Forbidden Doctor: Revealing Forbidden Health Secrets!



This podcast is for all the forbidden information kept from you by various agencies and organizations obligated, paid, forced, intimidated, and coerced to keep you on the path of drugs for anything and drugs for everything. Its our intention to deliver up to date research and analysis of all alternatives for the restoring and restructuring of a healthy, viable, and active lifestyle. Youll learn forbidden health secrets you aren't allowed to know, forbidden protocols and lost knowledge, how you can become your own forbidden doctor, and learn to heal yourself! You will not hear these things anywhere else!


  • Eliminating Hemorrhoids Once And For All [Episode #13]

    01/05/2015 Duração: 41min

    Imagine, if you will:  Candlelight, soft music… Your lover gazes softly at you from across the table.  The kids are at Grandma’s house.  The atmosphere smells of hormones.  Pupils are dilated.  A gentle touch, the promise of soon being much… much closer…  Then it hits!  The dreaded “H-word.”  You know the one.  HEMORRHOIDS.  They know no bounds of race, creed, or economic status.  They care not to which political party you subscribe or what country club you’re a member of.  The all too familiar burning, itching, irritation begs even the most dignified among us to stealthily conceal creams and wipes and pads promising freedom from this most undignified situation amongst the cereal and pasta in the bottom of the shopping cart.  The problem is—as with most of our crisis care based healthcare system—that those creams and wipes and pads are really only focused on reducing symptoms… for a time.  They do nothing to address the reason behind (no pun intended) the symptoms.   Well, what if I told you the reason behind

  • Breastfeeding And Infertility - Are They Connected? [Episode #12]

    24/04/2015 Duração: 57min

    The Age of Infertility: Wisdom from Pottenger’s Cats For thousands of years the image of a pregnant woman, round and radiating with health, sometimes with an older baby at the breast, has been the sign of Mother Nature’s approval of our species. We see these kinds of pictures in National Geographic. The woman is content, nourished… glowing. The babies are satisfied at her breast or comfortably perched on her hip… content. Have you noticed the fading quality of this image here at home, in the United States? The increasing concern of infertility? The diminished ability to breastfeed? The rise in infant death and sickly children? Let’s take a moment to address some of the forbidden information surrounding what’s going on and how we can begin to turn this thing around as a society. There was a man named Dr. Pottenger, who in the 1930s-1940s did some very interesting work with cats. To make a long story short, he fed groups of cats varying diets and then compared them over time to note the health of each generatio

  • Avoiding Colon Cancer Is Easier Than You Think [Episode #11]

    16/04/2015 Duração: 53min

    Not Just Extra Parts “You don’t need it.”   “It doesn’t really do anything.”   “We can just take that out.” Let’s talk about your gall bladder—what it does and why it’s not just an “extra part” that can be done away with at the first hint of something gone awry.   While it’s true gall bladder attacks can be excruciating experiences and that there are times when the gall bladder is so diseased that immediate removal is not only necessary, but a blessing, these situations are the exception, not the rule.  With 600,000 cholecystectomies performed every year, it behooves us to know when true crisis care is unavoidable and when we can rely on that “forbidden doctor” inside us to bring about healing and wholeness to the body.    The gall bladder is to bile what the urinary bladder is to urine—it’s a holding tank.  Your liver produces approximately a quart of bile per day, and the gall bladder holds it until it’s called upon to spit out the exact amount needed when the fat you eat reaches the small intestine.  It is

  • The Ultimate Pain Remedy - NUCCA (Part 2) [Episode #10]

    10/04/2015 Duração: 35min

    What Upper Cervical Chiropractic Can Do For You So we’ve talked about WHY I’m an NUCCA doctor—and for those of you who haven’t read last week’s blog post or listened to the podcast, I encourage you to do that HERE. Today I want to share with you some of the amazing things that upper cervical chiropractic can DO and why I believe this type of noninvasive correction, above other forms of chiropractic, has the power to allow healing and enhance quality of life for everyone. 1. It doesn’t have to be a lifetime commitment. Perhaps you have heard the joke: “How many chiropractors does it take to change a light bulb?” “Only one, but he has to come back 100 times.” Would you go back to the same dentist for the same tooth over and over and over again? Of course not! With upper cervical chiropractic, we aim to come as close to “one and done” as humanly possible. You analyze the spine and find the origin of the problem, fix it, maintain it just until the body begins to hold the correction on its own, and that’s it. No m

