Even The Odds



I never want to be just positive or negative because I need Balance, so I evened the odds. Even The Odds is about learning to balance life and live in the moment. This is also known as living in the Now. I am an old soul sharing my experiences about life, spirituality, meditation techniques, holistic healing, health and fitness, which have all lead me to a more balanced mind, body and soul.


  • #023 - Celebrating Wins and Healing My NPD

    09/12/2020 Duração: 23min

    I come from a culture of celebration and would like to instill the celebratory mindset into you all by reminding you that "smalll" wins are the structure and steps to larger wins. As a US Army Combat Veteran with PTSD, Narcissim was my coping mechanism and I spent years learning how to break the patterns of my diagnosed self to understand why I was truly hurting. Many believe that a narcissist cannot change AND it is that mindset that is spoken into the narcissist that may prevent them from change. It was a great friend of mine that believed in me and held the space I needed to see the truest reflection of my Self. That journey lasted almost 10 years and mixed in with Childhood Abuse and more, has led me to become the radically self-loving being and leader I am today.

  • #022 Charging Your Worth as a Coach

    19/05/2020 Duração: 58min

    Hannah Love and I decided to go live to talk with you all about the basics when it comes to Coaches, Spiritual Teachers and other Entrepreneurs. Remember that your prices are NOT based on the program itself OR YOU, they are based on the TRANSFORMATION the client is going to experience.  Yes, the money conversation SUCKS, but you will need to have it at some point because most of you are NOT charities and need to make sure your needs are met. You invested in yourself through coaching, certifications and other programs, so as you grow, your price changes. This is reflected in your enrollment calls and will play a large role in how you interact with others in different aspects of life (even outside of business life).  Remember, your pricing, values and challenges are also reflected in those you teach because if you have a problem with money, boundaries or anything, more often than not, they will also integrate that limiting belief.

  • #021 Goodbye, Mercury Rx 2020

    09/03/2020 Duração: 28min

    As we phase out of Mercury Rx, we now move into Mercury Stationary Direct, the time to pause, reflect and live without regrets. It is also a time of receiving downloads, processing new information and being able to do so from different (new) perspectives. As you learn, you may make less mistakes because you may be working on your triggers and healing the relationships you have with yourself and others.

  • #20 No More SNOOZE for Self-Love

    22/02/2020 Duração: 35min

    In this episode I wanted to talk about how often we press SNOOZE on our own Self-Love and the affects it has on our growth and healing.  We constantly give and give and give and do not take the time to focus on ourselves as we need to also give and receive within. If we do not take that time and give ourselves this important space, we may become overwhelmed and project in ways that make us feel so unbalanced. Let's stop pressing SNOOZE on our SELF-LOVE and embrace the Love within.

  • #019 Check on Yourself and Others

    06/02/2020 Duração: 18min

    Today I just wanted to remind you all to check on yourself and others. I know we often get so caught up in our own lives that we may forget to check on those close to us. This is ok to focus on ourselves, but in a world of 9 billion when connections are now very spiritual and technological, we may want to check up on one another. Be sure to always take time for yourself as well because you are your priority.

  • #018 Spiritual Paths and Relationships

    04/02/2020 Duração: 19min

    In this episode I will answer some of the most common questions I get in regards to following our Spiritual Paths and the effects it may have on our Relationships with others. Remember to always be the Light in every situation that you can and avoid allowing others to Trigger you. Remember that everyone is on their own path and that you must protect your energy. The most important in my opinion is to know that Communication is Important, but Listening and Understanding (Not that you must agree) are Key!

  • #017 Spiritual Alchemy: Boundaries and Biofields

    26/01/2020 Duração: 35min

    Spiritual Alchemy takes into consideration the 7 Stages of Alchemy in order to transmute the raw materials of ourselves into the "Philosopher's Stone" that is our Authentic Self. So we shall discussing burning down our current boundaries and biofields in order to transmute them into ones that are not as loose or rigid as what we are used to. This will ensure that others know our boundaries and our biofield in order to feel safer, stronger and more calm within and around us.

  • #016 KLIK - New Years, Moons and You

    23/01/2020 Duração: 44min

    On this episode of Kandle Light Insight Konvos, Katsura and Khadaura discuss New Years, New Moons and New Beginnings as we learn to process removing the shackles we allow to slow us down. One of the keys to moving forward is listening to Spirit and being your Authentic Self. The most beautiful version of You is YOU. It is a process that will break you down, but this allows us to know the pieces of ourselves and to align with our Higher Self as we embrace the Mastery of Self.

