Pete Orta's Sermons



Knowing Scripture


  • The Beatitudes: Blessed


    The most powerful tool of evangelism we have is living out the Sermon on the Mount. How wonderful will it be tomorrow morning to open up the greatest sermon ever preached by the greatest Preacher the world has ever known, Jesus of Nazareth. Come and be "blessed".

  • Wrecked


    A reminder of the Gospel.

  • Resolutions


    Christians should always be pressing forward regardless of their circumstances, but often we find ourselves running in the same direction of the unsaved world. It can get very confusing when those around us are improving self through self, while Believers are called to die to self through Christ. This concept can be encouraging and debilitating all at the same time. On one hand we are told that Christ is victory, and on the other hand we are told complacency is failure. So how do we press forward in 2018? How do we make our New Year's Resolutions Christ centered and God glorifying?

  • The Christmas Story (Part 2): Immanuel


    On the night Jesus was born something spectacular took place. God's sovereign plain for Bethlehem became the theater for one of the most spectacular sound-and-light shows in human history. As we open up Matthew's Gospel we see the heavy emphasis he places on the genealogy of Jesus. This sermon will shape the night that changed our lives forever.

  • The Christmas Story (Part 1): Breaking Silence


    Without a backstory, we lose the reason why something took place—the Christmas story is no different. Today, many do not understand the meaning of Christmas because 400 years of backstory has been buried by our American traditions. This Sunday at Cottonwood Creek—Denison, Pastor Pete Orta will allow world history to reveal how God prepared for the birth of His son.

  • Unshakable Contentment


    We are at the final sermon of our study through the Book of Philippians. The confusion of the verse "I can do all things through him who strengthens me" often overshadows the main point of Paul's letter. Do you believe you can do all things through Christ, but fail in remaining content with who you are and where you are in life? This sermon not only unlocks the entire letter to the Philippians, but it also unlocks the secret to an Unshakable Contentment.

  • Metanoia


    The Bible tells us not to be anxious, but applying Scripture to our own lives is often difficult to figure out. How do we overcome anxiety? This sermon will give the how-to's on living a spiritually stable Christian life through renewing our minds.

  • For The Win


    It's easy for us who have already won in Christ to develop a "playing not to lose" mentality in our Christian pursuit. Instead of being content with a participation trophy at the end on our lives, we should play to win instead. "We have spirit, yes we do, we have spirit, how about you?"

  • The Way


    How far away is our westernized Christianity from that of the Middle Eastern carpenter who promised us salvation? This Sunday you will hear the message that changed the world before the world changed the message. Tomorrow morning's service will bankrupt all your treasures, dwarf all your problems, crush all your dreams, and shatter every nightmare that swallowed your peace.

  • Epaphroditus: The Dark Horse


    You hear many talk about wanting to do "big things for God" but this little mention about Epaphroditus encourages those of us who might feel insufficient in God's will. This sermon you will be reviewing the Scriptures to find practical ways to serve Christ, so we can all hear on the Day of Judgement "Well done, good and faithful servant".

  • Here We Stand: 500th Anniversary of the Reformation


    A celebration of the biblical doctrines of redemption as summarized in the five solas of the Reformation, propositions that remind us that God alone deserves the glory for our salvation. In opposition to churchmen who argued that man is made righteous by faith and works, the Protestant Reformers fearlessly preached that by faith alone God’s people are justified. With devotion to Scripture above all else, many church fathers helped believers cast aside their perversions of the gospel and once again recognize the Lord alone as the One who saves. In this Sunday's sermon, Pastor Pete Orta examines the five most basic tenets of the Protestant Reformation: the "five solas"

  • Lights


    Christ put His Church in the world to “shine as lights,” but all too frequently the world's black sky tries to swallow the light of Christ inside of us. This Sunday will encourage us to keep our flames lite and uncovered.

  • Cross Training


    Moving into chapter 2, Paul opens up his concerns to the small house churches in Philippi. Yes, they were doctrinally sound with no moral challenges at the time, however, Paul knew that this is when disunity rears it's ugly head. Join us as we learn from this section of Scripture as to why it's vital to our mission to become a tougher local church.

  • Between 2 Worlds


    Paul's imprisonment gave us privileged insight behind his words "to live is Christ and to die is gain". This Christian motto out of context still uplifts our souls, but understanding Paul's intent during his incarceration brings power to Christianity! This sermon will be unboxed, understood, and utilized this well known verse!

  • FearLess


    Paul reveals that when believers retain their joy throughout difficult circumstances it advances the Gospel in two particular ways—first, it preaches Christ to the lost, and secondly, it sparks boldness in those who struggle with timidity.

  • Gospel Driven Friendships


    Chapter 1 verses 3-11 is a portion of Paul's letter to the Philippains that shows us what kind of intimacy we should have in our friendships. This sermon unboxes how to transform our current relationships to Gospel Driven Friendships.

  • Church Plant in Philippi


    This sermon Pastor Pete will start walking us through the book of Philippians. Our sermon series Finding Joy along with the pastor's last character sketch on the Apostle Paul sets the stage for this letter to the church of Philippi. This sweet letter not only reminded the Philippians of their joy in Christ, but also how to make this understanding of joy applicable in their lives.

  • Finding Joy: St. Paul


    One of our greatest gifts from God is joy. Joy in any circumstance. Once we've exhausted all of our emotion, joy seems to sink underneath the concerns of life. Our next sermon series, Finding Joy: St. Paul, will help us sift through our thoughts and circumstances to renew our faith by excavating the joy of the Lord.

  • Find Joy: The Royal Official


    One of our greatest gifts from God is joy. Joy in any circumstance. Once we've exhausted all of our emotion, joy seems to sink underneath the concerns of life. Our next sermon series, Finding Joy: The Royal Official, will help us sift through our thoughts and circumstances to renew our faith by excavating the joy of the Lord.

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