Love Talk With Nicola Beer

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 8:28:21
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A show dedicated to providing practical strategies, compassionate guidance and ongoing support for individuals and couples looking to create more love in their life and relationships. Discover innovative ways to heal from the past, make positive changes and learn secrets to create more passion, happiness and love in your life today. Get more free resources at or read these episodes on our blog


  • Want to Change Your Life? Law of Attraction Interview with Expert Chris Spink

    21/06/2016 Duração: 54min

    Do you have any specific obstacles or challenges in your life or relationship you’re ready to overcome? Are you open to learn about and acquire powerful mindset changing tools to take your life to the next level? If you answered yes to these questions check out this interview with Chris Spink, Law of Attraction Coach, International Best-Selling author, who has thousands of students enrolled in his courses from all around the world. In this episode he gives one of his courses for FREE. JUST INTERESTED IN THE FREE OFFER SCROLL TO THE END In this interview Chris cover's • The number one obstacle to achieving ultimate success and manifesting your ideal life • And how to overcome this obstacle and learn about one of the most powerful mind tools you can use to transform your life • Chris will also teach you a quick and easy tool to relax and reduce stress at any time. • Plus at the end of the call he will be making you two offers you cannot refuse, which will help you turn your life around to be able to manifes

  • 7 Surprising Reasons Exercise Can Make You Happier - Marriage & Divorce Support

    11/06/2016 Duração: 22min

    Insomnia, Anxiety, Depression, Low Self-Confidence Are common when a relationship breaks down or ends in divorce Wondering what the future will hold and how things will turn out can send even a healthy, happy person into a state of turmoil and unrest It's in this time more than ever we need to turn to nature and our own bodies natural defense system to help us. I care about your happiness And that's why I'm excited to share with you an Interview with Laila Lallas Managing Director of a Ladies Fitness Center, who has 25 years helping people live healthier, fitter lives In the interview she will explain the 7 Surprising Reasons why exercise can make you happier and how to get started, no matter where your starting from For more free resources including marriage tips and divorce support visit www, To check out Laila' gym Marriage and divorce support

  • When Past Hurts Affect Your Current Love Relationship

    08/06/2016 Duração: 10min

    Everyone comes into relationships with a past. This past can bring with it unresolved issues that can affect the health of your current relationships. When our partner says or does something we may get triggered and over react. Bad experiences can make us more suspicious, anxious, jealous, careful and judgmental. I know I have been there. Perhaps you have too? Today I am going to outline 6 steps to help you, so you can start freeing yourself right now. Blog Listen

  • How to Grow TOGETHER Not APART When Children Are Born

    29/05/2016 Duração: 11min

    I'm currently working with a couple in the U.S who are struggling to communicate and connect. They like many couples thought that when their baby was born they would be closer than ever. Instead 18 months later, they feel frustrated with one another and like they are drifting apart. Sadly this is a common occurrence, in fact the highest risk of divorce is when children are between 1-5 years old. I've outlined some of the most common problems in this episode and some tips gained from my experience working with couples to save their marriage and supporting individuals through divorce, who shared what drove them to it. I've also included strategies from other relationship experts, so you have a range of ways to strengthen your relationship after children are born. If you like this you may like my free e-book "7 Secrets to Saving Your Marriage" Key words marriage, relationship, infidelity, affair, emotional affair, physical affair, relationship,

  • 8 Ways To Ensure Hobbies Help Not Hurt Your Relationship

    22/05/2016 Duração: 08min

    Whether you or your partners hobby is triathlon's, golf, video gaming, sailing, football... many marriages suffer from a hobby that one passionately embraces and the other sees as nothing but an intrusion. If not dealt with, the built up frustration and resentment can lead to explosive rows or distance and withdrawal. So what can you do? Inside this episode you will get my 8 Keys to not let hobbies come between you. So they help the marriage instead of hurt it. Nicola Beer - International Relationship Coach - Get your free copy of my e-book here "7 secrets to saving your marriage"…gecounseling

  • Regret Over Wasted Time - How to Let Go & Move Forward

    22/05/2016 Duração: 10min

    You can waste your food. You can waste your money. You can waste your clothes... But wasting time is a whole other ball game. I'm not referring to the hour you spent in traffic or 2 hours you spent watching a trashy movie. I am talking about months and years of wasted time people stay in unhappy relationships. Where they either hope things will get better over time or don't want to give up on time they have already invested. One of biggest regrets I hear time and time again is YEARS of wasted time. In this episode you will here 5 tips to really let go of regret and move forward. To get my free e-book "7 Secrets To Save Your Marriage" click here

