Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis



LIVE FRIDAYS 4 PM ET/3 CT/2 MT/1 PT Is your life and business truly delightful? Can it be? Jennifer Cramer Lewis says yes it can, when you don’t fall for the Big Fat Lies. Jennifer stands for deliciously ambitious female business owners like you, always knowing when they are under the spell of a Big Fat Lie, and will use her quirky irreverent style to show you, what to say yes to, so you can be proactive, passionate, productive and profitable in your life and business. Part cautionary tale, part practical magic, Big Fat Lies invites you to laugh at limitation and embrace all the fun and fortune you came here to experience as a female business owner. Jennifer’s Gift for You Jennifer’s Community


  • 5 Unexpected Ways Human Design Generators Attract Money And Abundance


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Are you a Human Design Generator feeling stuck in the grind, constantly hustling for money without the results you desire? Do you yearn for a deeper connection with abundance and financial flow? If so, this masterclass is tailor-made for you. Join us for "5 Unexpected Ways Human Design Generators Attract Money and Abundance," a transformative session where we explore the unique strategies that will unlock the doors to prosperity and abundance in your life. In this masterclass, we will dive deep into the world of Human Design and how it specifically relates to Generators, helping you understand your innate energy and how it impacts your financial journey. Together, we will address common pain points faced by Generators in attracting money and abundance, and provide practical insights to shift your money mindset and create lasting change. Talking Points: Decode Your Energetic Blueprint: Discover the fascinating aspects of your Human Design as a Generator. Understand how

  • Thriving Beyond Boundaries: Burnout Prevention For Human Design Reflectors


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Attention, Human Design Reflectors! It's time to reclaim your inner spark and master the art of avoiding burnout using Human Design. In this transformative masterclass, we'll delve into proven strategies and tailored techniques that empower you to navigate the pitfalls of burnout as a Reflector. From cultivating resilience to establishing firm boundaries, you'll learn how to create a life that wows you with its alignment and prevents disappointment. Get ready to unlock your full potential, overcome burnout, and thrive beyond boundaries as a truly radiant Reflector! *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis ~  Jennifer is Canada’s #1 business and relationship turnaround expert for deliciously ambitious visionary female entrepreneurs and is a modern-day shaman and seer. Jennifer has, for over 20 years, assisted entrepreneurs and business owners, to ignite their dr

  • Manifestor Magic: Avoid Burnout With Human Design Wisdom


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  As a Manifestor in the Human Design system, your energy is a powerful force. However, without proper management, it can lead to burnout and exhaustion. This class is here to help you navigate burnout and create a harmonious, thriving life using Human Design. Join us as we dive into the unique challenges faced by Manifestors and share practical strategies for maintaining balance and vitality. Discover how to align your actions with your energy type, prioritize self-care, and set boundaries that protect your well-being. In this class, we'll cover: Understanding Manifestor energy and its impact on burnout Cultivating practices for thriving as a Manifestor Nurturing self-care tailored to your needs Establishing boundaries to prevent overwhelm Honoring your unique decision-making process to reduce stress By the end of this class, you'll have the tools and knowledge to navigate burnout as a Manifestor, allowing you to live a harmonious and fulfilling life. Join us in "Manife

  • Thriving Projectors: Unlocking Success, Avoiding Bitterness And Burnout


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  In this eye-opening masterclass, discover the secrets to avoiding bitterness and burnout as a Human Design Projector. Learn how to navigate the challenges unique to your Projector energy type, set clear bitterness free boundaries, and attract the right opportunities. Gain valuable insights into managing your energy, avoiding exhaustion, and finding soul satisfaction. Don't let bitterness and burnout hold you back from the success you deserve. Put this class on your calendar and thrive as a Projector! *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis ~  Jennifer is Canada’s #1 business and relationship turnaround expert for deliciously ambitious visionary female entrepreneurs and is a modern-day shaman and seer. Jennifer has, for over 20 years, assisted entrepreneurs and business owners, to ignite their dream life, find joy, meaning, and success in business through her i

