Sofia Ösel Wangmo, Prayers And Songs

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 0:20:52
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Shower Of Blessings - Guru Rinpoche Sadhana, Prayers and Songs.


  • Showers of Blessings - Refuge

    22/05/2016 Duração: 37s

    = REFUGE = NAMO LA MA DE SHEG DÜ PAI KU NAMO In the lama who is the embodiment of the Sugatas, KON CHOG SUM GYI RANG ZHIN LA of the nature of the Three Jewels, DAG DANG DRO DRUG SEM CHEN NAM I, together with the beings of the six realms, CHANG CHUB BAR DU KYAB SU CHI take refuge until our enlightenment. (Repeat three times)

  • Shower of Blessings - Bodhicitta

    21/05/2016 Duração: 34s

    = BODHICITTA = SEM KYED DRO WA KUN DON TU For the sake of all beings, I generate bodhicitta and LA MA SANGYE DRUB NEI NI Cultivate the realization of the Guru, Buddha. GANG LA GANG DUL TRIN LEI KYI By means of enlightened activity I shall train each being according to their needs. DRO WA DROL WAR DAM CHA O And I vow to liberate the world. (Repeat three times)

  • Shower of Blessings - Ten Lines

    20/05/2016 Duração: 26s

    = TEN LINES (FOR ACCRUING MERIT AND KNOWLEDGE) = LAMA YIDAM KHANDRO SHEG Guru, personal deities, and dakinis please come forth NYI DA PEMA'I DEN LA ZHUG And be seated on the sun, moon and lotus seat. LU NGAG YID SUM GÜ CHAG TSAL With my body, speech and mind I reverently pay homage. CHI NANG SANG WA'I CHOD PA BUL I make outer, inner and secret offerings. NYAM CHAG DIG DRIB T'HOL ZHING SHAG I acknowledge and disclose my degenerate and broken samayas, vices, and obscurations. SANG NGAG DRUB LA JEI YI RANG I rejoice in the practice of secret Mantrayana. MIN DROL SANG NGAG CHÖ KHOR KOR Please turn the wheel of dharma of secret Mantrayana, which matures and liberates. NYA NGEN MI DA SHUG SOL DEB I pray, do not pass into nirvana but remain. NYING PO SEM CHEN DON DU NGÖ I dedicate the essence for sentient beings. YANG DAG DORJEI DON TOG SHOG May we realize the perfect vajra nature.

  • Shower of Blessings - Seven Line Prayer

    19/05/2016 Duração: 01min

    = SEVEN-LINE PRAYER = HUNG ORGYEN YUL GYI NUP JANG TSAM HUNG In the northwest frontier of Oddiyana, PEMA GE SAR DONG PO LA In the heart of a lotus YAM TSEN CHOG GI NGÖ DRUP NYEY Sits the one renowned as Padmasambhava, PEMA JUNG NEY ZHEY SU DRAK Who achieved the wondrous supreme siddhi, KHOR DU KHAN DRO MANG PÖ KOR And is surrounded by a host of many dakinis. KYED KYI JE SU DAK DRUP KYI Following in your footsteps, I devote myself to practice. JIN GYI LAP CHIR SHEK SU SÖL Please come forth and bestow your blessings. GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUNG (Recite the vajra guru mantra as much as you wish.)

  • Shower of Blessings - Guru Rinpoche Mantra

    18/05/2016 Duração: 43s


  • Shower of Blessings - Totreng Tsal Mantra

    17/05/2016 Duração: 19s


  • Shower of Blessings - The Four Empowerments

    16/05/2016 Duração: 18s

    = THE FOUR EMPOWERMENTS = LA MAI NEE SUM YI GE DRU SUM LEY Rays of white, red and deep blue light emerge Ö ZER KAR MAR TING SUM CHUNG NEE SU From the three seed syllables in the lama’s three places. RANG GI NEY SUM TIM PEE GO SUM GYI Dissolving into my three places, DRIB CHANG KU SUNG TUK KYI DOR JER GYUR They purify the obscurations of my body, speech and mind; and transform them into the vajra body, speech and mind. TAR NI LA MA KOR CHEY OD DU SHU Finally, the lama and assembly dissolve into light. KAR MAR TIK LE HUNG GI TSAN PA RU As a white and red bindu marked with HUNG, RANG GI NYING GAR TIM PEY LA MAI TUK They dissolve into my heart, RANG SEM YER MED LHAN KYE CHOO KUR NEE And the lama’s mind and my mind indivisible remain as the connate dharmakaya. AH AH With these words look upon your own face of the great original dharmakaya, your own mind-itself, which primordially transcends modifications, rejection and acceptance. Again, look at all illusion-like appearances as being of the nature of the

  • Shower of Blessings - Dedication

    15/05/2016 Duração: 11s

    = DEDICATION OF MERIT = GE WA DI YI NYUR DU DAK By this virtue ORGYEN LA MA DRUB GYUR NEE May I swiftly realize the Oddiyana Lama, DRO WA CHIK KHYANG MA LU PA And may I bring all beings without exception DE YI SA LA GOD PAR SHOK To that state of realisation.

