Elk Grove Bible Church



Follow EGBC's Bible-based expository sermons here as we journey through the Word step by step.


  • Psalm 119- The Goodness of Total Dependence, Total Commitment, & the Centrality of God

    20/05/2018 Duração: 56min

    Life is hard in a fallen world and desperate people cry out. Therefore, we cry out to God with a great regularity. Today from the text, we see the blessing of: 1. Total Dependence | Psalm 119:145-148 2. Total Commitment | Psalm 119:145-149 3. Total Centrality of God | Psalm 119:145-152

  • Psalm 119- Long for the Word & You'll Know the Benefits of the Word

    06/05/2018 Duração: 01h11min

    Psalm 119: 129-136 Quick and easy! Often times, we would love to flip and switch to achieve an overnight change. Spiritually, a makeover can be done by God's grace and power, but its not easy nor overnight. Today the Word of God will confront us with the truth of longing for the Word and the benefits that follow. 1. Long for the Word | Psalm 119:129-131. 2. Know the goodness of the God of the Word | Psalm 119: 132-135.

  • Genesis 3 | The Fall of Man

    29/04/2018 Duração: 01h02min

    Genesis 3 Whats God's perspective for the problem of evil? Today, we take a look into the book of Genesis to see the Fall of Man and His remedy!

  • Psalm 119- The 2 Marks of a True Servant: Run from Sin & Run to Grace

    22/04/2018 Duração: 59min

    Psalm 119:121-128 Authenticity matters! The Word of God shows us what authentic faith looks like. The Psalmist gives us two marks of a child of God. As His children and His servants who are redeemed we live for God by His grace. From the text, we see that true servants: 1. Run from Sin | Psalm 119:121a & 126-128 2. Run to Grace | Psalm 119:124

  • The Weight of the Resurrection Theologically & Practically

    01/04/2018 Duração: 54min

    Hebrews 13:20-21. Today we look a the weight of the Resurrection Theologically and practically.

  • Psalm 119-The Word lit Path is Marked by Obedience & Worship

    25/03/2018 Duração: 53min

    Have you ever been in darkness so great, you were afraid of the next step? The Word lit Path is Marked by Obedience & Worship. 1. The Word lights the Path | Psalm 119:105. 2. The Light of the Word & Obedience | Psalm 119:106-107 & 109-112. 3. The light of the Word & Worship | Psalm 119: 101-108.

  • Psalm 119-Delighting in God's Word Produces Transformation

    18/03/2018 Duração: 55min

    What do you delight in? What you behold is what you become. Delighting in God's Word produces transformation. 1. Love the Word of God | Psalm 119:97 & 103. 2. Learn from the Word | Psalm 119: 98-100. 3. Live by the Word | Psalm 119:101-102 & 104.

  • Psalm 119-Delighting in God's Word Produces Transformation

    18/03/2018 Duração: 55min

    What do you delight in? What you behold is what you become. Delighting in God's Word produces transformation. 1. Love the Word of God | Psalm 119:97 & 103. 2. Learn from the Word | Psalm 119: 98-100. 3. Live by the Word | Psalm 119:101-102 & 104.

  • Psalm 119- The Stability of the Word in a World that is Not

    11/03/2018 Duração: 01h02min

    We like and long for stability. The Word of God is the only stability for life! Today, from the text, we see: 1. Hope in an Ever-Stable Word | Psalm 119:89-91&96. 2. Life in an Unstable World | Psalm 119: 92-95.

  • Psalm 119- Despair makes you long for Delivering Grace

    04/03/2018 Duração: 58min

    Psalm 119:81-88. When the reality of suffering is ignored in the scriptures, it will have devastating consequences on your Christian experience. 1. The reality of Despair | v83-87a. 2. The Longing for Delivering Grace | v81-82. 3. The Demand for Truth | v86b-88.

  • The Lord is Willing And Able

    25/02/2018 Duração: 42min

    Luke 5:12-14 Have you ever felt disconnected? In the shadows? Unsure of how to even approach God? Unsure if He was even willing to help? Today we see the heart of God as revealed in Christ, towards the leper. We see His compassion and we learn: 1. The heart to come to Jesus. 2. The need to come to Jesus.

