Mel Moon's Podcast



Mel Moon's weekly sermons


  • Family Matters


    We get some parting instructions on family life within the church and a prayer as Paul closes out this letter.

  • What Kind of Day Will That Day Be?


    There is coming a DAY unlike all other days. In fact, all days are leading up to this DAY. What kind of day will that day be for you?

  • Resurrection Reassurance


    The emphasis here is more on the resurrection but also on the Lord's return for His people. [This recording missed the first 10 minutes. ]

  • Treating Others With Excellence


    Love each other "more and more"

  • Pathway to Excellence


    God's will is that we be holy--set apart for Him! Sometimes we have to say "no" to some things so we can say, "Yes" to greater, more excellent things.

  • Real Living!


    When we are standing fast in the Lord together and knowing we all play a part in each other's lives...

  • Qualities of Leadership & Discipleship


    It's one thing to share the Gospel with those who are lost, but it's another to help them grow once they've embraced salvation through Christ.

  • Living In Light of Christ's Return


    Living life filled with faith, hope, love, power and joy as we wait for Jesus.

  • Upside Down or Right Side Up?


    Before jumping into a study of 1 Thessalonians, let's look at where it all started when that church was started. We will gain some insight about sharing the Gospel, making disciples for Christ, and dealing with hardships.

  • Real Significance!


    One of the greatest needs in life is to be (not just feel) valuable and significant. You need to know that God created you with incredible value and significance to Him!

  • Seeking Spiritual Renewal


    What happens when we really seek to know, worship, and love the Lord.

  • Word for 2024 - Availability


    Availability - It means to be close at hand; ready to go; ready to participate; to be used; surrendered. Mary was a great example of this. Is this you? Are you available for God to work and move in your life?

  • What is Your Life?


    As we look to a new year, it's a good time to contemplate a question James asked, "What is Your Life?"

  • The Best Gift Ever!


    Jesus is not only the reason for the Season. He is the best gift ever!

  • God With Us!


    It is Jesus that makes Christianity different from all the religions of the world. It is unique! Because of Christ, it stands alone!

  • When Christmas Really Began


    What we celebrate as Christmas, namely Christ coming into the world as Savior and Redeemer, began much earlier than most people suspect--like in eternity past!

  • The Silence is Shattered


    The events in the early chapters of Luke's Gospel shatter some 400 years of silence as a new age of mankind is about to begin!

  • Where is Your Heart?


    Learning to walk by faith in God and obedience as it relates to our daily management of time, talent and treasures.

  • First things First


    In this passage, we lean more about the power of God to heal and recreate broken lives, and we also get an incredible lesson about priorities, gratitude, thankfulness, and worship.

  • Hope that Purifies


    The hope we have as followers of Christ should impact ever part of our lives.

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