Who is Xian'er? Robot Monk? Little Monk? Subscribe to "Robot Monk Xian'er" to learn wisdom to deal with negative emotions and afflictions in our everyday life. You might find out that Xian'er is not different from us, and we are not different from Xian'er.
The cure for distraction syndrome 对治散乱的良药
17/08/2018 Duração: 35sThe cure for distraction syndromeDistraction is characteristic of ordinary minds.The cure is to cultivate concentration by the way of observing precepts.For those who don't receive precepts, this means to strengthen self-discipline including regulating daily schedule and behavior habit.Through steady training, one is first to manage his body and speech such that one cultivates strength to mind more subtle thoughts. 对治散乱的良药散乱是凡夫心的特质,解决的方法是培养定力,而入手处就是“戒”。对于未受戒的普通人来说,就是要加强自我管理,每天的作息时间、自己的行为习惯,都要有所规划,有一定的约束。这样慢慢去训练,先管理好身语,才能有力量管理更加细微的念头。
Learn to speak with reservation 说话要留有余地,因为话说绝了就没有退路了
16/08/2018 Duração: 02minLearn to speak with reservation. Otherwise, there will be no way back. Xian'er says so: Seeing through without telling. Xian’er said to himself:I made such delicious ice-cream but no one even noticed.I won’t make ice cream anymore.Wang Xiaowu always messes with me,and I’ll never talk to him anymore.Never! Shifu does not take me with him aboard,and I will never sign up for overseas trips. Never…Xianyi said: Hey, Xian’er, this is what you say every year.But you never stop making ice cream.Whenever Wang Xiaowu is here, you hang out with him.And you ask about overseas trips every year.It does not seem that you are not interested in going abroad…… Xian’er said: Xianyi, come on!Even if you know it, why do you have to tell it like it is without saving me any face?Remember what Shifu taught us? Xianyi said: What happened?How is the story making a turn? Below are quoted from my Shifu’s new book, Say Good Things—Master Xuecheng’s insight on the path to speaking like a Buddha. What Buddhism teaches regarding no
Don’t find excuses for hurting other by speech 不要给出口伤人找理由
15/08/2018 Duração: 02minDon’t find excuses for hurting other by speech. Xian'er says so: Hurting others will surely hurt self.Wang Xiaowu claims that he is an honest man. He dislikes those who beat around the bush, whine about everything, and/or nag.He thinks that man should be straight forward.Say what is on the mind without hiding anything.Xian’er said: What you said make sense. Wang Xiaowu said: You see, Zhao Xiaocui is going to be an old maid.For she has a bad temper, and no man dares to marry her.And Zhang Xiaosi is such a sissy who worries about everything.What a loser! And Mr. Qian, the moneygrubber. He does not understand that money is not something you can take with when you die.He is truly stingy as hell. Have you met anyone who is stingier than him?Ma Xiufeng always talks about how awful her ex-husband was.It is as if she is the most miserable and her ex-husband is the worst in the whole world.What does that make her? And here is Wu Meili who parades around every day.She thinks that she is desired by men cross the world.S
With deep-rooted faith in karmic law, one naturally becomes noble深信因果
29/07/2018 Duração: 56s【With deep-rooted faith in karmic law, one naturally becomes noble】"Good deeds are rewarded as evil deeds receive retribution. All happens in due time. "Some people think that good deeds and evil deeds are not rewarded accordingly for they are short sighted without looking into the future.The law of cause and effect works through past, present and future.It is until appropriate conditions are met that effects become pronounced.It is as if a fruit tree that blossoms and bears fruits in due season.When the season is not yet here, there will be no fruits albeit causes are made.The karmic law governs.One who believes in it will cultivate his virtue and become noble as the days go by.深信因果,品行自然高尚“善有善报,恶有恶报,不是不报,时候未到。”人们认为行善造恶没有得到应有的果报,是因为只看到眼前,没看到将来。因果通三世,须待因缘和合时,果报才能现前。譬如果树,季节到了,便得开花结果;若时节未至,有因而无果。因果报应是丝毫不爽的,一个人若能这样十分决定地相信,他的品行道德,自然会一天比一天地高起来。