  • Psalm 119- The Goodness of Sovereignty, Suffering & Steadfast Love

    18/02/2018 Duração: 01h02min

    Psalm 119:73-80. Misery and Maturity. Though you may be down in the dumps, or feeling the weight of life's hardships, God is still good! 1. The goodness of obeying the creator v73. 2. The goodness of Sovereignty in Suffering v73, 78. 3. The goodness of Gospel Hope v76-77. 4. The Necessity of the Covenant people of God v74, 79 .

  • Psalm 119- The Goodness of Affliction in the Goodness of God

    11/02/2018 Duração: 01h14min

    Psalm 119:65-72 God is good! His essence is goodness! He is good at all times! Do we believe this about Him in the context of suffering?

  • Psalm 119- Grace Produces Radical Obedience

    04/02/2018 Duração: 01h06min

    Knowledge about God is never the ultimate goal. We long to know God because God is infinitely glorious, infinitely good, infinitely gracious, and the One who alone can satisfy our souls. As we know Him, we delight in Him. This delighting in God moves us to know Him more and more. Yet, knowing and delight aren’t enough either. Because as we know God and delight in God, we will be transformed by God. God’s great longing is that we would live our lives for His glory. Psalm 119 pushes us to that end-living for the glory of God alone. So we may be a congregation that eagerly and joyfully seeks to know God, delight in God, and be transformed by God! 1. God is Enough | Psalm 119:57-58. 2. The Necessity of Thinking before Doing | Psalm 119:59-60. 3. Obedience is Not Circumstantial | Psalm 119:61-64.

  • The Creation Story

    28/01/2018 Duração: 59min

    Genesis 1 & Genesis 2 Whats God's perspective for how all things started? Today, we take a look into the book of Genesis to see God's creation story!

  • Psalm 119-Remembering God in a World that Doesn't

    21/01/2018 Duração: 01h07min

    This week, we find ourselves in Psalm 119:49-56. The Word of God pushes us at times. It pushes us to the hard reality that when we side with God, when we agree with God, we will suffer persecution from those who don't love God. This has been true throughout all of redemptive history and is true today. The Word also pushes us to realize that we will at time stand on unpopular truth because God's Word is clear. We are not able to pick and choose what is "acceptable truth" in our day and age but rather we are called to take God at His Word and believe it in its entirety. O that EGBC would be a church that eagerly sides with God regardless of the consequences. May we hold out both grace & truth to one another and to a world that desperately needs the Savior.

  • Psalm 119- When you trust God, you'll live for God!

    14/01/2018 Duração: 01h03min

    Psalm 119:41-48 What do you trust in? The answer is revealed in what you live for. As we continue in Psalm 119, we learn see that when you trust God, you'll live for Him. 1. Trust Changes Everything | Psalm 119:41-43. 2. Hope Dictates Your Actions | Psalm 119: 44-48. Ex 34:6; Heb 11:1-3; Num 23:19; Prov 8:1-11; Rom 1:16

  • Delight in Righteousness | Romans 3:21-26

    07/01/2018 Duração: 01h00s

    Romans 3:21-26 | Delight in Righteousness. The righteousness of God has been revealed in the Gospel. The Gospel reveals that Jesus is God's means for our salvation for sinners! For all who believe! Without distinction! Delight in the Righteousness that is from God!

  • The Will of God (Your Sanctification)

    31/12/2017 Duração: 55min

    1 Thessalonians 4:1-8. What is the will of God for the believer? Your sanctification is the process by which God's Holy Spirit transforms believers thoughts, motives, and behavior to conform to the holiness (purity, separation from sin's defilement) of Christ Himself.

  • Because the Savior has been born, peace with God is possible | Luke 2:8-20

    24/12/2017 Duração: 01h02min

    God has provided mankind with a very much needed savior. Because the Savior has been born, peace with God is possible!

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