Jennifer Becker

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  • Editora: Podcast
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Wednesdays at 12pm pt 3pm etInspired Action Radio with Jennifer B. Mastering the Art of Dream Building in the Real World will inspire you to start painting the canvas of your life. Imagine the colors of the rainbow, the colors that are perfect for you. Imagine touching the rainbow with your hand wet with paint. Think now about how to find that right tool. That right plan. That right way. The pathway that will take you from where you are standing right now to where you want to go. This hit ra ...


  • The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth with Dr. Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.


    Imagine feeling so happy and healthy that you swear this must be heaven Science is showing us that we have the power to create that feeling. Dr. Bruce Lipton's latest book, The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth, brings this amazing research to our fingertips. If you could use a little "heaven" in your day, join us as we to create that perfect relationship for you, how to enhance your current life partnership, and most importantly, how to create your perfect heaven on earth.



    We are all creative. Yet sometimes this creativity is so hard to find. Why can't we turn it on when we need it the most? The answers might surprise you. We may all be creative, but every one of us has been exposed to the creativity killer. This insidious creativity crusher started for some us very early on. The good news is that by exposing these culprits and skillfully reversing the programming we can find our creativity again and unlock all kinds of exciting potential that is just begging to be released.

  • Calling all Highly Sensitive People. Guest Michael Becker.


    Do you lean more towards the sensitive side of life? Maybe you have increased intuition, or your nature is more feeling based, or you have increased sensitivity to the environment around you. The big questions are - How do you succeed in spite of this sensitivity. How can you use this to your advantage? There are hidden powers that often go underutilized, as well as highly effective tools that help overcome the challenges? Join us as we explore the many strengths and gifts that come from this extra sensitivity.

  • How to move on when things don't go your way Guest Michael Becker.


    We've all been there We had a plan or desire for something that ended up not happening. It left us disappointed or worse, brokenhearted. Sometimes it was easy to get back up and try again, but other times it was next to impossible to get up again. The one thing we can count on in change. How can we build a roadmap inside of us that doesn't falter when the path twists and turns? You and your time are precious and valuable. Join us as we explore the keys to handling disappointment, rebuilding a broken heart, and discovering an even better and richer life beyond the fall.

  • Guest Host Jennifer Becker: Transform your relationship with money with Michael Becker


    Abundance is your natural state. However, there are many reasons your natural state has been interrupted. We all strive to experience Prosperity Consciousness, but if you havent explored your unique internal relationship with money, your experience will either be short-lived or fraught with unending challenges. By revealing your true connection with money and abundance you can transform your ability to create money so that it can be effortless, and simply the natural outcome of the way you live, think, and act. Join us as we explore how to discover what your material, psychological, and spiritual relationship with money is and how to transform it into an effortless flow.

  • Answers to some of life's most important questions. Guest Michael Becker.


    As intuitive and transformational life coaches, we are going to offer answers and ideas to some of your great life questions. We receive written questions regularly via our membership and through our one-on-one coaching. Join us as we share a great QA hour that is sure to inspire action.

  • How to Summon the Courage for Anything. Guest Michael Becker.


    Is there something in your life that you are afraid to do? What if you were afraid, but you did it anyway? So many of us have that dark companion in our life called, "Fear". Common sense tells us that, "you would be a fool if you weren't afraid". Do you think those who are profoundly successful and prosperous in their lives aren't afraid? There are powerful tools to help us minimize and overcome those fears and move gracefully towards what we truly desire. Join us for a powerful dialog about how we can summon the courage it anyway

  • How to make the second half of your life the most fulfilling and rewarding. Special Guest Michael Gurian.


    None of us are getting any younger. And as we get older, many of us begin to have concerns about the quality of our lives as we age. Will we be healthy, happy, fulfilled and financially secure? Well, guess what? Your life can get richer and more fulfilling in every respect as you age. You just have to approach it with the right frame of mind. And that's exactly what Michael Gurian provides in his authentic and insightful book, "The Wonder of Aging." Join us for a conversation with Michael Gurian as we uncover the practical tips, solid science and inspirational stories that can help all of us truly enjoy and fully experience the second half of our lives.

  • How to Find Your Life Purpose at any Age. Special Guest Michael Becker.


    Are you still asking yourself, "What is my life purpose?" Have you been pursuing goal after goal just to discover that you have very little passion for them. You are not alone. There are challenging myths that create invisible barriers that surround this life dilemma. Many forces are at work against you to keep you struggling with your life purpose. The first step is to identify the myths and invisible forces at work so that you can eliminate the struggle. From here you can create a clear view to the perfect path that is rightfully yours to take. We are going to talk about Inspired Action Steps, and the Permission you need to have, to embark on the journey that leads you personally to health, happiness, prosperity, and perfect harmony with the people, places, and things in your environment.

  • BALANCE: THE KEY TO LIFELONG HAPPINESS. Special Guest Michael Becker.


    Do you seek balance in your life? Why does it seem as if creating and maintaining balance is so difficult? Without balance, the resulting imbalance takes its toll by allowing stress to dominate our lives. The key to balance is not a 'one size fits all' for everyone. You must find where that state of balance lives inside of you and then rearrange your life choices for the perfect fit. Sound like a challenge...there is a secret to it. Join us as we explore how to find your perfect balance and design the perfect recipe for lasting health and happiness.

  • Create the Future You Want by Making Hope Happen with Dr. Shane Lopez.


