Muhammad West



Shaykh Muhammad West spent most of is youth growing up in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Muhammad West went on to complete a degree in Islamic theology and dawa at the Islamic University of Madina while studying a degree in accounting science through the University of South Africa via correspondence concurrently.Muhammad West returned to Cape Town in 2011 where he qualified as a charted accountant of South Africa.Muhammad West is a married father of 3, the resident imam of the Boorhaanol Islam mosque and senior accountant at one of the worlds largest clothing retailers.


  • Hajj - A Journey to my Lord

    11/05/2024 Duração: 35min
  • Am I Good Person #04

    03/05/2024 Duração: 22min
  • Am I a Good Person #03

    27/04/2024 Duração: 17min
  • Am I a Good Person #02

    19/04/2024 Duração: 22min
  • Am I a Good Person

    13/04/2024 Duração: 15min

    >> Trigger Warning! AI Generated: The challenges of maintaining principles of being a good person and a good citizen are emphasized, with most principles prioritized. It is important to remember that one is a good person and one is a good person in order to maintain their values. The importance of learning and participating in a class to build one's mind and become aware of one's values is also emphasized. It is important to protect one's privacy and be a good person in a way that is not indicative of their true intentions. The speaker concludes by expressing gratitude to those who supported their programs during the month of december.

  • The Revival #30

    10/04/2024 Duração: 18min

    >> Trigger Warning! AI Generated: The speakers discuss the concept of sakaatul fitr, which is to avoid hungry individuals during Easter fasting. They also emphasize the importance of aid and labarang, as well as the need for community support. The speakers stress the importance of fidya and small impacts in building a healthy society, and emphasize the need for individuals to testify for their weight in the message. The speakers also touch on the spread of Islam across various countries and emphasize the importance of reforming Islam and small efforts. The conversation ends with a question about a potential return to Islam, and the speakers expressing gratitude for the audience's support.

  • The Revival #29

    09/04/2024 Duração: 41min

    >> Trigger Warning! AI Generated: The speakers discuss various topics including the Islamic Spirit, the fall of the previouscentalty, the rise of nationalism and racism, the importance of de funds and building institutions for peace, and the need for strong and effective instructions to prevent violence. They emphasize the need for de funds and building institutions to solve real world problems and build a strong umossurability, as well as the importance of handing out handcuffs and thanking participants for their work. The speakers also touch on the rise of nationalism and racism, the need for strong and effective instructions to prevent further violence, and the importance of creating a strong and independent community for peace.

  • The Revival #28

    08/04/2024 Duração: 21min

    >> Trigger Warning! AI Generated: The end of the caliphate and the loss of the Middle East have led to the end of the European-criptions of the agreement on establishing a Israeli-issued state. The French-criptions of the Treaty of Seism have been reaffirmed and the UK and the French have agreed to a treaty called the Treaty of Seism. The conflict between Turkey and Turkey is causing conflict in the Middle East, with the British and American agreeing to a treaty called the Treaty of Seism. The new President of Turkey has promised to lead a new Turkey, but faced criticism from some Turks and the Greeks who say he has no political power. The speakers emphasize the need for political reform to reestablish the previouscentalty and emphasize the need for political reform to reestablish the previouscentalty.

  • Zakah, Sadqa and Sadqatul Jariya

    07/04/2024 Duração: 01h06min

    >> AI Generated: The importance of fasting during the month of centers is emphasized, with emphasis on paying Zakah and charity. The concept of zakah is discussed, including its meaning in financial gain and potential impact on one's wealth. The speakers stress the importance of avoiding risking one's wealth and not giving too much in return, as well as the benefits of giving as much as possible in charity and not giving too much in return. Additionally, the speakers emphasize the need for individuals to have a certificate to avoid confusion and fraudulent activities and the benefits of having a positive attitude towards taxes.

  • The Revival #27

    07/04/2024 Duração: 24min

    >> AI Generated: The fall of the Caliphate is a major event that will shape political issues and lead to war. Germany is modernizing their religion, history, and language, while Turkey is trying to modernize their religion, history, and language. The world is going into war because of the Austrians, Russians, and Austria, and the British plan to invade Turkey and fight the Ottoman Empire. The war is complex and is causing deaths and starving, and the shots are being used to prevent war. The British and the Ottoman Empire have agreed to divide and rule, but each region has its own governor. The British have successfully divided the Ottoman Empire, but the Ottoman Empire is now facing a situation where Russia pulls out, causing division within the Ottoman Empire. The war is causing deaths and starving, and the shots are being used to prevent war.

