Steve Kramer



Tune in with Spirit Fire Radio. Listen live every Wednesday @ 9am pacific / 12pm eastern.Purposeful living, practical spirituality... they sound like concepts we would all welcome into our lives!How do we bring compassion, tolerance, and hope to the forefront of our daily endeavors? What role do detachment and discernment play in bringing together our human family? Join hosts Steve Kramer from Spirit Fire and Dr. Dorothy Riddle from the School for Esoteric Studies as they explore spiritual concepts in practical terms. Tune in as they uncover ways that ageless wisdom can guide us in modern times. Spirit Fire Radio will challenge your thinking, offer insights, and discuss activities that foster goodwill in your life and the lives of those you touch.Steve is a certified teacher and practitioner of The Practice Of Living Awareness meditation technique. He is also President of The Board of Directors of Spirit Fire Meditative Retreat Center, a 501(c)3 non-profit educational organization focused on cultivating spirituality and educating people on the importance of consciousness in their everyday lives. Steve is a teacher of Esoteric Healing, a form of subtle energy healing developed from the Ageless Wisdom teachings through the Tibetan Lama Djwal-Khul. He is also a certified Reiki Master practitioner. Steve lives in New England where he stewards Spirit Fire Retreat Center which has become a melting pot of spiritual traditions as teachers, students, practitioners, and contemplatives from all over the world come together in the name of conscious co-creation.


  • Forgiveness and the Field of the Heart


    Forgiveness and love are intrinsically connected. When we forgive, we reestablish a connection that was severed and, though it may be subconscious, we acknowledge our innate interconnectedness. Forgiveness allows freedom from resistance, which is a keynote of love. On this episode we will discuss forgiveness as an entry point to the heart and the realm of unconditional love.

  • Strengthening Our Ability To Forgive


    Forgiving those who have caused us harm or suffering is necessary in order to feel whole, present, and fully optimistic; yet forgiveness takes considerable effort. On this episode, we will offer insights and tools which make the path to forgiveness easier to tread. The reward of forgiveness is freedom, and freedom is the path to true joy.

  • Our Difficulties With Forgiveness


    Why is forgiveness sometimes difficult? It may be that forgiveness is complex and may often be misunderstood. "Forgive and forget" is an example of oversimplification. Similarly, "turn the other cheek" may not offer the necessary reconciliation for growth and/or proper detachment. On this episode we will look into the inherent difficulties that present themselves when we move toward forgiveness.

  • Forgiving Ourselves, Forgiving Others


    Maya Angelou calls forgiveness "one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself." As with all healing, we must first start within and then focus on the outer-world. The same is true with forgiveness. Often, the anger or resentment we feel toward another is masking the guilt or shame we feel within ourselves. On this episode, we will look at the importance of self-forgiveness and the ways in which it creates pathways to forgiving others.

  • Exploring Forgiveness


    November will see us discussing forgiveness and its place with our spiritual development. The long-lasting quote, "to err is human, to forgive divine," offers much to ponder. Is forgiveness a doorway to the divine? If so, in what ways? We will discuss the primary aspects of forgiveness on our next show. Join us.

  • Balance as Stability


    Stability creates freedom. Freedom generates creativity. Co-creation is foundational to the spiritual path. On this eposode of Spirit Fire Radio, we will discuss the myriad of ways that stability leads to a fully realized state of being and ways to sustain this quality for a productive and meaningful life.

  • Balancing Multiple Perspectives


    Diversity is one of humanity's greatests assets, yet remaining accepting of differences is one of our biggest chsallenges. How do we reconcile this? Balance, integration and synthesis are moves in the right direction. On this episode of Spirit Fire Radio, we will discuss ways to find balance amongst multiple perspectives. Join us!

  • Balancing Our Inner and Outer Lives


    Does your sense of self align with your everyday life? How do we find balance between material aspirations and spiritual aspirations? On today's show we will discuss the meaning of inner-life and outer-life, and offer ways to keep them in balanced comminucation. Join us.