  • Energize Your Life: Avoid Burnout With Human Design For Generators


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  In this empowering masterclass, Jennifer Cramer Lewis delves into the world of Human Design to help Generators unlock their full potential and avoid burnout. As the tireless workers and providers of life-force energy, Human Design Generators often find themselves caught in a cycle of repetitive toil and unfulfillment. But it doesn't have to be that way. Join Jennifer and explore the power of your Sacral Center and learn the art of responding correctly to life's cues. Discover how to: Harness your innate energy source Set healthy boundaries, Make decisions aligned with your true purpose. Through a deep understanding of your Human Design, you'll gain the tools and insights needed to navigate life with vitality and avoid the pitfalls of burnout. Jennifer will guide you through practical strategies, personalized exercises, and real-life examples to help you maintain a sustainable pace, create balance, and live a deeply fulfilling life as a Generator. You'll learn how to pr

  • Soul Nourishing Self-Care for Reflectors Human Design


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Hey there, Human Design Reflectors! It's time to kick self-care up a notch and nourish your reflective souls like never before. In this Masterclass, we'll debunk the myths surrounding Reflector Human Design self-care and show you how to truly embrace nourishing practices that align with your unique energy type. Get ready for some real talk and practical tips that go beyond the clichés of bubble baths and scented candles. Let's dive into the world of self-care tailored specifically for Reflectors! Possibilities include: 1. Unmasking the Self-Care Stereotypes: It's not all about bubble baths! 2. From Woes to Wows: Transforming Disappointment into Self-Love. 3. Cosmic Connections: Harnessing Lunar Energy for Reflective Renewal. 4 .Beyond the Bubble: Unconventional Self-Care Rituals That Speak to You. 5 .Energetic Boundaries: Saying "No" and Prioritizing Your Well-being. 6. The Reflective Revolution: Tapping into Your Inner Wisdom and Healing Potential. So get ready to sas

  • Manifestor Power: Nourishing Your Unique Energy And Self-Care Secrets | Human Design


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Join this sassy masterclass and learn the real secrets of nourishing yourself as a Human Design Manifestor. From setting boundaries and saying no to decision fatigue, to surrounding yourself with clean energy and staying connected to your mission, you'll discover the keys to maximum self-care and success in your business as a Human Design Manifestor. Talking points include: > The misconceptions of self-care and what it really means for Manifestors > Saying "no" to what doesn't serve you and "yes" to what does > Setting boundaries to avoid decision fatigue > Surrounding yourself with clean energy to thrive > Staying connected to your mission and avoiding isolation Don't miss this opportunity to tap into your unique Human Design Manifestor power and learn how to nourish your unique energy for maximum success! *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis ~  Jennifer i

  • Project Your Best Self: Nourishing Tips For The Savvy Projector | Human Design


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Get ready to pamper yourself, honey! This Human Design masterclass will show you that self-care isn't just about bubble baths and face masks. As a Human Design Projector, you need to nourish yourself in all aspects of your life to stay at the top of your game. Join us as we spill the tea on how to say "yes" to what serves you and "no" to what doesn't, and how to set up your work week for maximum self-care. We'll also dive into the dangers of decision fatigue and give you practical tips on how to avoid it. You deserve to thrive, beautiful, so let's get you projected to your best self! *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis ~  Jennifer is Canada’s #1 business and relationship turnaround expert for deliciously ambitious visionary female entrepreneurs and is a modern-day shaman and seer. Jennifer has, for over 20 years, assisted entrepreneurs and business owners,

  • Nourishing Your Inner Generator: Self-Care In Human Design


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  As a Human Design Generator and Manifesting Generator energy type, you have a powerful life force energy that can fuel your creativity and productivity. However, without proper self-care, you may find yourself feeling drained, burnt out, or unfulfilled. Self care for Generators is something unique and possibly unlike any other Human Design energy type. In this masterclass, we'll explore the importance of nourishing yourself as a Generator, including: Understanding the unique self-care needs of Generator energy types How to set boundaries to protect your energy and prevent burnout Tips for making self-care a priority in your work week The connection between decision fatigue and self-care The role of rest and relaxation in nourishing yourself as a Generator You'll come away from this masterclass with a deeper understanding of your personal self-care needs as a Generator, as well as practical strategies for incorporating self-care into your daily routine. Whether it's say

  • Navigating Openness: Setting Enforceable Boundaries For Human Design Reflectors


