Don Woods

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  • Editora: Podcast
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Don is a great singer/songwriter who always has an ingenious take on a situation.Don has been a correspondent with Vince for many years. He is a member of the .Merseycats and on Wirral 'The Cheshirecats' bringing the musicians from the Merseybeat era together each week to get money for childrens' charities. Visit the Cheshire Cats website5th September Don tells us about the Police farce, Tony's Book and remembers Gerry Marsden Don Woods 2012Click picture to get Don's WebsiteDon has some wonderful items on his website and is a past master at creating unusual songs and making videos and DVDs. Please drop by and enjoy his work


  • D-Day Remembered and Respected.


    .There as been blanket coverage of the D-Day landings on the certainly puts a lot of things into perspective and is hard to believe for those of a certain's hard to take in what these soldiers went through and when you see the loss of lives on both sides it seems such a terrible waste.....and how sad it is that some of the younger generation don't appreciate the sacrifices made. And we mustn't forget Mr.Bean impersonator Michael Gove who has admitted taking cocaine in the past....this is the geek who announced there is no place in schools for teachers who have taken drugs....and this is the fool who wants to be prime minister....he has obviously admitted this to avoid someone who knows him going to the would be funny if it wan't so tragic. What puzzles me is the way football is taken so seriously.....if you look on Facebook for example there are arguments which get personal and nasty about certain games....e.g. the European Cup or the Premiership title........there are

  • Liverpool Champions of Europe


    Football has been on the agenda this week with the European cup which Liverpool won and as expected there has been a lot of celebrating here.......and I salute the lad who bought a car for 40 quid and drove there with his mates and saved a fortune....and talking of fortunes we go on about the players outrageous wages but what seems to be overlooked is the 40% which goes to the seems to ask what happens to that?....I have no problem with the money they receive because it doesn't come out of MY pocket so good luck to them....unlike my licence fee for the BBC!! watch the news first thing in the morning is so depressing and to get away from Brexit you switch to ITV to find Piers Morgan arguing with two women feminists moaning about the lack of equality etc etc...all prattling on at once...and is of NO interest to 99.9% of the viewers....not a good way to start your day.....even the weather forecast is a joke....considering the technology at their disposal they couldn't fo

  • Dark Corridors


    What is it with modern films?....they must save a fortune on electricity because they are all made in the dark.....what we are subjected to is actors who mumble so you can't understand what they are on about coupled with dark sets both inside and outside...SWITCH THE LIGHTS ON!! turn the sound up so you can hear them whispering then back down again as the music and gunfire blasts out....of course this is if you can find a film worth watching on TV....a very difficult task these days....if it wasn't for the police searching for murderers there would be no stories at the music and entertainment industry its all gone down the drain. 2.There has been a lot of publicity regarding scams and people losing all their savings's easy to say they should know better but there should be a lot more education from the media especially for the old and vulnerable.....these scammers are professionals and know how to con people big's even done on a legal basis with loan companies and

  • Eurovision Song Contest 2019


    I watched The Eurovision Song Contest which was hard going......and as usual we were bottom of the pile.....what I can't understand is why don't we realise that NOVELTY is what is required....Bucks Fizz with the skirts pulled off....Brotherhood of Man with their silly dance....the bearded "lady" etc.....much as I like the lad who represened us we missed the best song in the run was called "Freaks" and would have done well....but our public unfortunately thought otherwise....the music business is,and always has been,full of egotists who would have difficulty playing a tambourine yet think they know more than real musicians.....and when we come last every year we blame "politics".....which has nothing to do with it....professional songwriters and someone who actually knows about presentation is required then perhaps we would have something we can offer......or perhaps just call it a day? 2.There is a strange addiction with modern day road users....they simply HAVE to matter what speed y

