Movie Time With Kevin Stein



Kevin Stein and Angie Smith discuss a variety of general movie topics on Movie Time with Kevin Stein airing on Southern Utah University's Thunder 91. They are not professional film critics, but simply fans who love movies!


  • The Bill Murray Special Edition

    07/04/2017 Duração: 28min

    Kevin Stein and Angie Smith discuss the the movies of the great Bill Murray on Movie Time with Kevin Stein airing on Southern Utah University's Thunder 91.

  • The Great Spielberg Showdown

    07/04/2017 Duração: 28min

    Kevin Stein and Tony Eccles again square off in Spielbergian knowledge on Movie Time with Kevin Stein airing on Southern Utah University's Thunder 91.

  • The Great Science Fiction Showdown

    07/04/2017 Duração: 30min

    Kevin Stein and Guest Tony Eccles square off again on science fiction movie knowledge on Movie Time with Kevin Stein airing on Southern Utah University's Thunder 91.

  • The Hypothetical Comedy Oscars

    07/04/2017 Duração: 23min

    Kevin Stein and Angie Smith speculate what would win if we had an Oscar ceremony for only comedies and all comedies ever made were eligible.

  • Sports Movie Playoff Edition: Kevin vs. Tony Eccles

    07/04/2017 Duração: 40min

    Kevin Stein squares off against Tony Eccles to see who reigns supreme on sports movie knowledge on Movie Time with Kevin Stein airing on Southern Utah University's Thunder 91.

  • Movies We Hate with a Passion

    07/04/2017 Duração: 11min

    Kevin Stein and Angie Smith discuss movies they hate with a passion on Movie Time with Kevin Stein airing on Southern Utah University's Thunder 91.

  • Movie Time Picks the Best Bad Guys in Film History

    07/04/2017 Duração: 27min

    Kevin Stein and Angie Smith discuss their favorite film bad guys on Movie Time with Kevin Stein airing on Southern Utah University's Thunder 91.

  • Halloween Special: Best Scary Movies

    07/04/2017 Duração: 19min

    Kevin Stein and Angie Smith discuss their favorite scary movies on Movie Time with Kevin Stein airing on Southern Utah University's Thunder 91.

  • Worst Movie of All Time: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

    07/04/2017 Duração: 19min

    Kevin Stein and Angie Smith label Indy 4 as the worst movie of all time based on several criteria in this episode of Movie Time with Kevin Stein airing on Southern Utah University's Thunder 91.

  • The Under-Appreciate "Guy" Movie Genre

    07/04/2017 Duração: 26min

    Kevin Stein and Angie Smith discuss their favorite guy movies on Movie Time with Kevin Stein airing on Southern Utah University's Thunder 91.

  • The Best "Guilty Pleasure" Movies

    07/04/2017 Duração: 11min

    Kevin Stein and Angie Smith discuss what it means to be a "guilty pleasure" and some of their favorite guilty pleasure movies on Movie Time with Kevin Stein airing on Southern Utah University's Thunder 91.

  • Movie Line Mania

    07/04/2017 Duração: 35min

    Kevin Stein and Angie Smith discuss their favorite movie lines on Movie Time with Kevin Stein airing on Southern Utah University's Thunder 91.

  • The Great Films of Martin Scorsese

    07/04/2017 Duração: 44min

    Kevin Stein and Angie Smith discuss their favorite Martin Scorsese films on Movie Time with Kevin Stein airing on Southern Utah University's Thunder 91. Kevin's father Craig Stein makes a special appearance on the program.

  • Good Guys, Anti-Heroes, and Stupid Heroes

    07/04/2017 Duração: 22min

    Kevin Stein and Angie Smith discuss what really constitutes a "good guy" on Movie Time with Kevin Stein airing on Southern Utah University's Thunder 91.

  • Films that Made Way Too Much and Films that Made Way Too Little

    07/04/2017 Duração: 26min

    Kevin Stein and Angie Smith discuss films that overperformed at the box office and some that underperformed on Movie Time with Kevin Stein airing on Southern Utah University's Thunder 91.

  • Chick Flicks and Tear Jerkers

    07/04/2017 Duração: 23min

    Kevin Stein and Angie Smith discuss their favorite chick flicks and tear jerkers on Movie Time with Kevin Stein airing on Southern Utah University's Thunder 91.

  • Buddy Movie Cliches

    07/04/2017 Duração: 19min

    Kevin Stein and Angie Smith discuss some of the most tired buddy movie cliches on Movie Time with Kevin Stein airing on Southern Utah University's Thunder 91.

  • Best and Worst Movie Presidents

    07/04/2017 Duração: 27min

    Kevin Stein and Angie Smith discuss the best and worst movie presidents on Movie Time with Kevin Stein airing on Southern Utah University's Thunder 91.

  • Best and Worst Christmas Films

    07/04/2017 Duração: 26min

    Kevin Stein and Angie Smith discuss the best and worst Christmas movies on Movie Time with Kevin Stein airing on Southern Utah University's Thunder 91.

  • Best Animated Films

    07/04/2017 Duração: 22min

    Kevin Stein and Angie Smith discuss their favorite animated movies on Movie Time with Kevin Stein airing on Southern Utah University's Thunder 91.

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