What does let go mean 何谓“放下"
28/07/2018 Duração: 01min【What does "let go" mean?】Letting go is not to give up.It is a strength not to be bound by external conditions.Such strength is based upon capability to " seek and obtain".Many people became slaves of external conditions during their pursuit of happiness as they lose themselves in their dealings of people and things. The so called letting go is precisely to eradicate all chains of affliction and take control of yourself.As stated in Diamond Sutra, Bodhisattvas shall" Not be attached to anything to cultivate the mind". Non-attachment here means letting go, and mind cultivation means to persevere in one's practice.We ought to persist in things to be done, responsibilities to be taken, and Bodhi mind to be aspired, doing so without being attached to forms and without being burdened.何谓"放下"放下不等于放弃,是在“拿得起”的基础之上更强的一种力量,不被外境所束缚和左右的力量。很多人追求幸福,到最后自己却成了外境的奴隶,被种种人、事、物所役,自己无法自主了。所谓放下,就是斩断这些枷锁,让自己可以做得了主。《金刚经》中说,菩萨“应无所住而生其心”。“无所住”就是放下,“生其心”就是坚持。该做的事、该承担的责任、该发的菩提心,都要坚持不退,但不着于相,不会为此所累。
How to lead a team 如何带领团队
27/07/2018 Duração: 38s【how to lead a team】Leading a team is not to manage everyone's behavior, but to bring out their aspiration and mitigate relationships. A team with shared mission and mutual respect is of greatest potential and strength. To lead, one must first learn to follow. Being the 1st one to do rather than giving out orders. An excellent leader must be visionary, generous, and skillful at utilizing everyone's strength and making the best of it.如何带领团队带领团队,不是去管理团队中每个人的行为,而是要启发每个人的发心,调节成员关系。一个同心同愿同行、互相信任的团队,是最有力量的。要领众,首先要随众,带头去做事,而不是总发号施令,自己不干。优秀的团队负责人还应有大局观,有包容心,善于发挥每个人的所长,把大家的优点做加法。
What is the right way 如何正确与他人比较
26/07/2018 Duração: 52s【What is the right way to compare with others?】When you don't measure up, are you upset?Compare what you have done as causes with others, you are embarking on the path to growth.However, compare what you have squired as results, you are opening the door to afflictions.We get lost in comparison with others such that we take the route we don't wish to take, and we live someone else's life. If you compare only to show your capability and to gain affirmation, you will be sad and frustrated when encountering those who are more able.If you compare to improve your own capability, however, you will be happy to meet those who are more able as you can learn from them.如何正确与他人比较比别人差,失落吗?跟人比较,在因上比,就是踏上了成长的道路;在果上比,就是打开了烦恼的大门。人往往在与别人的比较中,走上了并非自己想走的路,过上了别人的生活。如果跟别人比较的目的是为了表现自己的能力,获得外在的肯定,那遇到比自己更强的人就会沮丧、苦恼;如果跟别人比较的目的是为了提升自己的能力,那遇到比自己更强的人就会高兴,因为可以向他学习。
Don't suffer in vain不要白白受苦
25/07/2018 Duração: 48s【Don't suffer in vain】Don't hide from setbacks, rather find ways to address and overcome them.As a challenge is overcome, you obtain some improvement.Dealing with challenges as such, you will achieve a great deal of growth.On the other hand, if you are fearful of and hide from setbacks, you are only suffering in vain.Just turn around, embrace life, and regard suffering as a teacher.Mud tossed over by others makes a lotus more beautiful;Harsh polishing by others makes a diamond ever more bright and shining.不要白白受苦遇到挫折不要躲避,而是想办法去面对、跨越,当一个坎过去了,自己就提升一点;每一个坎都这样过去,自己就成长很多。但如果对挫折总是怀着畏惧和逃避的心态,那每次只是白白受苦。转过身来,勇敢面对人生,把苦当做老师。一朵莲花,他人丢来的污泥只会令它更美丽;一颗钻石,外在的打磨只会令它更闪耀。
Those who can correct their mistakes 过而能改,生命方能成长
