Yusuf Circle Sheffield

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 238:17:47
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Podcast by Yusuf Circle Sheffield


  • S18 - Reflections Upon Death & Eternal Life - The Awesome Scales of Justice

    20/08/2024 Duração: 30min

    The Awesome Scales of Justice The weighing balance has a tongue and 2 scales (Fathul Baaree). Prophet Dawood (as) fainted when he saw the awesome stature of the weighing scales (Tafseer Kabeer). The weighing scales on the right side of the Throne is of white pearl The scale on the left side of The throne is of darkness (Tafseer Kabeer). The carrier of the weighing balance on The Last Day will be Jibreeal (as) (Mariful Quran).

  • S17 - Reflections Upon Death & Eternal Life - The Souls II

    18/08/2024 Duração: 26min

    The Souls II  The souls of the impious believers may also be prevented from directly entering paradise due to major sins. When you visit me, sit at my grave for a while so that I may take pleasure from looking at you (Ahwaal Al Quboor). You visited the grave of a certain friend of yours, you recited there and invoked mercy on him, but you did not visit me or even come near! Do you not see water in a clear glass ? That is how we see those who visit us (Ahwaal Al Quboor). The troops of the dead await your arrival (Ahwaal Al Quboor).

  • S16 - Reflections Upon Death & Eternal Life - The Souls I

    18/08/2024 Duração: 32min

    The Souls I Where do the souls reside after death? The soul will be a bird, eating off trees until the Day of Rising, when every soul will enter its body (Ahmad). The deceased souls become acquainted with other souls just as birds become acquainted in treetops (Ibn Abee Dunya). Imam Ahmed:Imam Shafi: Imam Malik:Imam Zuhree:Abdur Rahman ibn Kaab ibn Malik(rah):Kaab ibn Malik (ra): The Messenger ﷺ. 'The Believer's soul is a bird that sits in the trees of Paradise until Allah SWT returns it to its body on The Last Day (Muwatta).' The souls of the Martyrs of Uhud are placed inside green birds which come to the rivers of Paradise, partake of the fruits and then retire to the golden lamps hanging from the shade of the Throne (Abu Dawood). The Worlds of The Throne - there are hundreds of thousands of universes all attached to the Glorious Throne - our existence being just one of them. The martry enters Paradise unless they have debt (Ahmad). The Believer's soul is kept in suspension by his debt until its pai

  • S15 - Reflections Upon Death & Eternal Life - Use The Best of Shrouds for The Deceased

    16/08/2024 Duração: 28min

    Use The Best of Shrouds for The Deceased Mujahid (rah) recited... They were spreading their couches for themselves Surah 30 v44, Meaning in the grave (Ahwaal). The guardian of the deceased should ensure that he has the best shroud, for the dead visit one another in their graves (Baihaqi).

  • S14 - Reflections Upon Death & Eternal Life - May Allah SWT reward The Ansaar with goodness

    15/08/2024 Duração: 34min

    Amr ibn Al Jamooh & Abdullah ibn Amir ibn Haraam (raa) were exhumed 46 years later due to a canal's burst bank (Abu Nu'aym). May Allah SWT reward The Ansaar with goodness on our behalf, especially Abdullah ibn Amir ibn Haraam & Saad ibn Ubaadah (raa) [Abu Yaalaa]. Immediately after being buried Thabit al-Bunaanee (rah) was seen praying in his grave (Ahmad). Whenever Thabit (rah) passed by a Masjid he would enter it and pray (Ibn Sa'd). When offering Tahjjud, Thabit (rah) would recite Surah 18 v37 repeatedly whilst weeping (Ibn Sa'd).

  • S13 - Reflections Upon Death & Eternal Life - The Fallen Soldier at Mt Uhud

    14/08/2024 Duração: 38min

    The Fallen Soldier at Mt Uhud Abdullah ibn Amir ibn Haraam (ra) Join both Amr ibn Al Jamooh & Abdullah ibn Amir ibn Haraam (raa) in the same grave as they were intimate friends in the world (Muwatta).

  • S12 - Reflections Upon Death & Eternal Life - 'Surah Mulk, is the protector'

    13/08/2024 Duração: 30min

    When a person abandons making dua for his parents then his sustenance is cut off (Kanzal Ummal). 'The other deceased believing souls in the graveyard also become greatly pleased when one of the living come to visit their parents. All the neighbouring dead are glad to see you and are delighted with you' (Baihaqi). 'My Ummah will enter the grave with sins but when they emerge they will be sinless, for they are forgiven due to the supplications of the Believers' (Tabarani). 'Surah Mulk, is the protector, it is the saviour who will deliver its reciter from the punishment of the grave' (Tirmidhi).

  • S11 - Reflections Upon Death & Eternal Life - Whoever visits the grave of their parents .....

