David Christopher Lewis



Hearts Center Talk Radio with David Christopher Lewis Wednesdays 9am pacific 12pm easternThe Hearts Center is a worldwide community of heartfriends co-creating a new solar reality now through personal enlightenment. At Hearts Center Talk Radio, David shares the ascended masters' teachings to inspire, initiate and empower lightbearers. He invites you to engage him in discussing how these living messages and ongoing progressive revelations are relevant to your personal spiritual quest. Receive ...


  • Saint Germain, Master Alchemist, Reveals the Coming Age of Divine Alchemy with David Christopher Lewis


    David will share profound insights about Advanced Divine Alchemy as revealed by Saint Germain. Focusing on the Divine love within and magnifying deep inner harmony are keys to discovering the power of purity in body, mind, thought, vision and creative conception that will transform an age. The coming Age of Alchemy will be an age of brother/sisterly love focused on unity and transcending duality to create planetary enlightenment and freedom.

  • New Revelations About the Divine Feminine with Clairaudient David Christopher Lewis


    David will share profound insights about the Divine Feminine as revealed by Masters El Morya, Jesus and Magda and how important is the rising of the feminine energy today. He will share how women will be much more in the lead in the Age of Aquarius; and men will learn to be more spiritually "macho" as women take their place at men's sides as co-equals and fully Self-realized beings. David will speak about Jesus and Mary Magda's true relationship as divine archetypes of the balance of masculine and feminine, of Alpha and Omega within us, and about his personal story with the Divine Mother.

  • New Revelations Regarding the Aura Ours, the Sun's and the Great Central Sun's David Christopher Lewis


    David shares profound new ideas and practical insights from his book, Advanced Studies of the Human AuraHow to Charge Your Energy Field with Light and Spiritual Radiance. Get assistance to learn to magnify Light right now in the real domain of your own aura and world. Your aura can help save a planet.

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