Dicks N' Cider Show

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 406:46:46
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Come Join Our Circle Jerk Of A Conversation!The Dicks N Cider Show is a podcast where two brothers (Allen & Shawn), their nephew (Adam), get together once a week for a circle jerk of a conversation. The conversations vary from the weeks misadventures, movies, music, sex, drugs, work, politics, relationships, and the downfall of sinciety. During this conversation we bring a few periodicals, jokes, and weird news. Each individual has a part to bring to the show. Allen, aka Ice, is the oldest of the three. He brings weekly top ten topics to talk about, Weird Laws from around the globe, as well as a few Fun Facts. His explosive way of expressing himself can get pretty loud and combative. Shawn, aka Six, is Allens youngest brother, who has a very sharp tongue for comedy. While bringing some comical periodicals to discuss, he puts a twist on the card game "Cards Against Humanity" Which he calls "Dicks Against Humanity". He also does Neuron Napalm, a trivia game that makes fools out of everyone playing. Sometimes he also takes time to make musical parodies that they call Sixs Lamb Poons that brings laughs out of all of us. Adam, aka Erv, is the first nephew of both Allen and Shawn. With only three years between Adam and Shawn, they are more like brothers. Adam is the Tech Guy who is over sexed and always learning as he goes. He brings Erv's Mind Jack. A question that makes everyone think way too hard. Erv has a very different idea for how everything works, ideas that usually drive both Allen and Shawn nuts as he usually plays the Devils Advocate.


  • Rage Quit.

    05/12/2013 Duração: 01h21min

    Podcast Show #124 We are joined with Movie Mark and we discuss the past few weeks and our holiday fun, as well as get into gaming and Call Of Duty Ghosts. Enjoy the parody of Seven Marry Three's song "Cumbersome", that Six did called Cucumber Fun at the beginning

  • Cuddled

    19/11/2013 Duração: 01h37min

    Podcast Show #123, the second of three parts to Cuddling podcast 122. It was a fun night debating if Cuddling services were cheating or not, 9 people chime in on their opinions and we also circle jerk it like we always do. In the beggining is a lampoon Erv's Wife did which is a parody of Katy Perry's E.T called E.R.V. All the parodies we have done (44) so far can be found on our web site www.dicksncidershow.com Enjoy!Oh and go check out all the great independent Podcast at www.podgodsnetwork.com

  • Cuddling

    07/11/2013 Duração: 01h31min

    Podcast Show #122In this podcast we get a bit carried away on a late Friday night, we end up having 9 people in the room, and the topics switch from a multitude of subjects, but the theme of the night is cuddling. We recorded for over 4 hours and will be releasing multiple podcast from this record. We also feature one of @AliSpagnola Songs in the beginning, which we were grateful enough to see her live the weekend before in Madison Wisconsin. We also debut a new Lampoon from Six, a parody of Katy Perry's "Roar" called "Whore", featuring the lovely background vocals od Desi Lee. Make sure to check out the Pod Gods Network, www.podgodsnetwork.com and you can start to watch us live again on our own site, www.dicksncidershow.com Thanks For Listening!

  • Pudgy Minnesota (Shot 2)

    17/10/2013 Duração: 01h27min

    Podcast Show #121This is shot #2 of the podcast we did with our fellow Pod God Clint Felten of Final Shot Saloon Podcast. We left of with a bunch of talk and pick up with a top 9, and move on from there. Make sure to check out all Pod Gods www.podgodsnetwork.com and follow, like, and subscribe where all can be. Thanks for listening and Pod On!

  • Pudgy Minnesota (Shot 1)

    09/10/2013 Duração: 01h39min

    Podcast Show 120This weeks podcast features a fellow Pod God, Clint, from Final Shot Saloon Podcast, @4f45, on Twitter and Tumbler. He comes to us from Minnesota Aye! We discuss Westerns and Quick Draw Shooting, which is what his podcast is mainly about. The conversations of murder, TV, Movies, while many innuendoes are dropped. If your looking for a great formatted podcast that is Western Themed, and something on the other end of your normal day, make sure to hit Clint up and give him some love. He is on Facebook, Twitter and many other places. Links below. We circle jerk it round and round for at least 3 hours. So we will be splitting it up into two shows since Erv and Six are out of town for the weekend.www.dicksncidershow.comwww.podgodsnetwork.comwww.finalshotsaloon.comhttps://www.facebook.com/pages/Final-Shot-Saloon/315466451819318https://twitter.com/4f45

  • Krokodil Nose

    02/10/2013 Duração: 01h56min

    Krokodil Nose Podcast #119This week we are joined by Movie Mark, (http://www.youtube.com/user/SpecialMark) and we talk about everything again, mainly movie stuff and what happened to Ice’s nose. We hit up a few articles, while giving our take on the stupid things people do. Drugs, Movies, and a conversations not suitable for children. All links we talk about are found on our FB page and profile, so make sure to head to dicksncidershow.com to check out the links to FB, Twitter, and everything else we try to be apart of. Make sure to check out the Pod Gods Network too. many great podcast, new and old that are truly independent. Pod On!

