Profitable Farmer

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 123:55:32
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This show is all about increasing the profitability of your farm so you work smarter and not harder. Your host, Andrew Roberts from the Farm Owners Academy reveals the best farming business tips for more leverage in your farm business.


  • Episode 46: Succession Series Part 2 - Building Trust Within Farming Families

    12/03/2020 Duração: 52min

    Trust is critical to any high-performing team.  Equally, it is essential to effective family-farming businesses...   Do you have a strong basis of trust and mutual respect within your farm team?   Like a muscle, trust can be worked on and strengthened over time.   Most of us just don’t know how, or where, to start.   To expand further on the topic of farm succession, I once again speak with Tony Catt, Director of Catapult Wealth, and we explore: why trust is essential to effective succession planning, how trust is broken, the 3 communication and trust ‘killers’, how to build trust where it has previously been absent, the important roles each of us play within the family to nurture a culture of trust and respect.   Tony suggests that sometimes our focus should temporarily move away from important succession conversations until a basis of trust is re-established.   We also explore the notion that all of this is just good, professional business practice. Again, we have so much to learn from businesse

  • Episode 45 - Making Farm Succession Work

    28/02/2020 Duração: 47min

    Succession is a misunderstood and very challenging issue for many Australian farming families. Many of us have tried this and had a negative experience and therefore choose to lock it down, not discuss inter-generational transfer at all and get on with running the farm... rather than constructively planning for the future together.   In this podcast, we interview Managing Director of Catapult Wealth, Tony Catt.  Tony is an expert on farm succession and is passionate about helping farming families proactively develop a plan for their futures together.   Tune in as we explore:   Why this is so challenging for so many, What farm succession really is, Through good business practice and 'governance' we can make succession more successful for families, The 4 clear, written plans we really need to make this truly effective in practice, Why the younger generation might need to be respectful and patient in the process, How to include family members and bring them along for the ride, How frequently to be di

  • Episode 44 - How the fear of failure can destroy your dreams

    14/02/2020 Duração: 39min

    Implementation is the key to success!   In today’s podcast, I chat with Andrew and discuss the importance of realising, accepting and overcoming your fears in order reach your potential in all areas of your life. We explore the concept of fear and how this holds us back, especially the fear of failure in business.   Join us as we dive deeper into: How perfectionism can hold you back - most people tend to procrastinate because of this, as they worry about making the wrong decision   How you can set up systems to help you make concise decisions, this requires thinking, which most people don’t like to do – most farmers prefer to DO rather than THINK!   Implementation is the key to success, not the decision making however this is still a very critical part.   Never allow a year, a quarter, a week or a day go by without planning it first - this is the KEY to succeeding - yet most people don’t do this.   Stop using excuses to set your goals later - do it NOW!   The power of 10-year, 3-year and 1

  • Episode 43 - From Refugee to Riches

    31/01/2020 Duração: 55min

    Time to diversify...   Creating balance sheet wealth long-term must be our primary focus, even when challenged in the here-and-now. Success in anything starts with KNOWLEDGE. It is with this in mind that I interview Terry Tran, CEO & Founder of The Freedom Trader.   Terry Tran is a good (and perhaps unlikely) friend to Farm Owners Academy and the Profitable Farmer podcast. We recommend his investing program - The Freedom Trader - and know many of our clients continue to get great training and real results from his mentoring and methodology.   In this podcast, Terry shares his story with us, his passion to help people create wealth through direct share investing, his investment philosophy and his view on why farming families make such good investors. We uncover some very real myths about the share market and explore how to create wealth through a strong analysis and risk-aware investment strategy.   I encourage each of you to listen to this and consider, even in times of dry seasons and tight cash

  • Episode 42 - Responding strongly in times of real adversity

    15/01/2020 Duração: 01h04min

    2020 has arrived to us in a way that no one wished for or expected. Adverse and extreme fires threaten farming families and rural communities across Australia. To those of you directly affected, our thoughts and prayers are with you. To our clients, please know you have our support and that of the FOA Community. In this important podcast we interview remarkable clients Troy & Nette Fischer, 'Ashmore', Wasleys, South Australia. On the 25th November 2015, Troy & Nette lost everything except their family home and 600 trade lambs in the Pinery fires of South Australia. Their entire farm, including their white suffolk stud and all farm infrastructure burned completely. Their story and recovery effort is remarkable. How they have responded and the results they have achieved in the 12 months, 2 years and now 4 years since that event is nothing short of incredible. Hindsight can be a wonderful thing. As they reflect on their personal experience, Troy and Nette share some wonderful tips and very thoughtfu