  • Farewell to Friends


    I was sad to hear of the loss of my dear friend Monty Lister who was a presenter on Radio Merseyside for many decades...I worked with him on his popular Sunday morning show "Tune Tonic" for 5 years....but knew him for many years before that...he interviewed many top entertainers from Bing Crosby to The Beatles (being the first to interview them)...he also produced many travelogues for his programme...for a lot of which I took care of the sound....we made trips all over Europe on one day excursions which has left me with many memories and anecdotes.....Monty was a gentleman and a good mate....and a broadcasting legend who I will never forget. We also lost another great character this week....Freddie Starr....Freddie was unpredictable and was difficult to control which sadly was his downfall but to me he was a comedy genius.....I remember seeing him many times with his band in the early sixties and it his massive talent was obvious then.....he was brilliant and a sad loss...they don't make 'em like him any m

  • Merseyside


    The latest rip off is you will be getting charged when you draw your OWN money out of cash machines....those in control have come up with several reasons why they have to do this....the reason they seemed to have missed out is the correct one...which is the fact that they are a greedy grabbing bunch of selfish pigs who have no consideration for their fellow human petrol is also going up for some unknown reason....the petrol companies must need a few more's very strange how the filling stations react instantly to price rises and relatively slowly when the price comes's legal burglary. Speaking of burglars there was extensive news coverage of the 79 year old man who stabbed and killed a burglar who was threatening him in his home....the courts decreed it was lawful killing as he was acting in self defence....there has been a lot of support for this's a very interesting situation...quite rightly the general opinion is that the burglar shouldn't have been

  • LlanfairPG in Anglesey, Wales


    The BBC news at the moment has been depressing us all in its usual fashion....with the constant coverage of the terrible bombings in Sri Lanka....the tragic loss of lives must be so unbearable for those involved which is not helped by the BBC filming close-ups of those grieving..... Whereas I appreciate when we get a bit of sunshine in this country people want to get out and enjoy it...what has always puzzled me is why do they ALL do it at the same time?.....I went out to Wales over Easter as the forecast promised us plenty of sunshine....the Friday was Bank holiday so I went late Thursday....and had a clear run to Anglesey.... 3.On the entertainment front we are subjected once again to "Britain's Got Talent" which is as bad as it gets....if Britain has talent why don't they put it on this dreadful show instead of letting a bunch of no-hopers make fools of themselves in front of a panel of know-nothing judges with Simon Cowell deciding whether HE thinks they should get the holy thumbs up......and what pur

  • The Wrestler Adrian Street


    A young lady called Joann Randles has made a documentary film about the life of wrestler Adrian Street which will be shown at a major film festival in Cardiff next is called "You May Be Pretty But I Am Beautiful" and traces the life of this larger than life character from his humble beginnings working in Welsh coal his rise to fame as a world champion wrestler........I am featured in the film as I wrote and produced two albums of wrestling songs for him....this is my story.

  • The Big Three and Merseybeat


    We nearly had another moon landing....but not quite....the space ship got all the way but crash landed...close but no cigar....and we have been told the mission was a lot cheaper than previous attempts...this one was done "on a shoestring" and only cost 77 million pounds....which is some shoestring....I have always wondered what the point of space travel is....there is nothing there ....perhaps we should sort out things on THIS planet first.....or get a loan from the Amazon guy's missus with her 27 billion divorce settlement. 2.And speaking of major spending the Houses of Parliament needs refurbishing....this will cost 4 would be cheaper to send the building into space (and a better idea)...4 billion? I would like to see the breakdown of that amount .....apparently there are hundreds of rooms and offices etc....and I wonder why....they can't even run the country from ONE room.....but there could be some light at the end of the tunnel...Nigel Farage is forming a new party...The Brexit Party....

  • The Grand National and The Boat Race


    Some schools in Birmingham want to teach 4 year olds about "life" including same sex relationships....we are talking about 4 year olds here...who are confused enough without being bombarded with this sort of that age their brains are like sponges and they take everything in... they are told what religion they are and that everyone else beliefs are wrong my opinion at that age they should be taught arithmetic and how to read and write....let them be kids.....they certainly don't need to know about sex until they are in secondary school when they can make their own minds up...and it is confusing enough then...another sad situation caused by know nothing so called grown ups. 2.I've been doing a bit of DIY lately...a very rare occurrence ... and have come across some modern packaging....I bought a pair of scissors which were contained in clear moulded plastic....which you need scissors to get into....or a Swiss army knife...similarly I bought some the time I had got through

