Who is Xian'er? Robot Monk? Little Monk? Subscribe to "Robot Monk Xian'er" to learn wisdom to deal with negative emotions and afflictions in our everyday life. You might find out that Xian'er is not different from us, and we are not different from Xian'er.
The importance of virtuous teachers 善知识的重要性
03/07/2018 Duração: 59s【The importance of virtuous teachers 】Remember the story of the blind trying to size up an elephant?Everyone of them has touched the elephant, but their views were completely contradictory.What is the problem? The problem is that everyone held onto what he felt and took that perspective as entirety and truth.The same is true and even worse for those who practice Buddhism.At least the blind has touched the elephant.A Buddhist practitioner, however, without guidance of virtuous teachers, views Buddhism Dharma only by his understanding.What he sees is most likely the Dharma in his imagination which is far from the real Dharma.To study the dharma, one must first find a team of virtuous teachers and fellow practitioners.When taking a systematic approach to complete understanding and establishing the right view, all doubts and confusions are naturally resolved. 【善知识的重要性】记得盲人摸象的故事吗?每个人摸到的都是象,可是观点却完全矛盾,问题在哪里呢?因为各自都只执著于自己了解的那一点,那一个角度,以为这就是全部,这就是正确的,学佛法也极容易犯这个毛病,甚至更糟。盲人摸象,至少还摸到了真的大象,学佛者若离开了善知识的指点,凭自己的理解去看待佛法,很可能看到的只是自己
Though the world is vast, it is no bigger than the heart of man
23/06/2018 Duração: 01minThough the world is vast, it is no bigger than the heart of man.Xian’er says so: Those who can change the world.It rained heavily last night.Xian’er was reading sutras till late night and had a revelation.He said repeatedly: “I know why Shifu didn’t take me abroad.”Zhao Xiaocui asked: “Why didn’t your Shifu take you abroad?”Xian’er said: “Just read on.”Below are quoted from my Shifu’s new book, Say Good Things —Master Xuecheng’s insight on the path to speaking like a Buddha.Although the world is vast, it is no bigger than the heart of man.Those who changed the world are all masters of their mind/heart.We should focus on what we can do rather than observation and criticism of what we cannot.世界虽然很大,却大不过人的一颗心贤二如是说:真正改变世界的人 昨天有暴雨,贤二读经读到深夜的时候,忽然灵光乍现,说,我知道师父为什么不带我出国了,我知道师父为什么不带我出国了,我知道师父为什么不带我出国了。赵小翠问,你师父为什么不带你出国呢?贤二说,往下看。以下来自我师父的《好好说话》其实,世界虽然很大,却大不过人的一颗心,所有真正改变世界的人,都只是把握了自己的一颗心。与其把太多精力放在观察和批评自己不能改变的事情上,不如多关注和践行自己能够做到的。
Do not seek happiness from people and things that are external
22/06/2018 Duração: 01minDo not seek happiness from people and things that are external. Xian’er says so: Shifu finally speaks to me. Xian’er muttered while running, “Shifu spoke to me. Shifu spoke to me. It has been so long. Shifu finally spoke to me.” Xianyi said: “Congratulations, Xian’er. Shifu finally spoke to you.It has been over a year as I remember. Shifu didn’t even look at you.This is a method virtuous teacher uses to teach disciples.I’m happy for you. By the way, how did it happen?”Xian’er said: “Shifu asked me to go away. Don’t wander around him. ”Below are quoted from my Shifu’s new book, Say Good Things—Master Xuecheng’s insight on the path to speaking like a Buddha. Because we have been chasing outwards and paying attention to what is outside,we often forget to look inward and are lost. We should not seek happiness from people and things that are external. We ought to, however, enrich our mind with noble and positive spirits. To progress further, we ought to open our mind to think more of others’ suffering rather tha
Life is not to be wasted in recklessness 生命不应浪费在浮躁中
21/06/2018 Duração: 02minLife is not to be wasted in recklessness Xian’er says so: You have been too reckless lately. Xian’er criticized Wang Xiaowu: “You have been too reckless lately.”Wang Xiaowu said: “Yes. I have been thinking about how to make more money.” Xian’er turned to Zhaoxiaocui: “You have been too reckless lately.”Zhao Xiaocui replied: “Yes. I have been thinking about whom Wang Fugui married. “Xian’er turned to Zhang Xiaosi: “You have been too reckless lately.”Zhang Xiaosi said:“Yes. I have been thinking about switching to another job.” Xian’er said: “I was right!”Shifu happened to come by and Xian’er run off. Xianyi asked Xian’er: “Why did you run off when Shifu was here? ”Xian’er said: “You are so reckless.Don’t you know Shifu, having followed him for so many years?I have been telling people off, and Shifu is certain to criticize me for my recklessness.”Below are quoted from my Shifu’s new book, Say Good Things—Master Xuecheng’s insight on the path to speaking like a Buddha. When short-sighted, one becomes reckless fo
Isn't it good to calm the mind down 难道让心静下来不好吗?