  • The Revival #26

    07/04/2024 Duração: 24min

    >> AI Generated: The US and the Russian Empire experienced the use of cutting broth and drinking alcohol, as well as protecting local tribes and cities. The French eventually lost most of their population and territory, leading to war and suffering. The French eventually become the leader of the United Kingdom and eventually become the French leader of the Caliphate, leading to political unrest and unrest in France. The speakers emphasize the need for acceptance of the "we" and a peace treaty to prevent war.

  • The Last Man to Enter Jannah

    05/04/2024 Duração: 22min

    >> AI Generated: The importance of Jannah and pursuing deeds is discussed, including finding a way to become a Jannah and remaining humble during nights when tired. The speaker also highlights the sadness of people returning to Jteen mate and the need for people to leave. The Maharajan is emphasized as a holy capital for Islam, where rewarding oneself for actions and finding a way to become a Jannah is rewarded. The importance of healthy eating and bringing a sense of satisfaction is also emphasized.

  • The Revival #25

    05/04/2024 Duração: 23min

    >> AI Generated: The Dutch were eventually conquering the small island of Kona and eventually took over the entire Jackson County, building a base in Cape Town and producing nutwithstanding spices. The Dutch eventually took over the entire Iranian arch Texas and eventually took over the entire French Islands, building a factory to produce spices. The Dutch eventually invaded the town of Robben Island and eventually led the resistance of the people, leading to the creation of a free Muslim slave. The speakers discuss the importance of learning to read and write the Arabic script and preserving deeds in public, as well as the impact of the first century of Islam on political sphere and the importance of learning to read and write the Arabic script.

  • The Revival #24

    04/04/2024 Duração: 20min

    >> AI Generated: The printing press and reformation of religion in Europe have led to the church reforming itself and becoming more and more irrelevant. The history of the Atlantic Ocean, including the French and British shipping companies, is also discussed, including struggles with neighbors and the collapse of the European free trade system. The struggles of native people and the local population during the conflict, including the loss of jobs and clothing use, were also discussed. The French invasion of Algeria and the French's return to Africa are also mentioned.

  • The Revival #23

    03/04/2024 Duração: 20min

    >> AI Generated: The decline in the Ottoman Empire, Middle East, and fall in the Muslim umroom were due to a lack of learning and discussion among the Muslim population, resulting in the drop in fall's movement. The fall also affected the way people were addressed, with some being disconnected from the religious text and others being rigid. The printing press was invented by the Catholic church, and its use in Europe is widely distributed and mass produced. The speakers emphasize the importance of bringing back the idea of Islam and reforming the way it is taught in the world, as well as educating people on their religion to uphold the values of the church. The sharia is important in bringing about reform and reading the Quran in a stormy period.

  • The Revival #22

    02/04/2024 Duração: 22min

    >> AI Generated: The history of the European Empire, including the rise and fall of the Empire, the rise and fall of the Ottoman Empire, and the Iranian Empire, is discussed. The Mughal Empire had a democratic culture, with a focus on religion and cultural leanages, and a military force of hundreds of women and hundreds of men. The British Empire had a military force of hundreds of men and the Iranian Empire had a military force of hundreds of women. Jesus Christ claims to have been the first man to translate the Quran and is working on creating a new book.

  • The Revival #21

    01/04/2024 Duração: 18min

    >> AI Generated: The transcript describes the history of the Spanish-led movement, which began with the Spanish-led movement and ended with the British-led movement. The movement attempted to convert Muslims to their own religion, but was hit by the Spanish-led movement. The British-led movement eventually lost control and eventually lost control. The fall of Al Qaeda was a decline in the Muslim world, with the French and Portuguese attempting to establish independence, and the Spanish Empire in its colonial period.

  • The Revival #20

    31/03/2024 Duração: 29min

    >> AI Generated: The discussion delves into the controversial realities of the past century, including struggles with Islam, the influence of the Saxonist movement, and struggles with the new Middle East administration. The importance of first principles and the use of the first principles in writing is emphasized, along with the history of the conflict between the two apologizers and the struggles of the current president. The discussion also touches on the use of drugs and the lack of proper treatment for COVID-19, as well as the struggles of the former president and his claims to be against anti- constitutional movements. The importance of donating to the Mahara consolidation group is also emphasized.

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