  • Four Immeasurables

    14/05/2016 Duração: 01min

    = FOUR IMMEASURABLES = SEM CHEN THAM CHED DE WA DANG DE WAI GYU DANG DEN PAR GYUR CHIG May all beings have happiness and the cause of happiness. DUG NGAL DANG DUG NGAL GYI GYU DANG DRAL WAR GYUR CHIG May they be free from suffering and the cause of suffering. DUG NGAL MED PAI DE BA DAM PA DANG MI DRAL BAR GYUR CHIG May they never be separated from the perfect happiness of no suffering. NYE RING CHAG DANG NYI DANG DRAL WAI TANG NYOM TSHE MED PA LA NE PAR GYUR CHIG May they remain in boundless equanimity, free from both attachment and aversion to those close and distant.

  • Vajrasattva Mantra

    13/05/2016 Duração: 31s

    = THE HUNDRED-SYLLABLE MANTRA OF VAJRASATTVA = OM Syllable of the most supreme exclamation of praise. BENZAR SATO SA MA YA Vajrasattva’s Samaya MA NU PA LA YA BENZAR SATO O Vajrasattva, protect the samaya. TE NO PA TISHTHA DRI DHO ME BHA WA May you remain firm in me. SU TO KA YO ME BHA WA Grant me complete satisfaction. SU PO KA YO ME BHA WA Grow within me (increase the positive within me). ANU RAKTO ME BHA WA Be loving towards me. SARVA SIDDHI ME PRA YATSA Grant me all the accomplishments, SARVA KARMA SU TSA ME As well as all the activities. TSITTAM SHRE YAM KU RU Make my mind virtuous. HUNG Syllable of the heart essence, the seed syllable of Vajrasattva. HA HA HA HA Syllables of the four immeasurables, the four empowerments, the four joys, and the four kāyas. HO Syllable of joyous laughter in them. BHA GA WAN SARVA TA THA GA TA Bhagawan, who embodies all the Vajra Tathāgatas, BENZRA MA ME MUNTSA Do not abandon me. BENZRI BHA WA Grant me realization of the vajra nature. MA HA SA MA YA SATO

  • Vajrasattva Mantra, Accumulation

    12/05/2016 Duração: 57s

    = THE HUNDRED-SYLLABLE MANTRA OF VAJRASATTVA = OM Syllable of the most supreme exclamation of praise. BENZAR SATO SA MA YA Vajrasattva’s Samaya MA NU PA LA YA BENZAR SATO O Vajrasattva, protect the samaya. TE NO PA TISHTHA DRI DHO ME BHA WA May you remain firm in me. SU TO KA YO ME BHA WA Grant me complete satisfaction. SU PO KA YO ME BHA WA Grow within me (increase the positive within me). ANU RAKTO ME BHA WA Be loving towards me. SARVA SIDDHI ME PRA YATSA Grant me all the accomplishments, SARVA KARMA SU TSA ME As well as all the activities. TSITTAM SHRE YAM KU RU Make my mind virtuous. HUNG Syllable of the heart essence, the seed syllable of Vajrasattva. HA HA HA HA Syllables of the four immeasurables, the four empowerments, the four joys, and the four kāyas. HO Syllable of joyous laughter in them. BHA GA WAN SARVA TA THA GA TA Bhagawan, who embodies all the Vajra Tathāgatas, BENZRA MA ME MUNTSA Do not abandon me. BENZRI BHA WA Grant me realization of the vajra nature. MA HA SA MA YA SATO