20/06/2018 Duração: 01minIsn’t it good to calm the mind down?Xian’er says so: What is real tranquility of mind?Xian’er didn’t clean the toilet, didn’t chop wood,didn’t carry water barrels, didn’t serve tea, and didn’t do anything. He did go for sitting meditation. Shifu sent Xianyi to get Xian’er and asked him why he didn’t do his duties. Xian’er said: “I want to calm my mind. I know you will certainly criticize me. But I just want to say something before you do that. Isn’t it good to have tranquility of mind?”Want to know how Shifu sets Xian’er straight, please read the following.Below are quoted from my Shifu’s new book, Say Good Things—Master Xuecheng’s insight on the path to speaking like a Buddha. It is good to have a peaceful mind, and it is even better when there is compassion. Quietness of a bowl of water is inevitably shallow. Tranquility of the ocean can bear huge ships.难道让心静下来不好吗?贤二如是说:什么是真正的静心 贤二没有刷马桶,也没有劈柴,也没有挑水,也没有端茶,也没有做别的事情,而是去静坐了。师父让贤一把贤二找来,问他为什么没去做事情?贤二说,我想静静心,我知道您一定又会批评我,不过,在您批评我之前,我想先说一句,难道静心不好吗?想知道师父怎么一招搞定贤二的,请看
Life is not meant for experiencing, but for learning生命,不是为了体验
19/06/2018 Duração: 01minLife is not meant for experiencing, but for learningXian’er says so: Why do we have to learn so much?Xian’er asked Shifu:“Why do you make us learn so much? Learn to chant sutras, to drive, English, to clean toilets, computer, cooking, to build temples, sitting meditation, to write, and to make ice-cream. Why?”Shifu said: “You will learn to fly an airplane in the future.”Xian’er run away, saying:“Shifu, I will not talk nonsense anymore.”Below are quoted from my Shifu’s new book, Say Good Things—Master Xuecheng’s insight on the path to speaking like a Buddha. Every life is not meant for experiencing, but for learning.We all have our lessons to learn till this life is lived to the fullest.生命,不是为了体验,而是为了学习 贤二如是说:为什么要学这么多 贤二问师父:“为什么您要让我们会念经,会开车、会英语、会刷马桶、会电脑、会做饭、会盖庙、会坐禅、会写文章、还要会做冰激凌,这是为什么呢?师父说:“将来,你们还要会开飞机。”贤二就溜了,说:“师父,以后我不随便没话找话了。”以下来自我师父的《好好说话》每一世的生命,不是为了体验,而是为了学习。人的每一生都有自己要学的功课,直至圆满。
Life is wonderful not because it is smooth人生不是因为顺利而精彩
18/06/2018 Duração: 01minLife is wonderful not because it is smooth. Xian’er says so: What is a real achievement?Xian’er listed one hundred reasons and asked Xianyi to take them to Shifu.These hundred reasons are articulated well with sufficient reasoning and sincere honesty. Xian’er hoped that Shifu will give his cellphone back to him or take him abroad. He did not expect to be taken to Europe. Even Burma would be nice. Shifu didn’t even reply to Xian’er. Wang Xiaowu heard about it and laughed at Xian’er.He has been spreading the story around. Xian’er said to Wang Xiaowu:“ You really don’t know what it means to practice.”Below are quoted from my Shifu’s new book, Say Good Things—Master Xuecheng’s insight on the path to speaking like a Buddha. Life is wonderful not because it is smooth, but because hardships are overcome. Real achievement lies in our inner growth, not external results.人生不是因为顺利而精彩贤二如是说:什么是真正的成就 贤二列了一百条理由,托贤一给师父看。这一百条理由态度诚恳,理由充分,表达明确,希望师父能把手机还给自己, 或者带自己出一趟国,欧洲就不奢求了,哪怕去趟缅甸也行啊。师父根本就没理这个茬。王小五听说了这个事,笑坏了,到处跟别人说。贤二对王小五说:“其实
We ought to carry ourselves 做人做事应该“高高山顶立,深深海底行”