  • Episode 41 - It’s time to reflect, it’s time to reset and renew

    29/12/2019 Duração: 51min

    Tracy Secombe is incredible. Plain and simple.   Her support to her Farm Owners Academy clients once again this year has been astounding.   Her contribution to our community continues to inspire.   Our clients just get so much value from her outlook on life and the coaching she can provide.   As we bring a close to 2019, it is my great pleasure to connect with and interview Tracy, and to explore how to make this Christmas season an important moment in time to deeply reflect, clearly check-in, fully self-assess, and completely set down more powerful intentions and enriching habits in the new year to come.   A cracking conversation. An amazing lady.   Enough said...enjoy!   Jeremy Hutchings

  • Episode 40 - Analysing Risk in Farming Systems

    16/12/2019 Duração: 45min

    How exposed am I? Assessing and managing risk within our farming systems.   I love the principle that in order to succeed, it is the business with the most robust and strategic business model that gets the results. Often it is the quality of our business model and how we execute on this model that is the difference between the average and the top 20%.   With this in mind, and based on your most recent years of performance, how robust and risk-aware is your business model? We operate in a unique climate, with unique economic factors, relative to farmers in other countries, and a high exposure to price variability and international markets. We operate businesses based on biological systems often exposed to the vagaries of our environments and the markets.   In this podcast, I am pleased to interview my father, Tim Hutchings, and discuss risk and volatility in Australian Agriculture. We explore the importance of designing risk-aware and long-term sustainable farming systems that have inherent flexibility,

  • Episode 39 - An example of agricultural entrepreneurship at its finest

    29/11/2019 Duração: 43min

    From a desire to find useful farm research and analysis tools for her own family... to Australia's number 1 online resource hub for farmers and agribusiness!   Farm Table’s story is a compelling reminder how we all can find a problem and seek to solve it in order to make our industry stronger and better for everyone.   Ladies & gentlemen, meet Airlie Landale - Founder and CEO of Farm Table.   Airlie is an incredible next generation champion for Australian Agriculture, doing her bit to make a very real and tangible difference for farming families nationally. From a small idea, Airlie has dedicated herself to solving a problem for the betterment of all farmers.   In this podcast we interview Airlie, understand her background, learn about the Farm Table story, and get a real insight into what can be achieved when a strong vision, deep passion, real commitment and sheer determination all come together around one simple idea.   Farm Table is Australia's one-stop farming hub online to connect producer

  • Episode 38 - Learning from Big Business

    18/11/2019 Duração: 01h08min

    In this podcast, we explore the way in which strategy, change, leadership transition, people management and business transformations are achieved at the top end of town, and within some of Australia’s largest, most iconic agribusiness brands. In a compelling interview with Jonathan Hutchings, ex-management consultant and now private equity and business transformation specialist, Jeremy explores how fundamental change is made at the ‘top-end’ of our food & fibre sector, and in businesses including Peters Ice-cream, Ingham’s Chicken, and Allied Pinnacle. Grab a coffee, tune in and learn: How major change is achieved in big business, The simplicity of strategy-setting and making the very complex simple, How to be objective in analysing the true performance of your business, The importance of getting the very best team around you, The importance of retaining your humanity whilst navigating through big change initiatives, A perspective on emerging trends in the food & fibre sector and how they may

  • Episode 37 - How to handle burnout and stepping into your zone of genius

    30/10/2019 Duração: 49min

    In this podcast, Andrew interviews Farm Owners Academy incoming CEO.  Jeremy Hutchings is an amazing coach who is a lot of experience in agriculture.   Andrew and Jeremy have a discussion and cover a few really important topics that we are sure many of you can relate to   In this podcast:   Andrew shares some of the challenges he has experienced around burnout (and how normal this is when you run your own business) The importance of having an extended time out The difference between operating I your zone of incompetence v competence v excellence v genius The value in building a dream team around you to help your business grow (and how investing in the right people will drive your business forward) The importance of having a strong strategic plan The definition of a business in becoming profitable but then also having your business work without you How ego can get in the road of your growth   It’s a great relaxed discussion that we are sure you will relate to  FOA