  • The Ultimate Pain Remedy - NUCCA (Part 1) [Episode #9]

    03/04/2015 Duração: 30min

    “Why I Am A NUCCA Doctor" First of all, just what the heck IS a NUCCA doctor?  Well, the letters stand for National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association, and the application focuses on the nervous system and how it is affected by spinal misalignment, specifically as it pertains to the upper cervical vertebrae, the juncture between the brain and the body.  Correcting these misalignments restores communication between the two and allows healing to take place. Now most people, when they think of chiropractic care, typically think of the standard “snap, crackle, and pop” of spinal manipulation that we are all so familiar with.  While that may make a person feel better in some instances—and I certainly have no problem with that—that is not what I do.  What I am looking for, when I examine a patient—abnormalities that affect the heart, lungs, stomach, immune system, reproductive system, health of the skin, eyes, ability to think—cannot be found by touch alone.  These structural problems in the body can only be s

  • Does Nature Prefer Girls Over Boys? [Episode #8]

    27/03/2015 Duração: 28min

    Survival of the Fittest?  Not So Fast, Darwin!   Zoologists tell us that 98-99% of life that has existed on this planet is now extinct, due to environment, nutrition, and a number of factors outside our control.  It’s called “survival of the fittest,” and thanks to a guy named Darwin and his On The Origin Of Species, we tend to take these kinds of sweeping generalizations to heart, even when it comes to the human race. “As early as 2050, one out of two children will be considered autistic.”   “50% of newlyweds, by 2020, will be infertile.”   These are some very serious predictions, folks, and I do believe they beg some attention.  And yet, I’d like to propose that Darwin doesn’t have to have the last word in the matter.   While the animal kingdom does seem to be ruled to some extent by natural selection, human beings have an innate, higher intelligence, which allows us to collect and absorb information in the form of knowledge or wisdom, and then the power to choose whether to appropriately act on that inform

  • How To Strengthen Your Immunity - Part 2 [Episode #7]

    20/03/2015 Duração: 37min

    “To vax or not to vax?”  Maybe that’s NOT the question… The question of whether or not to vaccinate is an age-old dilemma.  There are convincing arguments on both sides, aren’t there?  Nobody wants their kids to have to get sick… and by the same token, can we ever really be 100% sure that vaccinations are not going to cause even bigger problems for our children?  As frustrating as the lack of long-term research on the subject is, the one thing we can educate ourselves around is exactly how our immune systems work and what we can do to keep them functioning at their best.  When we do this, we can be sure that whatever we decide, as pertains to vaccinations, our immune systems have their best fighting chance.  You will hear us say again and again that approximately 85-86% of the immune system is located in the gut.  It is the beautifully orchestrated system made up of two arms of immunity: the cell-mediated response and the humeral-mediated response—and they both begin in the gut, a porous world between the ins

  • How To Strengthen Your Immunity - Part 1 [Episode #6]

    13/03/2015 Duração: 40min

    Today we’re going to talk about “forbidden immunity.”  Why is it forbidden?  Well, there just isn’t a lot of profit in the propagation of healthy immune systems now, is there?  Just a theory.  But we’ll let you decide as we dive in a little deeper.  We have looked at the foundations of gut health in previous blog posts, and we go into much greater detail in some of our podcasts, but today let’s take it a step further as we examine the basics of immunity. All of life is a balance, and this goes for the gut as well, which houses around 85% of the immune system, so our focus is always on bringing back that balanced state, that homeostasis—the good, the bad, flora, viruses—because our bodies are designed to survive and thrive as one with the world around us.  Prior to the 1940s, and the ushering in of the “drugs for anything, drugs for everything” era, honoring this balance and connection between the gut and immunity by healing with nutrition, herbs, and other natural modalities to, in essence, help the body help

  • Power Up Your Immune System So You Won't Get Ebola [Episode #5]

