Coffee With Colby



Coffee with Colby is a podcast about putting your best foot forward on your professional path, whatever that may be.Colby Reade has navigated the soaring highs and gut-punching lows that come with building two successful careers by your mid-30's. He's been promoted, recruited and earned several prestigious awards. He's also been chewed out, cursed at, fired and even had to dodge office supplies thrown by an enraged boss. Because of his experience, he's been tapped by hundreds of individuals and professional organizations for career advice and tips. On this podcast, Colby pulls from his own personal experience as well as thorough research from countless experts in the field of professional development to help listeners feel more prepared for whatever challenges the workplace may throw at them.From manager and team member dynamics to moving up the corporate ladder to starting your own business to figuring out how to balance personal challenges like your health and family relationships that will impact your days on the job, Colby tackles the stuff you don't learn in school but everyone should know how to handle.Episodes are bite-sized, running about 10-20 minutes each .... perfect to catch up on a commute or listen to in the moment over a cup of coffee should your boss go haywire on an average Tuesday. Note: This podcast is the sole expression and opinion of Colby Reade and is not representative of any clients or organizations he works with currently, as well as any organizations he has worked with in the past or may work with in the future.


  • Coffee with Colby Ep 30 Pt 1 - LIVE SHOW - The Importance of Asking Questions

    17/03/2019 Duração: 14min

    Live from the University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communications, Colby talks about the importance of asking questions early on in your role ... how asking the right questions can actually make you sound smart and why questions are critical to setting you up for long term success. 

  • Coffee wth Colby Ep 32 - How to deal with an abusive boss

    02/03/2019 Duração: 23min

    Accusations leveled against Senator Amy Klobuchar recently have brought the issue of abusive bosses to the front of our conversation (see link below for detail). While not commenting on the Senator Klobuchar situation specifically, Colby shares his own examples of working with abusive bosses and the five steps every employee needs to take to address this kind of situation, whether their boss is throwing office supplies, cursing at staff or belittling team members in a staff meeting. 

  • Coffee with Colby Ep 31 - The ONE strategy to best prepare you for job interviews

    18/02/2019 Duração: 10min

    Preparing for a job interview can be an agonizing process as you likely will receive several opinions on how to present yourself ... from your attire to your resume to your cover letter.  In today's episode, Colby shares the one strategy that has helped him weed through the multitude of opinions and best prepare himself for numerous interviews and how you can apply it to your own job search no matter your level in the industry.

  • Coffee wit Colby Ep 29: Being open on your career path

    02/02/2019 Duração: 13min

    Launching into a career can feel intimidating and scary. Whether you are just graduating from school or moving from one field into a new industry, you may feel like you have to pick the RIGHT gig with the RIGHT organization which just adds an entire layer of nerves and stress to an already challenging situation.In today's episode, Colby shares why it is important to be open at every phase of your career path and why it is not important to land the RIGHT job right out of the gate. 

  • Coffee with Colby Ep. 28 - Networking 101

    11/01/2019 Duração: 19min

    Everyone knows they NEED to network, but not everyone knows HOW to network in a way that's going to move the needle on a job search or a career change. How do you build meaningful relationships with the people who can actually have a say in hiring decisions? Colby shares why he hates traditional "networking" and what steps any job seeker can take today to start building a robust network of professional colleagues.

  • Coffee wit Colby Ep 27: Preparing for your annual review

    23/12/2018 Duração: 20min

    Annual reviews can be a nerve wracking experience, especially if you are relatively new in your career or hoping for a raise/promotion. A few steps ahead of time can set you up for success and put you on the path to career growth.

  • Coffee with Colby Ep. 26 - The importance of saying Thank You

    23/11/2018 Duração: 25min

    Want to inspire a team to go the extra mile? Want to be the colleague your teammates WANT to work with? Want to make fiends and build influence within your organization, with vendors and with partners? Start with two simple words: Thank You.<P><P>In Today's episode, Colby shares the value of saying Thank you ... more than just the quick thanks we all tack onto the end of emails ... and some simple strategies to quickly express your gratitude with colleagues in a way that will uplift their day and help put you in a positive light.

  • Coffee with Colby Ep. 25 - Asking for a raise

    17/11/2018 Duração: 19min

    Asking for a raise can be one of the trickiest conversations you'll have in your career. In today's episode, Colby shares the five steps you should follow when requesting a compensation increase, including how to position yourself in the strongest possible way with your boss and how too figure out what you're REALLY worth.

  • Coffee wit Colby Ep 24. - 7 Tips for Prepping for your Next Job interview

    12/11/2018 Duração: 31min

    Interviewing for a new job can be a stressful period, but making a boneheaded mistake can make the whole experience feel like a disaster. After walking through the job interview process dozens of times, Colby has gained some expert insight into what key steps can set you up for success, whether it's your screening interview with HR or the final sit down with the CEO. Listen in for these 7 tips to make prepping for your next job interview a breeze.

  • Coffee with Colby Ep. 23 - Health benefits and open enrollment

    02/11/2018 Duração: 20min

    <P>Tis the season for OPEN ENROLLMENT. This is the time of year when employees have the opportunity to make fresh healthcare elections and making the wrong choices can cost you big in the longterm.<P><P>In today's episode, Colby shares key tips for assessing which healthcare selections you should make and how to approach your open enrollment period.