  • Episode 36 - How to create a profitable freedom farm that can work without you there

    02/10/2019 Duração: 26min

    One of our main aims here at Farm Owners Academy is to teach you how to create a profitable farming business that can work without your constant presence, allowing you more time and freedom to live the life you choose. In today’s podcast, we walk you through the steps involved to accomplish this.   This episode shares lots of ideas to help you on your journey including:   Why you need to become very profitable first (and what this looks like) The gap between being a farmer Vs running a farm business (and why this matters) The three skills you must have to create a freedom farm     We hope you enjoy this podcast – let us know what you think!   FOA FACT: Sharing’s caring!

  • Episode 35 - Ask a better question, and the power of zero-based thinking

    17/09/2019 Duração: 22min

    It’s really simple.  Asking a better question will lead to a better decision. The problem is, we weren’t taught at school how to ask a great question.     We will help you learn how to do this in today’s podcast.   For example, just asking the simple question every hour or so “Is this the best use of my time?” can help you improve your productivity.   I will open you up to the power of asking better questions AND the impact this can have on your business.   I will share a strategy I learnt from a very successful mentor of mine that saved my business and helped me bring in an additional $150k in revenue (in just one month).  It’s called zero-based thinking and I personally believe this is one of the best business strategies I have ever been taught.   Enjoy this month’s podcast and please share this with another farmer.   Take it easy,   Andrew   PS: Super early bird tickets to our TOP Producers 2-Day Workshop are now on sale, offering a crazy saving of $1295! Come along and learn how to run

  • Episode 34 - Are you really ok?

    03/09/2019 Duração: 37min

    RUOK?    The 10th annual RUOK Day takes place on Thursday 12th September 2019.    Farm Owners Academy wholeheartedly supports the RUOK initiative because we recognise the prominence of mental health issues within farming.    In a bid to raise awareness, we are dedicating this episode of the Profitable Farmer podcast to this poignant cause.    Today, I have an in-depth discussion about mental health within the farming community with Tracy Secombe, renowned mindset coach and creator of Soul Pleaser™   For the past 3 years, Tracy has been leading our team of Platinum Mastermind coaches which has given her a unique insight into the personal lives of hundreds of farmers, their struggles, issues and fears.    There is so much wisdom in this interview.   Tracy explains why so many of us ‘people please’, and the impact this has on our mental health.    We also discuss:  Why male farmers carry so much fear of failure and how anxiety is created from losing the farm  How so many people put on a br

  • Epsiode 33 - Investing is just like planting, and why there are lots of opportunities right now

    15/08/2019 Duração: 29min

    In this week’s podcast we interview Terry Tran.  Terry shares with us how investing is just like planting a crop and the power of timing.  There’s some great content in this podcast including:  Why now is amazing timing to pick up some stock opportunities Does Terry believe we are heading for a recession Terry’s thoughts on the value of land and if he would be trying to buy more farm land right now Some insight into how he values a business to invest in and what you need to know to invest.     Take it easy,  Andrew   PS: if you are interested in registering for a free online training coming up with Terry, please click here.    P.P.S Whenever you’re ready…here are 3 ways we can help you grow your farming business: 1. The founders of FOA run a special free online training to show you how to create a profitable business that has the ability to work without you (creating a freedom farm) – Click here to register for the next one.  2. Join the Farm Owner Academy’s closed Facebook group ‘Profita

  • Episode 32 - A big reason why conflict occurs in family farms and how to fix it.

