Podcasts Breaking The Chains



Living our lives to our fullest potential, finding our happiness, and reveling in our uniqueness,


  • BYC #55 – The Power of Words

    21/05/2024 Duração: 01h22min

    Language is so useful to society, that the negative side of it is often totally ignored… and that’s that simple words can really shape our perception, and the framework of our language, can really cage our minds. Today, we’ll discuss the many ways that words and language can do that, while sharing a ton of examples and scientific studies. We’ll also talk priming, hypnosis power words, neurolinguistic programming, how words can be used to divide and control us, how to spin that for the positive… and much, much more.

  • BYC #54 – When Words Fall Short

    07/04/2024 Duração: 01h17min

    A thought experiment about a possible link between the ancient pyramids and the Tower of Babel, leads to a line of thought about how words fall totally short with regards to understanding God. 

  • BYC #53 – A Case for Cosmic Consciousness

    18/08/2023 Duração: 01h49min

    Consciousness is something that has baffled people forever. What is it? Where is it? How do we even define it? I think the confusion sets in because it can mean so many different things to so many different people. It can mean anything from "our feeling of being awake", to something extra-sensory and unknown within us, to a type of bond that connects us all. Today, I will make an argument for all of these descriptions... and more.

  • BYC #52 – Time Bomb Blows Holes in Science

    25/06/2023 Duração: 02h25min

    Today, I started out with an intent to do a podcast about time, but while researching time the story naturally flowed in many other directions, into subjects that were so interesting they demanded to be included.  Many serious flaws were exposed, not only with regards to what science really knows, but with the entire establishment itself.    Also included in this episode:  Newton was a tool, Blame Einstein, A world without time, Beavis got jokes, Wait, how did porn get into this experiment, Scientific American triggers me, Big Bang - my science shot me down, and so much more…

  • BYC #51 – Online Dating: Finding Love, in an Online World

    01/02/2023 Duração: 02h23min

    Get ready for a super-fun conversation with my good friend April Hunter! This is one of the coolest podcasts I've ever done. We cover the world of online dating, the dirty tactics of Match, why you may not have had the luck you hoped for, how to protect yourself and decipher fake profiles, the most common complaints from a he-said/she-said viewpoint, some funny stories and give our winning pick for the best online dating app. In addition to that, we’re going to talk about ways of meeting people offline…. And on that front, we both went to a speed dating event the other day, so we’re gonna talk about that lovely experience as well. It's a long podcast so buckle in or enjoy it in chunks!

  • BYC #50 – Choose Love, Every Time

    28/08/2022 Duração: 01h51min

    Today I want to talk about a way of dealing with EVERY problem we face, as well as our lives in general, that will always end in a win… with love. This isn’t gonna just be a rah-rah show. I’m going to give specific examples. We’ll talk science. We’ll also talk metaphysics. We’ll share scenarios. We’ll talk philosophy… And I’m going to seriously provide an intelligent argument to convince you that love truly does win, every time.

  • BYC #49 – How Quantum Physics Can Make You Question Reality

    13/07/2022 Duração: 01h55min

    Today's show is gonna be a good one! We are going to talk about a lot of things within quantum physics that will blow your mind, including the double split experiment, the measurement problem, superposition, and entanglement. I’m going to explain them in clear, easy to understand words. Then we are going to talk about many theories within science based on trying to understand the results of experiments: the Many Worlds Theory, the Holographic Principle, Quantum Realism, Simulation Theory, and Biocentrism. Then we are going to discuss some crossovers between metaphysics and quantum physics that I both agree and disagree with.

  • BYC #48 – The Mysterious World of Sleep and Dreams

    06/06/2022 Duração: 02h23min

    We spend a third of our lives asleep, and we dream for a large portion of the time we are asleep, but we have no idea what dreams are or why we have them.  Today we are gonna talk about dreaming.  I’m going to bring you a lot of information related to what we know, or think we know, along with my own thoughts on the subject.   We are also going to cover several things related to dreams, like lucid dreaming, sleep paralysis, people who act out their dreams, and how scientists are trying to figure out if they can change our waking thoughts and desires by manipulating our dreams.  We’re going to talk about the heavy abundance of negative dreams, and how I think we can change that.  We are also going to talk about many spiritual dream associations, like dream telepathy, precognition in dreams, shared dreams, time-travel in dreams, etc.  

  • BYC #47 – Perception

    19/03/2022 Duração: 01h42min

    What if I told you that the consensus among experts in the neuroscience field is that we do NOT see the world as it truly is, at all? The truth is, we don’t! Every once in a while I come across a subject so amazing that it stuns me, and I just sit there thinking, “This is life changing! Why don’t they cover this in school?” This has been one of the best of those subjects, and it has been a total game changer for how I view life on many levels. Today, we are going to cover a ton related to perception: The science behind perception; perception vs reality; many of the top studies on perception; and how we can use all of this information to better our lives.

  • BYC #46 – My Transformation at a Tony Robbins Seminar

    05/02/2022 Duração: 01h24min

    I've always been a fan of Tony Robbins, who some people view as the best "life coach" on the planet, so when I saw he was doing a free, live, five-day seminar I jumped on it. I expected it to be entertaining. I expected to get something out of it. What I didn't expect, was to have a meltdown and breakthrough on day one, that would lead me down a life changing path of discovery. Today I will get very personal, talking about my experiences in Tony's seminar and how it transformed my life.

