David Christopher Lewis



Hearts Center Talk Radio with David Christopher Lewis Wednesdays 9am pacific 12pm easternThe Hearts Center is a worldwide community of heartfriends co-creating a new solar reality now through personal enlightenment. At Hearts Center Talk Radio, David shares the ascended masters' teachings to inspire, initiate and empower lightbearers. He invites you to engage him in discussing how these living messages and ongoing progressive revelations are relevant to your personal spiritual quest. Receive ...


  • David C Lewis on Secrets of Gardening and Messages from Nature Spirits


    How often do you send love and appreciation to your garden? You can consciously interact with plants David Lewis shares his experience with the deeper secrets of permaculture, the teachings of the Russian mystic, Anastasia from the Ringing Cedars book series, and his learning to commune with plants. Through inner stillness as you work outside with nature you can connect with plants' essences, access their secrets and intuit their virtues. Use these to increase your health and vitality. Plants can help you to heal inner conflicts and to strengthen your spiritual immune system. Learn keys to developing your ability to communicate with nature. Get back to your roots, literally. And Discover how to set up a sacred dynamic that can bear fruit in many ways in your life.

  • Dr. Robert Thurman on Tibetan Buddhist Science and His New Book, Love Your Enemies


    Dr. Robert Thurman is mindful. He is a tenzin, or upholder of Buddha Dharma, with a passion for clarifying Buddhist teaching. His colleagues sometimes call him "the Red Skelton of Tibetan Buddhism" A compelling teacher and scholar at Columbia University, Robert Thurman has emerged as the most charismatic exponent of Tibetan Buddhism in America. He is a powerful and entertaining speaker and advocate for the liberation of Tibet. And he is the Dalai Lama's close friend and cultural liaison to America. A prolific author and advocate for peace, Robert talks about his life, his passion for his project, The Tibet House network, and his latest book, Love Your Enemies: How to Break the Anger Habit and Be a Whole Lot Happier. And he paraphrases, "Love Your Enemies, it will drive them crazy"

  • Fulfilling our Divine Destiny, Mission Statements and True Spirituality


    Does it occur to you that you have a Divine Destiny? Is it different from your personal mission, your vocation or your job? Boyd Badten explores with David Lewis just what is our divine destiny and what prevents us from fulfilling our greater, divine mission. Discover the value of creating your own personal spiritual mission statement, one for your family and even your group or community. Why do people say they are spiritual but not religious today? How is spirituality distinct from religion? Where is the point of unity among all true religions East and West? Get keys to tuning in to your divine destiny and then fine-tune it with your own sacred mission statement. And hear why you require community, commitment and communication.

  • Allan Botkin on Induced After-Death Communication: A Breakthrough Therapy for Healing Grief and Trauma


    Induced After-Death Communication IADC is a new therapy for grief and trauma that has helped thousands of ordinary people come to terms with their grief by allowing them the experience of private communication with their departed loved ones. It has been called one of a few major breakthroughs in psychology in the last 100 years. IADC offers hope, comfort and a new kind of peace of mind. Since his 1995 discovery of IADC while using Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy EMDR for counseling a Vietnam vet, Allan Botkin, a clinical psychologist, has honed his treatment and taught the procedure to therapists around the country. While IADC does not directly address all post traumatic stress disorders, it can address the most deeply painful feelings of sadness and disconnect from the deceased and resolve interpersonal problems and unfinished business with forgiveness. IADC can heal the deep sadness, and sense of grief even for lost pets.

  • The From the Miraculous, to the Mystical and Magical: Three Clairaudient Messages from Ascended Beings.


    David C.Lewis will heartstream three live messages from ascended beings. Mother Mary will explain how and why miracles occur, who are they for, and how to tap into the miracle energy she promotes. This is the age when all mysteries are being revealed; and Master Morya will reveal the mystery of God within us and make the mystical practical. Manjushri brings us Buddhic magic. He shares how to reach higher states of Buddhic Presence through no-thought,as the new shift from focus on the Mind to focus on the Heart.

