Kate Hastings Show



The Kate Hastings Show is a platform of transformation and community. A place of specialized knowledge, communication, unity, open conversations about health, wellness,lifestyle and people of their expertise.


  • "Define your fears before your goals"

    10/12/2020 Duração: 26min

    Being fearless doesn’t mean eliminating fear. It means knowing how to leverage fear. Fear can be as much an ally, as it can be an enemy. And fear of fear can keep you locked in a cage of insecurity. How do you overcome it? You learn to leverage it. 

  • Negative core beliefs

    29/11/2020 Duração: 21min

    Negative core beliefs are not situation specific; they are generic thoughts and phrases that are triggered by certain instances. However, these thoughts will typically be connected to specific situations such as personal and intimate relationships and possibly general interactions with the public and work. For instance, if a person has been treated terribly in a past relationship, they may link their next relationship with thoughts of worthlessness or the fact that people cannot be trusted. These negative core beliefs are self-sustaining in the fact that the person will look for things that support their self-fulfilling prophecies and negative core beliefs. Any information that may prove them wrong is usually ignored and overshadowed by their negative thoughts.   Remember, negative core beliefs are the internal chatter you have with yourself daily. You can identify some themes by recognizing when your anger is triggered. You can do this by remaining mindful when negative core beliefs are activated Become awar

  • Creating rules for goals

    16/11/2020 Duração: 26min

    There's a profound freedom that comes from living by a set of rules that you've chosen for yourself. Develop your own custom set of rules for each aspect of your life. These rules will provide the framework for having a more stress free productive life. 

  • Health as a Whole Program

    30/10/2020 Duração: 39min

    When you generalize your health to only how you work out and what you eat you limit yourself. While working out and eating properly is a huge component it’s not everything. Being in the industry for over 8 years now there’s patterns I’ve noticed. I developed a course and program that’s tailored to you that targets everything, health as a whole. I’ve been working with five clients over the 2 months test running the program and I see tremendous results, beyond the scale going down. When your mind is expanded to what’s possible beyond counting calories & physically being fit new doors open. Or say if your struggling with maintaining a healthy routine there’s other aspects to focus on that will have a jumpstart effect to healthy lifestyle w/ longevity & consistency. Usually the underlying problem of not being able to maintain some thing is not the actual action but something else.

  • Entrepreneur & Success Coach Warner Trejo

    09/10/2020 Duração: 35min

    Warner Trejo is an Entrepreneur & Success Coach and in addition to that he is one of the most sought out trainers in World Financial Group. Where he emphasizes in developing business brokers in the Financial Sector. Also, he is the host of the STAY IN THE BIG igtv series. A series that focuses on highlighting the habits, mindset, and stories of highly effective entrepreneurs and athletes! Check out this jam packed podcast full of useful knowledge! 

  • Sweatless Solution Mentality

    02/10/2020 Duração: 29min

    Taking the short cuts in life and expecting huge results will have you not only in a losing mentality but failing backwards.  Listen to this podcast all about the mental approach when it comes to measuring your actions and the effort your putting forth. 

  • Emotional Regulation with Ali Rosen

    26/09/2020 Duração: 41min

    Everyone has their own definition of success, whether that’s high performance at work, increased financial means, having meaningful interpersonal relationships, fulfilling their passions, overall well-being, or a combination of all the above. Emotional regulation may be the “not so secret” skill! Emotional regulation is the ability to exert control over one’s emotions by effectively coping with these feelings in order to desirably respond to situations. In the past, studies have shown cognitive abilities relating to one’s performance at school and work. However, more recent research depicts a relationship to a boarder range of “successes” such as greater well-being, increased income, and enriched social relationships to emotional abilities. So is emotional regulation the key to success? Perhaps, but it can definitely allow us to feel better and enjoy the journey to our successes (Isn’t that what it’s all about?!

  • Suffering to eat?

    13/09/2020 Duração: 31min

    Why do we suffer to eat in our day to day life. Do you believe that achieving a certain body image will bring you happiness? How you eat is that aligned with what health is to you?  check out this podcast!   Love, Kate 

  • Emotional Fitness 101

    05/09/2020 Duração: 27min

    When you experience something difficult or painful, do you bounce back and continue on your journey, or do you dwell on it and let it control your state? Listen to this podcast to understand and practice being able to train your emotions. 

