Love Yourself Up With Jodi Aman



Anxiety-buster, Love-spreader, Speaker, Author of "You 1 Anxiety 0." Watch video: 20 Ways to Calm from Panic http://JodiAman.comFan me on FB: me on twitter:


  • How To Motivate Your Teen

    19/10/2015 Duração: 07min

    Fan me on FB: me on twitter: Find out about my online anxiety recovery programs:http://givefeartheboot.com Read summary of this podcast at ‎and add to the discussion! Read transcription of podcast here: Sometimes when teens are starting to have their independence, they get a little bit overwhelmed with obligation and responsibility. And they're highly motivated to resist those things. These are some things that you have to do to get your child motivated. First, have some confidence in them. You have to believe that they can do it so that they can believe that they can do it. Two, you’ve got to be the bridge. They have to start to do stuff for themselves, but you have to be the bridge and encourage them. The third is to teach them that responsibility equals freedom. The more responsible they act the

  • What is The Meaning of Life?

    12/10/2015 Duração: 04min

    Fan me on FB: me on twitter: Find out about my online anxiety recovery programs:http://givefeartheboot.com Read summary of this podcast at and add to the discussion! Read transcription of this podcast here: What is the meaning of life? I've concluded that this world is about learning. Experiences can be so scary, but if you look at them symbolically and think about what you can learn from experiences, it makes it a lot different. There's two things that I focus on in my life to help me learn, grow, and live with vitality – challenge and connection. 1. Challenge Three thousand years ago, people were keen on exploring and expanding their world. They just took a boat out to open sea. They couldn't see land and they didn't know how long they'd be sailing. They took these risks because they liked to

  • 7 Ways To Help Your Kids With Anxiety Right Now!

    02/10/2015 Duração: 08min

    Go to the next video here: skills help kids heal fast • How to empower your child • Exactly what you can doWatching your child suffer with Anxiety is heartbreaking. Let’s get them better!Go to the next video here: #parenting #anxiouskids #nervouskids #panic #helpingkidsFan me on FB: me on twitter: @JodiAmanI have never felt so helpless as I do when my children are anxious. You know, I see that they are physically safe, but know that in their little struggling minds, they don't feel so safe. In fact, they feel the opposite of safe and this is painful and overwhelming.As parents, it is our job to keep our children safe. But how can we save them from their own minds?  Here are 7 ways you can help your child overcome their anxiety:1. Model confidence and calmness.Listen. Children take their cue from you. My daughter often worries about be

  • How To Let Go of Pain and Problems

    18/09/2015 Duração: 04min

    Fan me on FB: me on twitter: @JodiAmanFind out about my online anxiety recovery programs:http://givefeartheboot.comhttp://givefearthebootkids.comRead transcription of this podcast at commentary of this podcast at: and add to the discussion! Some of you have keys on your keychain and you don't even know what they're for anymore. Sometimes we hang on to problems the same kind of way. One thing that we often confuse holding on to crumbs with is our self-worth. When somebody hurts me, I sometimes get really obsessed with it and have conversations with that person, fantasizing that I'm getting validation back. This is what we're looking for. We're looking for validation that it wasn't okay, some kind of acknowledgement. If we let go without that acknowledgement, it feels like we're not worthy of being treated well, so we hold on to stuff to make sure it

  • How To Build Your Self Confidence

    16/09/2015 Duração: 04min

    Fan me on FB: Follow me on twitter: Periscope: @JodiAman   Find out about my online anxiety recovery programs:   Read commentary of this podcast at and add to the discussion!    Read transcription of this podcast here:   Summary:   Building your self-confidence is a skill that you can learn. It's something that you can build if you work on it. The most important thing that you can do to build your self-confidence is practice. If you try something and practice it then you build confidence in yourself in doing it.    One of the best things you could do to build your self-esteem and self-confidence is commit to something small every day that you could definitely do. Then every day you do it, and you see yourself committed to that thing, that's going to build your self-

  • Allow Yourself To Feel

    14/09/2015 Duração: 05min

    Fan me on FB: Follow me on twitter: Periscope: @JodiAman   Find out about my online anxiety recovery programs:   Read summary of this podcast at and add to the discussion!  Read transcription of this podcast here:   Why you think it is so hard to feel -- There are many reasons we don't want to feel a feeling, but it usually leads back to guilt and fear.    Thinking something is wrong with what we feel can cause so many problems in our lives. An unfelt, unresolved feeling, especially one we judge to be pathological can reek havoc on our emotions, relationships, and identity.   The stories about the feelings and what happened –  blaming ourselves and blaming others – that fill our head, have us run away from feelings. This is why it takes so long to heal. We think a feeling is u