17/06/2018 Duração: 02minWe ought to carry ourselves as such: “Standing at the peak of grand mountains; Swimming at the bottom of deep oceans.”【Xian’er says so: How to become an outstanding person? 】During a Dharma assembly when there were a lot people, Wang Xiaowu shouted at Xian’er: “Xian’er, where is your cell phone?”Xian’er was upset and ignored him. Wang Xiaowu shouted again:“Xian’er, I heard Xianyi has gone abroad with Shifu. Why didn’t you go?”Xian’er became angry and ignored him again. Wang Xiaowu said: “Xian’er, look at what you have done.You have either cleaned toilets or made ice-cream.You suck at whatever you do. Don’t you have hopes, dreams and goals?” Xian’er replied: “I love my country and my religion.”Wang Xiaowu laughed out loud and said: “Hey, Xian’er, save it.This is the stuff your Shifu talks about during meetings.What does that have to do with you?”Xian’er said: “Just wait and see what the book tells us.”Below are quoted from my Shifu’s new book, Say Good Things—Master Xuecheng’s insight on the path to speaking l
What is the thing that we enjoy doing 什么才是“自己喜欢的事情"
16/06/2018 Duração: 02minWhat is “the thing that we enjoy doing”?【Xian’er says so: How to obtain real happiness?】Xian’er is in desperate need of sleeping in and often fails to get up. Shifu said to Xian’er: “Sleep as much as you want. ”Xian’er was so happy that he slept for two days. He wanted to get up but Shifu didn’t allow it. So he kept sleeping for another two days. The third day came, he begged Shifu to let him out of bed. Shifu said: “No. Go back to sleep.”On the fourth day, Xian’er completely broke down. He begged Shifu with running nose and tears, “Please let me out of bed.I promise that I will never sleep-in again.” Later Xianyi asked Xian’er privately about how he felt having laid in bed for four days and nights. Xian’er said: “It was wonderful the first day, but it got boring the 2nd day.I was suffering terribly the 3rd day and felt that I would rather die the 4th day.In the end, I would do anything to get out of bed. ”Below are quoted from my Shifu’s new book, Say Good Things—Master Xuecheng’s insight on the path to sp
Without faith, one loses passion for life 缺乏信仰,对生活就没有热情
15/06/2018 Duração: 01minWithout faith, one loses passion for life. Xian’er says so: Why is it that people are unhappy?Wang Xiaowu makes trouble with Xian’er yet again. He said to Xian’er:“Come, er.”Xian’er turned around and walked away. Wang Xiaowu caught up with Xian’er and took out an ice-cream, and said in a flattering matter: “Don’t ignore me, please.If you ignore me, I will be hopeless.You see that I have got everything, money, apartment, car, and a good job.And I am smart. But why is it that I am not happy?I feel lost and bored, and nothing seems to interest me.Only by coming to pick some fights with you, I find some laughter.Why is it?” Xian’er said: “I will tell you why if you promise to behave yourself in the future.”Wang Xiaowu said: “Deal.”Below are quoted from my Shifu’s new book, Say Good Things—Master Xuecheng’s insight on the path to speaking like a Buddha. If there is no faith and aspiration in life, we will be lost without passion for life and find no meaning of life. Worldly happiness cannot fill the weakness and
Buddhism practice to enlighten the mind 修习佛法,启发内心
13/06/2018 Duração: 42sBuddhism practice to enlighten the mindThere is Buddha nature that is pure and immaculate in every one.However, it is not revealed as it is covered with afflictions.It is not our true nature that the mind is momentarily indifferent, numb, and desolated.Come and stay at a monastery or participate in charity works when you are able.The warm, peaceful and positive environment will enlighten the beauty and virtue within you. 修习佛法,启发内心每个人内心都有清净光明的佛性,只是被烦恼覆盖而显现不出,当下内心的僵硬、冰冷、荒芜不代表真正的本性,只是一时的状态。有机会可以来寺院住一段时间或参与一些慈善事业,让温暖、清静、积极的环境启发内心美好的种子。
