Forbidden Doctor: Revealing Forbidden Health Secrets!



This podcast is for all the forbidden information kept from you by various agencies and organizations obligated, paid, forced, intimidated, and coerced to keep you on the path of drugs for anything and drugs for everything. Its our intention to deliver up to date research and analysis of all alternatives for the restoring and restructuring of a healthy, viable, and active lifestyle. Youll learn forbidden health secrets you aren't allowed to know, forbidden protocols and lost knowledge, how you can become your own forbidden doctor, and learn to heal yourself! You will not hear these things anywhere else!


  • 185: Health Freedom - What To Do When CPS Is At Your Door

    22/10/2019 Duração: 01h13min

    Imagine losing your children to a government agency for doing everything they ask you to do. This is the reality for more and more parents who are falling victim to an insidious scheme within an agency we all expect and demand be for the good of children. We’re talking about Child Protective Services. This week Dr. Jack and Mary speak with Miste Karlfeldt, Director of Health Freedom Idaho about the absolute horror faced by numerous families in the state of Idaho and beyond by a twisting of the original charter of CPS. It’s up to us to demand our rights, and that is the work Health Freedom Idaho does every day. Tune in to learn specific tactics to push back on draconian government overreach, and what to watch for if you suspect a government official is abusing their power to watch over you and your family.

  • 184: Dr. Josh on Lectins and Proton Pump Inhibitors

    17/10/2019 Duração: 01h53min

    Ever wonder why we’re all gaining weight faster than ever? No matter what new health breakthrough we hear about, no matter what new fad diet or exercise regime people dream up, the US is on a terrifying trend of obesity, and something has to be done. And wouldn’t you know that our diets and our doctors may be unwittingly conspiring to keep us gaining and gaining? This week Dr. Josh Stockwell walks us through the latest understanding of lectins and proton pump inhibitors; both things we’d want to avoid as much as possible, while being nearly impossible to avoid. Lectins appear in many vegetables and legumes, and PPIs like Nexium are given out by doctors like aspirin. Tune in to find out how these substances can be acting as a 1-2 punch on our waistlines and what to do about it.

  • 183: The Hostile Legal Environment For Breast Cancer

    24/09/2019 Duração: 01h36min

    What hope do we have when our legal system helps to keep alternatives to the “drugs for anything, drugs for everything” policy of US health care from ever seeing the right of day? This week, Dr. Jack shares his morning call-in show, with a troubling tale of legal jeopardy for a true innovator in alternative therapies for breast cancer and other types. The linkage Dr. Nicholas Gonzales identified between glucose and cancerous tissue continues to be largely ignored by the medical establishment, to the detriment of us all. Tune in to learn more about this linkage and the legally hostile environment any researcher could fall into if they make the wrong enemies in the American Medical Association.  

  • 182: The Forbidden Carnivore Diet

    10/09/2019 Duração: 01h21min

    What does it take to lose 100 pounds? Let’s face it, most Americans need to lose weight. As the tidal wave of health problems from obesity threaten to swamp the boat of modern health care, it’s time for a reckoning. This hit close to home as our very own Dr. Josh Stockwell had life-changing health problems only one year ago. This week, Dr. Josh saves the day on KTalk when another host failed to show up. And it just so happens that his life changing crisis, and the incredible discoveries he made while attempting to self-heal, make for a fantastic show; one that we had to share with our national audience. We owe it to future generations to not bankrupt our healthcare system, and we owe it to ourselves to get our own nourishment right. Tune in to learn what it takes to take ownership and take control of diet and weight.

  • 181: A Survivor's Story Of Incurable Cancer

    27/08/2019 Duração: 01h01min

    The incredible story continues. Joseph Antell has been on the show (almost 80 podcasts ago) to talk about his extraordinary battle against cancer and his body’s own immune system. It’s one of our most-listened-to shows and we’ve been talking ever since about having Joseph back on. This week, Dr. Jack and Mary interview their friend and mentor about his stunning story, continuing 14 years after his initial diagnosis of incurable cancer. Once a skeptic, Antell knows personally how powerful his own body can be, if nourished and supported properly. Tune in to hear his incredible story, and to learn more about the science of nutrition and the immune system.

  • 180: A Crime Against Humanity

    13/08/2019 Duração: 01h13min

    Is Forbidden Doctor “in cahoots with” Standard Process? More like, “in awe of” Standard Process. We’ve watched the power of organic concentrated whole food supplements change lives when drugs and antibiotics failed people time and again. We watched concentrated foods save Mary’s life after being malnourished for most of her adult life, simply eating a normal western-style diet. But is there science behind this stance on nutrition? Is there ever. This week, Dr. Jack and Mary interview a giant in the nutritional supplement realm, when Mark Anderson, president of Standard Process West stops by to share some insights behind the science of nutrition. Tune in to learn nuggets of science known and forgotten by modern medicine for decades, from an expert at the height of his knowledge.