24/07/2018 Duração: 55s【Those who can correct their mistakes are due for growth in life】Today, most people are afraid of exposing their problems and facing their shortcomings. As a matter of fact, no one is flawless.Recognizing and correcting these issues is a process everyone has to experience, which is growth in life.Not only children need to correct their mistakes, so do adults.The Buddha said that there are two kinds of people that are rare to come by.One is those who never make mistakes; the other is those who can correct their mistakes.Don't be afraid of making mistakes; Be courageous to own up these mistakes.There is no rush to become a flawless self. As long as we turn the mind slightly, change is already begun.过而能改,生命方能成长现代人大多害怕暴露自己的问题,也害怕面对自己的不足,其实每个人肯定都是有缺点的,正视它、改正它,是每个人都必经的过程,也是生命的成长。不是只有小孩才需要改错,大人同样如此。佛陀说,有两种人最为难得。一种是从不犯错之人,一种是过而能改之人。不要怕犯错,要不惧改错。不必急于期待彻底不犯错的自己,只要我们面对境界有一个微小的转身,就是改变的开始。
Realize the causes, the conditions, and their effects认识众缘和合
23/07/2018 Duração: 01min【Realize the causes, the conditions, and their effects】The happiness, sorrows, love and hatred are like the bubbles arisen during the rainy days.They keep arising and existing.They are seemed to be so real, but cease according to conditions.The wise can see the tricks of illusion and don't attach them;the fool cling to the illusion and enjoy the suffering they gave.Understanding the relationships among the causes, conditions and their effects, we realize the result is conditioned. We won’t ask for a work running smoothly, or worry the failure of a work. We keep working peacefully with free and easy. Imposing a judgment onto the others will certainly get endless afflictions. The judgment is your thought only, it is powerless toward the others’ speech and behaviors.认识众缘和合世上的喜怒哀乐、爱恨情仇,就像下雨时水面上激起的水泡一样,它产生、存在、看得见,但很快就会消失。智者看透它的虚幻,不会去执着;愚者却一直纠结,徒自扰之。认识到“众缘和合”的道理,一切事情都需要很多因缘和合而成,就不会一厢情愿地要求事情一定要顺意,或担心事情不如意,内心就容易平静、洒脱。如果我们把“应该如何”的帽子安在别人头上,那一定会有层出不穷的苦恼,因为这只是自己内心的想法,对他人的言行没有任何力量。
Saying much or less dose not matter话多话少都是次要的,关键是心要好
22/07/2018 Duração: 01minSaying much or less does not matter. What matters is to have the right mind. 【Xian'er says so: How to speak well. 】Xianyi, Xian’er, Xianshan, XiansiXianwu, Xianliu,Xianshi and Xianbai met for a meeting. Xian’er said a lot and was reported to Shifu. Shifu was quite unhappy with Xian’er. He criticized Xian’er for speaking too much. Xian’er stayed quiet for the following meetings, and was reported again to Shifu. Shifu criticized Xian’er again for not saying anything on purpose. Xian’er asked Shifu, what on earth should I do? To say something or nothing? To say much or little?Shifu poked at Xian’er’s head hard and said, How old are you now? Why is it that you still ask me about everything? Below are quoted from my Shifu’s new book, Say Good Things—Master Xuecheng’s insight on the path to speaking like a Buddha. Saying much or less does not matter. What matters is to have the right mind. Others can feel your heart, be it sincere, caring, appreciative, or be it hypocritical, indifferent and narrow-minded.话多话少都是次要
Self development is the most important thing
12/07/2018 Duração: 43s【Self development is the most important thing】What others say about us is of no importance.Their praise does not make us better, whereas their belittling does not make us worse.And others' words and actions cannot replace our own karma. The root cause of our suffering is not what others have done, but our own inner afflictions.We fly into a rage when being criticized by others not because of what is being said, but our own "sore points". Mind your own business of self-development, and never mind abuses from others. 【提升自己最重要】别人说什么根本是无关紧要的事情:赞美不会令我们变得更好,贬低也不会让我们比实际更差,他人的言行代替不了自己的业。我们之所以痛苦,根本原因不是他人做了什么,而是自己内心的烦恼。被别人说中了痛处,暴跳如雷,根本原因在自己有“痛处”,而不在于他人的话。自己好好努力提升才是正事,他人的辱骂无足挂怀。
Letting go of self is the best way to accumulate merits