With aspiration one find strength in life 生命有愿,才有力量
17/05/2018 Duração: 01minWith aspiration, one finds strength in life. 【Xian'er says so: With aspiration, one finds strength in life. 】Wang Xiao Wu said to Xian'er: “Come on, Xian'er! It has been years and I’m getting bored with your old stories.”Complaining about Shifu not taking you abroad…… Mentioning how you love ice-cream……Nagging about Xian Yi, Xian San, and Xian Si……And there is Zhaoxiaocui, Zhangxiaosi……And the cartoons, the robot monk, blah blah blah…… Haven’t you gotten anything new?"Xian'er replied: "See, how can you understand what I say if you don’t read? "Below are quotes from my Shifu’s new book, Say Good Things—Master Xuecheng’s insight on the path to speaking like a Buddha. May you find your own aspiration.Live with aspiration,One finds direction in life, One finds strength in life. 生命有愿,才有力量【贤二如是说:有愿力才有力量 】王小五对贤二说:“都这么多年了,你那点破事还没完没了地讲,什么师父不带你出国啦,什么爱吃冰激凌啦,什么贤一、贤三、贤四啦,什么赵小翠啦,什么张小四啦,什么动画片啦,什么机器僧啦,你烦不烦啊,有点新鲜的吗?”贤二说:“你看看,不读书,你怎么能明白呢?”以下来自我师父的《好好说话》要找到自己的愿。生命有愿,才有方向,才有力量。
Someone may give you a bow of rice but no one can eat for you
17/05/2018 Duração: 01minSomeone may give you a bow of rice, but no one can eat for you 【Xian'er says so: “I’m really hurt!”】Xian'er said to Shifu: “Shifu, you confiscated my cell phone.This really hurt my feelings.And when you travel abroad, you always take Xian Yi, not me.That hurts too. Furthermore, you often criticize and disprove me.I’m really hurt! Besides, you haven’t given me any attention for nearly a year........."Shifu: " Anything else?"Xian'er: “That’s it for now.”Shifu:" What is it that you want?”Xian'er: " I am begging for some approval and attention, please! Just a little bit……"Shifu: " Go away now. Stop wandering around here and find somewhere to be. "Xian'er did what Shifu has asked him to do. Below are quoted from my Shifu’s new book, Say Good Things—Master Xuecheng’s insight on the path to speaking like a Buddha. It is only through endurance of circumstances that the mind obtains tenacity and freedom. What others can tell you will only be a principle. As if someone may give you a bow of rice, but no one can eat
Take everything as an opportunity 把一切都当作帮助自己成长的机会
17/05/2018 Duração: 01minTake everything as an opportunity to better yourself 【Xian'er's says so: “why it everything so difficult?” 】Xian'er asked Shifu:" Why is it that the more I do, the more criticism I get?I should just do less or better yet do nothing at all, shouldn’t I? See, take the cartoon I made as an example. So many questions and comments, So many thoughts and revisions,So many problems and dilemmas, And so much difficulty and challenge. Shifu, please pay some attention to my delicate little heart. At least give me an ice cream or sth…”Shifu: " Oh Xian’er, here we are again. Go away and suit yourself… "Below are quoted from my Shifu’s new book, Say Good Things—Master Xuecheng’s insight on the path to speaking like a Buddha. Take everything as an opportunity to better yourself.If comments from others are correct, accept them; If not, take the opportunity to cultivate your generosity and tolerance. When you choose not to confront the other party, it loses its opponent as if a fist runs into cotton. 把一切都当作帮助自己成长的机会【贤二如是说:
How not to be troubled by resultsat hand 如何不为眼前苦恼?