  • Prayer to Dispel Obstacles

    11/05/2016 Duração: 03min

    = PRAYER TO DISPEL OBSTACLES = THÜ SUM SAN GYE GU RU RIN PO CHE Guru Rinpoche, buddha of the three times, NGÖ DRUB KÜN DAK DE WA CHEN PO ZHAB Lord of all attainment, source of great bliss, PHAR CHE KÜN SEL DÜ DÜL TRAK PÖ TSEL Dispelling all obstacles and quelling demons with skillful wrath, SÖL WA DEB SO CHIN GYI LAB TU SÖL I pray that you grant your blessing! CHI NANG SANG WE PHAR CHE ZHI WA THANG Pacify all outer, inner and secret obstacles, SAM PA LHÜN GYI TRUB PAR CHIN GYI LOB And grant blessings to spontaneously fulfill all wishes! (3x) OR GYEN RIN PO CHE LA SÖL WA DEB Orgyen Rinpoche, to you I pray! GEL KYEN PHAR CHE MI JUNG ZHING May adverse conditions and obstacles never arise, THÜN KYEN SAM PA DRUB PA THANG And all wishes be fulfilled! CHOK THANG THÜN MONG NGÖ DRUB TSÖL Please grant the ordinary and supreme siddhis! By Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa

  • Prayer to be Reborn in Dewachen

    10/05/2016 Duração: 49s

    = PRAYER TO BE REBORN IN DEWACHEN = E MA HO NGO TSHAR SANG GYE NANG WA THA YE DANG E MA HO Marvellous Buddha Making Boundless Light, YE SU JO WO THUG JE CHEN PO DANG Lord of Great Compassion on your right, YÖN DU SEM PA THU CHEN THOB NAM LA on your left the Sattva with Great Power, SANG GYE CHANG SEM PAG MED KHOR GYI KOR countless buddhas, bodhisattvas 'round. DE KYID NGO TSAR PAG TU MED PA YI There is marvellous countless happiness DE WA CHEN ZHE CHA WAI ZHING KHAM DER in the pure land that's called Dewachen. DAG ZHEN DI NE TSHE PHÖ GYUR MA THAG Then when I and others pass, may we KYE WA ZHEN GYI BAR MA CHÖD PA RU swiftly cut off all the other births. DE RU KYE NE NANG THAI ZHAL THONG SHOG Born there we'll see Amitabha's face. DE KED DAG GI MÖN LAM TAB PA DI Now I chant this aspiration prayer. CHOG CHUI SANG GYE CHANG SEM THAM CHE KYI Ten sides' buddhas, bodhisattvas all, GEG MED DRUB PAR CHIN GYI LAB TU SÖL bless us to gain this free of obstacles. TADYATHA PANTSA DRIYA AWABODHA NAYE

  • Mind of Awakening

    09/05/2016 Duração: 50s

    = MIND OF AWAKENING = CHANG CHUB SEM CHOK RIN PO CHE May the precious mind of awakening, MA KYE PA NAM KYE GYUR CHIK Not yet born arise and grow! KYE PA NYAM PA ME PA YANG May that born never decline, KHONG NE KHONG DU PEL WAR SHOK But increase forever more! TONG NYI TA WA RIN PO CHE May the precious view of emptiness, MA KYE PA NAM KYE GYUR CHIK Not yet born arise and grow! KYE PA NYAM PA ME PA YANG May that born never decline, KHONG NE KHONG DU PEL WAR SHOK But increase forever more! KÜN ZANG DOR JE CHANG CHEN MEN CHE NE From Samantabhadra and the great Vajradhara TRIN CHEN TSA WE LA MA YEN CHE KYI To the kindest root lama, DRO WE THÖN DU MÖN LAM KHANG TAB PA May I accomplish all wishes you have made THE DAK THAM CHE DAK GI DRUB PAR SHOK On behalf of living beings!

  • Long-life Prayer for Alan Wallace

    08/05/2016 Duração: 01min

    = A LONG-LIFE PRAYER FOR ALAN WALLACE = Shapten Söldep Tsebum Chuden --------------------------------- Tön pa tup wang dor jé chang chen dang Gyel kün sang dzin pé ma ka ra yi Ten dzin kyé bü shap pé ten pa dang Dre trin nyi da shin du sel war dzé. Ta kop dro la jam pei char chen pop Kel sang drang mé nang ten dü tsi kyang A len wa li si shé drak pa yi Kyé bu chen pö shap pé ten gyur chik Dzam ling chi dang kyé par nup chok su Gyel ten nyi ö ta bur sel dzé pa Lop pön kyé kyi ku tsé dzé trin gyé Dro kün tar pei lé su tri par dzé. The Nectar-filled Vase of Immortality -------------------------------------- Those who uphold the teachings of the Teacher Śākyamuni, Of great Vajradhara, and of Padmasambhava, Who keeps all the Conquerors’ secrets—may their lives be long, And may they illumine Buddha’s deeds like the sun and moon. The one who showers a great rain of love on beings in faraway lands, And sustains them with the nectar of Buddha’s teaching Through countless fortunate eons, the great being