11/07/2018 Duração: 01min【Letting go of self is the best way to accumulate merits】While dealing with others, those who are willing to let go of temporary interest or emotional disputes step back voluntarily to leave room for others.They are with grand vision and vast capacity in mind as they don't emphasize too much on self but understand how to respect self and others. Therefore, they accumulate more merits and virtue. The way to merit accumulation lies in kind-heartedness, generosity, gratitude, and cherishing one's blessings. On the contrary, greed, harshness and narrow-mindedness, complaints, and squandering one's blessings are ways to merit dissipation. 【放下自我,是最大的积福之道】在人与人的相处中,肯放得下一时的利益或意气纷争,不咄咄逼人,事事占先,而甘心后退一步,让人几分。能真心这样做的人,心中不把自己放得太重,凡事懂得为自他留出空间,目光更长远,心胸更宽广,自然福德愈厚。积福之道,就是乐善好施、心胸宽广、常怀感恩、节俭惜福;损福之行,就是贪婪悭吝、刻薄狭隘、怨天尤人、挥霍浪费。
The way to change destiny 改变命运的好方法
10/07/2018 Duração: 44s【The way to change destiny】Being bullied is not the worst thing.What is worse is not knowing why and not learning from it.Everything is ever changing such that the weak will not always be weak, and the strong will not always be strong.We ought to take control of our own change, rather than being sad or resentful for what is happening.Destiny is determined by both the past and the present, which is not set in certain ways.The best way to change destiny is by changing one's own mind, namely cultivate inner wisdom and compassion. 【改变命运的好方法】被人欺负,最可怕的不是这个事情,而是自己找不到原因,不知道成长。一切都在变化,弱的不会永远弱,强的不会永远强,要去主导自己的改变,不要只为眼前的一幕悲哀或怨恨。命运是由过去和现在共同决定的,不即此生,不离此生,不是固定不变的。通过改变自己的心来改变。增长内心的慈悲和智慧,就是最好的改变命运的方法。
Persisting in your dreamand direction as difficulties are merely melody along
09/07/2018 Duração: 01min【Persisting in your dream and direction as difficulties are merely melody along the way】Seeing the sunrise, some think of having another day to work for a better future.Seeing the sunset, some think of another day gone by.These are two different attitudes.If we always think about what is missing and difficulties in life, and define ourselves as failure, we will go toward the direction of failure.It is important to have a positive attitude on life. It is not a good thing when success comes too early and too easily in life.There is no need to chase so called achievements and external affirmation.As long as you improve your virtue and capability, you are on the right path to success.Persisting in your dream and direction as difficulties are merely melody along the way. 【坚定方向与梦想,困难是一路的伴奏】有的人看到太阳升起的时候,会想:又多了一天去工作、去努力,而有的人看到太阳落山,就会想:又少了一天。这就是两种不同的心态。如果总是去想自己缺少的一面,想生活中的种种困难,定义自己失败,那人就会越来越朝着失败的方向发展;要用乐观的心态去面对生活。 “成功”来得太早、太容易,并不是一件好事。不要急着得到眼前的“成就”、外在的肯定,只要踏踏实实提升自己的德行、才能,就是一直在朝着成功的方向走。坚定了方向和梦想,困难就是一路的伴奏。
The mind is like a mirror that brings out the beauty within us
08/07/2018 Duração: 55s【 The mind is like a mirror that brings out the beauty within us】If you want to be respected, you must be humble, tender, and respect others.On the other hand, if you are arrogant, unkind, and despise others, you will be disdained by others. Two kinds of people are rare to come by.One is the kind that never commits wrong.The other is the kind that corrects the wrong once committed.As the saying goes: seeing one's own mistakes is the gate to all kindness. It takes tremendous strength to recognize one's mistakes and vow to correct them.Starting with a smile and a greeting, we will gradually bring out the beauty within us. 【心如明镜,启发内心美好的一面】要想得到别人的尊重、恭敬,就要去尊重别人,谦逊、调柔。反之,看不起别人,高傲刻薄,就会感得被人轻视的果报。有两种人最为难得:一是从不犯错之人,二是犯错能改之人。“见己不是,万善之门”,认识到自己的错,决心悔改,是无比的力量。从一个微笑、一句问候开始,慢慢把内心美好的一面启发出来。
Taking concrete steps 一步一个脚印