  • Are My Relationship Expectations Too High? 7 Questions to Know

    22/05/2016 Duração: 11min

    When expectations are not being met on a consistent basis in a marriage it can often lead to disappointment, destruction and sometimes divorce. As our expectations of others, our relationships, our self and how we expect live our life directly impact our happiness it is important to know if our expectations are realistic or too high. Knowing whether your expectations are too high or not, is a tricky one. Here I share 7 questions to know if your expectations are too high. P.S If you like this you may also like my free e-book

  • All It Takes Is Good Habits - Interview with Weight Loss Expert

    08/05/2016 Duração: 25min

    During relationship challenges and divorce it is common to either overeat or not eat and neither aids recovery. To change your life "All It Takes Is Good Habits" - I borrowed this line from Carol Holditch founder of Good Habits UAE, it’s the slogan for her business which has helped hundreds of men and women change their eating and lifestyle habits. Her philosophy is that switching to good habits should be easy, fun and for life. Curious about how she does that, I jumped at the opportunity to interview her and find out more... Listen to the exclusive interview in this episode. P.S Carole knows the struggles of dealing with weight management she lost 42 lbs 25years ago and has maintained that weigh loss. Which is why I wanted us to have access to her wisdom and tips. As to create a new beginning it takes a tremendous amount of energy and energy comes from our food. For more free resources visit

  • Were Only Staying Together For The Children

    08/05/2016 Duração: 12min

    When couples come to me saying that "we're only together for the children" I can't help but feel concerned for their future happiness and marriage and like to suggest an alternative plan. You see when couples think, say and believe that there is nothing else but their children holding them together, they destroy their connection. As it implies they have willingly agreed to a life of misery, accepting something they wish they could avoid. If you have begun to associate your spouse and the marriage, with being negative, unhappy and trapped, unfortunately that is what you are likely to experience and this will typically grow worse over time not get better unless you change something... In this episode you will learn what to do if you only believe your together for the children. From my heart to yours Nicola Nicola Beer International Relationship Coach

  • Help My Spouses Negativity Is Bringing Down - 5 secrets to keep you feeling good and your energy high

    08/05/2016 Duração: 12min

    It's extremely challenging to live with a negative person. They may have depression or they may be habitually negative and cannot see how miserable they are making themselves and the toxic effect they are having on others. They may even mock you for being positive or naive when you see the good in things and others. If you have already tried talking to them, asked if they need support and have been met with more negativity this article is for you. I will share with you my 5 secrets to keep you feeling good and your energy high, when living with a negative person. For more free resources visit Nicola Beer - International Relationship Coach - Marriage I Infidelity I Divorce Support

  • 8 Ways to Overcome Insecurities After an Affair or Break Up

    08/05/2016 Duração: 11min

    Insecurity is a feeling of general unease that is triggered by perceiving oneself to be inferior in some way or vulnerable. Listening to our inner critic can do serious damage to our self-esteem. It can cause us to feel desperate toward our partner or pull back, get angry and reject them in fear of being rejected. It can also exaggerate feelings of jealousy or possessiveness or leave us feeling unworthy. It's perfectly natural to feel insecure from time to time, especially after an affair or break up. However if you are plagued by it, where you feel like it is getting in your way of getting things done... then I have 8 ways to overcome them listed below. For more free resources check out Nicola Beer - International Relationship Coach - Infidelity Expert

  • When Will I Stop Feeling Guilty? 7 Truths to Eliminate Post Break Up & Divorce Guilt

    08/05/2016 Duração: 14min

    When will I stop feeling guilty? Is a question that comes up frequently in my private online sessions. Typically it's where after much deliberation and consideration someone has decided to leave their marriage and cannot shake off the breakup and divorce guilt. Some worry about how their ex has taken the news, others are consumed with fears about the impact it will have on their children. Then there are those who feel guilty for causing pain, shame and disrespect to their parents and extended family. Often they will say to me: "I know I've done the right thing, it would be far worse for all concerned if I stayed for guilt alone... BUT When will I stop feeling guilty?" Here my reply and the 7 truths you need to know about Guilt to free yourself. From my heart to yours Nicola, Nicola Beer has more free resources to help save marriages or get through divorce just visit

  • If I'm SO Amazing then Why am I Still Single?

    09/04/2016 Duração: 22min

    This episode is for single men and women, looking for love. Want to know why so many people struggle with finding incredible relationships? No… it’s not because there aren’t any good women or men left out there, or because they are in the wrong city, profession, or wrong time in their life. And it’s definitely not because the kind of love and relationship they want doesn’t exist. The 3 main reasons people struggle will be explained in this well as some tips to help you set yourself up to win when it comes to finding love. to read this article visit my blog

  • What is Your Purpose for Being Together? Do You Have a Shared Meaning For Your Marriage?

