Eyres On The Road



Richard and Linda Eyre are world-traveling family coaches. Their common-sense approach to parenting brings hope and encouragement to parents everywhere. New episodes Saturdays at 1 pm Eastern.


  • 3-Letter Lesson #37: PTL

    01/06/2024 Duração: 32min

    How do we get ourselves and our kids in touch with the Spirit or Higher Intelligence of God, to help us discern truth from error and give us the security and comfort we need? The Eyres suggest that there are four portals (abbreviated PTL) that get us "in" to the Spirit: Joy, Love, Peace, and Beauty. Today, they discuss these four portals as both the passwords into the Spirit, and as the manifestations of the Spirit.


    25/05/2024 Duração: 32min

    (Saren, left, as a 5 year old in England) In their ongoing effort to introduce podcast listeners to their children who they talk about so often, the Eyres interview their first daughter Saren on today's episode. Saren's stellar Wellesley/Harvard education, her LDS mission to Bulgaria, and having 5 kids of her own in five years launched her into a life of service to other parents and families and to coaching and speaking to parents worldwide through her organization, poweroffamilies.com

  • Shawni Eyre Pothier: A Close-Up

    18/05/2024 Duração: 33min

    (Shawni, middle, as a child in London) On today's show, Richard and Linda interview their daughter Shawni, well-known blogger (71toes.com) and podcaster (In the Arena with the Eyre Sisters) about her life, her family, and the motivation behind her ongoing work to help and improve parenting and families. Briefly covering Shawni's life from childhood through her education, her mission, and her own marriage and family, the conversation stems into encouragement for all parents.

  • 3-Letter Lesson #36: OBS

    11/05/2024 Duração: 30min

    The Eyres are in Laguna Beach today and In this new episode they continue their series on "3-letter lessons" and focus on OBS or Observe. Really seeing, truly noticing, and the effort to be acutely aware is the key to all learning and all becoming. Jesus taught us to "watch and pray" and the better we get at observing the more we will have of gratitude, calmness, love, beauty, peace, perspective, inspiration, and joy.


    27/04/2024 Duração: 29min

    The Eyres cast today from the South of Italy, the "boot" as it is called, where Richard is playing in an international senior tennis tournament. They are traveling with their son Tal, featured on last week's podcast with his new book DAD MODE, and his Swiss wife Anita who is a noted personal coach. Tal and Anita tell "their story" which includes a year long "humanitarian honeymoon." See more at TalEyre.com and AnitaJoosEyre.com.


    20/04/2024 Duração: 34min

    In this new episode, Richard and Linda interview their son Talmadge about his new book DAD MODE. Tal, a Master of Positive Psychology from U. Penn, and a former college basketball star who now lives in Switzerland with his family, talks about the universal need of Dads to have stronger personal connections with their children. DAD MODE will be published for Father's Day but is available now for pre-order on Amazon.


    13/04/2024 Duração: 32min

    Linda and Richard get personal on today's show, and talk about what each of their adult children are doing to strengthen and encourage families. Perhaps the permissible form of pride is the kind we all have for our kids, and the Eyres, while acknowledging that everyone has problems, let it rip about their pride in each of their progeny, and give us websites to follow each of them in the family-work they are doing.

  • 3-Generation Family Management

    06/04/2024 Duração: 31min

    Today the Eyres make a strong appeal for a more inclusive definition of "FAMILY" and suggest that blood really is thicker than water. Conscious, diligent effort to stay connected with parents, grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles and even ancestors is important and always pays off. Family is not just parents and kids: we are ALL part of a family. The Eyres give four specific suggestions on how to connect and synergize.

  • 3-Letter Lesson #35: EZY

    30/03/2024 Duração: 32min

    The Eyres continue their 3-letter lesson series with the concept of "easy" and the question of whether we should think of our lives as hard or easy and how we can move from one toward the other. For Easter week, Richard and Linda have focused on Matt. 11:30 where Christ says "My yoke is easy" and they examine both spiritual and secular approaches to simplifying, prioritizing, and "sharpening our saws."


    23/03/2024 Duração: 31min

    How can parents and grandparents work together in a synergistic way for the good of the children? How can we keep ourselves connected with good parenting and grandparenting ideas? The Eyres discuss these questions and point us toward their website EyresFreeBooks.com where many of their books are instantly available for free and where there are discount links for their latest books.


    16/03/2024 Duração: 29min

    In this episode, Linda and Richard talk about the three books they are currently working on, and reflect on how the role of books has changed in today's world, and been replaced in many ways by podcasts and audible. They mention the new hit podcast of their four daughters and encourage us all to pay closer attention to what we listen to, what we read, and what we write.


    09/03/2024 Duração: 30min

    Today the Eyres are at Indian Wells at a tennis tournament and talk about how Linda adopted Richard's love for tennis. The discussion expands to how Richard developed a love for Linda's profession of classical music, and then broadens to the concept of making the interests of those you love into your own interests and learning from each other even as we expand our own horizons.


    02/03/2024 Duração: 33min

    Richard is flying solo from Phoenix this week on Eyres on the Road while Linda is traveling with her sisters-in-law, so Richard is taking the opportunity to explore some recent public polling data that shows that the individual rather than the family has become the basic unit of American thought and culture and that good jobs and income are thought to be more relevant to well-being than being married or having children. What can be done?


    24/02/2024 Duração: 31min

    Today, Richard and Linda turn their discussion to the most important topic of all--love. And they explore the word as a verb and suggest starting the day with the question of "how or who can I love more today." They ponder two phrases from the Second Great Commandment: "like unto it" and "as thyself," and suggest that simply thinking more about love as a verb can change every day of our lives.


    17/02/2024 Duração: 32min

    In this episode, the Eyres explore Richard's new article in Meridian Magazine (latterdaysaintmag.com) called Paradigm Shifts on the Road to Exaltation, and discuss how important it is to see religion and faith institutions as support mechanisms for our relationships and human connections--as the means to the end of loving each other in ways that bring us joy, particularly in our families.


    10/02/2024 Duração: 32min

    On today's episode, Linda and Richard talk about one of their websites called eyresfreebooks.com where about half of their 60 published books can be found, and read, for free. Once the copyrights and publishing rights revert back to the Eyres from the publisher, they make it free and put it up on this website and today on the podcast they discuss their motives for doing this.

  • Three-Letter Lesson #33: KFB

    03/02/2024 Duração: 31min

    As the Eyres move into their 14th season (there have now been over 600 podcast episodes) they return to their series on Three-Letter Lessons. KFB represents KNOW, FEEL, and BELIEVE and the discussion is about how these three concepts work together and co-exist under the umbrella of Faith. Richard and Linda's objective today is to get us all to think more about all three.


    27/01/2024 Duração: 30min

    Today's episode is essentially a tribute to books, and Richard and Linda talk about their lifetime love affair with books, quoting Ben Franklin who advocated that a person should always carry two books, the one he is reading and the one he is writing. The Eyres get a little personal and tell about the books they are working on right now.


    20/01/2024 Duração: 30min

    It's a big subject, but the Eyres zoom in this episode on how parents and grandparents talk (and don't talk) about the financial aspects and lessons of life with children; and about what family systems can be put in place to help kids of all ages become financially responsible and avoid the Entitlement Trap. It's important to think it through and have a plan within your family!


    13/01/2024 Duração: 30min

    PROPINQUITY means "the state of being intimate and close to someone--as in close family kinship," and in this episode the Eyres discuss how we can build more propinquity into our 3-generation families through parents and grandparents working in synergy and even symbiotically together as managers and consultants with the common goal of the well being of the children.

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