    12/08/2024 Duração: 29min

    Abu Qilaabah (rah) had once offered a 2 Rakaah prayer next to a grave and thereafter slept... the deceased came to him and said... 'The 2 Rakaah of Salaah which you offered are better than the world and what it contains' (ibn Rajab rah). The one who visits the graves of both parents or any of them with the intention of reward will then receive the reward equal to an accepted Hajj... Whilst the one who visits the graves of his parents frequently then the Angels will come to visit his grave [after death] (Hakeem). The one who visits the grave of his parents every Friday will then be forgiven and he will be written amongst those who carry out good deeds (Tabarani). The Salaf said, 'Whoever visits the grave of their parents on a Friday and recites Surah Yaseen over them will be forgiven' (Ibn Adee). 'Your deeds are presented to the Prophets (as), fathers and mothers every Friday thus they become delighted with their good deeds (Kanzal Ummal).

  • S10 -Reflections Upon Death & Eternal Life- brotherhood between Salman Al Farsi & Abdullah ibn Salam

    12/08/2024 Duração: 26min

    The pact of brotherhood between Salman Al Farsi & Abdullah ibn Salam (raa). Thabit ibn Qays ibn Shimaas, Al Khazraji (ra) Thabit ibn Qays ibn Shimaas (ra) was killed on The Day of Yamaamah whilst wearing valuable armour. A muslim man passed by him and took it mistakenly. Thabit (ra) via a dream instructs via a dream to retrieve the armour and that Abu bakr (ra) should pay a debt. Abu Bakr (ra)... We do not know anyone whose bequest after death was carried out except Thabit (ra)... Abdullah ibn Ubayd Al Ansaaree (ra)... heard Thabit (ra) say from within the grave... Muhammed is The Messenger ﷺ of Allah SWT, Abu Bakr (ra) is the Sidqdue, Umar (ra) is the martyr and Uthman is the Merciful (Baihaqi). After Surah 2 v49 was revealed, Thabit (ra) believed he was ruined for he had a loud voice thus he avoided the Messenger ﷺ. 'What an excellent man is Thabit (ra)' (Nasaa'ee).

  • S09 - Reflections Upon Death & Eternal Life - The Quran emerges inside the grave upon the arrival

    10/08/2024 Duração: 26min

    When a person dies and is destined for Paradise then Allah SWT will not punish those people who carried his bier, proceeded behind it and offered the funeral prayer (Daylame). * The very first reward a Believer will be given after death is that all of the attendees of his Funeral will be forgiven (Bazzar). * After the bathing the Quran then settles between the deceased chest & shroud. * The Quran emerges inside the grave upon the arrival of Munkar & Nakeer (as) blocking their path to the deceased. * After Munkar & Nakeer (as) leave, the Quran then ascends requesting Allah SWT for some of the Blessings of PAradise to be now granted to the deceased. * Such are the blessings that 1k Angels are required to descend with it. * The Quran however descends to the deceased quicker than the Angels and apologises for the deceased temporary loneliness in his absence, * The Angels furnish the grave into a garden of the gardens of PAradise. * The Angels ascend whilst the deceased is observing them * The deceased is informe

  • S08 - Reflections Upon Death & Eternal Life - The Quran accompanies the reciter before burial.

    10/08/2024 Duração: 29min

    The Quran begins to accompany the reciter even before burial. The Quran stands by the head of the deceased as he's being washed. Every deceased that dies perceives the one who bathes him (Daylamee) and perceives the one who carries him & lowers him into the grave (Ahmad). The deceased says to the one bathing him, 'I make you swear by Allah SWT that you be gentle with me in the bathing (Sharus Sudoor). Allah SWT forgives 40 grave sins of the one who bathes a deceased and then hides his imperfections (Tabarani). The one who shrouds the deceased then Allah SWT will make him wear the attire of Sundus (fine silk of Paradise) (Tabarani). He who expresses condolences to a troubled person, then Allah SWT will make him wear 2 such attires from the attires of Paradise... (Tabarani).

  • S07 - Reflections Upon Death & Eternal Life

    10/08/2024 Duração: 29min

    The snakes will be let loose on the unbeliever, one near the head the other near the legs (Ahmad). I am the abode of isolation. I am the abode of loneliness. I am the abode of dust. I am the abode of worms & vermin (Tirmidhi). The grave says, O Man! Have you forgotten me ? (Tabarani). Umar ibn Abdul Azeez (rah) and the inspired grave.. The shrouds of the dwellers of the grave do not decay for those who fear Allah SWT whilst performing good deeds (Ibn Abee Dunya). The belver in the grave is approached by a devil, at the hands charity comes as a defence, stomach and the fasting defends, legs the standing in salah defends.... (Ibn Mandah).

