Forbidden Doctor: Revealing Forbidden Health Secrets!



This podcast is for all the forbidden information kept from you by various agencies and organizations obligated, paid, forced, intimidated, and coerced to keep you on the path of drugs for anything and drugs for everything. Its our intention to deliver up to date research and analysis of all alternatives for the restoring and restructuring of a healthy, viable, and active lifestyle. Youll learn forbidden health secrets you aren't allowed to know, forbidden protocols and lost knowledge, how you can become your own forbidden doctor, and learn to heal yourself! You will not hear these things anywhere else!


  • 53: Good Bacteria For The Win

    29/01/2016 Duração: 42min

    Bacteria sounds to us a whole lot like germs. It's dirty, unsanitary, and most certainly unhealthy. What if we told you, that there is good bacteria inside your body? That it helps the body grow and strengthen, and protects it by defeating other bacteria, the bad ones? Truth of the matter is - there are certain types of bacteria we need to get well and stay healthy, and in today's episode we will cover everything from what good bacteria is to what to do if you don't have it.   WHAT YOU WILL HEAR: [00:03:05] Why our gut is so important for our survival [00:05:18] How our gut works and communicate with the brain [00:13:00] Good bacteria vs bad bacteria: What's their job, anyways? [00:14:07] What is "good gut bacteria", and how does it help us? [00:20:00] Why does bacteria has such a bad reputation, if it's doing all these amazing things in our body? [00:26:00] How can you improve your good gut bacteria [00:37:43] What to do if your child wasn't breast-fed and didn't get the good bacteria HANDOUTS AND PROTOCO

  • 52: Being sick can save your life

    22/01/2016 Duração: 38min

    WHY YOU SHOULD LISTEN:   We don't want to get sick. Period. We want to be healthy, and we would do anything in our power to keep our loved ones healthy and happy. The thing is our immune system needs the 'little' sicknesses, like the flu or common cold, to be ready to fight the bigger, more dangerous ones. Think of your body like an army - it needs a good drill every once in a while, otherwise you cannot possibly expect it to win the war! Tune in to today's episode to find out what happens in your body when you get sick, how to help it heal and when to stop everything and rush to the doctor. WHAT YOU WILL HEAR: [00:03:05] What happens in our body when we are sick [00:05:30] Preventing every kind of sickness makes us vulnerable [00:10:40] What happens when we stay away from germs [00:11:19] The causes of a decreased function of our immune system [00:12:36] Daily things we can do to strengthen our immune system [00:20:32] How to know when you should go to the doctor [00:35:21] What is the best way to get antib

  • 7 Medical Myths That Are so Wrong They Will Blow Your Mind [Episode #51]

    15/01/2016 Duração: 37min

    WHY YOU SHOULD LISTEN: In today's episode we are crushing 7 medical myths, that most people believe to be true. If you think that fatty food will make you fat, or that cholesterol is bad for you, or that there is nothing to do about diabetes, or even breast lumps, or if you truly think that vaccines will protect you from illness - you need to listen to this episode right now. If you believe any of these myths, don't feel bad - we are raised to believe them. We're here to break down the science behind them, so that you can make smart decisions about your lifestyle and health. Join as as we shatter these myths, and give you all the tools you need to become a better, healthier version of YOU.   WHAT YOU WILL HEAR: [00:02:50] Myth #1: "Heartburn is caused by acidic foods and too much acid in the stomach" [00:08:35] Myth #2: "There is nothing to do about breast lumps until they become cancerous' [00:10:50] Myth #3: "Eating fatty food will make you FAT!" [00:18:10] Myth #4: "Vaccines will protect you from illness"

  • Enzymes And Their Role In Fighting Disease [Episode #50]

    08/01/2016 Duração: 28min

    WHY YOU SHOULD LISTEN: Enzymes are an inseparable part of our body. Of any living body, for that matter. We keep hearing about enzymes and how much power they have, so we decided it was about time to sit down and break down the science behind enzymes: What enzymes are, how they work and why they help prevent diseases such as cancer. A good digestive system aded with enzyme supplements can provide the complete nourishment your body requires for energy,  strong immune response, good brain activity, healthy blood and healthy heart, good sexual function, healthy babies and the list goes on. If you have enough enzymes you already have everything you need to lead a long and healthy life. It's as simple as that.   WHAT YOU WILL HEAR: [00:02:22] What are Enzymes and how they work [00:04:00] Where does one find enzymes? [00:08:28] How enzymes help prevent cancer [00:12:00] 3 types of enzymes and how they operate [00:12:05] Amylase and breaking down carbs [00:12:58] Lipase and breaking down fats [00:19:33] How to dete

  • 9 Anti-Cancer Foods To Start The New Year With [Episode #49]