  • #015 Spiritual Alchemy: Shadow Work

    19/01/2020 Duração: 44min

    Shadow Work involves the inner journey of what is hidden deep within us. Shadow work is such an important journey to take as it allows us to heal the triggers deep within that have been with us from childhood until now. In doing so, we are able to find a more balanced state of mind, understand the reflection we imprint on others, see others more authentically, and ascend on our spiritual (and personal) journey through life.

  • #014 Love and Ego

    18/01/2020 Duração: 22min

    In 2019, I heard an amazing conversation through Red Table Talk in which they discussed Love and Ego, as well as the many aspects in how they are like fraternal twins. Ego has no place in Love because the Ego can cause us to do, say and be the less authentic versions of ourselves, and this can cause us to lose great people in our lives. I wanted to discuss my experiences with love and ego using the bullet points I had taken from the Red Table Talk to explain how Love and Ego affect not just our Partners, but our Family and Friends as well.

  • #013 Magick within the Mundane ft Sarah Proffitt

    17/01/2020 Duração: 01h06min

    Sarah Proffitt and I had a discussion about Magick within the Mundane aspects of life to include living in harsh conditions, the standards of society, and some of the journeys we experience in our personal and spiritual paths.  This life is what we choose to make of it and we must always remember that all of the answers are within us. There are many spiritual tools that can be used, but these tools are Teachers and Guides. The crystals we hold so close to our hearts or the plants we use in our daily rituals do not create a divine power without intention. They were reborn with a purpose and we can channel their will through us with the various codes they transmute within. This means that we can learn from these tools to activate them within ourselves (on our own), allowing the doors to forever be open.  May you all find your Paths through Knowledge (Knowing) and Wisdom (Experience) and embrace the Shadows to experience a rebirth and clarity to your Divine Self.

  • #012 Not Everyone Will Innerstand

    17/06/2019 Duração: 01h07min

    This episode is for those of us that at some point have been or are at a point where we feel as if we are the best of Listeners, but are never truly heard by others. You may or may not have an open-mind and often feel as if no matter what you say, no one will listen, no one will understand and no one will innerstand the depths of your soul. Well, that is life, not everyone will innerstand you. Let's talk about the process and ways to deal with this state of mind.

  • #011 Losing to Win

    11/05/2019 Duração: 01h11min

    This episode discusses the loses we have in life that help us learn to innerstand, appreciate, value and embrace the meaning of winning.

  • #010 Why Meditation?

    03/04/2019 Duração: 01h08min

    In this episode I will discuss the mental, spiritual and physical benefits of meditation based on my experiences and others I have met.

  • #009 Letting Go for the Flow

    28/03/2019 Duração: 43min

    This episode is about letting go of relationships, friendships, ego, work, hobbies and anything in life that does not support your growth so that you can move with the flow that best suits your journey in life. Letting go is a way to allow your Self to experience more happiness based on the Mental Transmutations you learn to embrace, which ultimately lead to a happier lifestyle. There are many different streams to flow with, but you will not know them until you have learned to let go and live in the Moment.

  • #008 Solitude versus Loneliness

    22/08/2018 Duração: 42min

    In this episode I will discuss the differences between Solitude and Loneliness, and how Solitude can help you understand your Self better through living in the moment and channeling "lonely energies" into various versions of Self.

  • A Guided Meditation (Extended)

    21/07/2018 Duração: 01h11min

    This is the extended guided meditation through Deeper Self, the Sands of Time and Space, and an Intro into Yugen (Living in the Moment). Let our journey begin and continue on forth.

  • #007 Own That Sh*t

    10/03/2018 Duração: 34min

    It is time to stop making excuses in our lives and to OWN THAT SH*T! Own the L's (loses) and learn from them becsuse they become wins. Own the failures in your life because they become success. Own the negativity in your life because adding positivity later on creates balance.

  • #006 Excuses, Excuses and More Excuses

    09/03/2018 Duração: 40min

    We all make excuses in life for why we can't do things, but we fail to self-reflect and admit to ourselves that we are our own worst enemies in life. For every excuse there is a solution we can find through ourselves, the people close to us and even strangers on the internet. Take advantage of all of these resources and be the change you so desperately seek in your life.

  • #005 On The Other Side

    05/03/2018 Duração: 13min

    Some people seem to believe that the grass is always greener on the other side, but this is not true. Sometimes the other side is full of mud, dirt, sand, cement or many other types of grounding. Life is not always about reaching the other side because sometimes your side already has the potential for greatness, you just have to believe in yourself.

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