    06/03/2015 Duração: 37min

    We all come into this great big world as tiny little babies—helpless, really, and completely dependent on our mothers to care for us, feed us, and keep us safe.  And as babies in the womb, our guts—as well as everything else—are completely sterile.  We are blank slates.  The process of acclimating to our surroundings is so beautifully complex, so wonderfully crafted.  Let’s take a look at that today as we marvel at the immune system and where it really all begins.   As we travel through the birth canal, we receive our first natural inoculation, collecting some of our mother’s flora—good or bad—in our eyes, ears, mouth.  That flora, which makes up about 85% of our immune system, to a large degree, determines our future health.  Those microbes and antibodies set up shop inside the walls of our gut as they pass through, and we have now begun the process of becoming one with the world, never to be completely sterile again.   Weary from life’s first major excursion, it’s time for a drink.  Now it is important to n

  • What's Happening In Your Gut And Why You Should Care [Episode #4]

    27/02/2015 Duração: 43min

    With all the hoopla—and rightfully so—sweeping the nation surrounding Ebola, Enterovirus D68, and other viruses reaching pandemic proportion, what little information public health officials provide in the way of prevention is sorely lacking.  “Wash your hands,” “Don’t touch your eyes or nose with unwashed hands,” “Refrain from hugging or kissing those who are sick.”  Come on, guys, give us a little credit!  I don’t know about you, but when I see someone coughing or throwing up, kissing is NOT the first thing on my mind.   So today we want to talk about some ACTUAL ways to prevent infectious disease, beginning with understanding the immune system from the inside out.  Hippocrates gave us some important information about where disease starts some 2,400 years ago when he said, “All diseases begin in the gut.”   Yes, we have a lot of fancy, new medicines, treatments, and procedures, but let me tell you, this guy knew what he was talking about!   80-85% of our immune system is located in the gut.  The rest is in o

  • The Healing Triad [Episode #3]

    23/11/2014 Duração: 42min

    Learn how you can turn your immune system on and turn it on powerfully. In today’s episode we reveal to you the elements that create the Healing Triad. A unique combination of whole food supplements that will keep colds and the flu in your past. Mother nature is prepared to fight the fight- she even has a back up plan! Everything we need to heal ourselves is available to us, we just don’t know about it. Listen now as we reveal these forbidden secrets to you.  What We Talk About:  Learn forbidden information about something called the Triad, and how you can build your immune system instead waiting for a virus to hit you. E. coli, Ebola and other scary viruses... learn why we should be able to live in a world with  the viruses and bacteria and fungi and everything that is attacking us.  The only thing you’re told is to wash your hands and to wait for the vaccine. Medical school: what is forbidden, what is not known and why it’s called a practice. Discuss the collusion that exists between the medical people and

  • How To Avoid Cutting Out The Prostate [Episode #2]

    23/11/2014 Duração: 44min

    Hello, Superman. Have you been ignoring the weakening signs of your prostate? In today’s episode, Dr. Jack tells his story on how he shrunk his prostate using whole-food supplements. He explains how he suffered, and pointlessly endured discomfort, pain and disruption to his life. Mary created a  protocol that saved him from taking the doctor’s recommended medications, but because he ignored the signs for so long, he was not saved from surgery. Learn from Dr. Jack mistakes and how you can heal yourself - how you are your own forbidden doctor. What We Talk About:  Dr. Jack tells his story, how he shrunk his prostate. How his prostate problems started long before and his major case of denial and ignoring the signs. Dr. Jack walks you through the normal medical approach of his first kidney stone. “Give me morphine or give me death.” Dr. Jack explains how he is just like everybody else out there, ignoring their needs and signals from the body, working too hard and being under too much stress, and how regardless o

  • How I Melted My Breast Lumps... And You Can Too! [Episode #1]

    11/11/2014 Duração: 36min

    Do you think it's impossible to melt breast lumps? Maybe you've been brainwashed and have been taught all the wrong things. Ready to empower yourself? In today's episode, Mary will tell you how she did just that! You'll learn how the forbidden doctor is inside you. Don't miss this fascinating show! We will reveal the forbidden health secrets you need to know! What We Talk About: Who is the Forbidden Doctor? "Mary's Story" and how we found, treated, and melted her breast lumps! Why her doctor told her to "come back when it's cancer." You've been taught the wrong things! Mary will empower you and guide you. What's the cause of all this breast cancer? She will discuss environmental factors and triggers, sugar,"to eat fat or not to eat fat," utter exhaustion ,and  the dangers of cleansing too much, etc. Angelina Jolie's (and the medical world's) version of "preventative" health. Don't let this be your only option! Your tremendous need for iodine, apoptosis, and a healthy gut. Side effects of iodine: melted breas

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