  • Four Ways Creativity Helps The Brain

    11/09/2015 Duração: 04min

    Fan me on FB: Follow me on twitter: Periscope: @JodiAman   Find out about my online anxiety recovery programs:   Read commentary of this podcast at and add to the discussion!  Read a transcription of this podcast here: There are four ways that creativity helps the brain and I encourage everybody to take on something creative in their life.   1. Physically Pain starts in the brain rather than the joints or muscles. When people are engaging in a creative activity or social activity, they experience less pain. It also stimulates those parts of the brain that we need stimulating to help us recover from our past.   2. Mentally Doing something takes up that mental space from other stressful things that are often going through our minds.   3. Emotionally When we do somethin

  • Conquer Your Fear of Flying

    09/09/2015 Duração: 08min

    Fan me on FB: Follow me on twitter: Periscope: @JodiAman   Find out about my online anxiety recovery programs:   Read commentary of this podcast at and add to the discussion!    Read an extended summary of this podcast here:   The fear of flying is a pretty common fear, but to me, it was my dirty little secret. I looked at all of my anxiety that way, finding it humiliating to be afraid.     Well, I found out that I wasn’t a wimp. And if you are scared of something, I don’t think you are a wimp either. I just had to break a habit and I can show you how.   We can create situations of fear or pleasure by our thoughts, feelings and expectations. Why choose fear?    Now it is time for you to have an adventure. Where would you go if you weren’t afraid to fly?    Thank you so muc

  • 5 Ways To Help Your Child Get Over School Anxiety

    07/09/2015 Duração: 07min

    Fan me on FB: me on twitter: @JodiAmanFind out about my online anxiety recovery programs:http://givefeartheboot.comhttp://givefearthebootkids.comRead summary of this podcast here add to the discussion!  Read transcription of this podcast here: our kids have anxiety, we often feel helpless, which makes us feel anxious! You can help them feel better using the suggestions in this episode.To review:1. Help them feel empowered2. Offer a carrot3. Have confidence in them4. Get them in the door5. Ease test and performance anxietySchool Anxiety is recoverable! I’ve seen people get over it all the time. If you have had trouble with school anxiety or anxiety about going anywhere, what tips can you give other readers? Thank you so much for listening!

  • Deciding To Leave A Relationship

    04/09/2015 Duração: 05min

    Fan me on FB: Follow me on twitter: Periscope: @JodiAman   Find out about my online anxiety recovery programs: Read commentary of this podcast at: and add to the discussion! Read an extended summary of this podcast here: If you're not happy in your relationship, it affects your mind, body and soul. Here's four questions you can ask yourself to get started in thinking about your future. 1. Am I staying because I don't want to be alone? We always think that it's this person or nothing. That's just not the case. The other possibilities are unknown and scary but definitely not nothing. 2. I am beating myself up? Do you feel like you failed? Making a conscious decision to leave a relationship, or to stay, doesn't mean failure. Stop judging yourself because that just makes

  • Let Go of Anger

    02/09/2015 Duração: 03min

    Fan me on FB: me on twitter: @JodiAmanFind out about my online anxiety recovery programs:http://givefeartheboot.comhttp://givefearthebootkids.comRead commentary of this podcast at and add to the discussion! Read an extended summary of this podcast at: of podcast:We all get angry sometimes.Anger freaks people out. They don't want to feel it anymore and they feel like that's not the way they want to be in the world.The way to get rid of your anger is to allow yourself to feel angry. There's always a reason for it. Somebody hurt you or somebody wasted your time or disrespected you. What happens is, we get angry and then we judge ourself about it. Do you know what that does? That just makes it more powerful over us. If you allowed yourself to feel and understood your original anger as totally appropriate, then you'd have compassion for yourself. This cha

  • Getting Rid Of OCD And Shame

    17/08/2015 Duração: 07min

    Fan me on FB: Follow me on twitter: Periscope @JodiAman   Find out about my online anxiety recovery programs:   Read commentary of this podcast at add to the discussion!   Read transcription of this podcast here:    Summary:   About a year ago, I made a video about OCD and it caused a lot of controversy because I think people didn't understand it. I've been working with people with OCD for a really long time and I've known a lot of people really close to me that have obsessions and compulsions that lead them to do patterns.    Sometimes they're just doing patterns and it's mildly annoying and other times it is so annoying and overwhelming that it takes up a big portion of their lives.   This causes a huge amount of suffering.    People come and go into this state of being. Often people stay in it for a

  • Revitalize Your Relationships By Bringing More Love And Passion In

    14/08/2015 Duração: 07min

    Fan me on FB: me on twitter: @JodiAmanFind out about my online anxiety recovery programs:http://givefeartheboot.comhttp://givefearthebootkids.comRead commentary of this podcast at and add to the discussion! Read an extended summary of this podcast here: this podcast I speak about 5 ways to bring out that love and connection that you so desperately want from your significant other. These help in any kind of relationship because they make people feel good. And when people feel good, they feel close and happy and want to be with you more and more. Please share because we want everyone in the world to have an uplifting and loving relationship! Thank you so much for listening!

