Holy Goddamn



A pagan feast for the ears!


  • Holy Goddamn! Episode 2: The Foe Becomes Enemy!

    19/12/2011 Duração: 27min

    After a far-too-long hiatus, Holy Goddamn! Scratchbomb Radio returns with episode 2: The Foe Becomes Enemy! Mark It Down’s Mark Rosetti discusses the unfair impact deadly diseases have on sports fans! Alan Rickman hosts a car talk show! 45s and Counting host Chad Delahanty knows way, way too much about his interview subject! And Stew … Continue reading Holy Goddamn! Episode 2: The Foe Becomes Enemy! →

  • Holy Goddamn! Episode 1: The Origin Begins!


    Holy Goddamn! Scratchbomb Radio officially returns today, and only slightly late! Episode 1: The Origin Begins! features Mark Rosetti, New York’s #1 sports talk show host* (*”New York’s #1″ is a trademark with no actual meaning real or implied.) You will also hear the mellowest metal DJ ever, and a spin of the rare (and … Continue reading Holy Goddamn! Episode 1: The Origin Begins! →