  • Dannion Brinkley Lighthearted on Dying, Prophecies and What to Know Before You Go


    He is hilarious, super wise, and has a gigantic heart Dannion Brinkley died 3 times, twice by lightening and again through a medical condition. Now hes back to tell about being at the bedside of over 3000 individuals before they passed on, to promote hospice and the organization he started called The Twilight Brigade, and to share what he perceives and receives from higher octaves of Spirit as he is tuned in to divine truths. Be informed about the prophecies hes received. Be entertained and inspired by his cosmic understanding of the importance of what is going on right now on the earth. Learn what we can be a part of to promote the divine masters vantage point, their works and their service for humanity. And find out 10 Things to Know Before You Go.

  • Penny Vernet Translates 20th Century Master Omraam Mikhal Avanhov's Quintessential Teachings


    Penny tells of her spiritual impressions as an English translator for many of the over 5000 published works of the 20th Century Master Omraam Mikhal Avanhov. Penny embraces Omraam's teachings as being profoundly coherent and connected for our time; and she describes him as very practical for humanity as it is today. She explains the master's emphasis on Light as the source of all material creation and Omraam's practice of surya yoga, for identifying with the sun's cosmic frequencies and spiritual quintessences. And she shares stories from his living disciples for whom the centerpiece of Omraam's teaching is to become a Sun, and let this polestar of one's own being emanate rays of divine intelligence, love, creativity, beauty, harmony and peace to shape the coming solar civilization.

  • Bio-mimicry, Sunflowers, Anastasia and Nature's Metaphors


    Consider Nature David looks deeply into biomimicry, sunflowers and beyond to reveal the metaphor of these marvelous solar absorbers that transmute nuclear radiation, reflect, emanate and commune with the sun. Discover why biomimicry looks to mirror nature; and what the magical, mystical processes of plants, especially sunflowers, can teach us about our own spiritual awakening and development. Learn the real purpose of the pyramids, and about mystics like Anastasia, the Russian mystic whose lifestyle and influence have changed the way Russians view nature and grow their own food. It just might change a few personal paradigms.

  • HRM is Living Proof of Sungazing as a Spiritual Practice that Heals


    Hira Ratan Manek, known to many as simply HRM, shares with David C. Lewis the secrets of sungazing that he rediscovered and now teaches worldwide. Now considered the leader of the sungazing movement, HRM reveals what he found the ancients knew. And he recalls how scientists researched and verified how he lived on just sunlight and water for years. Discover the healing properties of safe sungazing, its effect on the pineal, and how one practitioner, Wayne Purdin, healed himself of lukemia by sungazing. A compelling hour of evidence and spiritual reverence for the sun.

  • The 3-Fold Action of Physical Exercise as a Spiritual Necessity


    Get the spiritual motivation you need to engage in a new level of physical exercise. David explores how a balance of aerobics, flexibility training and core strength training are the 3 fold action that will optimize your physical and spiritual health. Discover the 9 spiritual benefits for body, mind, emotions and Spirit that will get you off the couch and into the gym for greater spiritual vitality, blessings and service to life.

  • Crtalo Ssamo on the Temple of Humankind and the Community of Damanhur, Italy: A Laboratory for the Future of Humanity


    The mystery, magic and mastery of living in a world-renowned Italian eco-village and energetically advanced spiritual community are what this interview with the Ambassador to the Federation of Damanhur is all about. Discover its secrets, the real glue of its community and growing citizenry, and its mission as a laboratory for the future of society. Crtalo Ssamo will share his years of living, researching and teaching advanced spiritual sciences at Damanhur and describe its extraordinary masterpiece of hand-excavated Temples of Humankind, considered an 8th wonder of the world.