07/07/2018 Duração: 54s【Taking concrete steps】Our goal is the will and aspiration, and our action is the volition.It is such that our aspiration guides our actions. With the power to execute, we are able to make plans.Very often, we make plans without thinking about how to carry them out.The plan turns empty.The ability to carry out a plan is execution.Execution ought to be in accordance with the plan, ensuring the plan is carried out concretely.For example, we plan to drive from Beijing to Guangzhou within five days.We must plan out exactly where to reach by the day.If we miss the goal the 1st day, it will be tough to catch up on the 2nd day, even tougher on the 3rd, and eventually we will not make it.Therefore, during execution, we must do according to the plan. 【一步一个脚印】我们的目标就是我们的愿力、愿心,我们的行动就是我们的行心,就是以我们的愿力来带动我们的行动。有了行动力以后,我们才能够做规划、做计划。常常我们做的很多计划没有考虑怎样去落实,这个计划就是空的。计划完了以后就要去执行,就是执行力。执行要按计划来做,要确保我们的计划落到实处。比如说我们计划五天以内开车从北京开到广州去,那就要计划第一天要走到哪里,第二天要走到哪里,第三天要走到哪里,第四天要到哪里。第一天的目标没有达到,第二天就很赶,第三天就更赶,那么有可能最后你就达不到。所以我们在执行的过程当中就要根据规
What is the goal of your life 你的人生目标是什么
06/07/2018 Duração: 55s【What is the goal of your life?】Many people are not clear about their life goals.We often say that we want to become high-level officials, or make a lot of money, or attain high social status.Buddhists aspire to attain Buddhahood, etc.Only when we have a goal, we find directions.What kind of person we want to become is our goal.What we want to achieve is our goal.A lifetime is long as it may be thirty years, fifty years, sixty years or seventy years till the day death comes. What is crucial is how we convert our life goal into a ten-year target, five-year target, one-year target, one-month target, one-week target, and today's target. This is very important. 【你的人生目标是什么?】很多人并不是很清楚自己的人生目标是什么。我们常常会说,自己要当大官,自己要赚很多钱,在社会上面很有地位;学佛法的人认为自己要成佛,等等。目标有了,我们才有方向。自己这一生要成为怎样的人,这个是我们的目标。自己一生要成就什么事,这个是目标。但是一生很长,可能要三十年、五十年、六十年、七十年,到最后死亡。关键的就是我们一生的目标怎么样变成十年的目标,五年的目标,一年的目标,变成每一个月的目标,每个星期的目标,今天的目标,此时此刻的目标,这个就很重要了。
How to create virtuous causes 怎样造善因
05/07/2018 Duração: 01min【How to create virtuous cause?】Learning the karmic law and understanding standard of good and evil, one will refrain from creating evil karma from the start.Start making virtuous causes, stop killing, and start saving lives.For example, gently guide an earthworm that crawls out after raining back into soil such that it will not be stepped on.Do not carry out abortion etc.. Do not steal but do give (those in need); do not take anything that does not belong to you; do not covet trivial gains; and do your best to help those who are in need, be it material or spiritual effort. Do not engage in sexual misconduct and do follow appropriate principle.Do not indulge in desires.Do not tell lies and do be honest. Do not say things that are not true, exaggerated, or cursing.Do not provoke dissension, do not gossip, do say things that are true, respectable of others, and encouraging others. 【怎样造善因?】要学习业果法则,了知善恶标准,事先就不要造恶业。从现在开始造作善因。不杀生而多护生,譬如雨后看到爬到路上的蚯蚓,可以轻轻捉回土中,以免被人踩到;不要堕胎等。不偷盗而多布施,不是自己的东西不要拿,不贪小便宜,遇到需要帮助的人
What's the real kindness and evil 什么是真正的善恶
04/07/2018 Duração: 01min【What's the real kindness and evil?】Real kindness is guided by the right view which means being in control of one's actions and directions and being willing to serve without regrets.People often take "no intention to harm" as kindness, which is actually far from being enough.It is human nature not to harm others.However, making an effort to benefit others even at the cost of one's own interest is based upon strong value and belief.We need to learn and understand the standard by which kindness and evil are judged.Homicide and arson are evil but greed and hatred are also evil.Never to blame others for what you don't have, and not to be jealous and hateful of those of wealth.Be an honest person, eliminate intentions of stealing and greed, and work hard.Try within your capabilities to help those in need, be it with your strength or your words. 【什么是真正的善恶?】真正的善良必以正念为先导,对于自己的行为是有把握、有方向的,乐于奉献,而不会后悔。世人常常把“没有害人之心”当做善良,其实不够。不愿害人是人的本性,但主动去利他,甚至愿意牺牲自己的眼前利益,是需要价值观和信念支撑的。 善恶的标准是要去学习的,不是杀人放火才是恶,起了贪心与嗔心都是恶。切不可怨天尤人,