    Are some people just lucky or do they make the good things happen in their life? Why are they so resilient and able to move through difficult times so quickly? How come they live happier, healthier, more productive lives? It turns out that science is showing us the real truth about hope. Is it tangible and how can you create more of it? Dr. Shane Lopez has been leading the largest study of hopeful people ever conducted. He is a world-renowned expert on the psychology of hope. His new book reveals that hope is not just an emotion, but an essential life tool...that you can use too

  • Transform Your "Self" into Your Greatest Asset with Guest Host Jennifer B of Inspired Action Radio


    Balance, confidence, health, happiness, creativity, financial security...this is what happens when you transform your "Self" into your greatest asset. You become a magnet for success in all areas of your life. The key to creating the life you were always meant to live lies in recovering your authentic blueprint. When you have only strong, positive, empowering beliefs about who you are, and what you are capable of, the concept of "ask and you shall receive" takes on a whole new meaning. Join us for an incredible look at how shifting your viewpoint can put your dreams on the fast-track.

  • How to End Your Relationship with Procrastination. Special Guest Michael Becker.


    Are you a procrastinator? Do you have goals, dreams, and visions in your life that always get bumped to the back seat of every situation? Is your partner complaining you never get things done or make any progress? Well, that could have a lot to do with your relationship with the real culprit... "procrastination". Procrastination can deprive us of our future if we're not careful. Join us for an honest discussion of the things you can do right now to end procrastination and bring momentum back into your life. Not to be more procrastination.

  • Your Road to Happiness...New Reasons to Feel Better and Be Happy with Howard Martin.


    Exciting research through the Global Coherence Initiative is facilitating a shift in global consciousness from instability and discord to balance, cooperation and enduring peace. This project has scientifically identified that the heart-brain connection plays a key role in our resilience and in achieving real happiness. Additionally GCI is doing ground-breaking research on the interactions between the earth's energetic fields, people and mass human emotion. My special guest, Howard Martin, author of The HeartMath Solution and Executive Vice President of the HeartMath organization, will share fascinating research on the heart-brain connection and understanding of the heart's role in accessing a new intelligence. Finally the math shows us that we have more co-creative power than we realized to access true peace and happiness for ourselves and the planet.

  • Key Secret to Success...Mastering Your Expectations. Guest Michael Becker


    Disappointment is the killer of a success mindset. We far too often take for granted the skill of setting fair expectations. We all have expectations for ourselves and others. If we pay attention to distinguishing between what's a fair and unfair expectation, we would minimize disappointment and become masters of maintaining our success mindset. Critical decisions on the road to success are littered with unfair expectations. Some are easy to see and some are not. This is one of the key secrets to highly successful people. Learning to master your blueprint of successful expectations can balance and re-focus your life on the path of success.

  • Prosperity Consciousness...The Gift That Keeps On Giving Guest Michael Becker.


    We are taking Prosperity Consciousness to the next level. We're going to take a deeper, more thorough look at the struggle that often exists between our conscious and sub-conscious minds. Mastering a Prosperity Consciousness mindset is critical to opening a new path for attracting your material goals and your most heartfelt desires. Join us as we explore the latest discoveries that empower a genuine and sustainable prosperity mindset.

  • MAKING HOPE HAPPEN: Create the Future You Want with Dr. Shane Lopez


    How do some people make good things happen and bounce back from setbacks? Why do they lead happier, healthier, more productive lives? It's because they have hope, not because of luck, or intelligence, or money. So, what exactly is hope and how can you get it, too? Using discoveries from the largest study of hopeful people ever conducted, world-renowned expert on the psychology of hope, Shane J. Lopez, Ph.D., reveals that hope is not just an emotion but an essential life tool.

  • Discover the Roadmap to Healthy Personal Boundaries. Guest Michael Becker


    Managing your own personal boundaries is one of the most important skills to master...and can be one of the most difficult. Depending on your temperament and life experiences, many individuals are challenged by: Knowing when it's healthy to say "no"; Balancing how much energy to give before stress sets in; Handling potential conflict without anxiety; Managing needy people before they totally drain you; How to bravely handle the hurt feelings of others; and, How to gracefully serve your own need for inner balance and peace. Join us for a lively discussion on how healthy strong personal boundaries can create a life full of balance, health, vitality, and happiness.

  • The Challenge of Being a Heart-Centered Entrepreneur. Guest Michael Becker


    Do you want to make a living doing what you love? How difficult can it be? Many individuals attempt to become entrepreneurs, but do they really have the right ingredients to make it a real business rather than just a hobby? There are a great many secrets to Mastering the Art of Entrepreneurship. We are going to explore the many layers involved in actually creating a successful business and when to steer clear of mixing what you love with business. Join us as we take a no-nonsense look at how to create real income while pursuing your dreams and visions.

  • The Secret to Never-Ending Motivation and Creativity. Special Guest Michael Becker.


    The secret to never-ending motivation and creativity is all about tapping into your own power source. Have you discovered it yet? Do you make sure to connect with it every day? Your power source is available to you and is easy to access. In fact...your attention could be the key to opening up that new energy source and it has the ability to make you feel better in every part of your life. It can help you think more clearly and can dramatically change the outcomes you're currently heading for. Join us as we explore what already exists inside of you. A natural, self-sustaining, internal power source that ignites and runs effortlessly when you put your attention on the one unique thing, or area of interest, that holds your authentic attention. It's time to explore this energy source and be inspired to take action.

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