Dr. Stephen and Beth Daniel

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Teaching You to Heal Yourself with Quantum TechniquesQuantum Techniques QT is a new form of remote energy medicine founded by Dr. Stephen and Beth Daniel. It is accessible to anyone, via phone, anywhere in the world. Our mission is to teach people to heal themselves and others from physical and non-physical causes of stress, pain and illness. We believe that what the body can see, it can heal. All healing is ultimately reconnection to the Divine. A key of QT is to teach new levels of conscio ...


  • The power of energy medicine and how it can be used to heal the body in ways you would never imagine


    Quantum Techniques is an advanced method in the field of energy medicine and a powerful cousin of EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques. Quantum Techniques' scans and codes eliminate blocks to healing anything in your life by putting the body into a profound healing state. QT founders Dr. Stephen and Beth Daniel welcome Dr. Carolee Johnson who will discuss the power of energy medicine and how it can heal chronic issues. She will discuss how the body is a highly specialized completely digital computer from which it is possible to access the exact information your body needs in order to heal, rather than the modern day view of the body as a box of replaceable parts. She will talk about how each cell, pathogen and toxin, and even emotions, have a certain frequency that can be found and re-instructed, re-programmed or discarded. Frequencies of an herb or medication can be used to heal the body without actually ingesting the physical product. Finally, Dr. Johnson will discuss how adjusting ones attitude changes the fre

  • Weight Issues with Jody Colegrove


    Quantum Techniques looks at weight gain as an on going Inflammation issue. The weight it trying to tell you something about what is going on in your body that is not working correctly. There are both physical issues why you have gained weight food toxins, injectants, pathogens and there are also Non Physical issues Beliefs, vows you have made, intentions. Jody uses QT to find out why the body has inflammation.

  • Healing Through Natural Health Modalities with Homeopath Jenice Stebel


    Dr. Stephen and Beth Daniel, QT founders, welcome today's guest Jenice Stebel, D.I.Hom., DSH-P. She has a wide spectrum of energy healing experience, from homeopathy to energy healing with Quantum Techniques. She served as a full-time practitioner with the Homeopathy Center of Houston for over 6 years, specializing in chronic illness and autism spectrum disorders. Jenice also developed and taught introductory and intermediate level courses in homeopathy, and has been a speaker at Autism and alternative health conferences. She completed advanced training with Quantum Techniques and joined their team of practitioners in 2012 to practice after her complete, drug-free recovery from chronic Lyme disease.

  • Insomnia


    Dr. Stephen and Beth Daniel have an in depth discussion with Jody King Colegrove about Insomnia. Quantum Techniques looks at Insomnia from many different angles: low blood sugar, a fungal issue, the Chinese time chart, toxins, and emotional. Whether it is a small child not sleeping through the night or an adult not being able to get to sleep Jody uses QT to find out why the body is not getting a good night's sleep.

  • Heal Yourself with Quantum Techniques: Your Health IS Your Choice - Do Something About it NOW


    Listen in as Dr. Stephen Daniel speaks with Dennis Richard who will be discussing his book Your Health IS Your Choice which covers several of Dennis' health issues from Prostate Cancer, a herniated disc in his neck, losing his eyesight, bone-density loss and more. In each case traditional doctors told him there was nothing they could do as all of these issues were simply the 'cost of getting older.' But Dennis took these burdens into his own hands and found a way to reverse them ALL

  • Quantum Techniques with Hosts Dr. Stephen and Beth Daniel: Leave Your Traumas in the Past - Be Free Today


    Quantum Techniques' founders, Dr. Stephen and Beth Daniel, teach you how to resolve traumas and emotional pain from the past so you can be free in your life today. Don't talk about your problems; be free of them

  • Fungus How Bad is it Really?


    Quantum Techniques is an advanced method in the field of energy medicine and a powerful cousin of EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques. Quantum Techniques' scans and codes eliminate blocks to healing anything in your life by putting the body into a profound healing state. Dr. Stephen and Beth Daniel, QT founders, welcome today's guest: Dr. Carolee Johnson, naturopath, iridologist, herbalist and nutritionist. Dr. Johnson will share her insight into healing fungal issues; from whether they contribute to chronic illness such as cancer or diabetes; and how fungus can establish its own survival system in your body. She will review fungus and skin issues; and what contributes to fungal infections and how they can be eradicated.

  • Guy Finley - Change is Now or Never


    "Change is Now or Never" Guy says: The greatest power you possess for succeeding in life is your understanding that life gives you a fresh start any moment you choose to start fresh - Now is the only moment when you can change no matter what the circumstances - You can't end conflict later. You can't stop being sad, or cruel, or angry, or scared, or anxious later. Later does not exist in reality. For you to experience the miracle of real inner transformation, to step up to a superior life level, you must no longer think in terms of how you'll be next time - It's imperative to meet each moment of your life with this realization: it's only what you do right now that is the seed of change. And in the endless beauty and mystery of what is the now, this same seed of change is also the seed of a New Self. If you choose to change right now, then you won't have to worry about how to be different next time

  • Healing Your Digestion Will Change Your Life


    Quantum Techniques is an advanced method in the field of energy medicine and a powerful cousin of EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques. Quantum Techniques' scans and codes eliminate blocks to healing anything in your life by putting the body into a profound healing state. Dr. Stephen and Beth Daniel' QT founders, welcome today's guest: Dr. Carolee Johnson, naturopath, iridologist, herbalist and nutritionist. Dr. Johnson will share her insight into healing digestive issues; from looking at how different foods affect our digestion to how we hold emotions, tension and unhealed trauma in our "gut." Dr. Johnson will discuss the changes in our modern food supply and what we can do about it. She will look at the role of stress in our digestive process as well.