  • You're So Vain

    18/09/2013 Duração: 01h53min

    This weeks show we are joined by Tank and GG! This podcast will most likely be the last for awhile for GG, due to her moving to the UK. Not her last, but her last for awhile. We circle jerk it like usual in this show, GG going over her ordeal with her Visa, and getting the cats across the water. Six's Neuron Napalm spurs some good conversation, and Ice and Erv go at it a bit again about who knows what.

  • Nerd Glazing

    11/09/2013 Duração: 02h13min

    Podcast Show #117 Nerd GlazingThis weeks podcast is getting released early this week, Trying to make up for the missed weeks in the past ;) In this show Movie Mark joins us again and promotes the local Movie Festivals coming up in the area, Madison, Oshkosh, Milwaukee and such. He was asked to judge again and has become part of an online movie review site called, ((( http://welivefilm.com/ )))). make sure to check him and all the other great indie movie reviewers out there. We discuss so much in this show, so your going to have to listen to know. What we can tell you is that Ice brings up some great topics and lists, although Erv razes Ice too much, Six and his Neuron Napalm raps up the show and the conversation goes on and on. Big thanks to Movie Mark for joining the circle jerk!http://www.dicksncidershow.comhttp://www.youtube.com/user/SpecialMark/videoshttp://podgodsnetwork.com/

  • Indian Butt Plug

    05/09/2013 Duração: 02h09min

    Podcast Show #116 Indian Butt PlugThis weeks show features a friend from Connecticut. Adam Carner, or as we call him Viperboy. We met Adam via the Playstation Network, over 10 years ago and this past weekend was the first time we were able to meet him face to face. He has been on the show before, but has never been in the Purple Podcast Pad before. It was a pleasure to have him fly in and celebrate Erv’s 10 year wedding anniversary. As we usually do, we take advantage of the opportunity, and have a conversation. Covering DUI’s, Games, and much more. Enjoy and make sure to enjoy the song Adam and Ryan did at the beginning of the show as well as Six’s New Lampoon “Bad Case Of Crabs From You”.

  • Featured Film

    28/08/2013 Duração: 01h32min

    Featured FilmDicks N’ Cider Show #115This weeks podcast is a something Erv did a while back with fellow Pod Gods Mr. Mick (BUI Podcast) and Korey Epps (Evil Teddy Bear Podcast). Korey posted this show under the Evil Teddy BEar Podcast, but hey lets cross over and introduce you to his stuff. This was recorded after Kevin Smith announced his third installment of Clerks. There was a third guest that ended up bouncing due to operator error with the new venture of using Google Hangout, So the show starts with a bit of technical difficulty, but pans out in the long run. IT is always a blast to hang with the fellow Pod Gods, We should be doing stuff like this more often, but time will always tell. So give it a listen and see how we were introduced to Clerks and the many other great films of Kevin Smith. Featured Song This Week is from Daniel And The Lion ( http://datlband.bandcamp.com/ ) Evil Teddy Bear Podcast ( http://eviltedpodcast.blogspot.co.uk/ )BUI Podcast ( http://podgodsnetwork.blogspot.co.uk/search/label

  • Sick Shit

    21/08/2013 Duração: 01h32min

    Podcast #114 Sick ShitWhere have you all been. just kidding, we have had some time issues in the past few weeks so we are are going to drop this weeks podcast now that we have had the time. As usual as of late, it doesn’t matter what is going on, something seems to try to get us down. Damn The Man! Erv was a bit sick during this episode, and ended up laying horizontal for the remainder of the day. Once the show starts though, he seems to forget about it for a little while. The stories get shitty, wait no.! they are more shit stories and embarrassing moments, as well as what ever else comes up. trying to make up for lost time seems to get the boys a bit excited too. A bit of Neuron Napalm, Fun Facts, and some Icetory, and this weeks show was some Sick Shit!

