




  • E Commerce in Cyber Space

    03/02/2021 Duração: 43s

    This provide a quick definition of the term Cyber Space.

  • Community Radio Talk with Dr. Abhignya .N - 'Nutrition from our Kitchen'- We have a Natural Medical Store in Our Home

    06/01/2021 Duração: 28min

    This Community Radio Talk is to bring us  closer to our kitchen and to make us understand that there is a good healing effect in all the food that we eat. Also to make us understand what needs to be avoided for a good health. At these troubled times due to pandemic we can definitely explore all the advantages of our daily food. Dr.Abhignya .N is Project Assistant at Government Ayurveda College, Bangalore and also Chief Consultant at Ksharapani Ayurveda Clinic at Indiranagar. Interviewed by A.Chandran, Assistant Professor & Coordinator,RVIM Centre for Social Responsibility. This is a part of National Management Week Celebrations at R.V. Institute of Management, Bangalore Recorded on January 6,2021   11 am  

  • Chiraag,Student I MBA, at RVIM on World Animal Day

    04/10/2019 Duração: 02min

    Mr.Chiraag feels animals are to be treated as human beings. We should never hurt them.He is a student in MBA Batch 2019-21 at R.V.Institute of Management,Bangalore.

  • World Animal Day 2019

    04/10/2019 Duração: 03min

    Today on the occasion of World Animal Day,the students of I Semester MBA are joined to express their concern towards animals.Some of them took a pledge and later expressed their opinion as apart of awareness programme held in Conference Hall.They are also working towards adoption of Animal in The Mysore Zoo. Interviewed by A.Chandran 

  • New Job Skills in 2020

    09/04/2019 Duração: 37s

    In the year 2020 you shall find new skill set to sustain in the Job market.This series of programme analyses the employability skills needed to sustain and grow.Keep listening

  • World TB Day

    24/03/2019 Duração: 01min

    Theme of World TB Day 2019. It's TIME

  • April 16, 2018

    16/04/2018 Duração: 01min
  • Introduced

    02/04/2018 Duração: 45s


  • BIA Student News

    24/02/2018 Duração: 32s

    Graduation day-