  • Subway Songman


    It is difficult to find a drama on T.V. which doesn't involve graphic displays of shootings and stabbings which are totally unnecessary...and they all begin with "you might find some of the violent scenes disturbing".....SO WHY HAVE THEM?.....if the story MUST have violent killings do we need to see it with the "cleverly" faked stab wounds and blood everywhere.....I started to watch a series called MotherFatherSon starring Richard Gere and the first episode showed an operation where they cut off the top of a blokes head in hospital...very clever from the make up team...if you are not having your tea...then there is a series called "The Following" where there are endless stabbings with all the gore.....not to mention "24" with Kiefer Sutherland shooting everyone is sight....and we wonder why knife crime is on the increase....this sort of stuff simply puts ideas into brainless heads. We are now going to have multi gender toilets in public places....because as you know we have many different genders nowadays.

  • Don Made it to the Top of Snowdon


    So now our Prime Minister is required to stand down by our wonderful government.....if this happens her replacement could be Mr.Blobby Michael Gove...which says it all....and the sheep are out again marching through the streets pretending they know what the the whole shambles is all about....and we were told there was a MILLION of them which was somewhat exaggerated ...I actually admire Teresa for having to deal with the load of morons in Parliament on a daily basis......we knock Donald Trump but he has more about him than the whole of our government put together....he certainly doesn't take any crap from anyone.2.But we needn't worry....because Uri Geller is going to stop Brexit happening....with his it me or is the planet losing its way?.....Uri wants everyone at a certain time to think...all at once..."Stop Brexit" that's O.K. then,,,,and this is from his mansion in the Middle East or wherever.....there is no such thing as telepathy.....I can make cards do "unbelievable thin

  • Forgotten Pop Stars


    A lot of money has been raised for Comic Relief for good causes both here and abroad....63 million pounds....which makes a total of 1.3 billion since it began.......I watched the programme on it which was on all night last is a great cause and it's good to see where the money goes....but as far as the "comedy" is concerned it's a "relief" when it's seems a lot of effort goes into various comedy sketches which fall flat......for example there was a spoof of Mamma Mia which was totally unfunny and another featuring a reunion of the stars of Four Wedding and a Funeral which was a complete disaster......or maybe I am missing would be better if they simply showed the charity sections and left the comedy out.....or find something that is actually funny. What I find a bit unacceptable about all this money being sent to other countries is we have our own major problems like lack of police and lack of money for the NHS.....and the's all very

  • The Dibber Song


    .Scotland has now got its own news channel.....which has cost £32 million....for 6 million people.....the BBC sure know how to spend our licence fee.....what is the point??....England has to suffer the national news (which mainly covers stabbings and murders) and also has local channels (which also mainly cover stabbings and murders).....but the Scots (or some of them) feel they are missing out........believe my guys you are NOT!!......the only news the rubbish BBC seem to cover is Brexit or fan the flames of problems like knife crime.....nothing of which helps in any way......unless they can sensationalise nasty situations and depress us all it's not news....I've actually stopped watching it along with many others.....the media in general should start helping to try and solve situations instead of adding to the doom and gloom with their negative reporting. 2.On the subject of dreadful television....there has recently been a documentary on Michael Jackson's alleged activities.....on Channel 4 which I purpose

  • Don's Still in Love with Una Stubbsª


    When will people realise no-one in business is there to do you a favour....they are after your money EVERY TIME.....we are constantly being warned against scams yet some still divulge their bank account details and get cleaned out....I appreciate a lot of older folk are not computer literate but they should be strongly advised by the media to delete any Emails involving any of your personal details....we are getting ripped off all the time....I was listening to a loan company advertising on the radio prattling on about how they could solve your financial would think they are doing you a FAVOUR....what you borrow will cost you 50% more to pay back ...some favour!!....if you can't afford it forget it............and the old favourite "We have £10,000 waiting to be paid into your bank....send us the details of your account so we can deposit it".....and because they don't realise you get nothing for nothing they fall for it...and it's goodbye's a sad situation but not enough time i