  • 'Health outside of the box"

    30/08/2020 Duração: 20min

    In this day and age our health is put into a box. Eat this and go to the gym. But what about being creative and living a full healthy life that's tailored to you and your needs? Check out this episode all about creating your Health outside of the box!

  • Must do vs. Should do

    21/08/2020 Duração: 19min

    There are two paths in life: Should and Must. We arrive at this crossroads over and over again. And each time, we get to choose. Must is who we are, what we believe, and what we do when we are alone with our truest, most authentic self. It’s our instincts, our cravings and longings, the things and places and ideas we burn for, the intuition that swells up from somewhere deep inside of us. Must is what happens when we stop conforming to other people’s ideals and start connecting to our own. Because when we choose Must, we are no longer looking for inspiration out there.

  • Freedom in Fear

    08/08/2020 Duração: 17min

    When life present us people, places and things that promotes fear within us, it's an opportunity to show us where we lack freedom. 

  • Empowering Body Image Exercises

    25/07/2020 Duração: 29min

    We are in a stage of information overload. Without effective action being taken towards a intentional goal learning information is useless. In this video I discuss simple exercises that you can implement daily. 

  • What is motivation?

    17/07/2020 Duração: 12min

    What's your motive behind what you want to do ? Motivation is a feeling driven by an ultimate goal. But very often we are present to what are motive is behind the goal and we rely on the feeling to come to move s forward.

  • Stress Relief Coach Seve Mangrum

    10/07/2020 Duração: 37min

    Do you feel stressed to the point of being overwhelmed and consumed by it?⠀ Coach Seve explains his approach and systematic way of eliminating and getting to the source of our stress. He goes into details about his modules and how he coaches his clients. This is a packed podcast filled with useful insights and information around managing stress.     

  • "Negotiate effectively with yourself"

    02/07/2020 Duração: 30min

    This podcast is about negotiating effectively with yourself around your health and fitness goals!  The most important negotiations we have — the ones that determine the quality of our lives and the impact of our actions — are the ones we have with ourselves. Learning to communicate well and to influence other people are essential in life. But even more fundamental to your success is learning to negotiate effectively with yourself.

  • Designed Storms

    25/06/2020 Duração: 32min

    Storms are the biggest blessing in life.  They come to not only clear our path but to show us what we are made of. There are natures to all the storms we pass through in life.  We sometimes create our own storms or even get caught off guard. Take a listen to how I approach storms and even weather them. 

  • Truth vs. Story

    19/06/2020 Duração: 26min

    Telling the truth is hard. Society is largely responsible for creating a false concept of “truth” to begin with and then coercing us into believing it. We learn what’s “good” and what’s “bad,” what’s “right” and what’s “wrong,”and what’s “just” and what’s “unjust” from a very young age. This knowledge becomes engrained and makes up a large part of our perceptions of the world. But not only do we have the power to change that its our responsibility. Don't identify with the lies, the truth will set you free.

  • Dr. Jaclyn Tolentino- Mental Health

    12/06/2020 Duração: 01h02min

    Dr. Jaclyn Tolentino, Lead Doctor at Parsley Health Los Angeles. Jaclyn Tolentino, DO is a Board-Certified Family Physician, an integrative and functional medicine practitioner, and a young breast cancer survivor. She has received extensive training in functional medicine through the Institute for Functional Medicine, and additional training in integrative oncology. Dr. Tolentino is deeply committed to creating opportunities for patients to make empowered and informed decisions about their health. Her practice combines innovative diagnostic tools, personalized lifestyle optimization, and a collaborative approach to cultivating the body's innate power to heal. A frequent contributor to publications including Vogue, Well+Good, CNET, and Bustle, Dr. Tolentino was also recently recognized by YellowCo as their October 2019 Do-Good Dozen winner for her work as an innovative healthcare provider. She practices a comprehensive, patient-centered approach to whole-body wellness as Lead Doctor at Parsley Health Los Angel

  • "Food is a feeling"

    06/06/2020 Duração: 25min

    Food is the fuel to our bodies. Not a number on the scale not a the size of our pants and not external validation to how we look. It's a feeling of flow and energy. 

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