  • 179: Ulcerative Colitis and Forbidden Healing

    30/07/2019 Duração: 01h09min

    No one seems to appreciate the seriousness of Ulcerative Colitis until you are in the thick of the affliction. And while the condition can become deadly serious for many sufferers, it’s possible that no person has had it quite as bad as one of our two guests on the show. This week Dr. Jack and Mary interview Dr. Chris and Melissa Taylor about Melissa’s unbelievable story of chronic, lifetime ulcerative colitis. She covers how deadly the disease can be, how many brushes with death they experienced, and finally the incredible healing power of whole food supplements, which are a necessity when you cannot digest food normally. Tune in to learn about the horrors of western medicine when treating ulcerative colitis, and what you’ll need to know to self-support your body through real nutrition.

  • 177: CBD Oil - Forbidden Until Now!

    09/07/2019 Duração: 53min

    It seems everywhere you turn these days, someone is selling CBD-infused products. The FDA does what it can, but the reality is, it’s hard to know which products to trust. And what about the plant where this active compound originates? Does CBD oil get people high the way marijuana does? Are all the claims around CBD true to fact, or more medical mythology? This week Dr. Jack and Mary go into the science of cannabidiol (CBD), recent research across a wide array of maladies, and what to watch out for, with all these fly-by-night CBD companies. It turns out that the quality of ingredients, as well as the technology to store the CBD oil makes all the difference. Tune in to learn everything you need to know about this promising avenue of research.

  • 176: Cramps! Legs, Menstrual, and Heart

    25/06/2019 Duração: 01h09min

    Muscle cramps are no joke. Whether it’s a “minor” leg cramp, horrible menstruation cramps, or life threatening muscle cramping in the heart, the symptom exhibited is suggesting a dire situation in the body. This week Dr. Jack and Mary tackle muscle cramping, as we get into the hottest season in the US, we put ourselves at risk for under-nourishing our musculature. And it’s not just hydration. Tune in to learn the science of muscle nutrition, and the ways that our nutritional profile will make all the difference when we face a serious cramp.

  • 175: You Don't Know What You Don't Know

    17/06/2019 Duração: 47min

    When it comes to nutrition, we truly don’t know what we don’t know. This becomes acute on the question of veganism and vegetarianism diets. While we respect the many ethical and health reasons people attempt to avoid eating animals, it is very hard to be truly healthy on a plant-based diet. From the basic lack of nourishment without meat, to the growing controversy of pesticide-laden vegetables, there is a lot to know. Tune in to hear about a conversation Mary had with a major health influencer on Instagram regarding the dangers that are involved with staying too long on the Gerson diet. The second half of the podcast discusses new research from UCLA regarding the relationship between pesticide exposure in a pregnant woman and the dramatic increased risk of autism in a child. This is a new discovery and new research from UCLA.

  • 174: COPD - That's All They Could Do

    04/06/2019 Duração: 49min

    Imagine watching your loved one suffocate, while breathing, and feeling helpless to do anything about it. That is the scourge of COPD (Chronic-Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder) that is affecting millions of families throughout the US. And wouldn’t you know it, our health system has come up with various drugs that can mask the symptoms to some extent, but for the most part, western doctors are going to throw their hands up and send you home to suffocate slowly. Listen to our podcast to find out the forbidden ways you CAN support your lungs, stop the damage, and maybe even reverse COPD.

  • 173: Building Muscle Tone With Mary's Milkshake

    28/05/2019 Duração: 58min

    Why do people who are weight-lifting for muscle bulk eat all sorts of synthetic muscle-building powders with known side-effects, when nature has provided a nearly perfect food for the type of quick protein and energy one needs during or after a workout? In fact, working out or not, this superfood can be safely consumed by everyone, is comparatively inexpensive, and does so much good in the body, we dedicated our podcast to it! This week Dr. Jack and Mary talk about the power of eggs; nature’s true superfood and the role it plays in Mary’s Incredible Raw Egg Shake recipe. Tune in to understand the science behind the nutrition, and why whole food shakes will trounce a synthetic “muscle gainer” every time.

  • 172: Allergy or Leaky Gut?