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  In this masterclass, we will explore the unique energy of Reflectors in the Human Design system and how they can set healthy boundaries in both their personal and professional lives. Human Design Reflectors are lunar beings who reflect the health of their community, and their openness to the world can leave them vulnerable to conditioning and burnout. We will discuss: The decision-making strategy of Reflectors The emotional theme of disappointment, and how they can prioritize their health and wellbeing. Additionally, we will look at famous Reflectors and their impact on the world. By the end of this class, Reflectors will have the tools to harness their natural abilities and live a fulfilling life in alignment with their authentic self. Join Success Sorceress, Jennifer Cramer Lewis live at 3PM Pacific in the studio at to receive your customized transmission from source. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app!    https://www.inspir

  • Boundary Mastery For Manifestors: Creating Peace, Productivity, And Profit


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  If you're a Manifestor in the Human Design system, you know how important it is to have effective boundaries in both your personal and professional life. But setting boundaries can be challenging, and it's easy to get overwhelmed and lose sight of your goals as a Manifestor energy type in Human Design. That's why we created "Boundary Mastery for Manifestors," a masterclass designed to help you create a deeply peaceful, productive, and profitable life by having great personal and business boundaries. In this class, you will learn how to: Identify the areas in your life where you need better boundaries Communicate your boundaries effectively with others Set boundaries that support your goals and priorities Say "no" with confidence and grace Create a peaceful and productive work environment Use your Manifestor energy to achieve your business goals And much more! Whether you're an entrepreneur, a creative professional, or simply looking to create a more fulfilling life, th

  • Inviting Success: Achieving Fulfillment As A Human Design Projector | Boundaries 101


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  As a Human Design Projector, you have unique strengths and gifts that set you apart, but in order to achieve success and fulfillment, it's crucial to establish strong boundaries. In this masterclass, you'll learn the essential skills and strategies to set accurate boundaries as a Human Design Projector that attract the right opportunities and interactions. You'll discover how to communicate effectively and confidently, understand your own strengths and value, and avoid the common pitfalls that can leave you feeling stuck and unfulfilled. With practical guidance and expert insights, you'll learn how to set yourself up for success and achieve soul satisfaction in both your personal and professional life. Whether you're looking to attract ideal clients, deepen personal relationships, or simply achieve your highest potential, this masterclass will provide the tools and inspiration you need to succeed as a Projector through effective boundaries. *Listen now on the Inspired

  • Empowered Generators: Boundary Setting For A Soul-Satisfying Life | Human Design


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  As a Human Design Generator energy type, you have an innate ability to create, build, and manifest your desires into reality. However, your powerful Human Design Generator energy can sometimes lead to overextending yourself and neglecting your own needs, both in your personal life and in your business. In this masterclass, we will explore the importance of setting effective boundaries to create a deeply satisfying and fulfilling life. You'll learn how to identify your personal and business boundaries, communicate them clearly to others, and prioritize your own needs without feeling guilty or selfish. We'll also dive into specific strategies for boundary setting in your business, including how to avoid burnout, how to delegate effectively, and how to manage your energy to achieve maximum productivity and fulfillment. With these tools and techniques, you'll be able to harness the power of your Generator energy while also creating a balanced and soul-affirming life that h

  • Secrets To Unlocking The Power Of Rare Reflector Energy | Human Design


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Do you know how to communicate with a Human Design Reflector energy type? These extraordinary beings are as rare as spotting a unicorn on your front lawn, and their unique energy can be challenging to understand and work with. Human Design Reflectors have every center in their chart open, and they gain their definition from astrological transits and the people around them. While Reflectors are valuable team members, as they can sense the physical and metaphysical health of people, places, and things, they need a whole lunar cycle (28 days) to feel into a choice or decision, and they must be invited to participate in group settings to do their insightful and earth-changing work. That can be very difficult for the world at large to have the patience to interact with, Reflectors have been rushed and pushed their whole lives. In this masterclass, you'll discover how to give Reflectors the time and space they need to share their valuable insights and participate in a way th

  • Inviting Projector Success – Effective Communication Strategies | Human Design


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Are you ready to unlock the power of the Human Design Projector within you? Are you looking for the insights and knowledge to help guarantee success and satisfaction in your life? As a Projector in Human Design, you hold capabilities to look deeply into someone's soul and uncover the exact things they need to do for a successful and fulfilling life. However, without an invitation, your advice or feedback may be ignored or even shunned by the very people you could be helping. Ra, the founder/creator of the Human Design system, calls Projectors “The Administrators of the New World Order. ” To make sure you are recognized and invited to be THE Consultant, it is important to understand the secrets to effectively communicate your soul satisfaction specialist insights and maximize personal success for both yourself and your ideal clients. Join us for the Human Design Projectors Communication Masterclass, where you will uncover the essential skills that will make sure that yo

