Pete Orta's Sermons



Knowing Scripture


  • Finding Joy: Jonah


    One of our greatest gifts from God is joy. Joy in any circumstance. Once we've exhausted all of our emotion, joy seems to sink underneath the concerns of life. Our next sermon series, Finding Joy: Jonah, will help us sift through our thoughts and circumstances to renew our faith by excavating the joy of the Lord.

  • Finding Joy: Samson


    One of our greatest gifts from God is joy. Joy in any circumstance. Once we've exhausted all of our emotion, joy seems to sink underneath the concerns of life. Our next sermon series, Finding Joy: Samson, will help us sift through our thoughts and circumstances to renew our faith by excavating the joy of the Lord.

  • Speak


    Paul ends the letter to Ephesus with the imagery of war. As a result, many sermons have been preached on the symbolic significance attached to each piece of gear. However, has this left many of us "all dressed up with nowhere to go"? Is there something we needed to know about our armor before we put it on? Follow along as we listen to Paul's final words.

  • The Win-Win


    This sermon in Ephesians will talk about the philosophy and concepts behind being a trainer and a student. No matter what your position in life, you will be pushed to the next level of understanding. Pastor Pete Orta, in his experience, believes there is no better training manual than the Bible. And we couldn't help but notice that this passage of Scripture introduces what our focuses should be as we step into the spiritual ring of our lives. Therefore, open up your toolbox.

  • Holy Devotion


    The doctrines of marriage are mixed and poured into the foundation of life itself. God, in His mercy, established these principles before humanity could wrap their heads around it. However, it didn't take long for men and women to start reshaping these lines of marriage to fit their needs—to serve themselves. The results are in and they are staggering. This sermon will redefine what it means to be devoted to one another according to Scripture.

  • Here Comes the Bribe


    Ephesians 5:1 -21 teaches us how to save ourselves for our Bridegroom, the Christ. We are warned and forbidden to fall into adultery because we are already spoken for.

  • The Christian Life


    Many say "Follow Jesus", but many are still left wondering how to make this statement applicable. Paul doesn't just leave us with this "canned" answer. He tells us who we are in Chapters 1-3 in Ephesians and how to apply these doctrines to our daily walk in chapters 4-6. The Christian Life is what we will be observing this sermon.

  • Equip the Saints


    Ephesians chapter 4 can provoke questions like, "How do we all tap into our different gifts that the Lord has given us?" and "What do they look like and how do they work?" Join us as we become armed and dangerous.

  • Beyond Greatness


    What does it take for us to tap in the Christ's power—to move beyond greatness. Ephesians 3:14-21 breaks into Paul's second prayer in this letter. We hope this sermon strengthens you beyond measure.

  • King's Spoils


    There are two mysteries that Paul is wanting us to know before mentioning the "unsearchable riches of Christ". This first half of Ephesians 3 is a reminder of how easy it is to lose sight of these mysteries and riches. All very important to our spiritual warfare.

  • Over The Wall


    Over The Wall is part three of our Ephesus series. This portion of Scripture, Ephesians 2:11-22, will help us navigate across enemy lines into the uncharted territories of our lives. This Sunday just might be the missing key to accomplishing the Great Commission in your life!

  • Against All Odds


    Against All Odds is part two of our Ephesus series. This sermon is aimed to expose the three enemies of every Christian and how to handle them successfully. After this Sunday you will have a few more tools in your wheelhouse for the next time you're facing a spiritual conflict.

  • Battle of Ephesus: The Art of War


    This Sunday will start our new series on the Battle of Ephesus. Studying their battle plans will give us the leverage we need to overcome our adversaries. This teaching series will expose who our enemies truly are and remind us what we are fighting for.

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