  • BYC #45 – The Power of Listening, with Jordan Harris

    30/09/2021 Duração: 01h01min

    Today we will talk with Jordan Harris of the "HereWithJordan" YouTube channel about the power of listening. Jordan interviews complete strangers on the streets and asks them some really deep questions. The moments he captures are truly amazing. As much as the mainstream media tries to divide us, his videos show us that we are all not so different after all, and they show us how, by showing compassion and really listening and understanding each other, we can all find increased commonality and greater love as a society.

  • BYC #44 – Bouncing Back, and New Projects Going Forward

    03/01/2021 Duração: 15min

    Today is just going to be a short talk to give some follow up on my health following the last episode. I also wanted to spend some time talking about a new podcast that I have started, "Exploring Tampa Florida and Beyond", and why I felt like I needed to start that podcast now.

  • BYC #43 – Rolling With the Punches, Personal Growth From Calamity, and Thoughts on God

    30/09/2020 Duração: 55min

    In this completely unedited episode, I am going to discuss some intense personal challenges I have been facing since the last episode, as well as my mindset to learn and grow from them going forward. Also, I spend a good chunk of the show talking about my personal experiences with God, and what I feel I need to take away as a result of them.

  • BYC #42 – Top 10 Things I Will MIss About California, and 5 Things I Won’t

    08/07/2020 Duração: 44min

    The things in my home will be shipped to Florida next week, and my home will be going on the market. I'm going to stay behind for about a month, and then I'll be heading out. With that in mind, I wanted to take this episode to talk about the top ten things I will miss about California, and five things that I definitely won't.

  • BYC #41 – Coronavirus Conspiracies

    09/05/2020 Duração: 01h27min

    In today's episode, we jump back into the coronavirus discussion. I'll give an update on two protests which I have attended, and talk about how one of them was totally misrepresented by both sides of the debate. We will discuss a ton of things not getting much attention, that really make you question the narrative being pushed by the mainstream media. We will talk shelter in place orders, flattening the curve, hospitals going broke, fake news, censorship, and so many things that just don't seem to make any sense whatsoever. Then we will hop into some common conspiracy theories surrounding this pandemic.

  • BYC #40 – Event 201: Dry Run For A Planned Event, Or Complete Coincidence?

    13/04/2020 Duração: 01h22min

    On October 18, 2019, several high up officials got together for an exercise that simulated a coronavirus pandemic, which was spreading around the world with a possibility of killing 100-200 million people. Two and a half months later, the real virus erupted in China. Today we will take a deep dive into what was covered, as well as take a look at the question, "Was it a complete coincidence, or could it have been a dry run for a planned event?"

  • BYC #39 – Would Our Government and Our Media Ever Lie To Us?

    31/03/2020 Duração: 01h02min

    We are living in times that are full of fear and anxiety for many right now. While we are focusing so intently on the enemy in front of us, there just may be the world's biggest heist going on right behind our backs. Maybe we need to take our eyes off the enemy in front for a moment, and turn around before the bigger threat whacks us in the back of the head. Today I am going to share a story full of information that you will likely never hear in the mainstream news. I'm not recommending anyone drop their guard completely with regard to either opponent. I only hope to get you thinking...

  • BYC #38 – Top 8 Psychological Studies on Behavior Modification

    02/03/2020 Duração: 51min

    Information gathered from psychological studies can be used for either good or bad. In the hands of the wrong people, it can be used to guide your subconscious thoughts and actions, even when the direction you are being guided is not in your best interest. Today we are going to discuss the top 8 psychological studies related to behavior modification, and how you can use the knowledge of them to improve your life. Listed below are the studies covered: 1) Pavlov's Dog Experiment 2) Little Albert Experiment 3) Operant Conditioning 4) The Bobo Doll Experiment 5) The Asch Conformity Study 6) The Stanley Milgram Experiment 7) The Learned Helplessness Experiment 8) Cognitive Dissonance

  • BYC #37 – Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

    15/02/2020 Duração: 36min

    Although last year ended with some really great adventures, there were plenty of things about the year I was not happy with. In this episode we are going to look back at 2019, and then take a look forward to whats going to change in 2020. Also included: Saying goodbye, midlife crisis, the top five regrets of the dying, and why Modesto sucks even more than Houston.

  • BYC #36 – Cross Country Road Trip, Part 4 – Onward to New Orleans, and Clearwater, Florida

    12/12/2019 Duração: 01h40min

    This episode concludes our cross country adventure. Sarah and I travel from San Antonio to New Orleans where we spend some time exploring the French Quarter and taking a steamboat down the Mississippi River. We then continue on and complete our journey, ending at Clearwater Beach, Florida. Also included: Houston sucks, REALLY long bridges, don't swim in Lake Pontchartrain, staying alert in the French Quarter, kicking some British ass, don't swim in the Mississippi, be careful where you park in Tallahassee, and how all of that becomes an incredible time I will never forget.

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