  • My 5 Rules For Life

    12/08/2015 Duração: 04min

    Fan me on FB: me on twitter: @JodiAmanFind out about my online anxiety recovery programs:http://givefeartheboot.comhttp://givefearthebootkids.comRead commentary of this podcast at and add to the discussion! Read an extended summary of this podcast here: Five Rules To Life:1. Do hard things2. Make people important3. Step back4. Take risks5. Be creativeThank you so much for listening!

  • Generate Happiness In Four Minutes

    10/08/2015 Duração: 04min

    Learn more about me at:   Fan me on FB: Follow me on twitter: Periscope: @JodiAman   Find out about my online anxiety recovery programs:   Read an extended summary of this podcast here:   I believe we all have the ability to reach beyond our experiences. To grow and open our mind rather than keep living our negative story.    You are amazing and beautiful and worthy.   I know things are hard, but they don’t have to stay hard. Life has loads of beautiful things to offer. You deserve them.    Stick with me, I have more to share to help you continue to bloom into the being your called to be. You are in there, it’s time to shine through.    Thank you so much for listening!

  • De-Clutter Your House, De-Clutter Your Mind

    07/08/2015 Duração: 07min

    Fan me on FB: me on twitter: @JodiAmanFind out about my online anxiety recovery programs:http://givefeartheboot.comhttp://givefearthebootkids.comRead commentary of this podcast at and add to the discussion! Read an extended summary of this podcast here: To De-Clutter Your Home:1. Touch things once2. Two hands in, two hands out3. Do your dishes as you go along4. Complete projects5. Deliver right away6. Let go of perfectionism7. Limituse of coupons8. Make recycling easyThank you so much for listening!

  • De-Mystifying Self Love: Answering The Four Most Asked Questions

    05/08/2015 Duração: 06min

    Fan me on FB: Follow me on twitter: Periscope: @JodiAman   Find out about my online anxiety recovery programs:   Read commentary of this podcast at and add to the discussion!    Read an extended summary of this podcast here:   In this podcast I am De-Mystifying Self-Love and I'm answering the four most asked questions:   1. How do you get it? 2. How do you know you have it? 3. What does it feel like? 4. How do you nurture it?    Thank you so much for listening!

  • Dealing With Overwhelm, Intense Stress, And Burn Out

    03/08/2015 Duração: 04min

    Fan me on FB: Follow me on twitter: Periscope @JodiAman Find out about my online anxiety recovery programs: Read commentary of this podcast at and add to the discussion! Read transcription of this podcast here:   Summary: For so long in my life, I felt like I was trying to heal myself while I was in the midst of everything else going on. Raising my babies, building my business, nurturing my relationship, and honing my skills as a counselor. I was in survival mode big time and I wasn't really giving myself the time that I needed.  Do you ever feel overwhelmed by your life? Do you ever wonder why you don't take care of yourself? Why getting tasks done means more than healing and feeling calm? It's because healing isn't tangible. You can't check it off a list. It takes time and concentration.

  • Are High Expectations Killing You?

    08/07/2015 Duração: 05min

    Fan me on FB: me on twitter: out about my online anxiety recovery program:http://givefeartheboot.comRead commentary of this podcast at and add to the discussion! Read an extended summary of this podcast here:, you can still make goals without pressuring yourself to death.I'll show you how in this three step process:1. Write your goals and imbue them with energy. 2. Give them your all without holding back. 3. Re-evaluate them often. Including taking them down a notch if you need to! Thank you so much for listening!

  • 5 Ways To Calm From A Panic Attack

    06/07/2015 Duração: 05min

    Fan me on FB: me on twitter: out about my online anxiety recovery program:http://givefeartheboot.comRead commentary of this podcast at and add to the discussion! Read an extended summary of this podcast here: Panic is the worst feeling in the world!5 Ways To Calm Yourself Down During A Panic Attack1. Move your body2. Connect with someone3. Laugh4. Do something creative5. Sing and danceWhat calms you when you are panicking?  Thank you so much for listening!

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