Infinite Smile



Relevant spirituality in the midst of 21st century living.


  • ISmile364 - Getting There From Here

    29/11/2018 Duração: 40min

    Michael discusses how it is that we can carry a practice that allows for us to "get there" in terms of waking up. Among the most necessary approaches to this process is to deconstruct the reality we live in from a personal perspective, at least. This is most easily done by exploring the 5 senses (sight, taste, touch, hearing, and feeling) followed by the 6th sense (Asian teaching points to thought on this sense). The 7th sense involves our sense of time (past and future), the 8th sense involves what we might call the Seer, or the Witness. Even this sense is followed, and held openly by another, 9th sense, although even calling this a "sense," misses the mark. Still, the Path is revealed as this approach unfolds. Michael covers much of this and goes into greater detail on this topic in his book, Awake In This Life.

  • ISmile363 - Thanksgiving, Giving Thanks & Suffering Lite


    This evening's talk spans poetry, rock 'n roll, awareness, friendship, and how we can meet our experiences during the Holiday season with care and purpose. In fact, Michael argues, "awareness itself, is gratitude."

  • ISmile362 - Friendship, Fearlessness, and Focus

    11/11/2018 Duração: 49min

    Among the most important aspects of spiritual work is our sense of community. It can inspire us and keep us focused on the needs of the moment. It can also remind us of how necessary it is to make friends with our fear, thus allowing for our actions to be sourced from an undivided sense of purpose.

  • ISmile361 - It's About About Recognition Not Creation

    28/06/2018 Duração: 50min

    So often we find ourselves working to build things that we see as beneficial: a life, a relationship, a home, or even a philosophy that might work to offer us shelter from the chaos of contemporary living. In this talk, Michael offers us a chance to examine this process and consider an alternative. Recognizing what is always, already, in play can shed light on recognition as opposed to creation.

  • ISmile360 - Tangled Silk

    25/06/2018 Duração: 50min

    As the poet, Atticus points out, we are often very complicated beings. This shows up especially in relationships. While any relationship can be a challenge, our intimate relationships are especially good at helping us uncover our attachments. This is at once a challenge and a gift, in terms of spiritual practice. In this talk, Michael discusses relationships and how they offer us opportunities to integrate spiritual teaching.

  • ISmile359 – Loss

    21/06/2018 Duração: 51min

    What is loss and where does the fear associated with it come from? What about anger? What is grief? How do we best cope with these general attributes of loss and the negativity that it inspires? This evening's podcast goes to the heart of this very human experience.

  • ISmile358 – Body As Vehicle

    19/06/2018 Duração: 53min

    It all happens here, in this very body. While it's critical we not get lost in its desires, enlightenment doesn't happen in any other place. Alex Grey

  • ISmile357 – Opened By Life

    19/12/2017 Duração: 51min

    So often we can feel closed off from ourselves, the world, and those around us. In this talk, Michael discusses another option that leads us on a decidedly different spiritual and psychological trajectory, even when situations are difficult.    

  • ISmile356 – Love And Big Love

    18/12/2017 Duração: 46min

    It's all about relationships. Seriously. Everything is related, interdependently, to everything else. Enjoy the podcast of this talk.

  • ISmile355 – Difficult Gifts That Rock

    14/12/2017 Duração: 51min

    Topics such as dealing with negativity, difficult people, and situations that challenge us are covered in this talk.

  • ISmile354 – The 8 Fold Path and Trump

    12/12/2017 Duração: 54min

    Enjoy this evening's talk on the integration of spirituality into real life experiences, including shopping and politics.

  • ISmile353 – Lighting Up Darkness

    16/11/2017 Duração: 58min

    Enjoy this evening's talk, spanning a wide range of spiritual topics.

  • ISmile352 – Without the Slightest Error

    21/09/2016 Duração: 53min

    Enjoy this evening's talk on how perfection shows up in the strangest ways.

  • ISmile 351 – When Hopelessness Rules

    20/09/2016 Duração: 56min

    This evening's talk covers a range of topics but centers around the idea that hopelessness offers us freedom. This is covered by Pema Chodron in her book, When Things Fall Apart.  

  • ISmile343 – Checking ID

    12/09/2013 Duração: 44min

    This evening’s discussion centers around Michael’s proposal that our identification with ideas, objects, feelings, our bodies, our histories and our perceived destinies will always block any kind of stable awakening.

  • ISmile 342 – The Qualities of Awakening

    27/05/2013 Duração: 44min

    In this evening’s talk, Michael describes the benefits of sangha as a shortcut to uncovering our pre-existing enlightened mind. He further goes into the ways that Awakening manifests in each of us as a series of qualities that show up as being at once conscious and, at the same time, spontaneous. In other words, this talk describes how qualities of flexibility, not knowing, questioning, simplicity, the recognition of what is always prior to mind and body, surrender, patience and discipline. Additional topics include, the fallacy of conflating Buddhism with New Age practices, and getting a sense of our internal freedom we often refer to as the Witness.

  • iSmile 341 – No Such Thing As A Mistake

    23/05/2013 Duração: 51min

    In this evening’s talk, Michael describes the benefits of sangha as a shortcut to uncovering our pre-existing enlightened mind. He further goes into the ways that Awakening manifests in each of us as a series of qualities that show up as being at once conscious and, at the same time, spontaneous. In other words, this talk describes how qualities of flexibility, not knowing, questioning, simplicity, the recognition of what is always prior to mind and body, surrender, patience and discipline. Additional topics include, the fallacy of conflating Buddhism with New Age practices, and getting a sense of our internal freedom we often refer to as the Witness.

  • ISmile 340 – Like Your Own Eyes

    18/05/2013 Duração: 25min

    In this mashup of two talks, Michael uses the phrase from Dogen Zenji’s, Instruction to the Cook, where he suggests that each grain of rice be handled carefully, “as if it were your own eyes.” Treating our lives this way helps us awaken to the truth that any Tathagatha, or person who actually sees reality, can embody. This embodiment is a gift. Something referred to hal in Arabic, or satori, in Zen is this very gift. But we must earn it. We do this by being open and available vessels that carry this teaching with greater potency the more we sit still. This is how we care for our practice… as if it were our own eyes.

  • ISmile339 – Dealing With Conflict

    08/01/2013 Duração: 49min

    What happens when we are in the midst of disagreement?  This can apply to a marriage, a friendship, a community or (perhaps especially) a legislative debate or an election. The Buddha had some thoughts on this as noted in the famed Quarrel of Kosambi, where he offers some guidance. Engaging in the practice of right speech and right thought can do wonders, according to the teaching. The same applies to the ways in which we deal with our own practice. There are several blocks, by the way, that inhibit the openings that meditation can offer each of us as practitioners.  

  • ISmile338 – If It’s Generous It’s Love

    23/11/2012 Duração: 46min

    Michael asks the audience in this week's talk, what it is they think that enlightenment will bring them. He then goes forward to suggest that enlightenment will bring nothing to our experience that we don't already have. But its realization can fundamentally alter the course of our lives. Weaving this in to the beauty and the stresses of the holidays the Dharma talk centers around how it is that we can offer up, as Yunmen suggests, an "appropriate response" in the midst of it all.

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