  • The Ballad of John Wayne


    First off a warning to anyone who has one of those Coca Cola embossed glasses in their cabinets.....I decided to have a Bacardi and Coke so I took the glass out and dropped a few cubes of ice in the ice touched the glass it exploded....not cracked...literally exploded with bits flying all over the room.....the glass is the type which holds a pint and is quite thick with "Coca Cola" embossed on the outside....if anyone has one or a similar one...throw it in the bin. 2.I watched a very interesting programme on American "fibs".....which looked into the wonderful heroic events in their history and revealed what ACTUALLY happened.....examples of the many items was Paul Revere who supposedly rode across the country on his own and warned everyone of the approaching British.....there is even a huge statue of him ....however ...there was three of them and poor old Paul didn't make it to the end (fell off his horse I think)....and legend also has it that when the British tried to conquer them they were beate

  • Roll Us Yer Cap Uncle Stan


    watched a programme about how much the royal family cost the was very interesting and threw up a few facts I didn't know.....when you see the unbelievable amount spent on banquets for example it is quite staggering.....with the gold cutlery and gallons of wine and champagne and necessary?.....and the royal train which costs 20 grand a trip....not to mention Prince Andrew's helicopter flights to and from his golf games.....apparently the family cost us 70 million a year....and that is just what we know about..........we are then told that knife crime is on the increase and we haven't got the money for more police.....which,after the cuts,we are 22000 short......not to mention the homeless etc.....and all we hear is that the royalty bring people into the country which is good for trade....which I certainly don't go along with......what the programme illustrated to me was the sheer lack of gratitude on their part....they wander around and actually believe they deserve it....and all we seem to ge

  • LlanfairPG ....Eurovision and Students


    Our song for Eurovision has been the public no it looks like another disaster....the song is called "Bigger Than Us" and is sung by a lad called Chris Rice who is an X Factor winner.....say no more....we were given three songs to choose was sung by a girl and was instantly forgettable....similar to the one which won the vote....the other song was called "Freaks" which was very good and would have been a strong contender in my opinion....but it seems the public know best.....another "nil pwa" for the United Kingdom I think.....and no doubt we will blame politics for our lack of votes.... instead of the bad song. 2.In order to make people aware of environment change they are bringing pupils out of some schools to put the point over and to educate our what a great idea!!....this will definitely save the planet....have you ever heard such tripe....who comes up with these pearls of wisdom....all this will do is make youngsters think they are a lot more intelligent

  • The Magic of Wales


    We have had our yearly batch of snow which has naturally caused total chaos on the roads....apart from those who haven't quite grasped the fact that ice on the roads can actually prevent you stopping we have the 10 hour delays on the motorways....where people have abandoned their cars....what puzzles me is where do they go?....."I'll just get out of my car and jump over this hedge into six feet of snow in this farmers field and take it from there".......when it all thaws out there could be solid bodies everywhere.....stay in the car!!! 2.The other item which has had a lot of coverage is the footballer who went down in the light aircraft on his way across the Channel....a very sad story as he was so young.....after calling off the search it was reopened with the help of public donations and they have found the does make you realise how vulnerable we all are and how it's not about money at the end of the day.................and someone put an interesting post on showed a photo of

  • What Happened to Julie?


    .Prince Philip has apologised to the lady he pulled in front of when he was driving with his eyes closed....the letter has been published which was typed but with the opening and closing line in his that's O.K. then......the lady in question has been on TV thanking his Lordship for the letter......which will be worth a few bob....and she will have made a nice bit of cash from the papers if she gets it right.....she also had her arm in a big sling which is a good I applaud her....that's the way to do it.................there is a move afoot to place speed ts to catch those who speed up and go through on amber.....another right idea from someone trying to justify their job......I've said it for years the only cure for speeding is to put speed cameras everywhere.....and just have random ones working....they would pay for themselves in a week...........oh I forgot....I was once told that there has to be three fatalities in an area before they can put up a speed camera....WHY?? 2.

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