17/05/2018 Duração: 29sBuddhism teaches karmic law that causes lead to results.It is true for all things.Don’t be troubled by the result at hand.As long as you are aspired and act accordingly, results are bound to come.Be in the present and be with current conditions, just do what you can do with great earnest and the mind will be at peace. 【如何不为眼前苦恼?】佛法讲因果,任何事情都是从因到果的,不要为眼前的果相而苦恼,只要自己有愿、有行,终究会有果。安住当下,安住现前缘起,认认真真去做现在能做的事,心就会踏实、安稳。
Find you aspiration 向上仰望
17/05/2018 Duração: 25sIt is of great help to find a role model.As the old saying goes the power of example is infinite.Buddhist Dharma states that you and I are both noble man, why would you underestimate yourself and quit?Find your aspiration and let it guide your actions.This is the way to make life more meaningful and valuable. 【向上仰望】寻找一个榜样,是非常有帮助的。俗话说“榜样的力量是无穷的”,佛法说“彼是丈夫我亦尔,何可自轻而退却?”人要向上仰望,以愿导行,这样自己的生命才会越来越如意,越来越有价值。
Seeing the result,reflect upon the causation 看到果,思其因
17/05/2018 Duração: 33sThose who resent worldly injustice are not really after fairness, but complaining about not getting what they want.Once they become better off, they forget all about fairness.By the same token, when suffering, we should find out what causes it and endeavor to eliminate the causes.When being blessed, we should contemplate on what brings the blessing and how to accumulate more.【看到果,思其因】很多人在怨恨世界不公平的时候,并不是真正想维护“公平”,而是在抱怨自己没有得到想要的;一旦自己处于得到利益的一方,就不去想“公平”这回事了。如理思维应该是:当自己感到苦时,要去想苦因在哪里,努力断除它;当自己有福报时,要去想福报从哪里来的,继续增长它。
To let go take 放下与拿起
17/05/2018 Duração: 28sTo take is the opposite of to let go.To take wisdom means letting go of ignorance. To take forgiveness means letting go of hatred.To take an open mind means letting go of the narrow mind. To take virtue means letting go of bad habits.Therefore, to let go is a strength that fills our mind with brightness and removes any shadows. 【放下与拿起】“放下”的另一面,是“拿起”。拿起智慧,就放下了愚痴;拿起宽容,就放下了仇恨;拿起广阔,就放下了狭小;拿起美德,就放下了恶习。所以,放下是一种力量,心中充实了光明,阴影方得驱散。
How to adress tension and anxiety 如何调伏紧张与急躁
17/05/2018 Duração: 25sWhen feeling nervous and anxious, take a deep breath and imagine that you are inhaling bright air and exhaling polluted air.Purge all afflictions out of your system. Don’t think about the past nor the future.Don’t even care about whether you are calming down. 【如何调伏紧张与急躁】紧张、急躁之时,做做深呼吸,观想自己吸入纯白光明之气,呼出灰暗污浊的黑气,把一切烦恼杂念都排出脑外。不要去想以前如何,也不要去担心明天,甚至不要去关注自己的心有没有静下来。
Set the mind on thoughts that are pure and virtuous 把心安住在清净、善良的念头上
17/05/2018 Duração: 31sAccording to the Dharma, our illusion runs like a waterfall that never ends with one thought after another.Buddhist practice teaches us how to be in control of the mind, and how to set the mind on thoughts that are pure and virtuous. 【把心安住在清净、善良的念头上】佛法中说,人的妄想就像瀑布一样,一个念头接一个念头,从无停息。佛法的修行,就是教我们如何去控制心念,如何把心安住在清净、善良的念头上。