    02/04/2016 Duração: 13min

    What is Your Reason for Being Together? Do you have a Purpose for sharing a Life with one Another? Gottman in his book "The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work" that has sold over a million copies worldwide, states that in order to have a successful marriage we must create a shared meaning. I have found this extremely useful in bringing couples closer together and want to share this principle with you. Even if you are not in a relationship right now you may find it useful, as it helps to be clear on your values, vision, expectations, when considering potential partners. The more aware you are of what matters most to you, the more likely you will be able to attract the right match and quickly filter out those that won't make you happy long-term. For more resources check out Nicola Beer International Relationship Coach

  • Anger Management Tips Part 2 - Marriage Support

    31/03/2016 Duração: 21min

    Anger is a completely normal, usually healthy, human emotion. But when it gets out of control and turns destructive, it can lead to problems—problems at work, in relationships, and in the overall quality of life. Holding on to our Anger is not good either, it can be damaging for our health. I know I grew up with a lot of repressed anger, during my childhood & parents divorce. I buried my frustration and later got ill from it. Anger management coaching can free you from this. For more tips visit

  • What do Men Need from Relationships?

    12/03/2016 Duração: 12min

    What Do Men Need from Relationships? Well certainly the worst advice you can ever receive when it comes to meeting a man's needs is "treat them mean, keep them keen!" According to Dr Harley's research many of us fall in love with our partners partly because of the compliments they give us. Some of us just love to be told we are appreciated. attractive and admired for being a good worker, lover, parent etc. More men than women in his research had admiration as one of their top 5 needs. Listen to the other top 5 needs for men in this episode... From my heart to yours, Nicola P.S If you liked this you might like my FREE E-BOOKS 7 Secrets To Save Your Marriage - 7 Steps to Create a New Life After Breakup & Divorce -

  • When Does Drinking Become A Problem In A Relationship?

    12/03/2016 Duração: 16min

    So when does drinking become a problem in a marriage? Is it when the drinker recognizes they have a dependency? Is it when the non-drinker says they have a problem? Is it when the drinking is interfering with the relationship? Alcohol consumption in my coaching has been linked to an increase in angry outbursts, arguments and aggression. It also blamed or used as an excuse for infidelity and being out of control. Others mention how drinking has caused; their sex life to dwindle, a lack of interest in family activities and depression. Is drinking yours or your spouses drinking interfering with your relationship? Or is someone close to you going through this? You may find this episode useful. For more free e-books 7 Secrets to Saving your Marriage 10 steps to Creating a New Life after Divorce Protect Children through Divorce Nicola Beer

  • Why Talking About Problems in Relationships Can Make Things Worse

    21/02/2016 Duração: 08min

    Ever wonder why talking about your relationship issues can sometimes make you feel more annoyed, fed up or isolated than before you started? At the center of many relationship problems is the Shame-Fear dynamic Once you recognize this and follow the steps to overcome it, you like thousands of others can solve previously unresolvable relationship problems. Inspired by the work of Love and Stonsy in their book: “How to save your marriage without talking about it.” I’ve added this principle to my marriage coaching packages and seen great results. I’m super excited to be sharing it with you. Let this be as helpful to you as it has been for the couples I’ve worked with… For further free e-support visit

  • Anger Management Tips Part 1 for Healthy & Happy Relationships

    13/02/2016 Duração: 10min

    Whilst it is not good to deny or suppress your anger, lashing out is not a good for you and your relationships either. Anger is not a bad thing, it’s how you manage it that is crucial for a healthy life and fulfilling, happy relationships. Nicola Beer – International Relationship Coach Key words: nicola_beer_dxb Marriage counseling; divorce; marriage advice; relationships; co-parenting single parents; life coaching; teenagers; relationship advice; infidelity; affairs; marital support; Dubai; life coaching; breakup; divorce law; marriage counseling, divorce support, self-help, expat, expats, professionals, dating, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong, Singapore, London New York, US, UK, India, Australia, South Africa,

  • Understanding Why We Keep Anger & Anger in Relationships

    12/02/2016 Duração: 14min

    Angry outbursts can destroy love in relationships and holding Anger in can lead to built up resentment and emotional shut down, the hiding of feelings. In this episode you will learn what happens when we don’t process our anger in a healthy way and the 4 reasons we keep on using anger when it doesn’t serve us long-term. … Be sure to check out Anger Management Steps in Relationships and Dealing with a Loved Ones anger coming up next… Nicola Beer International Relationship Coach Key Words nicola_beer_dxb Marriage counseling; divorce; marriage advice; relationships; co-parenting single parents; life coaching; teenagers; relationship advice; infidelity; affairs; marital support; Dubai; life coaching; breakup; divorce law; marriage counseling, divorce support, self-help, expat, expats, professionals, dating, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong, Singapore, London New York, US, UK, India, Australia, South Africa,

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