Tanner-price Ame Church



Tanner-Price AME Church


  • An Attitude of Giving - Audio

    01/07/2012 Duração: 2720h00s

    In the North American black church, where, unfortunately, we operate from a tradition of struggle and lack, it's difficult from us to wrap our minds around the idea of approaching worship with the mentality of seeking to render something unto God, rather than seeking for what God can give us. Yes, we all have things burdening us, financial and/or otherwise, but what we must remember is that as born again believers, we operate from an advantage in that we know Who has the power to heal our situations and alleviate our struggles. Armed with that knowledge, we must begin to seek God and ask what we can do for God and for others, and as we glorify God by using our gifts to meet others' needs, God will, in turn, meet ours.

  • Follow the Leader - Audio

    24/06/2012 Duração: 2000h00s

    Learning doesn't take place in a vacuum. You can read, listen, watch, and take in information all you want, but the only way you really learn the information you're taking in is by doing it, by putting what you've learned into practice. The same can be said for our faith, in that our faith is not strengthened by what we hear about God or by what we read about God, but what we experience that brings life to what we've read and heard. To experience an ever-increasing faith, we must learn by doing, and the best way to do so is to follow the leader and adept the posture and attitude of Jesus in all things. (Mark 4:35-41)

  • Don't Sleep on Me! - Audio

    17/06/2012 Duração: 1900h00s

    Father's Day is often one of dubious distinction because while plenty of good fathers do exist, so many people either came from fathers from whom they were displaced, who didn't show them the love they needed as a child, or who simply weren't present in their lives. With that in mind, whether Father's Day is a positive or negative day for you, let us all work to maximize the opportunities of people over whom we have influence. David, a man after God's own heart, became king because God saw something in him his own father didn't see. Let's similarly look beyond the surface and seek God's best in all people. (1 Samuel 16:1-13)

  • Go Home When Jesus Sends You Back - Audio

    10/06/2012 Duração: 2260h00s

    When trying to draw people to Christ, we have not a more effective witness than our personal testimony. It's so easy to get comfortable in our salvation and be content with sitting under the feet of Jesus, but He's calling us to do more than that. Our call is to go home--where we're from, where we are most often, and where we have the most influence--and tell somebody about Jesus and draw others to Him.

  • The Secret to Success (2012) - Audio

    08/06/2012 Duração: 2900h00s

    The secret to success, the key to getting all God has for you will not be found in a book, a 12-step program, or a motivational DVD, but can be gleaned by getting in the presence of God, for it is there where we find our success lies in being forgiving ourselves and moving forward, being available to God, and walking confidently in the gifts with which God has blessed us.

  • While You Are Waiting... - Audio

    27/05/2012 Duração: 2330h00s

    05/27/2012. Pentecost Sunday

  • Behind Closed Doors - Audio

    25/05/2012 Duração: 1970h00s


  • Ye Shall Receive Power...After - Audio

    24/05/2012 Duração: 3750h00s

    Pentecost Revival, Night #1

  • Don't Lose the Message - Audio

    20/05/2012 Duração: 1770h00s


  • We Are All Women - Audio

    13/05/2012 Duração: 1450h00s


  • Maintaining Momentum - Audio

    06/05/2012 Duração: 1975h00s


  • A Golden Opportunity - Audio

    29/04/2012 Duração: 2124h00s


  • Situations - Audio

    22/04/2012 Duração: 2060h00s


  • Keep Moving - Audio

    15/04/2012 Duração: 1943h00s

    Above all, God desires to see our consistency. The way we minimize our susceptibility to the highs and lows of life and allowing those extremes to distract and discourage us from serving God and walking in our calling completely is by shifting the manner in which we view our Christian journey. There's an unconventional perspective we can have that is key in maintaining our consistency in every season. (Psalm 116, Philippians 4)

  • April Fools: Keeping Your Eyes on the Prize - Audio

    10/04/2012 Duração: 2009h00s

    The heart of the April Fools' Day tradition ought to make us remember that things aren't always as they seem and people aren't always who they appear to be. The key to victorious living is keeping our eyes on the prize and not allowing tempting situations and people take our focus off of Christ and our purpose in Him. (Mark 10:32-45; 11:1-11)

  • The Story is Not Over - Audio

    08/04/2012 Duração: 2034h00s

    The gospel still would have been a wonderful, inspirational story of unbelievable sacrifice, even without the resurrection, but since Jesus got up, He proved, in the flesh, that God's people have the victory over everything. Since Jesus defeated death, He showed us that no matter what we've been through, no matter what anyone has said about you, no matter how bad it looks, God is not through with you yet. As long as your hand is in God's hand, the story of your life is not over yet! (Luke 23:44-56; 24:1-12, 44-53)

  • Let the Church Be the Church - Audio

    25/03/2012 Duração: 3568h00s

    The times we're living in today mandate that we, the church, return to the relevance we enjoyed during the civil rights era, when the church was truly the center of the community. We are raising our young people in such a time of demonic attack on their future. We, the church, must stand up to this attack and protect this and future generations. Let the church be the church! (Acts 2:43-47)

  • Lord, Send Your Word - Audio

    18/03/2012 Duração: 2352h00s

    The Word of God is the ultimate game changer, not just for how powerful and indisputable the Word is, but also for the importance of words in our lives. The Word of God changes minds, bodies, plans, circumstances; the Word of God changes us...when we let Him. (Psalm 107:1-6, 17-22; Numbers 21:4-9)

  • Sprout and Grow: Jesus' Production Model - Audio

    11/03/2012 Duração: 1725h00s


  • Complete the Ministry - Audio

    04/03/2012 Duração: 2470h00s


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