Steve Kramer



Tune in with Spirit Fire Radio. Listen live every Wednesday @ 9am pacific / 12pm eastern.Purposeful living, practical spirituality... they sound like concepts we would all welcome into our lives!How do we bring compassion, tolerance, and hope to the forefront of our daily endeavors? What role do detachment and discernment play in bringing together our human family? Join hosts Steve Kramer from Spirit Fire and Dr. Dorothy Riddle from the School for Esoteric Studies as they explore spiritual concepts in practical terms. Tune in as they uncover ways that ageless wisdom can guide us in modern times. Spirit Fire Radio will challenge your thinking, offer insights, and discuss activities that foster goodwill in your life and the lives of those you touch.Steve is a certified teacher and practitioner of The Practice Of Living Awareness meditation technique. He is also President of The Board of Directors of Spirit Fire Meditative Retreat Center, a 501(c)3 non-profit educational organization focused on cultivating spirituality and educating people on the importance of consciousness in their everyday lives. Steve is a teacher of Esoteric Healing, a form of subtle energy healing developed from the Ageless Wisdom teachings through the Tibetan Lama Djwal-Khul. He is also a certified Reiki Master practitioner. Steve lives in New England where he stewards Spirit Fire Retreat Center which has become a melting pot of spiritual traditions as teachers, students, practitioners, and contemplatives from all over the world come together in the name of conscious co-creation.


  • The Pervasiveness of Harm


    It is a fact that our modern culture offers more images and examples of harm than harmlessness. We may not be conscious of the myriad of ways that harmfulness pervades our every day life and thus reinforces separativeness, competition, and dualistic behavior. As we identify harmfulness, we can work towards its undoing.

  • Harmlessness


    What is harmlessness? Why do people choose actions that would harm another? Are there actions which may cause harm unintentionally or unconsciously? We will spend the month of July exploring the concept of harm and looking into ways of developing the ethic of harmlessness in our every day lives.

  • Goodwill As An Agent of Change


    Goodness of heart, kindness in action, and consideration for others: these are the ingredients of goodwill. As we begin to incorporate these qualities into our day to day, we begin to see global change for the better. On this show we will describe the many ways that you are form-fit for goodwill and inspire you toward action which promotes human welfare.

  • Goodwill Toward All Life


    When we think of acts of goodwill, we often imagine humanity on the receiving end. As stewards of our planet, we must extend goodwill to all kingdoms: human, animal, plant and mineral. Expanding our concept of personhood is a wonderful way to do that. Join us for fascinating discussion about the other"people" in our midst.

  • Why Is Goodwill Challenging?


    The premise of goodwill is that you do something today and the benefits are received in the future, what's more is that the benefits are for the greater good and not necessarily for personal gain. Between the modern spiritual emphasis on the Now and today's culture of instant gratification, it is easy to see howgoodwill could be overlooked. Join us as we continue June's discussions on goodwill.

  • Goodwill, It's In Your Nature


    We all posses the capacity for goodwill. In other words, our actions have the potential to move us all toward harmony and peace. On this episode, we explore the definition of goodwill, why it is important, and offer excercises to bring it to the forefront of your actions.

  • Living Right Action


    We'll explore the relationship between right action and each of the monthly topics that we've covered thus far on Spirit Fire Radio. How does right action stem from right speech? Can hope create ease around right action? Is right action inherent within our human family? Join us as we revisit our past themes and look at them through the lens of right action.

  • Cultivating Right Action


    The future depends on what you do today. -- Mahatma Gandhi Through cultivating right action on a regular basis, we can help create the world we'd like to live in. Do you envision a world in which all beings are treated with dignity?In which well-being is forefront in global priorities? In which integrity is the quality first recognized in our world leaders? It starts with you. Today's show looks at ways we can incorporate right action into our day to day lives.

  • Strengthening Our Moral Compass


    Our moral compass is the internal guide that leads us toward right action in the form of ethical behavior and virtuous decision-making. How do we ensure that our compass still points True North? How do we care for it and calibrate it when necessary? On this episode, we will discuss our moral guidance system and explore the waysthat it can assist us in moving through our world.

  • Why Is Right Action Challenging?


    We are living in a world right now where alternate facts and fake news blur the lines of a clear picture of what is appropriate. We seem to being losing our way, morally speaking. On this show, we will discuss why it can be so difficult to discern what is right action and how we decide to act.

  • Right Action


    Right speech leads to right action. We will spend the month of May discussing the concept of right action. We are moral agents, you and I; we have the capacity to reflect on a situation, decide how we intend to act, and then act. Our actions steward both our personal experience and our planetary existence. Lets get it right!

  • Cultivating Right Speech


    Right speech is foundational in creating a positive, meaningful and productive life.We will wrap up our month-long series on right speech by discussing ways to cultivate it in yourday to day. We will offer suggestionsthat will guide you toward speaking your truth and offerconstructive ways to help you and your aquaintencesbe more mindful of language and its impact on theenvironment. Join us!

  • Making Your Words Worthy


    There is a barometer that right speech has used through the ages to determine if the words that are about to be utteredare worthy of receptive ears. Socrates called it "The Test of Three," Rumi called it "The Three Gates." Before you speak up, ask yourself three important questions. Is what I'm about to saytrue? Is it kind? Is it necessary? If the answer to all three of these questions is yes, then let your words be heard by all. On our next episode, we will discuss the makings of right speech. Join us!

  • The Power of Silence


    It is said that silence is golden. Indeed, learning to know when to speak and when to be silent is a valuable life lesson. On this episode we will explore the power of silence and its connection to wisdom, inner-strength, and authenticity. Join us and discover why right speech has a definite ally in the sweet sound of stillness

  • Right Speech


    For the month of April, we will explore right speech. The spoken word is thought made manifest. Words make sentences, sentences make conversation, and conversations move us into creative action. What are you creating with your words? Do they empower? Do they inspire? We will look at the positive effects on right speech and the influence that our words have on creating our reality.

  • The Hope Generators with Rabbi Rami


    If options and optimism are key components to harnessing the power of hope, then our spiritual guides are hope generators of sorts. On todays show we invite author, teacher and speaker, Rabbi Rami Shapiro. His advice column for Spirituality Health, Roadside Assistance for the Spiritual Traveler, generates hope for the masses and ponders many of the spiritual questions that weve pondered on our show. Join us for this light-hearted conversation.

  • The Hopeful Traveller on the Spiritual Path


    Hope is an integral part of our spiritual development. Weve become certain of this over the course of this months theme. Hope shows itself as we move in the direction of our evolution:change creates options, options create optimism, optimism opens the door to hope. How can we apply this to our spiritual evolution? And how can we ensure that hope guides our footing on the spiritual path? Join us for this discussion!

  • Flexing Your Hope Muscle


    Hope is not an emotion, it is an aspect of your life. Creating environments that make room for hope will bring it to the forefront of your experiences and allow for it's magic to pervade. Not unlike your muscles (you've gotta use 'em or loose 'em), hope is there to serve.

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