    01/01/2016 Duração: 43min

    WHY YOU SHOULD LISTEN: Happy New Year! We wish you to have an incredible 2016, filled with health, energy and great vibes. Just for that purpose, we've got together and talked about 9 (err...perhaps a bit more!) incredible foods you have in your kitchen right now, that will help prevent cancer. Curing a disease is so hard, so why not just eat delicious food and prevent it to begin with, right?! Tune in to today's episode and enjoy a year of amazing food and healthy, fit body! WHAT YOU WILL HEAR: [00:03:50] Food #1: Unprocessed, uncured animal meat [00:10:51] Food #2: Raw dairy products [00:12:28] Food #3: Organ meat [00:15:00] Why it's important to avoid vegetable oil [00:15:27] Food #4: Berries (Yum!) [00:17:50] Food #5: Cruciferous vegetables [00:22:07] Food #6: Spanish black radish [00:26:02] Food #7: Deep sea fish [00:30:10] Food #8: Extra virgin olive oil [00:31:13] Food #9: Spices and herbs HANDOUTS AND PROTOCOLS - CLICK THE PICTURE TO GET YOUR COPY NOW! REFERENCES AND LINKS: Dr. Jack and Mary's Cl

  • 3 New Year Resolutions That Will Make 2016 Your Healthiest Year Yet [Episode #48]

    18/12/2015 Duração: 29min

    WHY YOU SHOULD LISTEN: 2016 is almost here, and we want it to be extra special for us. We know you want to be healthier, even more fit and energetic - and we're here to help. We are bringing you the 3 New Year's resolutions that are so small you'll barely even notice them in your daily routine, but they will make a significant impact on your health and will keep you stronger for longer. These are the quickest and easiest changes you can make today to start feeling better EVERY day! WHAT YOU WILL HEAR: [00:02:20] Good breakfasts and their affect on your day [00:05:30] When to eat your breakfast and why it matters so much [00:06:00] Your body needs you to eat breakfast... because of this surprising reason! [00:09:30] What is a BAD breakfast you should stay away from [00:10:40] What difference can a healthy breakfast make, even if you change nothing else [00:12:50] A simple pot of soup can change your life [00:15:43] Smart choices when you're outside your home [00:17:00] Keeping healthy when you're out and abou

  • How To Avoid Failure With Your Healthy Habits [Episode #47]

    11/12/2015 Duração: 35min

    WHY YOU SHOULD LISTEN: We want to be healthier, fitter, slimmer, more energized. We want to make smart choices and stick to them. But somehow, we always end up going back to what we always did. The guilt of doing things we know are not the best for us is a tough struggle. We know - we've been there! Today we are talking about making smart choices and sticking to them - without failure, without guilt and without suffering. We offer you a two-step bulletproof system to succeed with your new habits every single time - over and over again! Tune in to this episode and find out what is the one thing you can do today, that will be small enough to not disturb your lifestyle but big enough to make a true difference in your habits and health!   WHAT YOU WILL HEAR: [00:04:29] The 2 parts of avoiding failure in the future [00:05:00] Body image and why we are so after loosing weight [00:07:00] Top 3 goals most of us set... and never keep to! [00:12:45] Why is it so hard to stick with new, good habits? [00:18:00] Stop try

  • Low Carb Diets - Are They Good For You? [Episode #46]

    04/12/2015 Duração: 30min

    WHY YOU SHOULD LISTEN: Diets are an important part of our self-improvement process. We go on diets to feel better, to loose weight, to get healthier, to balance out our body and in general to have control over our lives. It's important. The low-carb diet has been trending for a while now, leading many to go "all-in" and neglect a few important parts of their daily nutrition. But if we put all cards on the table - can we be sure low-carb is anything more than a shortcut to loosing weight? Is it even good for us, to cut out some or all carbs out of our diet? Tune in as we break down the science behind carbs and their intake, as well as give you a healthy version of the well-loved low-carb diet. No need to go "all-in" or revolutionize your kitchen, surely not during the holiday season - just one baby step at a time that'll make you loose weight and feel great!   WHAT YOU WILL HEAR: [00:02:15] The definition of carbs and their role in our nutrition [00:06:43] How come low-carb diets are so popular [00:07:08] Mos

  • Why We Keep Getting Sicker... And How To Fix IT! [Episode #45]

    27/11/2015 Duração: 35min

    WHY YOU SHOULD LISTEN: We become sicker and sicker as the generations pass by. Our grandparents can't even recall some of the diseases our kids have. This is no mistake, and it will only keep getting worse unless we understand what is causing our children's illnesses and fix it. In today's episode we talk about why healing and sealing the gut is even necessary, and how it can save your child from depression, asthma, allergies and even cancer! Tune in to find out how you and your offsprings can become healthier, starting today!   WHAT YOU WILL HEAR: [00:07:00] Our nerve system and how it's connected to our coordination [00:12:00] Your food makes creatures grow in your gut! [00:18:00] Why our children are sicker than we are [00:23:10] How nutrition can save your kid's health [00:33:05] What you can do TODAY to improve your child's health   HANDOUTS AND PROTOCOLS - CLICK THE PICTURE TO GET YOUR COPY NOW! REFERENCES AND LINKS: Dr. Jack and Mary's Clinic What is GAPS? Learn more about Standard Process GAPS Re

