John Hayward / Doctor Zero Podcasts

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Our freedom is not for sale, and we reserve the right to defend it from theft -- Audio Podcasts by Joe Koday


  • To Keep and Bear Arms


    Twenty-five years ago, a little after sunrise on a Monday morning, the front door of my house was kicked in by a man who had blown his mind with crack cocaine. He marched my family upstairs at gunpoint. When I reached the top of the stairs and turned around, he put the gun in my […]

  • A Prayer From The Living World


    The body of actor Andrew Koenig was found in Vancouver’s Stanley Park yesterday. His father, Walter Koenig, said that his son “took his own life, and was in a lot of pain.” Like most of my generation, I grew up with Walter Koenig as Chekhov on Star Trek, and he played a superb villain much […]

  • The Green Death


    Who is the worst killer in the long, ugly history of war and extermination? Hitler? Stalin? Pol Pot? Not even close. A single book called Silent Spring killed far more people than all those fiends put together . . . Click here to download / listen to the Podcast Click here to read the entire […]

  • The Great Crash


    During my college days in the early Nineties, I read a study that projected tax rates into the future, assuming government spending remained fixed at early Clinton levels. Due to the explosion of entitlement spending brought about by the insolvency of Social Security and Medicare, even the lower income brackets would face something like a […]

  • The Tiny Wings of Liberty


    New weapons are constantly added to the arsenal of liberty through the energy and creativity of free men. One such weapon is Twitter, the social networking service that limits users to posts of 140 characters or less. Twitter was instrumental during the recent protests against the Iranian government. It’s a town-hall meeting where everyone gets […]

  • Love the Warriors


    “You don’t have to love the war, but you have to love the warrior.” — Private Johnathon Millican. Click here to download / listen to the Podcast Click here to read the entire essay

  • Joy To The World


    I’m not a practicing member of any congregation, but I’ve never entertained a single atheist thought. No aspect of creation has led me to doubt the existence of the Creator. I have never doubted that life endures beyond the final beat of a mortal heart. Faith and feeling lead me to hold these beliefs, but […]

  • The Suicide Fantasy


    I went to see Avatar on Sunday evening, and found myself generally in agreement with Ed Morrissey’s review. Although many reviewers have complained the film takes too long to reach its climax, I thought the early and middle sections were the most enjoyable parts. The visual achievement is dazzling, in both design and execution, making […]

  • A Memo to the Global Warming Cult


    Dear global warming fanatics, Please. Stop. You’re embarrassing yourselves. Take a deep breath, and try to understand what has happened to you during the past month. You need to accept that your dreams of global domination are over. Increasingly shrill attempts to terrify the masses into ignoring Climagate are only making you look foolish. The […]

  • Tapping the Golden Vein


    Centuries ago, at the beginning of the Obama Administration, we were told that the “obscene” bonuses of AIG executives should be taxed away, with special taxes that amounted to bills of attainder. This is not the first time we’ve seen specific industries targeted with massive taxes because they were deemed immoral. The outstanding example is […]

  • Guns or Butter


    Some 15,000 Americans died last year because they didn’t have it. As many as five million more experienced a significant reduction in their quality of life, including mental and emotional trauma as well as diminished health, without it. Although large majorities of those Americans fortunate enough to have it are satisfied with what they have, […]

  • Defending the Invincible


    Almost every column written in defense of Rush Limbaugh over the last few days, following the vicious campaign to slander him as a racist, has included a statement along the lines of “Rush is rich, powerful, intelligent, and articulate, so he can take care of himself, and he’ll be just fine.” I don’t mean to […]

  • Crimes Against The Party


    The Left is mobilizing to protect Roman Polanski from being extradited to the United States, after his arrest by Swiss authorities for the crime of raping and sodomizing a 13-year-old girl in 1977, then fleeing from justice. Polanski spent his thirty years in exile from the United States on a rocky island off the coast […]

  • The Virtue of Humility


    Viewers of MTV’s Video Music Awards last night were treated to the thrilling spectacle of Kanye West leaping onto the stage and manfully wrestling the microphone away from 20-year-old Taylor Swift, to inform the world that Swift didn’t deserve the award she just won. This was a remarkably courageous action on West’s part, since rumor […]

  • Falling Through Fire


    When someone told me a plane had just hit the World Trade Center, I thought they meant a Cessna. I would imagine a lot of people had that reaction on 9/11. The truth was difficult to comprehend. The fear we inflict upon ourselves is electric with anticipation. Real horror, dropped before our eyes without warning, […]

  • The Myth of Job Creation


    Among the most unforgettable statements to come from President Obama was his repeated claim to have “saved or created” some ever-changing number of jobs. He stopped making this claim when it was greeted with roars of laughter, which in turn fell silent when unemployment numbers began threatening to set off the tilt alarm on the […]

  • The Death of the Individual


    Liberalism has given itself many different names over the years. The American Left and its political vehicle, the Democrat Party, are most accurately described as collectivists. The belief that unites the various factions within the party is their determination to accumulate power in the central government, which they believe is morally and intellectually superior to […]

  • Capitalism Versus Racism


    The political atmosphere crackles with charges of racism. President Obama’s functionaries and allies make dark insinuations about the racial motives behind all opposition to his agenda. Tea party protests against Big Government are portrayed as thinly veiled Klan rallies. The boycott of Glenn Beck’s TV show is based on the idea that calling a black […]

  • An Excerpt From Meghan McCain’s Totally Awesome Six-Figure Book, Coming Soon!


    . . . having a hard time understanding why people were so slow to follow my warnings, and steer clear of extremely extremist ppl like that extreme Michelle Malkin. I mean, like, we’re right in the middle of this historic debate about giving people health care so they won’t die any more, and she’s pushing […]

  • Who We Are


    There seems to be a bit of confusion among Democrats about the nature of the opposition to their plans. Maybe I can help clear things up, by telling them a few things about us. We’re not paid minions of any corporate interest or lobby. Most bloggers working to stop the Obama health-care disaster are like […]

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