  • Finding Balance on the Spiritual Path


    The month of October will see Spirit Fire Radio exploring the theme of balance. How does balance in ones everyday life support a balanced spiritual life and how do we aceive this? Balance is both a state and a process. Join us as we discuss the fundamental qualites of "a balanced state" and ways to foster this.

  • Strengthening Discernment


    How do we develop discernment in this fast-paced, fast-talking modern world? A bit of mindfulness, self-knowledge, and the capacity to observe will set you on the right path. On this episose, we will discuss ways to engage your critical mind without creating a critical persona. Join us.

  • Discernment and the Common Good


    Discernment is the ability to judge well, to distinguish between truth and falsehood. On this episode, we explore the ways that truth and common good are inextricably linked. Join us.

  • Developing Discernment: Pt. 2


    We continue our exploration of discernment throughthe Riddle Scale. This system revealsthe ways that prejudice and discrimination tincure our lives. As we examine the subtletiesof bias in ourselves and in our society, we learn ways to develop a discerning mind.

  • Developing Discernment: Pt. 1


    The month of September will be dedicated to discernment. How do we discern between right and wrong, truth and falsehood, productive attitudes and limiting beliefs? Through discernmet we come to know our selves, and as a result, create opportunies for being 'a part of the solution' as opposed to being 'a part of the problem.' We will begin by looking at the Riddle Scale which wasdeveloped to analyze homophobia but expanded to other social issues.

  • Strengthening Compassion


    We are born with a compassionate instinct; yet, not unlike our muscles, if we don't use it, we lose it. That said, modern life is saturated with stories and examples of the way we harm one another and the life on ourplanet. We are all well aware of sufferring, but are we well aware of the presence of compassion? On this show we will discuss ways to generate compassion and balance suffering with the care and consideration of the human heart.

  • Why Is It Challenging To Be Compassionate?


    In the face of suffering, making our way toward comapsssion can sometimes be tough. Recent examples of senseless human tragedy have been hard to process; some have gone as far as saying that finding peace within these events is not useful. What are the challenges withkeeping our inner alignment so as to offer compassion to those in need? This is the topic of today's show.

  • Defining Compassion


    Life on this planet evolves through relationship. Compassion is necessary in this process. But what is compassion, exactly? It is not this same as emapathy or altruism, though they are related. On this episode of Spirit Fire Radio, we'll explore compassion; its meaning, purpose, and place in our lives.

  • Creating Conscious Leaders


    We constantly look to our guides for inspiration, direction, or advice. Guides can take many forms: our higher-self, Universal intelligence, mentors or spiritual teachers, best friends or life-partners. They assist us and we assist them by being the fullest expression of our true selves.On this episode of Spirit Fire Radio, we get an inside look at the ways that thosewho have dedicated their lives to others as business leaders stay open to guidence themselves.



    Spirit Fire Radio is exactly half-way through our season dedicated to practical spirituality. We have spent 4weeks each month exploring components of the spiritual path and offering conversation about practical ways toincorporate awareness into day to day living. The timing is perfect to have a look back at six months worth of topicsthrough the lens of Mary Shores informative forthcoming book, Conscious Communications. Join host Steve Kramer andhis guest, Mary Shores, as they discuss her inspiring path to successful living and purposeful creation.

  • Strengthening Our Harmlessness Muscle


    Small things are big things! On this show we will discuss ways, big and small, to incorporate harmlessness into your life. We'll offer daily practices for noticing harm and shifting attitudes and actions toward altruism. Join us!

  • Being Harmless in Thought, Word, and Deed


    Being harmless is much more than being kind and it goes beyond having a friendly disposition. Our thoughts form reality. Being harmless is an all-inclusive way of being, living, and breathing which creates an inner and outer environment ofsupport, respect, dignity, and compassion. We'll explore the body, mind, and spirit aspects of harmlessness this week.

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