rise above adversity but how to use it as a springboard for personal growth. 

  • 4 Sacred Practices to Awaken to Your Soul's Purpose

    14/10/2020 Duração: 14min

    Are you feeling your soul calling you to awaken to a new life? Do you want a life that is larger, deeper, and more meaningful? Dr. Debra shares 4 sacred practices that assist you in awakening to your soul's calling.

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