  • 3 Steps To Stay Healthy And Prevent Cancer [Episode #44]

    20/11/2015 Duração: 31min

    WHY YOU SHOULD LISTEN: There are 3 steps to staying healthy, and surprisingly - they are easy to implement right now. If you want to stay healthy, instead of hitting rock bottom and needing invasive treatments - hang us today, and tune in to this 31 minute-long episode where we share the 3 steps to being healthy and staying healthy. If you tune in now, you'll learn why your digestive system is your health's guardian, how you can help it re-build and re-generate itself, and what your body needs from you starting today. As per usual, we also give you your first step towards health completely free- just click on the image below and grab your copy right now! WHAT YOU WILL HEAR: [00:01:30] Why we talk about GAPS and why should you care [00:03:30] Your digestive system and your part in controlling it [00:07:00] Preventive care - you can do it at the comfort of your home, today! [00:13:12] The role the gut plays in our health  [00:17:05] Increasing good fats can save you from cancer [00:21:00] Supplements and how t

  • Is Red Meat Really Cancerous? [Episode #43]

    13/11/2015 Duração: 53min

    WHY YOU SHOULD LISTEN: After the latest World Health Organization announcement, there has been a lot of confusion regarding meat. Is all meat dangerous? Can I have red meat? What exactly is processed meat, and why is it causing cancer? How can I tell what is healthy for me and my family? If you have been hearing mixing messages, and wondering what you can make of this latest sensation, we're here to provide all the information you need to make a smart decision that will keep you and your family healthy. WHAT YOU WILL HEAR: [00:06:00] The biggest nutritional news of the year and how they affect you [00:07:40] What are processed meats and why are they cancerous [00:11:58] Why modern meat smoking is bad [00:14:00] Curing meat and what it does to you  [00:17:57] Additives in meat, and why they are not as good as you think [00:22:45] MSG enhances more than just flavor [00:25:00] What part of processed meat prevents your body from producing insulin [00:27:38] Where can I find good meat? [00:29:10] How to combat ca

  • Scientific Healing - Being Healthy Inside Out [Episode #42]

    06/11/2015 Duração: 49min

    WHY YOU SHOULD LISTEN: After 41 episodes, we can honestly say that there is only one thing you need to do to keep yourself healthy from within: Heal the gut. It is not accidental that our gut and digestive system are responsible for healing us from the inside out, fighting anything and everything from ADHD and depression to heart conditions and cancer. In today's episode we cover the scientific approach to staying healthy, why your gut is the source of your health and what is the easiest first step you can make today to keep you and your family healthier than ever. WHAT YOU WILL HEAR: [00:02:31] Why is the gut the epicenter of healing [00:05:08] What diseases start from the gut [00:18:25] How to avoid heart diseases, cancer, depression and much more [00:22:00] How do I know my gut is leaky?   [00:29:50] How does GAPS heal the gut...and all the problems that come with the un-healed gut  [00:36:00] Supplements that help you heal from the inside [00:43:00] The best thing you can do to promote your own health H

  • 7 Foods You Thought Are Bad For You...That Will Save Your Life [Episode #40]

    23/10/2015 Duração: 46min

    WHY YOU SHOULD LISTEN: If you ever shied away from fatty foods, good wine or even avoided the sun - you need to listen to this episode. There are foods we were raised to believe are harming us, our health, our body - these were all lies. In today's show we cover 7 things you thought were bad for you, but will save your life. Tune in to get all the information you need before your next trip to the grocery shop. WHAT YOU WILL HEAR: [00:02:10] Saturated fats and their amazing affect on your body  [00:14:00] You won't believe how good salt is for you! [00:25:50] The sun is not a food, but it creates foods in our body. [00:28:40]  How red meat will save your life. [00:31:40]   Fish and Mercury - how can it be good for you?! [00:32:10] Coffee, tea and wine will make you feel just fine! [00:36:00] What's common to egg yolks, bacon, pork, cream and butter? [00:37:45] Why are these incredibly healthy foods labeled as "baddies"? HANDOUTS AND PROTOCOLS - CLICK THE PICTURE TO GET YOUR COPY NOW! REFERENCES AND LINKS:

  • 6 Snacks You Think Are Healthy... That Are Anything But! [Episode #39]