  • S06 - Reflections Upon Death & Eternal Life - The snakes will be let loose on the unbeliever

    08/08/2024 Duração: 33min

    The snakes will be let loose on the unbeliever, one near the head the other near the legs (Ahmad). I am the abode of isolation. I am the abode of loneliness. I am the abode of dust. I am the abode of worms & vermin (Tirmidhi). The grave says, O Man! Have you forgotten me ? (Tabarani). Umar ibn Abdul Azeez (rah) and the inspired grave.. The shrouds of the dwellers of the grave do not decay for those who fear Allah SWT whilst performing good deeds (Ibn Abee Dunya). The belver in the grave is approached by a devil, at the hands charity comes as a defence, stomach and the fasting defends, legs the standing in salah defends.... (Ibn Mandah).

  • S05 - Reflections Upon Death & Eternal Life - You will be tried in the grave

    08/08/2024 Duração: 24min

    The squeezing of the grave is like the mother squeezing an absent child. Be cautious of the Earth for it's your mother. No matter what a person does on it, be it good or evil it will inform thereof (Tabarani). You will be tried in the grave to an extent similar to the trial of Dajaal (Bukhari). Munkar & Nakir begin to interrogate, your deeds come to your defence, salah, zakat, Quran...

  • S04 - Reflections Upon Death & Eternal Life - A believer is afflicted due to 2 reasons

    05/08/2024 Duração: 21min

    A believer is afflicted due to 2 reasons, due to a sin that can only forgiven due to it or due to a status that can only be reached through it. The grave will become a garden of Paradise for the one whom the remembrance of death frightens (Jam'ul Jawwami). When a disciple of Prophet Isa (as) was lowered into the grave, he said Were you not in a more constricted place than this when you were in your mothers womb, but if Allah SWT wishes to expand something He expands it (Ibn Abee Dunyaa).

  • S03 - Reflections Upon Death & Eternal Life - Remember death often

    05/08/2024 Duração: 23min

    The earth weeps for 40 days over the death of a Muslim (Al Wakee) 'Time is a sword -you either cut it or else it will cut you. Occupy your soul with the truth or it will occupy you in falsehood' (Ibn Qayyeem [rah]). 'Remember death often as it will keep you busy from futile matters.' Continue in supplications for you do not know when they will be answered. Give thanks regularly for this brings an increase' (Abu Nu'aym- Al Hillyah). So the heaven & earth wept over them not, Surah 44 v27.

  • S02 - Reflections Upon Death & Eternal Life - Sell this life for the next and you'll win in both

    05/08/2024 Duração: 28min

    'Whoever is safe in the morning in his burrow, healthy in his body and possesses food for the day is then just like someone who owns the entire world '(Ibn Hibbaan). Umar (ra), 'By Allah SWT, Compared to the Hereafter, this world is like the distance of one rabbit's hop' (Ibn Adee Duyaa). It took a man in a suit to inform me I'm going to die-  Allah SWT had informed me all my life and I did not believe Him SWT, Ali Bannat. 'Sell this life for the next and you will then win in both' (Abu Nu'aym). 'When a person fails to do good deeds then Allah SWT puts him in trial through worries' (Ziyaadat Al Zuhud).

  • S26 - Surah Nur (24) - Verse 56 - 58

    05/08/2024 Duração: 29min

    Quran Class Surah 24 v56-58, 26th Session. Social etiquettes Leave them alone to eat and to please themselves, let false hopes amuse them, soon they will know. Surah 30 v7, they know of the outer things in life and are heedless of the hereafter. Abdullah ibn Abbas (ra) 3 verses which are no longer acted upon V58 relatives seek permission to enter a dwelling Surah 4 v8 the sharing of the inheritance with non-inheritors Surah 49 v13 the lack of Taqwaa, folk focus on wealth & houses. Call the prayers by their declared names! Tawafoon- when one is served.... the caring of cats is the same reward as looking after the needy. Gratitude to parents Offering 5 prayers is gratitude to Allah SWT Supplications for parents is a sign of gratitude towards them (Sufiyan ibn Uyana (rah).

  • S25 - Surah Nur (24) - Verse 53 - 55

    05/08/2024 Duração: 38min

    S25 - Surah Nur (24) - Verse 53 - 55 by Yusuf Circle Sheffield

  • S24 - Surah Nur (24) - Verse 47 - 52

    05/08/2024 Duração: 28min

    Quran Class Session 24 Surah 24 v47-52. Bashir disputes with a man from the bani Israel and Umar (ra) judges between them. Umar (ra) and the Roman Villager [who had knowledge of the previous scriptures] heard a muslim prisoner recite Surah 24 v52... 'Whoever obeys Allah SWT [Obligations that we have] and His Messenger [Sunnah] and has awe of Him [ alludes towards past life] and observes Taqwa of Him [for the remaining life]  then such people are the victorious.' 'Allah SWT has graced me with such comprehensive expressions in which words are few but the meaning vast' (Qurtubi).

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