  • Long Life of His Holiness the Dalai Lama

    07/05/2016 Duração: 14s

    = PRAYER FOR THE LONG LIFE OF HIS HOLINESS THE DALAI LAMA = KHANG RI RA WE KOR WE ZHING KHAM SU In this pure land surrounded by snow mountains, PHEN THANG DE WA MA LÜ JUNG WE NE You are the source of all benefit and happiness;, CHEN RE ZIG WANG TEN DZIN GYAM TSO YI O Tenzin Gyatso, powerful Avalokiteshvara, ZHAB PE SI THE PHAR DU TEN GYUR CHIK May you remain until samsara comes to an end!

  • Long Life of the Lamas

    06/05/2016 Duração: 13s

    = PRAYER FOR THE LONG LIFE OF THE LAMAS = LA MA KU KHAM ZANG WAR SÖL WA DEB I pray that the lama’s health be excellent. CHOK TU KU TSE RING WAR SÖL WA DEB May the lama’s life be most long! TRIN LE THAR ZHING GYE PAR SÖL WA DEB May his enlightened activities flourish and spread! LA MA THANG DREL WA ME PAR CHIN GYI LAB TU SÖL May I never be separate from him and may he always bless me!

  • Long Life of the Dudjon Tersar Teachings

    05/05/2016 Duração: 14s

    = LONG LIFE OF THE DÜDJON TERSAR TEACHINGS = PE ME RING LUG NGA GYUR DZOG PA CHE Padmasambhava s tradition is the Early Translation Great Perfection School NGE DÖN NYING PÖ SHING TA DÜ JOM LING And Düdjom Lingpa is the guide who introduces to the essential true meaning. KANG GI ZAB TER TEN PA SI THE PHAR Until the end of cyclic existence may his profound treasure doctrine be preserved MI NUB SHE THANG DRUB PE DZIN GYUR CHIK Through study and practice, without declining!

  • Shantideva Dedication (English)

    04/05/2016 Duração: 01min

    = DEDICATION PRAYER = From Master Shantideva's Bodhicharyavatara May all beings everywhere Plagued by sufferings of body and mind, Obtain an ocean of happiness and joy By virtue of my merits. May no living creature suffer, Commit evil or ever fall ill. May no one be afraid or belittled, With a mind weighed down by depression. May the blind see forms And the deaf hear sounds. May those whose bodies are worn with toil Be restored on finding repose. May the naked find clothing The hungry find food; May the thirsty find water And delicious drinks. May the poor find wealth, Those weak with sorrow find joy; May the forlorn find hope, Constant happiness and prosperity. May there be timely rains And bountiful harvests; May all medicines be effective And wholesome prayers bear fruit. May all who are sick and ill Quickly be freed from their ailments. Whatever diseases there are in the world, May they never occur again. May the frightened cease to be afraid And those bound be freed; May the powerles

  • Laymon Tendrel - Dakinis' Offering Song

    03/05/2016 Duração: 04min

    = LAYMON TENDREL = LAY MÖN TEN DREL PAK SAM JÖN SHING GI TENG DU Upon the wish-fulfilling tree of good karma linked with prayers GYA GAR SHAR GYI MA JA ZHÖN NU YANG PHEB JUNG the youthful peacock of East India alights. MA JA'I DUK KOR DAM PAI CHHÖ CHHOK LA GYUR DANG Turn your parasol tail towards the sacred teachings ZHÖN PA NGA TSHÖ T'HAR PA'I LAM NA ZHIK ZIN YÖNG so we young ones can reach the path of liberation. SÖD NAM CHID KYI GYAL MO SHING TA LA P'HEB PA'I The chariot of the meritorious Queen of Spring has arrived. LHO MÖN SHING LÖI TSHAL GYI KHU JUK GI SUNG NYEM The melodious voice of the cuckoo from the forest of Lhomön YA GI DRI ZA'I BU MÖI LING BU LAY NYEN PA with a song sweeter than the flute, up there with Gandharva's daughter YAR SUM NOM DA SO WA'I TEN DREL LA YAK JUNG an auspicious sign enlivening the three months of a good summer season. DIR DÜ LAY MÖN T'HUN PA'I DOR JE YI PUN DROK Vajra brothers and sisters gathered here, with complementary good karma and prayers, NGA TSHÖ'I LA MA ZH