  • Living Our Truth in an Age of Deception


    How do we wake up from our unreal 3D matrix? The media today seldom tells us the truth. More often they are a tool for control. Popular movies like The Matrix, Inception and Transcendence reflect an age of deception where 'transhumanism' is emerging as our genetics, bio-, nano-, and info-technologies are merging into a 'posthuman' vision of reality. What is the Truth of our Being? People who return from NDEs tell a different story of their reality beyond 3D. Discover how to access the Truth of your Divine Reality as David reveals the only way to know the Truth and be free to live it. Witness a HeartStream as David, a gifted clairaudient, is overshined by an Elohim whose Light represents the All Seeing Eye of God to deliver a timely message of Truth and Divine Vision for the new era.

  • Rev. Blake Isaac on Flower Newhouse - Christian Mystic for Today


    Reverend Blake Isaac grew up at Questhaven, a secluded nature preserve and retreat center for spiritual training in Christian mysticism near San Diego, California. He shares his unique insights into the mystical and practical life of its founder, well-known 20th century Christian mystic and clairvoyant, Flower Newhouse. Blake's dad was Flower's biographer; and Blake, now director of Questhaven's "Christward Ministry," reveals her experiences with inner worlds, angels, nature and deeper Christ teachings.

  • Christian Mystics Reveal Truths Beyond Belief


    Beyond theology and belief is each one's heart experience of universal Essence. Through deeply connecting with Source we discover what every mystic has -- the Truth of who we are. All great teachers direct you back to the Heart of God within your heart. All the great mystics from Hildagard to Benny Hinn and Omraam lead you to the Truth that is within. Be still and know your truth, your purpose, your mission and your life fulfilled.

  • I.D.E.A.L. Society on Building Successful Spiritual Communities with Francois and Lubka Amigues


    Lubka and Francois Amigues are raising their family in a spiritual community that is a model for the coming age. The I.D.E.A.L. Society of Jaffray, BC, Canada was formed as a laboratory and experimental framework within which to prove the laws of spiritual living in a collectivity or communal lifestyle. They would like to share the wisdom they have gained in how to make daily spiritual living a reality in the present age.

  • Why Permaculture Now for Everyone


    Anyone can co-create a beautiful new world with permaculture as distinct from monoculture. It is an agricultural technology born of Spirit, expressing eternal truths through planting, growing, harvesting and recycling in harmony with the natural order. Caring for the earth, for people and for returning waste to regenerate life are its core tenets. Working with the elemental spirits will return a harmony, tranquility and peace to the earth for future generations and save our culture.

  • Diana Leafe Christian Shares What Makes Successful Intentional Spiritual Communities


    David interviews Diana Leafe Christian about what makes thriving intentional communities, especially spiritual ones. Diana shares her wisdom gained over 14 years as editor of Community Magazine and from her comprehensive do's and don'ts book for starting an intentional community, Creating a Life Together. She describes her favorite governance model, Sociocracy and her newest discoveries for successfully living in community.

  • Rick Archer About "Ordinary" People's Spiritual Awakening


    It's all about awakening. Rick now has a collection of over 230 enlightening personal interviews with what he calls 'ordinary' spiritually awakening people. Buddha at the Gas Pump is his online filling station for inspiring stories that can motivate and empower you. Sometimes tragic, surprising and unexplainable, often gradual, delicate and subtle, each experience of enlightenment is unique. David and Rick will explore what is Rick's own experience of those he has interviewed, and how his contribution can help us attain that awakened state.

  • Awakening Spiritually through Non-Dualism: Being Conscious, Becoming Consciousness with Francis Lucille


    Discovering your real nature as pure consciousness may be sudden, dramatic or subtle and gradual. Its fruit is a deep prevailing peace that understands you are limitless solar reality. David and Francis will discuss some traditional and some exciting new practices for this ongoing awakening to enlightenment. And they will share the importance of your breath for all spiritual paths in the process of entering the non-dual state.

  • The New Science of HeartStreaming: Make Living from the Heart A Way of Life


    David C. Lewis is a gifted clairaudient Aquarian spiritual author, inspired teacher, and talented musical composer - tune-in to his premiere show on Transformation Talk Radio

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