Don Woods



Don is a great singer/songwriter who always has an ingenious take on a situation.Don has been a correspondent with Vince for many years. He is a member of the .Merseycats and on Wirral 'The Cheshirecats' bringing the musicians from the Merseybeat era together each week to get money for childrens' charities. Visit the Cheshire Cats website5th September Don tells us about the Police farce, Tony's Book and remembers Gerry Marsden Don Woods 2012Click picture to get Don's WebsiteDon has some wonderful items on his website and is a past master at creating unusual songs and making videos and DVDs. Please drop by and enjoy his work


  • Packaging! What if?


    Hi's this week's subjects....the song was a good find...I remember it well. you will find it on Spotify or YouTube ...BUT make sure it is by Dina Garipova as there are a few different songs with the same title......."What If" by Dina Garipova. Packaging.....why is everything you buy so hard to open without a road drill? The footballer coming out as gay has hit the news....this aint news...who cares?...on his money he should learn to ignore abuse from morons. Prince William and the national anthem was booed at the cup final.....and as always the small handful of boneheads get maximum publicity from the media who continue to scrape the barrel for "news". And still on the Royalty front...Charles and Camilla will be appearing in East Enders which defies comment. The 4 hours of the Eurovision also received another shed load on the news which brought in many complaints to the BBC who as usual "felt they got it right" Along with Speke Airport becoming The John Lennon Airport we now have a ferr

  • Who tauught Don to Yodel?


    I watched the FA Cup final which is a couple of hours I wont get back....I've seen better games in the local park .I had one too many pints during the Cup Final (to ease the boredom) and fell asleep during the Eurovision Song Contest....I woke up at the start of the results with Graham Norton talking over the presenters....someone should have put a gag on him.....I was glad that Ukraine won which showed that the world are behind them.....we came second which made a change. Kier Stermer's pathetic attempt at "integrity"was a joke and an insult to our intelligence. Prince Charles carrying out the Queen's Speech with a ton of medals on his tunic and a massive sword he had to keep off the ground....he looked like a cartoon. A potrait of Marilyn Monroe by Andy Waholwhich has sold for 195 million dollars....I think the expression is "more money than sense" There is a new format of "The Chase" which is well past it's sell by Bradley is still everywhere you look.Packaging.....some things are impossi

  • Jess Conrad's Pullover


    We have just been subjected to the local elections with blanket TV coverage....personally I couldn't be less interested.....with BBC reporters being sent all over the country by planes and trains to do interviews in the street....well worth my licence fee.....I don't think. Then we have the big build up to Susanna Reid interviewing Boris `Johnson....which is the first interview he has done on ITV in 5 years....I switched it off half way through.....the only way it could have been worse was if Piers Morgan had interviewed him. After Kier Starmer has been going on and on and on about the Boris Xmas party....he is now being investigated for a similar "offence" a year ago.....and THIS is's like a bunch of school kids. I'm delighted for BP and Shell after they announced the billions they have made in profits....of course they have made billions...they have been ripping us off for years.....the rich get richer......diesel is £1.74 a litre which in real terms is £7 a's a joke. And on the

  • Don's Wonderful Boy Scouts


    The recent dry weather will cause possible problems....forest fires...draught etc etc......same thing at the same time every year. Boris Becker is off to jail because of undeclared assets....Bankrupt Boris has got 2 years.....the price of fame .Porn in Parliament...M.P. Neil Parish has been a naughty boy....or so it seems. A D.J. called Westwood who works on Capital Radio (I think) has been accused of sexual misbehaviour by a few women which he has strenuously denied....but of course he must be guilty because the media say so.......yet another witch hunt And more job justification....some nameless genius has come up with an idea to stop child obesity....apparently a suggestion has been made to take sugary breakfast cereals off the front of the shelves in supermarkets....because they obviously "force" shoppers to buy Frosties have to go to the back of the shelf.....this has gone down well with the manufacturers of these products as you can imagine .Who killed Freddie Mills?....a very interesti

  • Walk Don't Run


    The news is still going on about Boris Johnson's Xmas party.....all this is doing now is giving no mark M.P.s the opportunity to get their faces on TV all saying the same thing with none of them coming up with any alternative solutions.....definitely time to MOVE ON. The easiest job in the world is be a critic or a football pundit....we have professional film critics who grace us with their opinions....and pundits who sit round a table and discuss a match we have just watched....and get highly paid for doing about easy money.....and this comes out of our TV licence....which will no doubt soon go up because of the shortage of oil or something equally as stupid. Main roads are being altered to include wide cycle long before the accidents start?....not to mention idiots on electric bikes. The local council's latest brilliant idea is to increase the charge of emptying your garden waste bin from 35 pounds to 50 pounds a year which hasn't gone down too well with our the

  • Didn't Sir Brucie Do Well?