  • Coffee with Colby Ep. 22 - Job offers and Negotiation

    27/10/2018 Duração: 21min

    <P>Getting a job offer can be one of the most exciting moments of your year. But what if the salary is a little lower than you expected? Everyone says you are supposed to negotiate these days, but how do you actually put that into practice...especially if you are relatively young in your career and may be facing a competitive applicant pool?<P><P>In today's episode, Colby shares personal stories of his own from salary negotiations gone wrong, how to get the salary you deserve and how to approach your compensation discussion appropriately.

  • Coffee with Colby Ep. 21 - Stop selling yourself short!

    20/10/2018 Duração: 16min

    <P>Being self aware is one thing, but far too often job candidates (those coming out of school, those returning to the work force or those trying to change into a new field) focus on their perceived gaps instead of the real value they can bring to a new company.<P><P>In today's episode, Colby shares real experiences of colleagues he has worked with who have had to work through this challenging mindset and what everyone can do to adjust their focus to emphasize their value instead of their shortcomings. 

  • CWC Ep 20 - 6 Tips To Be Healthier At Work

    06/10/2018 Duração: 28min

    <P>In our last episode, we talked about why it was so important to invest in your health in order to be your best on the job. Today, we go a step further and look at HOW to actually be healthier in the modern office.<P><P>Colby shares six key tips that can help anyone live a healthier lifestyle, have more energy, feel more focused and enjoy their time on the job. 

  • Coffee with Colby Ep. 19 - Invest in your body

    28/09/2018 Duração: 18min

    How we feel has a direct impact on our work performance and yet so many of us walk through life accepting chronic illness or pain as just part of the gig. In today's episode, Colby wants to encourage every person listening to continue to invest in learning what makes their own body tick and how to develop a health plan that promotes your best life for you.

  • Coffee with Colby Episode 18 - Job Hunting Tip - Keep your Funnel Full

    09/09/2018 Duração: 19min

    When job hunting, it can be tempting to zero in on one perceived opportunity that looks promising. The idea of quickly finding a role that is a good fit is so enticing and no one wants to have to step out of the recruitment process if another opportunity were to present itself. But this is a highly limiting approach to your job search. In today's episode, Colby explains why it is critical to keep your job prospect funnel full regardless of how close you think you may be to an offer. Tune in to learn what can cause that super promising opportunity to fall apart and how to gracefully and graciously address a situation where you receive an offer from one company but no decision from a second company.

  • Coffee with Colby Ep 17 - 4 Ways to Build Credibility Right Away

    01/09/2018 Duração: 19min

    Your personal credibility plays a huge role in whether you succeed or fail in your professional role. If you have strong credibility, your boss is more likely to trust you with bigger projects and give you freedom to tackle work on your own terms (e.g., flex time, work remotely, etc). If your credibility is lousy, be prepared to be micromanaged. But how do you build credibility if you are brand new to a role or a company? In today's episode, Colby shares examples of how credibility can help open doors on your professional path, as well as the 4 basic practices that anyone can apply to excel in the first days and weeks on a job.

  • Coffee With Colby Ep. 16 - Stop saying "Fake it 'til you make it"

    19/08/2018 Duração: 15min

    A popular phrase to motivate young professionals, entrepreneurs and established professionals looking to make a career jump is to "Fake it till you make it." But is this the right phrase to use? In today's episode, Colby outlines why this popular phrase is actually harmful to professionals and what phrase we should be using instead.

  • Coffee With Colby Ep. 15 - The Unemployment Firedrill

    10/08/2018 Duração: 23min

    Losing your job is a terrible experience, but it doesn't have to be as bad as many people think. Think of it like a major snow storm. If you have no supplies, being stuck inside for three days can be pretty painful. But if you have fresh groceries, candles, batteries and plenty of Netflix shows downloaded, the pending storm is easier to bear. Building on his own experience pre-and-post unemployment, Colby shares the Unemployment Firedrill process - seven steps everyone can and should take to prepare themselves should they lose their job without notice. In just a matter of hours, you can gain significant confidence and reduce your stress level and anxiety. Take back your power and sense of control.

  • Coffee With Colby Ep. 14 - Ask Colby - I just got fired ... what do I DO???

    05/08/2018 Duração: 24min

    Getting fired sucks, but it can happen to anyone. In this day and age of corporate mergers and restructuring, positions can be eliminated or downsized at almost any time and, often, with no notice. In today's episode, a listener asks Colby, "I just lost my job, what should I DO?" Colby walks through the critical steps everyone should follow in the moments following a termination. Listen in as he walks through each action, from what to avoid in the conversation with HR to why self care is so important to how to take control of your job search. These tips have been used by several professionals with outstanding results. Even if your job feels "safe," you need this information in your back pocket just in case. Find Colby on social media! Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

  • Coffee with Colby Ep 13 - Getting Fired Pt1 - Colby's Story

    04/08/2018 Duração: 24min

    Getting fired is one of the most stressful, traumatic experiences we can face in modern life, outranked only by death, divorce and imprisonment. And yet millions of people will face this challenge every year. Sometimes there are warning signs, but often your pink slip comes out of nowhere. In the first part of a three-part series, Colby shares why getting fired is so traumatic and opens up with his own story of getting the boot two-months before he was supposed to get married. Listen in for tips on important steps to AVOID when going through the termination process. And stay tuned for more tips and advice coming in part two.

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