  • Healing from Environmental Illness and Electrical Sensitivity; A Candid Discussion with QT's Senior Practitioner, Gisella Carrick


    Quantum Techniques is an advanced method in the field of energy medicine and a powerful cousin of EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques. Quantum Techniques scans and codes eliminate blocks to healing anything in your life by putting the body in to a profound healing state. Following years of trying different healing methods without success and being told there was no help for her. Gisella Carrick used Quantum Techniques to heal from severe environmental illness, electrical sensitivity, heart arrhythmias, seizures, and chronic pain. Today's show, hosted by the QT founders, Dr. Stephen and Beth Daniel, will highlight Gisella's healing journey from a place of wondering if she would survive to becoming a world class healer who specializes in helping those with chronic illness to recover their health and their lives. Gisella is the first practitioner to reach Senior Practitioner status with QT based on her excellent work with many people with many conditions over the past several years.

  • How Do I Know What Is Causing This Anxiety or Panic? What Can I Do?


    Quantum Techniques QT is an advanced method in the field of energy medicine and a powerful cousin of EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques. Quantum Techniques' scans and codes eliminate blocks to healing anything in your life by putting the body into a profound healing state. On this show, Dr. Stephen and Beth Daniel, QT founders, will teach you how to identify what is causing anxiety and/or panic attacks in your life today. Hint: It is not what you think it is Tune in and find out what you can do for yourself or others to heal this problem.

  • Healing Yourself with Quantum Techniques with Special Guest, Gary Craig, the Founder of Emotional Freedom Techniques EFT


    We will have a very special guest on our show with us this week - Gary Craig, the founder of the world renowned Emotional Freedom Techniques EFT. Dr. Stephen and Beth Daniel will speak with Gary about what EFT is and how it became so popular that it is now used by millions worldwide. He will elaborate on how EFT can be used to address every emotional, physical and performance issue. Find out why Gary 'retired' from EFT in 2010, why he has since developed a new website, and how his spiritual awakening has shaped his practice of EFT today.

  • Healing from Infertility and Using QT to Help Your Children


    Dr. Stephen and Beth Daniel have an in depth discussion with Jody King Colegrove about her healing journey with Quantum Techniques QT and how she uses QT in her life today to bring healing to others. QT assisted Jody in healing both the physical and non-physical issues involved with her history of infertility. After dealing with infertility for five years, Jody used QT to help her and her husband have their own child Since becoming a mother, Jody uses QT in everyday life in raising her son and clearing childhood issues around sleeping, eating, tantrums, etc. Jody is also a contractor and expert in building non-toxic homes. She uses QT to test clients on materials for building or remodeling their homes to ensure their home is a safe and nurturing place.

  • How spirituality and consciousness issues integrate with healing.


    In this show Dr. Stephen and Beth Daniel will be discussing how true spirituality and healthy consciousness integrates with physical healing. Specifically we will be discussing how true healing always requires a shift in consciousness and the tools to make that happen for a person. We will also be introducing Chicken Little, the terrorist within, that unchecked takes away our joy and health.

  • special guest, Dr. Carolee Johnson, Naturopathic Doctor and Master Herbalist who discusses her healing journey through natural health modalities to Quantum Techniq


    Quantum Techniques is an advanced method in the field of energy medicine and a powerful cousin of Emotional Freedom Techniques EFT. Quantum Techniques' scans and codes eliminate blocks to healing anything in your life by putting the body into a profound healing state. Dr. Stephen and Beth Daniel have an open discussion with special guest, Dr. Carolee Johnson, about her healing and journey to Quantum Techniques. Dr. Carolee shares her story of complete healing from life-threatening kidney and heart issues, constant fatigue and crippling anxiety. She is a naturopathic doctor, master herbalist, iridologist, and raw food expert. Dr. Carolee holds certifications in Sclerology, Lymphology, and Live Nutrition. Find out why she is practicing energy medicine with Quantum Techniques when she has all of these specialties Tune in for this and much more.

  • Heal Yourself with Quantum Techniques; with Dr. Stephen and Beth Daniel and guest Heidi Gilman, who shares her journey from severe autoimmune disease to being a world class healer.


    Dr. Stephen and Beth Daniel have a candid discussion with special guest, Heidi Gilman, about her journey to Quantum Techniques. Heidi shares her recovery from severe autoimmune disease and torn discs in her back to becoming a world class healer in the field of energy medicine. Heidi has integrated many healing modalities into her work, including EFT, hypnotherapy, bodywork, Shiatsu and more. Tune in and learn about Heidis total healing and transformation to helping others.

  • Heal Yourself with Quantum Techniques with Dr. Stephen and Beth Daniel and guest Dr. Thomas Miller, who discusses his journey from chiropractic to energy medicine and recovering from Lyme Disease


    Dr. Stephen and Beth Daniel have a candid discussion with guest Dr. Thomas Miller, DC. about his journey to Quantum Techniques. Dr. Miller shares his experiences as a chiropractic doctor moving into energy medicine, his recovery from Lyme Disease and his growing understanding about the non-physical fields playing a role in preventing total healing.

  • Heal Yourself with Quantum Techniques with Dr. Stephen and Beth Daniel: What are the levels of energy testing and how does the work of Bruce Lipton fit into QT.


    Dr. Stephen and Beth Daniel continue to introduce you to the Quantum Techniques energy healing modality with more information about the three levels of testing, toxins, and the work of Bruce Lipton.

  • Teaching You to Heal Yourself with Quantum Techniques with Dr. Stephen and Beth Daniel


    Join the founders of Quantum Techniques QT, Dr. Stephen and Beth Daniel, as they provide an in-depth introduction to this cutting edge energy healing modality. Quantum Techniques: Bring Healing to Chaos