    20/05/2019 Duração: 34min

    What if you could eliminate the nagging allergies that strike at the most inconvenient times in our lives? You’d say we were crazy, wouldn’t you? You’d assume only drugs and steroids can help with allergies, based on your past interactions with doctors. As one might expect, this is nonsense. This week Dr. Jack and Mary review the science of allergies and why your gut health is truly foundational on this issue. You won’t believe the simplicity and elegance of the science-based solutions for allergies. Tune in to learn how your own suffering may need not be necessary.

  • 171: Cold Sores, Heat Stroke, and Restless Legs

    13/05/2019 Duração: 37min

    What on earth would cold sores, heat stroke, and restless legs possibly have in common? This week Dr. Jack and Mary are going to make the connections to explain the science behind these various phenomena and precisely how they are connected. Make no mistake, natural foods we should be eating provide plenty of the missing ingredient that can lead to these health issues, but the reality is, most of us are malnourished, and when we see symptoms of our poor nutrition, it can be surprising symptoms like cold sores in the summer, or being more susceptible to heat stroke. Tune in to find out why these seemingly unrelated issues can all crop up for the exact same reason. You’ll be glad you did!

  • 170: Interstitial Cystitis and Bladder Pain

    30/04/2019 Duração: 01h18min

    Difficulty of pronunciation notwithstanding, if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with interstitial cystitis, you already know how miserable this condition can be. Turns out this malady affects millions of (mostly) women in the US, but hardly anyone talks about it. Worst still is the medical establishments scattershot approach to treatment, which includes some of the most laughably ignorant recommendations in the entire canon of western medicine. This week Dr. Jack and Mary dig in to the bladder pain associated with interstitial cystitis, discuss the actual science and what is understood about this horrible experience, and what we can do despite our family doctors throwing their arms up in surrender. This can be fixed. Tune in to find out how.

  • 169: A Simple Trick To Reduce The Risk of Heart Disease, Breast Cancer, and Fatty Liver

    23/04/2019 Duração: 58min

    This week, Dr. Jack and Mary discuss the central role that choline plays in the processes of the liver, and it's downstream impacts on multiple systems of the body. As our cases of fatty liver disease, obesity, and diabetes spiral out of control, we have clearly missed something in nutrition science since the 1950's, but what is it? Tune in to learn why you may be doing everything right and still gaining belly fat because of a deficiency experts estimate that 90% of the US population has. Find out how to get enough choline in your diet. It may save your life!

  • 168: Iodine - The Breast-Saving Mineral

    09/04/2019 Duração: 01h08min

    Are you getting enough iodine? Do you realize how serious this question is? This week, Dr. Jack and Mary revisit one of the most critical topics of their entire canon. The importance of iodine, and also the ignorance about this essential compound cannot be understated. From Mary’s own story of iodine and how it helped to save her life, to the countless patients helped by this simple diet adjustment, how is this not core knowledge in our population? Tune in to find out why this might be the case, and learn some of the amazing research behind iodine that they don't want you to know.

  • 167: They Would Have Told Us, Right?

    02/04/2019 Duração: 59min

    What does informed consent even mean? This week Dr. Jack and Mary take a serious look at the misinformation at the heart of the vaccination debate in the US. There are so many economic interests at play, that our message has always been to remain skeptical. Skeptical of the pro-vaccination crowd, and even skeptical of some skeptics! Which leads us to informed consent. All we really strive for at Forbidden Doctor is to educate and inform. So that when you are faced with decisions related to yours or your family’s health, informed consent can mean what it’s supposed to mean. Tune in for an aggravating tour of the current landscape of vaccine half-truths and why it matters.

  • 166: Something A Little Different

    18/03/2019 Duração: 58min

    This week we have a surprise! A bit of a change up from our regular format, but we think our listeners will love this show. Without further delay, hit play!

  • 165: The Anti-Cancer Properties of Turmeric

    12/03/2019 Duração: 24min

    Is it any wonder why alternative medicine is considered an also-ran in the US medical system? Our own government has been starving researchers of funding for nutrition and alternative compound research that can help in the fight against cancer.   This naturally leads to pharmaceutical companies touting the latest breakthrough in incremental drug-based symptom management until death. It’s really the most profitable model.    We need to look to other developed nations with universal health care to see a major change in this research funding philosophy. If we look to China, for example, their research goes to saving lives and saving money simultaneously, instead of prolonging lives while making money, the way we do here.   What’s the result? Well, Chinese researchers are sharing incredible new research on the benefits of turmeric. Yes. Food-based turmeric has not only been called a superfood, an anti-inflammatory and anti-stress compound of the highest order, but now we see amazing synergy between the use of tur

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