    The John Leslie trials by media.....Leslie was found innocent of any sexual wrongdoing after past accusations from various women,,,yet no-one seems to stand trial for these false accusations after ruining his life. ....... I watched a documentary on Kathy Kirby....she was a big star back in the day but became a victim of fame. Vince's Interview re Kathy.. 7. This week's bad record. "Didn't He Do Well" by Bruce Forsyth...Brucie was a very talented showbiz personality but should have avoided this song.

  • Lovely Lady of the Roses


    Harry Biilinge...D-Day survivor sadly passed away aged 96...spent his life raising money for a D-Day monument on the Normandy coast....a great man and a REAL knight of the realm. 2.Kinder eggs have been recalled over a salmonella scare....just in time for Easter 3.The multi talentless Ant and Dec have won ANOTHER BAFTA for their Sa'aday Night tirkawir...which says it all. 4.Will Smith is still making the news as he has been given a 10 year ban from the Oscars;...who cares?...I only wish it had been Tyson Fury on the end of his slap....that would have been worth more red carpet for him. 5.The Grand National is in town....I can't control my excitement 6.If you play Monty Listers jingle about all the places he has been I can give you some anecdotes of some of my adventures with him. 7 .Worst ever song by Peter Cook is Lovely Lady of the roses

  • David Alexander The Working Man


    1. Eco Activists and the guy who stuck his hand to the radio studio mic 2. Fake Everton Replica Shirts! 3. Holiday 'getaway' trafffic do we enjoy sitting in traffic jams? 4. BBC Giving away Plastic Toys with their publications 5 The Boat Race-How exciting is that? Hundreds of spectators gathered under sunny skies along the River Thames in London for the annual university boat race, as weather forecasters predicted a 'fine Sunday' following a noticeably chilly start to April. ............... 6. Urban Seagulls. 7. The Story of one of Don's Jingles. This week....What Have I got in my Hand? 8. We discuss the life and times of a great Welsh singer called David Alexander and this takes us nicely to Wales, singing and the story of Coal in the UK. Great song this week by David Alexander called The Working Man

  • Was Yoko Ono's Music Really That Bad?


    Hi's some topics for Monday....I've included some of the stuff lost in the clouds last week Items for discussion The P & O sackings with one days notice have been headline news Gareth Bale being heavily criticised for making more effort playing for his country than he did playing for his Spanish team....and his re-action....(Back in the day Jasper Carrot had the answer to HIS critics) Rock Til We Drop ...the final at the Isle of Wight Festival with local lad Arty Davies The documentary on Tom Jones at 80 The documentary on John Lennon called Imagine Bill Wyman's marriage and selection of relatives he acquired. Worst record spot....It's Gonna Rain by Yoko Ono....pass me those ear plugs

  • Dpon and the Busy Bees


    Hi Vince here's a few subjects to chew over....I've got some good input. First the blanket coverage of the war is getting criticised.....and the showing of information which would be of use to the Russians .The P & O fiasco with the sacking of 800 employees without notice The ridiculous price of petrol and offs only last a short time Two TV programmes ....Tom Jones at 80.....John Lennon Imagine Michael Portillo's railway journey to Holyhead. Bill Wyman's past wedding. Us older folk complain a lot about modern music.....however this is an example of what we had back then.....The Bee Song by Arthur Askey.

  • Rock Til We Drop


    The TV Programme "Rock Til We Drop" which features selection of musicians between the ages of 65 to 85 chosen to form a band to perform at the Isle of Wight Festival. Dodgy children's programmes from the past....e.g. Captain did they get away with it? Cookery programmes.....and the ridiculous "presentation" of food.....and the price of a pint is more than my first weekly pay packet. Price of private dental check ups A recent item on the unbelievable conditions Miners had to work under back in the day...and we go on about slavery. Charles Darwin's birthplace in Shrewsbury....fascinating. Tina Turner concert in good as it gets....the best concert I have ever seen...and on the exact opposite of the spectrum...."Please Please Please Let me get what I want" sung by Morrisey. and The Smiths...a perfect example of a decent band who definitely need a replacement singer.