  • Autistic Articulation

    31/07/2013 Duração: 02h09min

    As our naive minds wander through this world, many of us are blinded to those that have struggles and tribulations that would otherwise humble us. Our own lives and issues seem to overshadow what we know not of others that do have it worse.One of the things we like to do do on our show is educate ourselves on the things we do not know. There are many of these things as you may have learned from listening to the show. Some times we get dark, sometimes we get down right horrible. Although we like to entertain, we also like to try to enlighten our minds, and our listeners.So we were able to sit down with two great people that have been dealt a hand that most would fold on. Family friends Joyce Newby And Brad Ludwig are the parents of an Autistic child. We were lucky enough to get them to grace us with their presence in the Purple Podcast Pad, along with their son Alex. In this show we get humbled by these three courageous individuals that have taken what most would crumble under, and they educate us on what it i

  • Illegaly Iegal

    24/07/2013 Duração: 01h28min

    Podcast #112 We are joined by Movie Mark this week while Ice and Six join us via hangout from their homes, We discuss a hot topic at the time, give our opinion on said topic and jump right into more legal topics of other cases in the news. We hope you enjoy. www.dicksncidershow.comwww.podgodsnetwork.comwww.youtube.com/user/SpecialMark

  • 6 Month Detention

    10/07/2013 Duração: 01h12min

    Podcast Show #111This weeks podcast #111 we are joined with Nadz, Ice, Six and Erv. GG is out this week. We go over how we get a 6 month detention from our you tube account, thanks to Ice’s video for Scrotum Face. No worries though, it willl be up on our web site soon enough. www.dicksncidershow.com We also go over a few articles that regard Wisconsin people and Ice brings in a top ten. holy Crap a top ten. We also introduce a new lambpoon from Nadz, The Go-Go’s We Got The Beat, Parody = We Gotta Pee. Funny stuff. Featured Song this week is KGP Conspiracy’s “It’s A Crazy World" We hope you enjoy, and drop us a line dncpodcast@gmail.com with suggestions and comments,Or hit us up with your own music at dncpodcastmusic@gmail.com to let us play your music on our show. Or if you know of a band or an individual that is musically talented, send them our way.Also hit up podgodsnetwork.com for many more great, and truely independent podcasts in the great wide sea of them that arre out there.

  • Ju-Haul

    27/06/2013 Duração: 01h40min

    Podcast Show #110,We sit down on a late night with Korey Epps (Evil Teddy Bear Podcast), Red Hotts, and GG brings in a friend of hers that is a Furry. We have a blast with this show. We laugh alot and touch those places that no on likes to go.

  • Cocky Confidence

    20/06/2013 Duração: 01h22min

    Podcast Show #109In this Podcast, Erv sits down with the wife. Six and Ice were to busy to make it, and GG had somethings to take care of, so Erv indulges himself with the ever so gracing beauty of his wife. You get a bit o history on how they met and many things that led up to father hood. Erv also brings up a Documentary he watched called "The Loft" and another documentary about a photographer by the name of Gregory Crewdson. Erv's youngest joins too for some would you rather.

  • Thumbs Up

    16/06/2013 Duração: 02h06min

    Podcast Show #108In this show we sit down and recap a wedding missed and a funeral attended, GG has a hard time finding an app and Six gives shit about shit in the shower, more or less.

  • Sperm Whales & Slurs

    05/06/2013 Duração: 01h01min

    Sperm Whales & SlursPodcast show #107This weeks podcast is a bit of why we started podcasting. You get a taste of our Dis Functional Family Reunions we have on holidays. We had a great day hanging with family and talking about everything. We were outside for a bit talking about Sperm Whales and swimming in their semen, Maybe this is why the ocean has a salty taste? We move into the house as the liquid flows, and the conversation flows just as easy. We cover slang terms, military diseases, Dildos and color. and much much more. This conversation does go into many directions but well worth the listen to understand why we started Podcasting!www.dicksncidershow.comwww.podgodsnetwork.com

  • Dead Bodies Everywhere

    22/05/2013 Duração: 02h06min

    This weeks podcast is a conversation stirred up by the suicide of Dick Trickle. We talk about the death and dead bodies we have seen, we finish it up with some neuron napalm, and the first winner of the free 30 minute massage from Inner Element Massage. Make sure to go to www.podgodsnetwork.com and check out all the great podcast we have there too.

  • Aggravated insurance

    16/05/2013 Duração: 02h39min

    Podcast #105 Aggravated insuranceThis weeks podcast we welcome back GG, even though she shows up like a period. She gives us a bit o’ history into her accident and this leads Ice on a rant about insurance, We visit a few topics from listeners and we discuss a few changes to our web site. In true Dicks N’ Cider Show Fashion, we ramble and circle jerk it for as long as we can. We have started to give away some free 30 min massages from Inner Element Massage, but as Erv usually does, he forgets to even mention it. Damn you BOY! So Listen in next week for the 1st of 4 winniers. next question and give away will be then. Make sure to check out all the great independent Podcasts we support and enjoy at podgodsnetwork.comand head over to our site dicksncidershow.com to check out all the new things that we have added. Thnaks again for listneing, and make sure to email in articles and topics you would like to hear our take on. Until next week, …..Pod On!

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