North Of The Wall



Two game developers talking about movies, television, and whatever else crosses their minds.


  • Ep. 13: Game of Thrones Season 7 Finale

    31/08/2017 Duração: 49min

    Game of Thrones Season 7 is complete!  Colin and Justin pick it apart and look forward to the final season of the show.  We got to see everyone together in King’s Landing, even if the path there was pretty dumb (4:30).  How happy were we with Littlefinger’s conclusion (7:00)?  Justin makes an argument for Theon being the worst character in the story (17:50) and then a discussion on that awkward incest scene (27:30).  The Night King closes the season out with a, maybe not that well planned, attack on Eastwatch (29:05), and we finish discussing where this season ranks against the previous ones and whether season 8 can get better (36:45).  Until we meet again, Westeros.

  • Ep. 12: Game of Thrones Season 7, Episode 6

    26/08/2017 Duração: 57min

    Somehow over the course of two episodes Game of Thrones has spiraled completely out of control.  We consider what would happen to everyone else if Daenerys died (8:00) before getting into the stupidest kidnapping plan of all time.  At least it’s giving us a lot of good character moments (12:10).  Shoutout to Sackhead, the kidnapped zombie (24:25).  Justin and Colin discuss the weird pacing of this season and wonder whether it’s because they don’t have the books for guidance any longer (27:43).  The Night King gets involved (40:27), ZOMBIE DRAGON (46:10), and we start making some guesses about what will happen in the finale (48:48).

  • Ep. 11: Game of Thrones Season 7, Episode 5

    26/08/2017 Duração: 40min

    We’re back to recap Game of Thrones, Episode 5.  Justin and Colin start by trying to figure out how the river that Jamie fell into works (2:45).  After a resounding victory in battle, Daenerys and her team come up with might be the stupidest plan we’ve ever heard (12:00).  Davos is the best character on the show (15:10) and Sam should listen to Gilly when she tries to tell him literally the most important secret in the universe (17:30).  We set the table for next week’s likely trip North of the Wall (22:18) before Justin spends way too much time complaining about how every character on this show is an idiot (26:26).