    30/07/2019 Duração: 36min

    Are you frustrated because your vision for the farm is different to other family members and you can’t agree on the way forward?  In this podcast, David Westbrook and I discuss one of the BIGGEST issues affecting family farms.  Disagreements between generations, parents and/or siblings is a real issue and an unbelievably common occurrence in the farming sector.  In this episode we explore the importance of core values and how to get everyone on the same page.  Here are some of the things we discuss: Different generations wanting different things from the farm. Why having written core values will give you more direction, clarity and motivation. Why understanding others values will improve relationships. Why judging and feeling judged is down to a lack of awareness.   We want to help you work through these issues and enable you to live the farm life that you all want… because why would you allow someone else to dictate your future?   We hope this podcast answers some questions and helps you e

  • Episode 31 - Could your money beliefs be holding you back

    16/07/2019 Duração: 27min

    Do you think that you might have a negative association to money? If you get stressed, angry or you find yourself complaining about money, you might be surprised to hear you could have a limiting belief around it. We address this in this week’s podcast and you can listen by clicking here.  Here is a list of some common limiting beliefs:  Money is hard to make Money comes in one hand and out the other Money is difficult to make, particularly as a farmer Money is scarce and hard to come by Money doesn’t grow on trees There is not enough money to go around I don’t have enough for later on in my life Paying for my kids’ education is expensive   Many of these beliefs were created when you were a child and were most likely passed onto you by your parents, your community and even your teachers.  It’s very hard to get ahead and go for what you want when you carry these beliefs.  In today’s episode, we explore these limiting beliefs and what you can do to remove them.  It’s a really important podcast

  • Episode 30 - If you chase two rabbits, you will catch neither.

    29/06/2019 Duração: 24min

    Do you ever get distracted?  Do you often have ideas but sometimes lack the ability to implement or see them through to completion?  Do you feel crystal clear on where you are going and how to get there?  Today’s podcast ‘If you chase two rabbits, you will catch neither’ will help you focus on less, and simplify how you run your business.   Andrew will open you up to: The Entrepreneurs Curse and why you need to be aware of this; Magnifying Glass Theory and how you can use this to explode your business growth; The power of FOCUS and how it will help you profit more whilst working less; Discipline to not get caught up in ideas; Why breaking your goals into 90 days is such a powerful thing to do.   Enjoy the podcast. FOA

  • Episode 29 - How the Vacuum law can be used to create prosperity in your life

    14/06/2019 Duração: 24min

    Today we discuss how The Vacuum Law can be used to create prosperity in your life. The Law of the Vacuum is a universal law and is one of the main reasons why you may always feel busy and never have time do to the things you want.   It could also be the reason why you feel you don’t get ahead as quickly as you would like to.   Andrew will share with you how this effect:  Money; Time; Health;  Relationship. ….and most importantly, how to change this!   Enjoy this free podcast.   Regards, FOA

  • Episode 28 - Sound advice for an up and coming new farmer. Stop complaining and smile more

    21/05/2019 Duração: 37min

    One of our clients, David Westbrook, shared an article that he’d written recently.   It really inspired me, so I decided to interview him for this month’s podcast.   David has agreed for me to share his article with you:   What advice would I give to an up and coming farmer?   Simple... just smile more.   We worry about everything and this creates resistance to what we truly want.   We need to read, we need to journal, we need to get educated on our core focus and we need to implement, but if we just smile every now and then.... we will get there so much quicker and happier.   We worry about the rain, we worry about the markets, we worry about what others think of us.   Where does this worry get us? Nowhere, in fact it makes us go backwards.   We do our due-diligence on the markets, we have a risk mitigation strategy for a drought, and you know what? Other people aren’t even thinking about us anyway. Do you know why? Because they’re too busy worrying about what you think of them!   We spe

  • Episode 27 - The three main reasons farmers make world class investors

    14/05/2019 Duração: 31min

    Being an entrepreneurial farmer today can be tough. There seems to be more work and less time to get things done...and you need to devote even more energy into running your business than ever before. And despite all that...most farmers are barely getting by financially. They still worry about: How they’ll make it through the current season Whether they’ll lose the farm that’s been in their family for generations, and If they’ll be able to retire, of they’ll have to keep working until they’re 99 to pay the bills That’s why I want you invite you to a free podcast interview called ‘The three main reasons farmers make world class investors’, where I had an honest chat about money and “getting ahead” with my friend and investment mentor, Terry Tran. (He’s the guy on the right in the photo below.) Terry’s the best guy I know when it comes to money advice. His system is simple but genius: minimise risk to maximise profits. Terry’s all about protecting yourself FIRST, eliminating the normal risks associate

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