  • Unlocking Generator Satisfaction: Effective Communication Strategies For A Productive & Soul-Affirming Life


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  In this masterclass, you'll discover how to effectively communicate with a Generator energy type from Human Design. If you're someone who feels called to initiate ideas and create products, programs, and possibilities for others, but often find yourself feeling burnt out and chasing your tail, these human design strategies are for you. Generators and Manifesting Generators are powerful world builders who have a unique energy that can be difficult to understand and work with if you're not familiar with Human Design. These types are designed to respond to life as it comes to them, but often get caught up in their own ideas and initiatives, leading to frustration and exhaustion. In this class, you'll learn how to work with Generators and Manifesting Generators by understanding their strategy and the importance of responding to life. You'll discover why initiating projects and ideas without being asked can lead to burnout and dissatisfaction, and how to avoid this by align

  • Harnessing Manifestor Energy: Effective Communication Strategies For A Peaceful Life


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  If you are a Manifestor in the Human Design system, you know that your energy is unique, powerful and designed to be at peace. Your strategy is to inform the right people of what it is you are planning next, but often, you might inform the wrong people, which can create chaos and resistance in your life which is the opposite of peace. In this masterclass, we will explore effective communication strategies that will help you navigate your Manifestor energy and create a peaceful life. You will learn how to communicate with the right people, how to set boundaries and manage expectations, and how to use your energy to achieve your goals without causing chaos or resistance. We will cover topics such as: Understanding the Manifestor energy type Identifying the right people to inform Communicating your plans effectively Setting boundaries and managing expectations Dealing with resistance and opposition Using your energy to achieve your goals without causing chaos This masterc

  • The Science Of Work/Life Balance | Human Design ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  In this live broadcast, Jennifer Cramer Lewis shares her insights on how to balance work and personal life for conscious entrepreneurs using Human Design. Through expert time tested strategies and practical tips, you'll learn how to avoid burnout, prioritize your time, and find harmony in your daily routine using Human Design. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis ~  Jennifer is Canada’s #1 business and relationship turnaround expert for deliciously ambitious visionary female entrepreneurs and is a modern-day shaman and seer. Jennifer has, for over 20 years, assisted entrepreneurs and business owners, to ignite their dream life, find joy, meaning, and success in business through her intuitive strategies and foresight, that include both the body and the business. Her approach is to identify the individual’s core talents and energy fields, ignite them and bind

  • 5 Tips For Empathic Business Owners ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Do you know you are Empathic and often feel the vibe of the room before you go in it? Are your empathic abilities stopping you from going for it in business because you feel your client’s pain too deeply and don’t want to ask for the order or make them feel uncomfortable? In tapping into the content of this show, I was shown that often as empathic beings, we feel our client’s pain more than they do and the results of them living with this pain is very painful to us. BUT what if there were better ways to manage your empathic abilities and still be profitable and productive as business owners? By the end of this show you will have: 5 Tips to manage and grow your business even as a deeply empathic being Dynamic framing exercises to ground your body and make “sense” of what your senses are showing you. Let’s get and stay free from being a little too empathic together?! What if we play a game? I show you how to translate the empathic messages you are receiving and transmute

  • 5 Ways To Beat Imposter Syndrome ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Does this feel true for you that just when you are poised to succeed greatly and launching the best most genius work that imposter syndrome comes and takes a big bite of your heart and your bravery? I have your back and am excited to share with you 5 ways to beat imposter syndrome because the world needs more of you and your genius. In tapping into the content of this show, Jennifer Cramer Lewis, Success Sorceress, was shown that imposter syndrome might not be exactly what we think it is and is very excited to share some new perspectives plus some very practical steps to move past that gremlin called Imposter Syndrome. By the end of this show you will have: 5 Steps to Beat Imposter Syndrome and what that means from a Human Design Perspective Let’s get and stay free from imposter syndrome together?! What if we play a game? I show you how to translate and locate your most confident self and you see what changes? Best results will be if you make the time to attend live at

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