    16/10/2015 Duração: 43min

    WHY YOU SHOULD LISTEN: Every day we pack snacks for a day out. For work, school, for a play date. Today's episode s here to give you the information you need to make smart decisions for your family, and pack foods that will make you healthy and happy instead of fat and sick. We cover 6 snacks you think are good for you but are making you sick, and what you should have in your fridge for healthy snacking. WHAT YOU WILL HEAR: [00:02:30] List of the snacks you probably think are good for you, but are actually very harmful [00:02:50] What is so scary about deli meats, and why you should stay away [00:08:45] Fruit roll ups and what they are doing to your body [00:16:05]  MSG loaded Jerky? Say what?! [00:22:54]  How can fruit be bad for you?!  [00:24:00] Microwaved popcorn - should you have a handful? [00:28:30] Sugar-free is not danger-free! [00:33:55] Good alternatives for those bad snacks HANDOUTS AND PROTOCOLS - CLICK THE PICTURE TO GET YOUR COPY NOW! REFERENCES AND LINKS: Dr. Jack and Mary's Clinic What i

  • Reduce Insulin Intake By Half [Episode #37]

    02/10/2015 Duração: 41min

      WHY YOU SHOULD LISTEN: What if I told you there is a magic pill, that can help you reduce your insulin intake by half in two weeks time? What if this pill would support your digestion, help your immune system and provide a better, more enjoyable lifestyle for you and your family? What if this pill was all natural, practically handed to us on a silver platter by mother nature, and the only side effects it had were feeling younger and lighter on your feet? Wouldn't you want to wake up in the morning, feeling energized, healthy and happy? If your answer is 'yes', this episode is for you. As the demand for the Long Life Energy Enzymes continues to sky rocket, Dr. Jack decided to answer all your questions about what they do and how they can help you. The benefits are incredible - sugar handling, Insulin intake, immune system, skin conditions, energy levels and digestion to name a few. If you are serious about your well-being, tune in now and dip into mother nature's gift for you. WHAT YOU WILL HEAR: [00:03:00]

  • Vaccinations Part three: The Rise of Autoimmune Disease? [Episode #36]

    24/09/2015 Duração: 59min

    WHY YOU SHOULD LISTEN: Are you playing "Russian roulette” with your children’s immune system? Do you know over 100 vaccinations will be given to a child before they are six years old? 70 years ago, auto-immune diseases did not exist. What is this silent epidemic? Why do we have the sickest children in the developed world? Why do certain ingredients that other countries have banned, remain in our vaccines without proper data and research? We have a broken system when it comes to vaccines. We have virtually no long term data, too many unanswered questions, and too many things going on behind the scenes that people don't know about. Don’t be in the dark for a minute longer - LISTEN NOW!

  • Vaccines Part Two: What is in a Vaccine? [Episode #35]

    18/09/2015 Duração: 58min

    WHY YOU SHOULD LISTEN: What’s in that “safe and effective” vaccine… just sterile water and dead viruses… right?  You might be surprised!  Listen in as we expose the forbidden secrets of the vaccine industry, so you’ll be better able to make a decision about vaccinations for your children from a place of informed choice.  WHAT YOU WILL HEAR: [00:04:10] The illusion of safety: a case for informed choice. [00:10:15] A brief history of vaccinations, backbone of our modern medical industry, and chiropractic, its fiercest competitor [00:15:35] “He who controls the purse strings…” and how the truth of history was lost to our generation [00:27:45] Vaccines simplified: check out OUR BOOK [00:28:50] Ammonium sulfate: disrupts protein synthesis in the vaccine… and in your body [00:30:05] Beta-propiolactone: 1 of 13 industry-oriented OSHA-regulated carcinogens [00:31:30] Genetically modified yeast, animal bacteria, and viral DNA: what happens when we incorporate messaging from other life forms into our own blueprint [00

  • Vaccines Part One: Why Are Children Dying? [Episode #34]

    11/09/2015 Duração: 47min

    WHY YOU SHOULD LISTEN: None of us wants to see our kids get sick.  Some would do anything to keep that from happening.  But what REALLY happens when your child receives a vaccination?  Today we’ll cover vaccine theory: the basics, some myths, and some facts that may change the way you think about vaccines and immunity.  Listen in to hear the forbidden information kept from you by the medical community so that you can make a truly informed decision when it comes to vaccinations and what’s best for your child.     WHAT YOU WILL HEAR: [00:00:55] Why this show must go on [00:06:40] Why do we get sick? The answer may surprise you! [00:08:10] Cell-mediated immunity: why it’s important that you be healthy enough to get sick [00:11:15] Proof of life = Excretion [00:13:45] GAPS and humoral immunity: how eating well may cure your cat allergy! [00:16:35] Immunity done right, the way Mother Nature intended [00:21:35] The basics of vaccine theory [00:24:35] Pasteur and Bechamp head-to-head: “Germ theory” vs. “Terrain the

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