  • More than the Streets of London


    @donwoods and @vincetracy discussed #ShaneWarne #Cricket #JimLaker #Athletics #Education #Sport #Philosophy #Wirral #Wallasey #School #SirRogerBannister #SebastianCoe #Music #Bands #Groups #SpandauBallet #TheFloralPavilion #RalphMcTell #Cornwall

  • Don, Llanberis, David Bowie and The Laughing Gnome


    Don joins Vince to discuss the dangerous political scenario #BBC #ITV #television #news #weather #TheChase #TippingPoint #EuropeanSongContest #Antiques #DavidBowie #TheLaughingGnome

  • Don with Lipstick on his Collar


    Storm Dudley and Storm Eunice filled 20 minutes of the news with their usual scaremongering. Then we have Prince Andrews "settlement" with the girl he has never met....I hope they check whether all those millions go to charity and not into the poor "abused" young lady's purse Then we have Charles whose charity is under investigation regarding "cash for honours".....I can't see the problem if the cash goes to his charity. Tom Daley has run and cycled all over the place "for charity"....what is the point? I remember real storms when we were joined buy the tide at a local gig back in 1980. The Winter Olympics.has not exactly been successful for the U.K. athletes....but it's only cost 24 million to get them out there. This week I would like to discuss a song from back in the 50s and why I think it is a classic compared to a lot of the stuff we have had to endure since....the song is "Lipstick on your collar" by Connie Francis....I will explain why this song fills all the boxes of greatness.

  • Don's Too Sexy


    Don's favourite record of all time ......I feel there's more to this than meets the eye!

  • Don and the Cheeky Girls


    @donwoods and @vincw tracy discussed #boris #cycling #awimming #petrol #bbc #cheekygirls

  • The Classic Jailhouse Rock


    The record I would like to discuss this week is the Elvis classic...Jailhouse Rock......the record still holds up today.and considering there are only 4 musicians backing Elvis it makes this a masterpiece......the temptation to write this song in a country style must have been hard to resist but whoever came up with the the guitar work and the drum breaks makes this, for me,one of the best rock and roll records ever.and also lyrically brilliant.

  • Don Waxing Lyrical Over La Mer


    On the continuing Djocovic saga....I believe old Novak intends to sue the Australian couldn't make it up....good luck with that one.......and even worse ..because some people are deeply offended (mainly those under 5 feet) by the sweet we have always known as "Midget Gems" the name has been changed to "small gems" or something....which reminds me of a chip shop in Liverpool when the authorities told them that because their hamburgers didn't contain ham they were mis- described...they were in fact savoury the shop put up a huge notice outside saying "our hamburgers are now savoury rings"....that's why we love Liverpool............ I have been going on for weeks about records I can't stand so this week for a change I would like to feature my favourite record of all time....I have loved this song since I was a kid....and despite my rock and roll and jazz roots this song has always remained top of my list....and it is sung in French.....the orchestration and melody make it,for me,

  • What a Wonderful World!


    Here is the Agenda set by Don for this week's chat.... 1.The Tory Party Party.....the witch hunt is on...with the BBC leading from the gutter. 2.The Novac Djocovic Saga 3.Andrew...the artist formerly known as Prince 4.The Chester football ground which is in England AND Wales 5.Celebs who are too "important" to endure being interviewed. 6.The new ferry terminal named after Gerry Marsden 7.Back in the day the BBC refused to play Agadoo by Black Lace as they regarded it as "not credible"....the fact it topped the charts everywhere displays the knowledge of our wonderful Beeb. 7.Worst record ever section.....The Ying Tong Song by The Goons

  • It's YOKO again!


    The recent news headlines feature Novak Djokovic ... will he or wont he be allowed to defend his title in the Australian open?....the coverage includes his fans protesting in the streets as to the announcement by the authorities that he has not complied with the covid regulations.....and this is HEADLINE news....I am a tennis fan and an admirer of Novak's talent but IT'S A GAME OF TENNIS....that's belongs in the sport section at the end of the news....not in the headlines....there's far more important stuff going on in the world. Then we are told that energy prices are going to increase by 50% and this will seriously affect the lower paid....with scaremongering headlines like "Heating or Eating?"...which really helps the situation....what we don't seem to have been told is WHY....or have I missed's a good job you can't buy boxes of energy from Tescos otherwise you would see our nation of sheep with their supermarket trollies piled high with these boxes of energy.....I don't suppose

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